Citations count: 11
Kalyuzhny Y.N. —
Modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22258 URL:
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The research subject is the modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The research object is legal relations, phenomena and processes connected with the state management of road traffic safety provision. The author considers the modern achievements in the sphere of road traffic safety provision, analysis of the content of particular statutory documents defining the directions of the state policy in the sphere of road traffic aimed at the prevention of road accidents and decrease of the gravity of their consequences. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific research methods (formal-legal, analytical, the system method, analysis, comparison, etc.). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of statutory documents defining the key mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The author concludes that in Russia consistent activities aimed at the prevention of road accidents and minimization of their consequences are realized. These measures are complex, and the mentioned directions of road traffic safety provision will certainly be reflected in the elaboration of a unified strategic mid-term document, which should be in the form of a legal act harmonized with the existing legal framework in this sphere.
Citations count: 5
Kutsenko M.V., Golovko S.N. —
Regarding the Question About the Crime Investigation Search in Case of Absence of Information Prescribed by Subclause 1 of Clause 2 of 1 Article of the Federal Law No. 144 'Concerning Criminal Investigation Activities' Dated August 14, 1995
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 28 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.6.25362 URL:
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The article is devoted to the problem of criminal investigation search when there is no information about an unlawful act that is going to be committed, in the process of commitment or has been already committed, or facts to start a criminal proceeding are insufficient. The authors touch upon some methods of criminal investigation that can be used to achieve relevant goals and tasks. In addition, the authors provide a brief analysis of various points of views on whether it is permitted to carry out investigation activities to obtain primary information. Based on the analysis of police investigation departments and activities they perform, in particular, personal security subdivisions of the Department of Internal Affairs, the authors emphasize the need in initiating investigation activity. Noteworthy, that criminal investigation activity performed by the Department of Internal Affairs is also executed to legally protect internal affairs officials and their families. In the course of their research the authors have applied such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law analysis, etc. They have also used a survey where investigation officials were to answer a questionnaire and answer questions about activity of personal security subdivisions of the Department of Internal Affairs in the process of obtaining, collecting and applying criminal investigation information. The main conclusions made by the authors include their suggestions on how to change the current Federal Law 'Concerning Criminal Investigation Activity' and emphasize the need to carry out investigation activity to discover important information. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors provide that investigation search comprises the core of modern direction of criminal investigation activity and provision of personal security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officials.
Citations count: 4
Nizhnik N.S. —
Police and Civil Society: the Search for Interaction Vector
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 52 - 66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.5.23796 URL:
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The subject of the research is the social relations arising in the sphere of interaction between police and civil society. The author proceeds from the fact that participation of the civil society in law-enforcement activity is the condition and requirement for the development of the modern law-bound state. Reinforcement and development of partnership relations with the civil society institutions is an official activity of police in many countries. An attributive feature of social life in modern democractic states is the growth of social law-enforcement organisations. Police and civil society institutions are becoming important actors that perform law-enforcement functions of a modern state and social security partners. The methodological basis of the research is the general research (systems, functional, historical approaches) and special research methods (formal law, historical law and comparative law). In his research Nizhnik describes a partnership model of interaction between police and civil society institutions that would enable their efficient interaction in the sphere of crime counteraction analyzes the experience of interaction between police and society in the process of the performance of law-enforcement functions by different countries, defines specific features of the development of partnership relations between police and civil society institutions in the Russian Federation, gives a list of the main areas and forms of interaction between police and civil society institutions in Russia in the sphere of crime interaction, and describes social control as the main form of partnershp interaction between police and civil society institutions in Russia and social councils of the Ministry of Internal of Affairs of Russia as the main determinant of the police-and-civil society institution interaction in the sphere of crime prevention and counteraction.
Citations count: 4
Sinitsyn E.I., Gorlov O.Y. —
Topical issues of organizing and giving firearms lessons for the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 59 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.4.36408 URL:
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The official activities of the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort is connected with contacts with the suspects in or accused of crimes, or sentenced to imprisonment for some criminally liable deeds. Work with such persons is connected with higher life and health risks both for officers and for citizens who can be harmed in an emergency situation, for example in the case of a possible escape of a severe offender.
To minimize such risks, it is necessary for officers responsible for guarding and escorting to be ready to suppress illegal actions of detainees and protect themselves and those around. In this context, the authors believe it is important to consider the possibility of organizing firearms training lessons with the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort. The purpose of such lessons would be the mobilization of psychological and physical readiness of officers before the start of their service. In the authors’ opinion, such lessons could be performed as training before releasing from duty. Besides, the authors note the topical problems of firearms training of officers and offer possible ways to solve them.
Citations count: 4
Chukaev T.O. —
Public law concept as an element of the police-legal theory of Russia of the 19th century
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 39 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.5.23718 URL:
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The research subject is the public law concept reflected in the works of Russian jurist-researchers of the 19th century – Vasilii Nikolaevich Leshkkov (1810 – 1881) and Mikhail Mikhailovich Shpilevsky (1837 – 1883). The fundamental provision of the concept is the thesis that society is the key independent subject of public administration; private individuals as members of social associations obtain wider opportunities to realize their interests. The research subject is the ideas of V.N. Leshkov and M.M. Shpilevsky about objects, subjects and the subject-matter of public law; the jurist-researchers’ estimation of the public law concept of the 19th century. The research methodology is based on general scientific (historical, system, functional) and specific (formal-legal, historical-legal and comparative-legal) research methods. The author uses the methods of interpretation of legal ideas and statutory acts. The author characterizes the public law concept reflected in the theoretical heritage of V.N. Leshkov and M.M. Shpilevsky, which hasn’t been studied thoroughly enough so far. Within the public law concept society if considered as the key subject of administration; families, communities, classes and various interstate associations and everything created by the public – as the objects of public law. The author estimates Leshkov’s conclusions that public law reflects the process of emergence and development of social regulators; allows defining the specificity of public regulation of social relations within particular historical epoch, helps study the evolution of the legal system of any state. Therefore, when making important managerial decisions, it is necessary to take into account the experience of development of the public law sphere in a certain state. The author concludes that in the context of formation of civil society in the Russia Federation, the public law concept is to be analyzed, and its importance for the transformation of state and legal reality in contemporary Russia is to be understood.
Citations count: 3
Nizhnik N.S., Sidorenko N.S. —
Police Activity: Three Centuries of Servicing the Homeland
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.5.27795 URL:
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The article provides a review of the jubilee international academic forum 'Russian Police: Three Centuries of Servicing the Homeland' devoted to the 300th anniversary of Russian police which was celebrated at St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in April 23 - 25 of 2018. Scientists, practical lawers and young researchers participated in the conference. Those were the people who focused on the evolution issues, current state and prospects for the development of the Russian police system. The authors of the research carry out a review of speeches made by the participants about the Russian police as the internal affairs governing board; police organisation and activities at different stages of the Russian history, and opportunities of using the three-century experience of the police service in today's Russia. To make a review of speeches, the authors used hermeneutical and formal law approaches, general research methods to analyze the texts of speeches, and the method of interpretation of legal texts. The authors of the article also provide the results of contemporary Russian researches that involved new sources of different kinds and focused on understudied facts and events related to the origin and development of the police of the Russian Empire. They also carry out a critical analysis of the provisions in Russian historiography on police activities. According to the authors, the analysis of the experience of the Russian police will give more knowledge about specific features of the police activity and improve the police activity of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 3
Mishugis-Beker G.S. —
Regarding the Need in a Fuller Criminal Defense of the Right to One's Own Name in the Russian Federation
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.6.25137 URL:
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The author of the article covers some issues that may be faced by law-enforcement agencies in the process of determining personal information of individuals who have committed violations of law. At the present time these legal relations are regulated by several articles of The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, there are still a lot of issues that remain unsolved and become evident when the right to one's own name is exercised in the Russian Federation. The author of the article draws our attention to the fact that as a result of a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is not always possible to define personal information of individuals in the Russian Federation. The aforesaid problems are studied by the author using the logical method and systems approach, analysis and synthesis, formal law and comparative law methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's position that there is a certain need in a better and fuller criminal protection of the right to one's own name by introducing the term 'false identity' into the criminal law sphere. The author also emphasizes the need to legally fix a responsibility for 'false identity' usage when an individual tries to avoid punishment or make the process of justice more complicated. This responsibility should be fixed in The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 3
Sinitsyn E.I. —
Analysis of possible physical conditions of using firearms by the employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 29 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.1.37165 URL:
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The topicality of the research is determined by the high-quality training of internal affairs officers of Russia, and by the necessity to study and design the corresponding pedagogical conditions including arms drill by simulating service situations at firearms training lessons.
The research problem consists in the fact that the directions of improvement of organization and the methods of internal affairs officers training should be developed on the basis of the data about the practice of use of firearms by police officers, as well as about the conditions and circumstances of their use.
The analysis of open source information shows that there’s a lack of research of this type over the last years. The required information is classified. Besides, the information about the use of firearms by internal affairs officers, which is accumulated by higher-level authorities and organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, often is not sustainable enough to be used in a comprehensive research.
The research goal is to use the results of the analysis of physical conditions of the use of firearms for the consideration of the possibility of studying and designing the corresponding pedagogical conditions including arms drill, by simulating service situations at firearms training lessons.
The author uses mostly empirical methods, such as questioning, description, comparison, measurement, and analysis of practice of employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service.
The author studies the results of the analysis of possible conditions of using firearms by employees of temporary holding facilities and guarding units of the police service, based on which it is suggested to create a set of professional and service situations for simulation during professional training.
Citations count: 3
Sinitsyn E.I., Arkhipov S.N. —
Typical offences of the law by security and convoy officers on duty
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 44 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.1.34964 URL:
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The authors describe the examples of possible offences of the law by temporary detention facilities officers, security and convoy officers, and other internal affairs officers responsible for criminal suspects convoying. Such offences are often connected with the disregard of rules of official duty performance or with the improper execution of duties, which leads to the occurrence of emergency situations, such as: an assault on a police officer by an individual or a group of individuals; hostage taking; escape or self-maiming attempts. Based on personal experience and judicial practice materials and regulating documents analysis, the authors consider the key measures aimed at the reduction of the emergency situations rate in the work of temporary detention facilities and security and convoy units. The professional activity of temporary detention facilities officers, as well as security and convoy officers, involves everyday contacts with suspects, persons accused of crimes, and persons sentenced to imprisonment. Officers convoy them to courts, medical facilities, etc. Such duties become routine for experienced officers, which can lead to the loss of vigilance and cautiousness in the work with criminal suspects. On the other hand, inexperienced officers, not knowing the peculiarities of their service, can also commit dereliction of duty, or worse - neglect of their official duties. Therefore, the issues of control and preventive measures taken by senior officers aimed at avoiding offences of the law by their subordinates, become particularly significant.
Citations count: 3
Gordeeva E.N. —
Empathy as a professional pedagogical quality of a leader in the internal affairs bodies
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 42 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.4.38414 EDN: LAVQBL URL:
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The aim of the study is to determine the level of empathy among the heads of internal affairs bodies (police) at various levels. The object of the study is the personal characteristics of the heads of internal affairs at various levels. The subject is the level of empathy of employees who fill senior positions in the internal affairs bodies. The history of the definition of empathy, various approaches to the phenomenon of the studied property are considered. Empathy is considered as an important element in the professional activity of employees of internal affairs bodies, characterizing their communicative abilities, emotional intelligence, which has a positive effect on the success of the performance of pedagogical functions by managers. From a scientific point of view, it reveals how the empathic abilities of the head of various departments of the internal affairs bodies as a pedagogical subject affect his relationships with subordinates and professional activities. The results of the study of the level of empathy among senior employees of the internal affairs bodies are presented. As empirical research methods, psychodiagnostic techniques were used – the test "Diagnosis of the level of empathic abilities" by V. V. Boyko, the Questionnaire of Emotional Empathy (EETS) by A. Mehrabian and M. Epstein, the methodology "Value orientations of personality" by M. Rokich. The main conclusions of the study are the statements that the level of empathy among the heads of the Department of Internal Affairs is at an insufficient level, which reduces the effectiveness of their teaching activities. The author considers it promising to continue further theoretical research and practical methods of developing empathic abilities of managers in the Department of Internal Affairs.
Citations count: 3
Nizhnik N.S. —
Police of the Russian Empire in Terms of Modern Historical-Legal Researches
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 35 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.6.23833 URL:
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The article presents a review of the research-and-practice conference 'State and Law: Evolution, Modern State, Prospects for Development (Devoted to the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Police) that was held in St. Petersburg, University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on 27 - 28 of April, 2017. The conference involved scientists, practical lawyers and young researchers interested in evolution, modern state and development prospects of Russia's police system. Participants of the conference focused on the development of the police law theory and determination of its place in the history of studies of law and state; retrospective analysis of organization and activity of the Russian Empire's police, Temporary Government's militsia, Soviet militsia and Russian Federation police. The author of the present article provides a review of reports and speeches read at the conference that were devoted to the following issues: contents of the police law theory and its role in the organization of the Russian police activity; formation and development of the Russian Empire's police system; break-down of the Russian Empire's police system and opportunities of using that experience today. In the process of preparing summaries of conference reports, the author of the article has used the hermeneutical approach to demonstrate what conference participants thought of pattern and particularities of the Russian Empire's police development based on their analysis of broad materials (including archives) by using modern methods of historical-legal science. The author of the article has used general research methods such as analysis and synthesis and elements of the formal legal approach and the method interpreting legal texts. In this research Nizhnik summarizes work of modern Russian researchers who used new sources and references to study the history of the Russian police and focused on understudied facts and events of the police formation and development, and carried out a critical analysis of the main provisions in the Russian histriography regarding police activity in the Russian Empire. At the year of the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 and prior to the 300th anniversary of Russia's police, summary of the experience of the Empire police and analysis of perspectives to use their experience as it was presented at the conference will enlarge research and historical knowledge and may improve police activity of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 2
Sadekov R.R. —
Theoretical aspects of teaching polygraph examiners to conduct a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 23 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.5.30539 URL:
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The author gives special attention to the importance of a comparative analysis of the techniques of special psychophysiological studies used in screening, for the process of professional training of the future polygraph examiners during personnel selection for security and law-enforcement agencies. In the author’s opinion, the key problem is the selection of the most effective set of techniques of special psychophysiological research using polygraph in the process of screening. The correct tested approach would help specialists to avoid errors in their professional activities. The author uses general scientific methods, the methods of a theoretical level of researching, and the practical experience of using effective techniques in the work of polygraph examiners. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the analysis of practical orientation of modern technologies, practices and techniques used in screening in order to detect similarities and differences in their practical use, will increase the level of the specialists’ competence.
Citations count: 2
Manturov O.S. —
A discredit to internal affairs bodies and its influence on the formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers
// Police activity.
– 2020. – ¹ 6.
– P. 24 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2020.6.34482 URL:
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The research subject is a discredit to internal affairs agencies as a negative social phenomenon threatening both the positive image of internal affairs bodies as a whole, and the honour, dignity and reputation of their particular employees. The research methodology is based on the dialectical approach to the problem under consideration, together with general scientific (formalization, analysis, modeling, and the empirical-inductive method) and theoretical methods of modern social sciences and the humanities (the structural-functional and the systems methods). The empirical part of the research is based on the quantitative and qualitative methods of sociology: the method of focus-groups, the method of narrative interviewing, and the method of sociological questioning which helps to trace back the influence of discrediting on the formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers. The research helps to identify the most common forms of discrediting of internal affairs officers by citizens and the main mechanisms hampering effective counteraction to discrediting actions of people, and to establish the cause-and-effect relation between discrediting as a negative socio-legal phenomenon and the peculiarities of formation of professional awareness of internal affairs officers. The author concludes that in case if internal affairs officers are lenient with discrediting, their professional awareness becomes deformed which results in the unwillingness to perform their duties properly, the sensation of the absence of the prestige of the profession in the public eye, the prospects of career growth, and the formation of negative attitude towards citizens.
Citations count: 2
Aseev S.V. —
Aspects of physical training lessons at the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 21 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.1.34871 URL:
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The research subject is physical training as an integral, dynamic and targeted pedagogical process. The research object is the students of the professional training faculties of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author considers such aspects of physical training lessons as the inclusion of exercises aimed at the improvement of coordination, the negotiation of psychological difficulties, and the usage of the students’ best skills. Special attention is given to the issues of the improvement of physical culture of students of the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the inclusion of various exercises along with the method of professional situations modeling. The main conclusions of the research are: the necessity to change regulating documents connected with the age peculiarities of the human body in accordance with physical training methods within the professional training program for the students aged 24 - 32, and the usage of the situation modeling method. The author’s special contribution to the research of the issue is the application of the author’s teaching technique based on the method of modeling, and its impact on the effectiveness of professional activity. The academic novelty of the research consists in the fact that the author develops the physical training lessons technique based on the complex of various exercises and the method of modeling.
Citations count: 2
Slanov O.T. —
Problems of formation of legal awareness and legal culture of youth
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 5.
– P. 17 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.5.44102 EDN: HEGABU URL:
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The subject of this study is the problem of the formation of legal awareness and legal culture among the representatives of the younger generation aged 14 to 18 years. The author notes that the legislator has a fairly broad understanding of the term "youth" (from 14 to 35 years old) it does not take into account that this category includes citizens with different levels of legal culture.
Particular attention is paid to the question of the need to use pedagogical methods of forming the legal consciousness and legal culture of young people in order to create a rule of law and a healthy civil society.
The problem posed in this article is considered from the pedagogical and legal points of view of the age periodization of youth.
The article highlights three main problems of the formation of legal awareness among young citizens. Thus, there is an acute competition between the education system and the social environment of a young person for providing him with knowledge about the law. Pedagogical efforts to form ideas about the law in the older student are often offset by the imposition of incorrect images from the social environment. This problem is also becoming more acute due to the widespread development of digital technologies, the active users of which are young citizens.
Finally, the problem of organizing legal education in connection with the entry of young citizens into the age of criminal and administrative types of legal responsibility requires independent development.
Citations count: 2
Kondrashechkin R.V. —
Legal status of confidential informants of law enforcement bodies
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.4.23509 URL:
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The research subject is the legal status of individuals confidentially assisting law enforcement bodies (confidential informants). The decisions of the European Court have significant impact on the perfection of Russian legislative system and law enforcement practice, particularly on the use of information obtained from confidential informants. The content of article 17 of the Federal law “On operational investigations” doesn’t contain any specification of individuals confidentially assisting law enforcement bodies and doesn’t comment on the admissibility of evidence obtained with their help.
The research methodology includes the method of comparative jurisprudence, which is used to study the legal status of confidential informants; the method of comparative analysis, which is used to define the possibility to assist operative units during operational investigations. The author studies the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the topical problems of law enforcement practice related to the legal status of confidential informants of law enforcement bodies. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of statutory documents regulating the legal status of confidential informants of law enforcement bodies; in the proposals about the improvement of legislation on operational investigations. The author concludes about the need to reformulate article 17 of the Federal Law “On operational investigations”.
Citations count: 2
Vorozhtsov A.M., Zhukov V.M., Orlov V.V. —
Formation of moral and psychological stability of police officers in cases of obstruction of their legitimate actions
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 10 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.4.38240 EDN: VFKNHV URL:
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Employees of the internal affairs bodies in their official activities constantly face a high degree of psycho-emotional stress. In law enforcement practice, there are cases of obstruction of the performance of official duties by police officers. In case of obstruction of legitimate activities, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs may experience negative emotions. These emotions are a response of the psyche to external circumstances. Obstructing the legitimate actions of police officers often leads to conflict situations in which it is necessary to maintain balance and control over their actions or statements, and based on the current situation to make a decision in accordance with the current legislation. Obstruction of the performance of official duties, as a rule, is of a pronounced conflict nature. To increase the effectiveness of classes, it is advisable to involve experienced employees as experts in conducting a business game. This will ensure the necessary exchange of professional experience and increase the effectiveness of training. A large number of different possible situations are simulated, the social and role experience of employees participating in the training is expanded, their gradual involvement in the business game takes place. It becomes obvious that there is a need to organize work on the formation and development of moral and psychological stability among police officers and to teach them techniques for managing their emotional state.
Citations count: 2
Domysheva T.V., Slobodchikova T.A., Lavrichenko R.K. —
The importance of moral and psychological aspects in carrying out operational and service tasks of police officers.
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 62 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.4.36604 EDN: ZVELPK URL:
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The subject of the study is the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers.The object of the study is the psychological and emotional state of police officers in various situations, as well as the content and effectiveness of modern testing methods that determine the psychological state of a person. The objectives of the study are: - study of factors affecting the psychological state of employees;
- analysis of the causes and conditions in connection with which irritable factors that affect the psycho-emotional state of a police officer arise.
The scientific novelty of the work is a comparative study of the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers in stressful situations.
Thus, in order to perform operational and service tasks, it is necessary to be ready not only theoretically and possess special skills and abilities in the implementation of their activities, but also to be morally ready to carry out their activities, as well as objectively understand that certain problems may arise in the performance of official duties. It is necessary to approach the performance of official tasks correctly, while maintaining calm. A police officer who is morally ready to perform his official duties is able to solve operational and official tasks; with the correct and confident performance of his official actions, the quality of the employee's activity increases.
Citations count: 2
Shaposhnikov V.L., Nikolaenko E.A., Tkachenko V.V. —
Ensuring the Public Order by the Police During Epidemics and Epizootics
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.4.27339 URL:
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The article is devoted to the legal regulation of the activity of particular government agencies during epidemics and epizootics. The authorhs of the article declare the main provisions of the police activity aimed at enforcement of public order and public safety taking into account the legal status of particular official positions of empoloyees. The authors analyze legal acts and regulations that enforce particular areas of police activity during epidemics and epizootics and give recommendations on how to increase the police efficiency under such conditions. The methodological basis of the research consists of general and special research methods including systems approach, logical analysis, analytical method, ascention from the abstract to the concrete and from the general to the particular. The main conclusions of the research are the following. During epidemics and epizootics health care or veterinary service annot do without the forces and means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The current system of training police officers for the aforesaid conditions has a number of serious disadvantages such as the police being unready to make immediate decisions and timely invade contaminated territories, and poor performance of quarantine measures by public order subdivisions. There is also a need to increase professional competence of police officers who are responsible for the maintenance of the public order in extreme situations. As a result of their research, the authors offer a number of measures aimed at increasing efficiency of police subdivisions during epidemics and epizootics.
Citations count: 2
Nikitina T. —
Formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of ministerial institutions in the process of self-education
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.4.23458 URL:
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The research subject is the formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of a ministerial institution in the process of self-education. The author studies the experience of Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and considers aspects of the topic as the ways of formation of communicative competence of cadets in the process of self-education and the forms of independent work of cadets (classroom work, out-of-class work and self-initiated work). Special attention is given to pedagogical support of independent work of cadets. The author offers organizing method classes, which would include general psychological and methodological recommendations about organization of independent work in each discipline. The author uses such methods as analysis and generalization of pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem under study; classification; questioning; generalization of pedagogical experience. The author formulates the ways to form professional communicative competence of cadets in the process of self-education, based on the experience of Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation. A special author’s contribution to the study of this topic is the proposal to form professional communicative competence not only within the discipline “The Russian language and speech culture”, but to include field-specific communicative blocks in general professional disciplines and professional disciplines, in the programs of practical classes within the principal educational program, and research activity. The author proves that effective self-education, research activity, meetings with practitioners and an hour of reading will promote the formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of ministerial institutes.
Citations count: 2
Krasinskaya E. —
The essence and role of the practice-oriented approach in the process of realization of professional training programmes in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.6.31463 URL:
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The research subject is the forms and methods of using the practice-oriented and competence approach for the realization of professional training programmes for law enforcement officers in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author analyzes the main approaches to the realization of professional training programmes, particularly, special attention is given to its practical orientation and the principles of the teaching process organization. The research objective is to define the forms of learning sessions which can effectively fulfill the practical orientation of professional training of candidates for positions in law-enforcement agencies. The research methodology is based on the systems and competence-oriented approaches and includes both theoretical methods (analysis and forecasting) and experimental ones (pedagogical experiment and modeling). The author concludes that the requirements to professional training of candidates for positions in internal affairs agencies should be more practically oriented. It is still urgent to search for effective methods of work in this direction. The current system of professional training has significant drawbacks, such as overwhelming theoretical content of legal disciplines and the gap between the education and the everyday professional reality. In the author’s opinion, it would be appropriate to correct the principles of professional training organization. The provisions of the article prove the topicality of the research issue.
Citations count: 2
Temnyakov D.A., Temnyakova E.D. —
The usage of pedagogical principles for the adaptation of foreign experience to the educational process of the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 65 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.3.35992 URL:
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The research subject is the peculiarities of using foreign experience in the pedagogical process of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The research object is the range of conceptual approaches to the application of the general principles of understanding foreign experience and using it for the creation of pedagogical techniques.
The authors study such aspects of the topic as the scientific interpretation of pedagogical techniques of embedding foreign experience into the educational process of educational institutions.
Special attention is given to the consideration of the common principles of interpretation of foreign experience and their usage for the creation of pedagogical techniques. The authors offer the directions of the development of pedagogical techniques with account for the principles of foreign experience interpretation: the usage of foreign experience as an element of education; the usage of foreign experience for the improvement of teaching methods.
The main conclusions of the research are the proposed principles of using international experience as an element of education and for the creation of specific teaching methods.
The authors’ contribution is the proposed principles of embedding foreign experience into the pedagogical process of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the usage of foreign experience based on the following principles: principle of equality of goals; principle of the experience system specification; principle of a real limit of experience; principle of variability; principle of “psychological allergy” prevention; principle of the formation of an “image of experience”; principle of information sufficiency; principle of analogies; principle of inevitability of proof; principle of inclusiveness; principle of reasonable non-use of foreign experience.
Citations count: 2
Chepik I.V. —
Investigation of ways to escape from custody as a prevention of an emergency
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 9 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.3.38193 URL:
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The subject of the study is the public danger posed by escaping from custody. The article indicates which social institutions are harmed and what serious consequences may occur after the implementation of such a socially dangerous act as escape. Attention is drawn to the importance of studying the methods of escape from custody, since here lies the consequence of many violations in the official activities of the security and escort units of the police - the assumption by police officers of favorable conditions for committing illegal actions. The problem of shortage in the investigated police units is particularly noted. Proposals are being made to stimulate the employees of the security and escort units of the police. Most of the methods of escape from custody presented in the article are illustrated by judicial practice, which means the practical applicability of these methods by a special agent and the presence of already completed crimes, as a result of which a number of police officers have been brought to disciplinary or criminal responsibility. The main conclusions are some measures to prevent escape from pre-trial detention. The study draws a parallel between violations by police officers of the established order of protection and escort and the commission (or attempt) to escape from custody. Attention is drawn to the need to study the causes, conditions, factors contributing to the escape, only in conjunction with the study of the ways in which it is possible to escape from custody. The development of the phenomena under consideration is impossible in isolation from each other, as it entails unreliable interpretation, incorrect conclusions, and, accordingly, incorrectly formulated preventive measures, which may not be effective as a result.
Citations count: 1
Osintseva L.M. —
Problems of self-organization among students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 62 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.6.38862 EDN: YFEQVR URL:
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The object of the study is the self–organization of students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the subject is the conditions for its implementation. The relevance of this problem is indisputable, because self–organization is the management of a person's own activities, the organization of tasks and the distribution of all resources. A modern person does not just have to have a set of techniques from the field of "how to meet deadlines" or "how to hold a meeting correctly". This is a system for managing yourself and your activities. The students themselves admit that they spend a lot of time irrationally, since the reasons for the loss of time are the inability to plan their time, the inability to separate the main actions from the secondary ones. The novelty lies in comparing the results obtained with the previously known ones, which makes it possible to identify the problem and in the future choose a conceptual solution to it. Since the main goal of self–organization is to maximize your own capabilities, consciously manage the course of your life and successfully overcome any external circumstances. Thus, according to the results of our research, it was determined that first-year students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are mostly unable to plan their time, or do not understand how to properly establish control over distractions during self-organization.
Citations count: 1
Sadekov R.R. —
Strategy of Special Professional Training of Polygraph Examiners in the System of Departmental Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 64 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.2.40095 EDN: SOKIQY URL:
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The author examines in detail in his work the issues related to the methodological and software-educational support for the training of polygraph examiners in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The work is mainly devoted to the analysis and description of the basic principles of special professional training of polygraph examiners, the structure of the training program and an objective assessment of its effectiveness. New trends in the training of polygraph examiners are also considered, including new methods and approaches in training and innovative technologies used in the process of professional training. It is also noted the need for continuous improvement of the system of professional training of polygraph examiners in the system of departmental education, taking into account the requirements for this category of specialists. A significant contribution of the author in the conducted research is that effective pedagogical tools, methods and techniques are considered and proposed, which allow using them to improve the system of professional training of polygraph examiners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is noted that, in turn, the introduction of adjustments to the educational programs of vocational training should be planned and based on the best and effective developments of scientists and practitioners in the system of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other law enforcement agencies. The use of high-quality pedagogical content in the educational process will significantly increase the level of education and competence of polygraph examiners in modern conditions
Citations count: 1
Sadekov R.R. —
Formation of the Legal Culture of a Polygraph Examiner in the Process of Professional Training
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 2.
– P. 48 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.2.39764 EDN: VEEWKW URL:
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The author in the article examines in detail such aspects as the current state of actual pedagogical issues of acquisition by polygraph specialists in the process of professional training of comprehensive knowledge that allows them to understand the nuances of conducting special psychophysiological studies using polygraph devices. The importance of high-quality training of this category of specialists is considered, due to the fact that the nature of the tasks they solve is specific and is associated with ensuring the security of state structures, decision-making within the framework of screening studies and criminal proceedings. The pedagogical aspects of obtaining high-quality education by polygraph examiners, the formation of important professional competencies, legal culture, and the ability to make decisions within the framework of their official activities in departmental educational organizations of the law enforcement unit are of the utmost importance. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic is that the purpose of the study was formulated, which was to study the peculiarities of the formation of the legal culture of polygraph examiners in the learning process. The object of the study was the readiness of polygraph examiners to perform their official duties in accordance with the established procedure. In the course of the study, the possibility of performing official duties by this category of specialists in professional activities within the framework of regulatory legal support, in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area was analyzed, which in turn is also a purposeful pedagogical interaction, which certainly ensures the comprehensive development of polygraph specialists.
Citations count: 1
Yarovenko V.V., Korchagin A.G., Trushova I.V. —
The Problems of the Legal Regulation of Crypto Currency in Russia
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 9 - 21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.1.25526 URL:
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The subject of this research is the instable monetary and financial credit systems that create a threat for economic security of Russia. The authors of the article emphasize the need to develop the national system of payment cards and legally consolidate the list of contractual obligations of using them. The authors focus on the legal nature of electronic money that is often the matter of crime committed against material benefits of a special kind because these are the rights of claim that refer to another kind of material benefits in the acting system of civil law objects. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of applicable laws and regulations, doctrines of property items and practical fraud actions. The authors pay special attention to the method of interpretation. Based on the results of their research, the authors come to the conclusion that electronic money cannot be considered as cashless monetary funds. Development of electronic banking and appearance of new kinds of crime committed with the use of the most recent information technologies creates the need to establish an adequate system of interaction including so called computer criminal science as a particular branch thereof.
Citations count: 1
Konstantinov V.N., Egoshin I.V. —
The influence of anxiety in students and police officer candidates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the formation of competences in weapons practice
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 59 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.2.29732 URL:
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The research subject is the technique of diagnosticating weapons practice anxiety in students and police officer candidates of education institutions of the ministry of internal affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to give scientific credence to and to form a questionnaire and a methodology for diagnosticating anxiety in students and police officer candidates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during the process of weapons practice training, since studying the ways of raising the effectiveness of the educational process is a serious problem of practical pedagogics. That was the reason for the authors to consider this issue and give practical recommendations about diagnosticating anxiety in students and police officer candidates involved in weapons practice, and the ways and methods of psychological training of gunners. The research methods include: analysis of literature sources and generalization of scientific and methodological materials; questioning, surveying and interviewing; pedagogical testing; pedagogical examination and control. The authors formulate the necessary requirements to psychological resistance of students and police officer candidates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article forms the general idea of psychological training aimed at psychological resistance increasing during weapons practice. The authors develop and give scientific credence to the personal questionnaire and the methodology of diagnosticating anxiety in students and candidates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during weapons training. It is particularly important because the current methods of psychological examination do not meet the requirements of weapons practice.
Citations count: 1
Udilov T.V. —
Training a safe response protocol of police officers in case of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons
// Police activity.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 43 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.33238 URL:
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The research object is the course of action of a police officer in the face of an attack with objects used as weapons. The purpose of the research is the analysis of normative and educational materials and methodical literature describing the actions of a police officer in the face of an attack with objects used as weapons, meant to organize and consolidate into a single source the available data necessary for the study of actions of police officers in such situations.
The research methods include the analysis of normative, educational and methodical literature, and the materials of mass media about the actions of police officers in the face of an attack with various objects used as weapons; the analysis and selection of the most appropriate tactical actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons.
The author analyzes normative, educational and methodical literature, and the materials of mass media about the actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons. The author attempts to form a general idea of police officers training for actions involving the use of force, special equipment and firearms. The article considers the possible tactical actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons.
Citations count: 1
Sadekov R.R., Senatorova O.Y., Klochko Y.V. —
Features of training polygraph examiners in the effective use of psychological technologies in the process of pre-test conversation in the process of instrumental lie detection
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 5.
– P. 40 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.5.35569 EDN: LUPOIV URL:
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The authors consider in detail the features of professorial training of law enforcement officers in tactical and special techniques for organizing and conducting a pre-test conversation as a key stage in the course of a special psychophysiological study using a polygraph. Attention is paid to the strategic goals of the polygraph examiner, who should receive objective data from the interviewee on risk factors during the research process.The fulfillment of this goal, depending on the intentions of the subject, and therefore it is important to teach the future specialist to act competently and clearly in the process of performing this procedure, to be able to use psychological means to overcome negative states in the examined person during the pre-test conversation. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the paper considers current options for possible interaction between a polygraph examiner and the examined person during a pre-test conversation in the process of a special psychophysiological study, taking into account the use of psychological means to overcome negative emotional states in the examined person in their work. The authors note that the process of a special psychophysiological study is associated with the need to quickly navigate the psychological characteristics of the test subject, comprehensively analyze his behavior, emotional state and determine the strategy of behavior.Direct communicative interaction between the polygraph examiner and the subject begins during the pre–test conversation and its effectiveness at this stage of work can be improved through the use of additional psychological attitudes that will allow the specialist to correctly build a pre-test conversation and possibly get the maximum amount of information even before the direct polygraph interview.
Citations count: 1
Bodunova K.G. —
General issues of forensic characteristics of fraud connected with subsidy payments in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 6.
– P. 10 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.6.36742 URL:
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One of the strategic guidelines for sustainable socio-economic development is the creation of favorable conditions for small and medium entrepreneurship. According to article 6 of the Federal Law “On the development of small and medium entrepreneurship in Russia” of July 24, 2007 #209, government policy in this sphere is a part of socio-economic policy, and includes political, economic, social, informational, legal, organizational, educational and other activities performed by Russia’s public and local authorities. The research subject is the mechanism of fraud connected with subsidy payments in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship, and the patterns of organizational and methodological support of the work of law enforcement agencies aimed at the detection, investigation and solution of such crimes. According to the above-mentioned law, the implementation of regional programs with financial support from the federal centre is meant to facilitate the achievement of these goals, since small and medium entrepreneurship has a prominent regional aspect, and is a strategic resource of spatial development. At the same time, in the last few years, the facts of illegal receipt of budgetary funds by business entities in the form of federal, regional and local subsidies have been registered more and more often. Law enforcement agencies failed to effectively detect and investigate these crimes, which can be explained by the lack of methodological support of their work and modern tools based on information technologies. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by its tasks, and consists in the substantiation of conclusions about the organic interrelation of the organization and methodology of investigation fraud-related crimes in the sphere of small and medium entrepreneurship, and the development of ways of their improvement.
Citations count: 1
Sinitsyn E.I. —
The use of firearms by employees of security and convoy units of the police
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 38 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.4.43735 EDN: VXXVAK URL:
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When developing standards and special shooting exercises for employees of security and convoy police units, it is necessary to take into account the modern practice of using firearms, the specifics and conditions of service by employees of this category. The conditions and circumstances of the use of firearms by police officers are described in detail in the materials of official inspections. Due to the fact that these materials relate to information of limited distribution, it is not possible to analyze them. To determine the probable conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy police units, we used general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction. Empirical methods: pedagogical forecasting (questionnaires); mathematical statistics (mathematical and statistical data processing). The problem of the study is determined by the contradiction between the need to study modern conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy police units to develop practice-oriented standards and special shooting exercises, and the lack of publicly available necessary information about the practice of using firearms by employees of this category. Object of research: professional activity of employees of security and convoy police units related to the use of firearms. Subject of the study: conditions for the use of firearms by employees of security and convoy units of the police. The results of this study will allow us to determine the characteristic technical and technical-tactical actions with firearms necessary for the development of practice-oriented standards and special shooting exercises for employees of security and convoy police units.
Citations count: 1
Troyan E.I., Morozov D.V. —
Case-study-based teaching of police officers how to use physical force
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 9 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.5.36753 URL:
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The research object is the process of teaching police officers how to use physical force. The research subject is the case-study method used for teaching police officers how to use physical force. Physical training of police officers is aimed at the formation of readiness to legally use physical force for solving official tasks. However, at physical training lessons police officers study combat techniques, and much less attention is paid to teaching how to use these techniques during official service. One of the reasons for insufficient readiness of police officers is the lack of teachers’ attention to the case-study method of training and the possibility to use it at physical training lessons.
The research is based on scientific methods: analysis and generalization of scientific sources; situation simulation; pedagogical experimenting; testing. The authors formulate the following conclusions: 1. The main unified situations of the use of physical force by police officers are: “Identity checks”, “Stopping of public intoxication”, “Assault on a police officer”.
2. Analysis of the results of testing the complex of unified situations of the use of physical force by police officers has demonstrated the effectiveness of using the case-study method for teaching police officers how to use physical force. The effectiveness of applied techniques in the test group was on average 15,6% higher than that in the control group.
The described complex of unified situations can be used at physical training lessons for police officers. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it proves the effectiveness of the use of the case-study method for teaching police officers how to use physical force.
Citations count: 1
Ostrovskii O.A. —
Object decomposition principle in systematization of ID codes characterizing cybercrimes
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 10 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.21869 URL:
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The author considers such aspects as the use of information tracks for the investigation of cybercrimes; proposes a well-elaborated system of interaction and presentation of the information in a flow graph for further classification of cybercrimes. The research object is cybercrime, which can be seen in information tracks, and tactical and technical mechanisms of detection, storage and subtraction of information tracks. The research subject is the cybercrime patterns leaving information marks, and the activities of law enforcement agencies aimed at the detection, fixation and use of such tracks for investigation of crimes. Special attention is given to the new principle of systematization of codes characterizing cybercrimes on the basis of object decomposition. The author uses the principles of object decomposition for the systematization of ID codes characterizing cybercrimes. The research methodology has the following peculiarities: investigative activities aimed at the acquisition of primary information; typification of investigatory situations; detection of circumstances; development of investigatory programs; organization of preventive activities of investigators; tactics of investigatory and other actions. The author concludes that analysis, identification and classification of cybercrimes are among the main and the most difficult tasks due to the extending range of such crimes and constant development of the means of transmission and storage of information. It requires not only a special tactics of investigatory and organizational activities, but, first and utmost, special knowledge in the sphere of information technologies. All the codes, characterizing cybercrimes, have an identifier starting with “Q”. For the identification of crimes, codes in descending order of gravity of a crime can be used. The author proposes the object decomposition principle, based on ID codes decoding, the system of interaction, and the presentation of information in a flow graph for further visualization. It will help an expert to classify the committed cybercrime quickly and accurately and assign to it a certain code.
Citations count: 1
Alekhin E.V. —
Types and Classification of Extremist Crimes
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 26 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.4.27486 URL:
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The aim of the article is to improve the law enforcement activity that fights against extremist crimes. The results of the analysis of the current legislation on the matter demonstrate contradictions in the interpretation and definition of extremist crime. This does not allow to define what elements of crime under the Criminal Code can be considered to be of extremist nature. Based on the research, in order to attribute this or that action to extremist crime it is necessary to take into account the extremist motive for their commitment that implies political, ideological, racist, national or religious hatred or enmity, or hatred or enmity towards a particular social group. In addition, the author pays attention to the relation between the concepts of 'extremism' and 'terrorism' which, despite certain similarity between these concepts allowing to view terrorism as an extreme example of extremism, are not identical concepts and cannot be synonymized. The methodological basis of the research implies general research methods (comparison and analysis) and empirical methods (analysis and review of research and special literature). The conclusions made by the author of the article allow to present a classification of extremist crimes depending on such criteria as objective and subjective attributes of crime. This provides a better insight into the nature of modern extremism and allows to increase efficiency of law enforcement activity aimed at discovery and qualification of crime of this kind.
Citations count: 1
Udilov T.V., Vinokurov V.N. —
Peculiarities of implementation of unified professional training programs for a position of a police officer
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.1.37343 URL:
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The research subject is educational relations emerging in the process of professional training of newly-admitted police officers. The research object is the unified professional training programs for internal affairs officers implemented at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and professional training centers for regional internal affairs departments. The authors analyze the peculiarities of implementation of educational programs based on the unified professional training programs, and the problems educational institutions face during their implementation. The authors formulate the solutions helping to improve the considered unified educational programs, and optimize the work of educational institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors offer a mechanism of radical unification of professional training programs for internal affairs officers, which is based on the implementation of two versatile professional training disciplines. The solutions offered will help prevent the unplanned increase of teaching load and overcrowding in classes in case the officers of various positions are enrolled at the same training group. The authors suggest changing the contents of the disciplines “Firearms training” and “Physical Training” aimed at the increase of professional competence of internal affairs officers.
Citations count: 1
Egupov V.A., Loginov E.A. —
Some Aspects of Legal Measures to Prevent Substance Abuse of Minors
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 39 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.1.26150 URL:
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The subject of the research of the criminal law, administrative law and civil law provisions that serve as the legal measures to fight against drug abuse of the most vulnerable part of the society, the underaged. The object of the research is the social relations between law enforcement authorities, social organisations, minors and their legally authorized representatives that may arise in the field of prevention of drug and substance abuse of minors. The authors of the article underline the importance of not only legal measures of drug abuse prevention but also pedagogical measures that should be performed in combination with legal measures. Apart from coercive measures, such issues as persuasion measures and special training of officials are also growing important. The research methodology implies a combination of general and special research methods such as dialectical analysis, formal law, comparative law and content-analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have attempted to offer a number of rules for creating drug and substance abuse preventive programs for minors. In addition, the novelty of the research also lies in the authors' discussion about the need to apply all legal measures available, i.e. criminal law, administrative law and civil law measures. The authors prove that one should not focus on crimina law measures only and associated measures of official enforcement. The main conclusion of the research is that it is impossible to achieve the proper efficiency of drug abuse prevention, especially of minors, by using only legal enforcement and prohibitions.
Citations count: 1
Klimova M.V., Mikhaylova N.V. —
The Relation Between Competence Approach and Acmeological Approach During Training of Military Students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 10 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.4.27397 URL:
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The evident need to constantly improve the quality of training internal affairs officials requires new approaches to the arrangement of the educational process at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The object of the research is the vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. The subject of the research is the quality of vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. In this research the authors analyze the synergetic effect of the competent and acmeological approacheds to the educational process. The authors focus on the results of practical implementation of the aforesaid approaches during the educational process. To achieve the research targets, the authors have applied theoretical and experimental methods. Theoretical methods included analysis, synthesis, generalisation, comparison, systematization, specification, system and process modelling. Experimental methods included observation, educational experiment, extrapolation method, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The authors of the article analyze the influence of the acmeological approach on the development of competences in the course of vocational training of would-be military men. They also analyze the use of acmeological technologies in the process of education and describe particular cases when these technologies have beenused. The authors also describe the practical implementation of the self-education and self-development techniques and make conclusions about the results of the use of acmeological technologies.
Citations count: 1
Bogdanov S.G., Tregubov A.V. —
Features of the formation of professional competencies of specialists of the canine services of the Russian Federation
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 56 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.3.40747 EDN: RRFSSK URL:
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The object of this study is the professional competence of specialists in the canine service of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, characterized by structuredness, consistency, integration and practical orientation, specified within the framework of daily activities in the aggregate performance of official tasks. The subject of scientific work is the features of the formation of professional competencies of these specialists in educational activities and special training in the system of law enforcement agencies. The authors have clarified the main complexes of professional cynological competencies, which must necessarily be formed among specialists in accordance with their level of position. Also, the authors have developed and tested in professional activity a formula that reflects the organization of the process of training cynologists in a quantitative ratio from its actual actions in the course of performing official tasks and allows the formation and maintenance of cynological abilities at a sufficiently high level necessary for the implementation of the professional functions of a specialist. This toolkit of pedagogical research is considered necessary for implementation in all canine units of law enforcement agencies in order to implement high-quality professional activities of canine service specialists.
Citations count: 1
Mikhaylova N.V., Klimova M.V., Mikhaylov M.S. —
Evaluation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs University Students Being Ready for Educational Work with the Internal Affairs Personnel
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 20 - 26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.3.27209 URL:
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The rationale of the research is caused by the importance of educational work with the internal affairs personnel, poor development of assessing criteria of would-be army officers being ready for educational work with the personnel, and the need in continuous improvement of the quality of professional training within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the quality of professional training of police officers. The object of the research is the readiness of military students for educational work with the internal affairs personnel. In their research the authors applied the systems and interdisciplinary approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalisation, classification, specification, and modelling which allowed to obtain valid and scientifically grounded results. As a result of their research, the authors offer their definition and describe the structure of readiness for educational work with the internal affairs personnel. Based on the analysis of the structure of educational work, the authors offer their own integrated method of assessment of readiness for educational work withhin the internal affairs system. They also describe principles, functions, criteria, indicators and assessment techniques of their method.
Citations count: 1
Garmaev Y.P., Stepanenko R.A. —
Proactive legendized sting operation: effective struggle against corruption not involving acts of provocation or incitement
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.2.29638 URL:
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One of the reasons why struggle against corruption hasn’t been effective enough, is the absence of proactive measures taken by field agents when detecting and investigating the facts of bribe taking and bribery mediation. The research subject of the article is the essence and the content of a proactive legendized sting operation. The aim of the research is to analyze law-enforcement practice in the above mentioned direction, and to determine the potential of such operations in accordance with the current Russian legislation and without the involvement of acts of provocation or incitement. The research methodology includes general scientific methods and special research methods, including those of the forensic science. Based on the analysis, the authors detect the problem of contingent passivity of field agents and investigators and non-use of the proactivity principle in detecting and investigating bribery and other corruption-related crimes. The authors find out that the traditional approach to conducting a sting operation during the investigation of cases related to this category is not effective, and the legislator and judicial practice do not set exact criteria for the conduction of intelligence operations without the involvement of illegal acts of provocation or incitement. Based on the analysis of intelligence operations and investigative activities, the authors formulate the model of a proactive legendized sting operation and the rules, prohibiting the violation of laws, and claim that the proposed approach can significantly raise the effectiveness of struggle against corruption.
Citations count: 1
Seleznev V.I. —
General professional training of police officers employed for the first time
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 35 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.4.30284 URL:
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The research subject is the formation and theoretical substantiation of general professional training of police officers employed for the first time, aimed at the development of the personality of the subject of professional activity. The author considers the key problems of the current system of professional training of police officers employed for the first time, and analyzes the results of police officers educating based on the example of a particular educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The author suggests evaluating the effectiveness of general professional training by evaluating the officers’ compliance with the requirements of the profession. The author uses analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of the study, pedagogical modeling, questioning, diagnostic testing of police officers at the educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, etc. The research methodology includes the system, system-pragmatist, personal-pragmatist and competency-based approaches. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that well-thought general professional training of police officers employed for the first time helps form their ability to act reasonably and promptly in particular conditions of the operational situation. It helps form their professional self-identification and develop regardless of their educational background and positions.
Citations count: 1
Baumtrog V.E. —
On the issue of classification of inspection and search equipment
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 6.
– P. 110 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.6.38941 EDN: TJSEES URL:
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The subject of the study is the classification of inspection and search equipment. The object of research in the work is the tactical and technical characteristics of various samples of inspection and search equipment, the features of its design, the principles of operation of the devices. The paper discusses such classifiers as the type of the detected object, the design features of the product, the specifics of the impact on the surrounding space, the physical principle of operation. The author pays special attention to the search, formulation and discussion of classification features that allow us to fully characterize not only the purpose and design of a specific inspection or search technical means, but also the principle of operation, in order to form a single conceptual apparatus in the subject area. The main results of the study are a comprehensive consideration of the classification of inspection and search equipment, the formulation of the names of groups of inspection and search equipment, based on its principle of operation. Within the framework of individual groups, an additional division of equipment into subgroups is proposed, which allows even more accurately characterizing its capabilities.
The novelty of the research also lies in the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of classifying signs of inspection and search equipment, in the proposal of a classification scheme based on the physical principles of the devices. For a more complete understanding of the developed classification, the author provides examples of search and inspection devices of different types according to the developed criteria.
Citations count: 1
Kupreev S.S. —
Genesis of the “administrative activity” concept in the legal science
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 16 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.5.24416 URL:
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The research subject is administrative activity of authorities in Russia and some other countries. The author focuses on the formation and development of administrative activity as one of the key types of public activity. The author considers the views of scholars of different periods on the “administrative activity” concept and the experience of formalization of administrative activity in legislation. Special attention is given to the correlation between administrative activity and public administration and the influence of the administrative reform on the modern state of administrative activity. The author uses general scientific and specific research methods including historical, comparative-legal and the method of dogmatic interpretation of statutory acts. The author formulates the idea that administrative activity is one of the key forms of public activity; at the present time, administrative activity is usually studied within particular branches, and administrative activity itself needs to be conceptually and theoretically substantiated. Such conceptual and theoretical substantiation of administrative activity by law enforcement bodies and special services requires special attention.
Citations count: 1
Dvortsov V.E., Kazanchev I.T. —
Criminological assessment of crime latency determinants in the sphere of cadastral activities
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.2.22209 URL:
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The authors study one of the topical issues in the sphere of crimes prevention in cadastral activities – determination of criminological determinants of latency. Based on the results of a representative criminological study, the authors reveal the peculiarities, determining latent crimes in the sphere of cadastral activities. The authors analyze the contemporary state and the dynamics of crimes in the sphere under consideration, and focus on judicial practice; characterize the revealed determinants of latency of the considered compositions of crimes, and reveal the possible causes and factors of their formation; study the subject of crimes and the victimologic aspect. The methodological base of the research includes general theoretical and specific research methods of cognition, including criminological observation (statistical observation); interviewing and questioning of the officials of law enforcement agencies, specializing in investigation of crimes in the sphere of economic activities; study of the latest works on criminal law and criminology, the current legislation, and judicial practice; induction and deduction; statistical methods (collection and classification, detection of common features, statistical analysis). The importance of studying crime latency in the sphere of cadastral activities is actualized by the necessity to raise the effectiveness of application of criminal law and the prestige of law-enforcement agencies, which, everything else being equal, are negatively related to the latent crime rate, since at the high level of unrevealed and undetected, and, consequently, unpunished, crimes, many may want to satisfy their needs by committing a crime. The present work is the first and the only existing study of crime latency determinants in the sphere of cadastral activities. Its theoretical importance consists in the fact that its results can serve as a basis for the development of criminal-legal and criminological methods of crimes prevention in this sphere, and the development of proposals about the improvement of criminal legislation. The practical importance consists in the possibility to apply the achieved results for the purpose of prevention of crimes in cadastral sphere.
Citations count: 1
Vasil'ev M.A. —
Pedagogical support for the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation during weapons practice training
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.2.29769 URL:
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The research subject is the methods, instruments and ways of inculcating weapon handling skills in the internal affairs bodies personnel. The research object is the formation and improvement of weapon handling skills of internal affairs agents. The author attempts to develop the most effective algorithm of giving weapons practice classes in a shooting gallery. The author emphasizes the importance of psychological and physical condition of a group of students and each student. Special attention is given to self-examination in gun shooting. The research methodology is determined by the research goal and tasks. It is based on the system approach to studying the methods of preparing the personnel for actions during their service. The practical importance of the study consists in the development of the most effective ways of gaining weapon handling skills. The author also suggests using the methods from the experience of internal affairs agents, including psychological resistance formation, during weapons practice.
Citations count: 1
Beletskaia I.A. —
Qualification requirements to the employees of internal affairs bodies and their regulatory benchmarks
// Police activity.
– 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 35 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2019.3.30194 URL:
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The research subject is structural elements of qualification requirements to the employees of internal affairs bodies. Their structure is established by the current legislation. The article focuses on general and specific requirements and differences in the requirements depending upon the category and the composition, and the conditions of their application for recruiting and distributing. The author gives special attention to the differences in professional activities of the employees of law-enforcement agencies and the abstract character and ambiguity of qualification requirements to them. The author uses the methods of analysis, synthesis, classification, description, etc. The author analyzes requirements to the candidates established by the current legislation. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the justification of the necessity to create a new three-level system of qualification requirements thus specifying them by their service characteristics of the performed activities; introduce professional qualification models of positions in internal affairs bodies including qualification characteristics of the position and qualification requirements for candidates. They should be based on the principle of compulsory professional selection. The proposed models would be used not only for recruitment, selection and assessment of employees, but also for strategic planning of the service and the employee’s career growth.
Citations count: 1
Seleznev V.I. —
Training of police officers in Russia: review of the 2010 - 2020 professional training programs
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 17 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.1.37131 URL:
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The research subject is theoretical review of professional training programs for newly enrolled police officers, implemented in the last decade in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The review covers 15 professional training programs for police officers underlying the educational process at a particular educational institution. The research analyzes the dynamics of gradually adopted changes to professional training programs for police officers. The author emphasizes the necessity and feasibility to clearly substantiate the adoption of various changes to the current programs in modern conditions. The author concludes that preparation of police officers for their future service in modern conditions according to various programs, and changes to these programs, should be aimed at the formation of the personality of the officer as a professional. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the conclusion that the renewal of the human capacity of internal affairs bodies aimed at the development of a police officer as a person with formed personal qualities, skills and expertise, is impossible without radical transformation of the current professional training programs.
Citations count: 1
Bezhentsev A.A. —
Official premises of juvenile justice officers: past, present and future
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 8 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.4.22510 URL:
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The article analyzes the current situation in outfitting official premises of juvenile justice officers and formulates recommendations about the improvement of the current situation. The research object is social relations connected with the reasons of neglect and juvenile offences and the prevention of such negative phenomena. The research subject is the set of administrative rules regulating prevention of neglect, delicts and juvenile delinquencies, the activities of subjects responsible for preventive work with minors, and the measures of prevention of anti-social phenomena among minors. The author uses general scientific and specific, theoretical, applied and empirical approaches: general philosophical, general historical, structural-functional, institutional, socio-philosophical, psychological, logical-theoretical, statistical, system, Delphi, formal-legal, historical-legal, comparative-legal approaches, method of legal interpretation and interpretation of norms of law, etc. Despite the large number of scientific works devoted to the problems of prevention of juvenile delinquencies and the ways to solve them, the issues of outfitting official premises of juvenile justice officers haven’t been studies in recent years, therefore the source base of this problem is rather poor. The author proves the need to revive juvenile delinquents’ rooms, which firstly appeared during the Second World War, gives scientific recommendations about appropriate designing of such premises, their equipping and methods of work of juvenile police officers.
Citations count: 1
Shatskaya E.A. —
Formation of a social portrait of a police officer of the Russian Federation at the present stage
// Police activity.
– 2022. – ¹ 3.
– P. 20 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.3.37613 EDN: IWRFOQ URL:
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In the last decade, interest in the image of a police officer has been increasing. The ongoing changes affect all spheres of life of modern society, the public perception of the police is also changing, which also actualizes the topic under consideration. The term "social portrait" or "sociological portrait" appears quite often in the scientific literature. However, a number of studies have not even attempted to justify the need for the use of this term in any way. In principle, this term was also not deterministic in a practice-oriented environment. The absence of a methodological description is characteristic not only for modern researchers, but also for Soviet scientists who quite often used the term "social portrait", meaning by it some abstract generalized characteristic of a certain social class. The object of the study is the social portrait of a police officer. The subject of the study is the basic components that influence the formation of a social portrait of a police officer. The goal-setting of the formation of a social portrait at the present stage is determined by the attitude of police officers to their professional activities, promotion, the socio-psychological atmosphere within the team, the attitude of police officers to family and marriage, money and recreation. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed approach to the formation of a social portrait of a police officer, the peculiarity of which is the definition of basic components that allow identifying the characteristic features of this social group. The main methods of obtaining information can be a questionnaire survey, interviews, content analysis. The practical significance lies in the fact that the information obtained can be used in scientific, pedagogical, practical work when considering issues related to the formation of personnel and reserve, training of employees according to professional training programs, moral and psychological support, social guarantees, etc.
Citations count: 1
Tahirov Z.I. —
Administrative regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers of the Russian Federation in course of their daily service and in emergency situations
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 41 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22228 URL:
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The article considers the problem aspects of administrative regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers of the Russian Federation in course of law enforcement service. The research object is the professional safety of internal affairs officers as an objective condition (characteristic) of the system of service in the internal affairs bodies, and the system of measures aimed at the reduction of professional risks and threats. The research subject is the set of legal provisions regulating the procedure of service in the internal affairs bodies with regard to personal professional safety of employees. These provisions are within the scope of constitutional, administrative, labor, and so-called “police” law. The purpose of the study is to detect juridical inconsistencies of the normative sphere of regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The research tasks are to describe the genesis of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, to study the structure of an administrative provision about personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, to formulate particular recommendations about the improvement of legal regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The author uses general scientific and specific juridical research methods guaranteeing the historicism, objectivity and consistency of normative-legal study of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. They include the principles of development of the research object, its logical determinacy, historical specificity and dialectical connection between the logical and historical methods of cognition; consistency and comprehensiveness of study; general scientific approaches: the system, genetic, activity approach; the methods of analysis and synthesis, juridical interpretation and other research methods of the modern socio-humanistic studies. The article is based on the current Russian sources of law via use of departmental statistics. Special attention is given to the detection of gaps in the departmental legal provisions in the sphere of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, which don’t regulate the constitutional right of internal affairs officers to safe working conditions. The author substantiates the conclusion that professional risks of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers must be normatively regulated. The research results are described accurately and meaningfully. The author gives factual information and instances in the examples of legal practice describing particular interrelations of legal provisions and the patterns of the mechanism of legal regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The author prefers using the latest research results and long-term data. Author’s critical conclusions contradict the existing legal provisions and are of a particular practical importance for the comprehensive provision of internal affairs officers’ safety, reduction of rate of accidents and deaths of officers in the course of duty, and general stabilization of the personnel system of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
Citations count: 1
Karimova T.S. —
Hate Speech in Internet Communication
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.1.39281 EDN: XOBHZL URL:
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The article is devoted to the consideration of the qualifying signs of "hate speech" in the aspect of providing linguistic and forensic expertise in the field of Internet communication in order to ensure the legal and linguistic protection of national security, the constitutional order, public order, health and morality of the population. This concept – «hate speech» - is the subject of scientific discussions in various fields of science and practice: sociology, psychology, linguistics, theory of law, judicial practice. The article analyzes the positions of scientists in relation to the content of the concept of "hate speech". The classification of speech utterances containing signs of "hate speech" is given, which allows focusing the attention of experts - criminologists, conducting linguistic examination of statements in Internet communications, on soft forms of hate speech, the prevention of which is designed to ensure the prevention of crimes and offenses of an extremist orientation. The article also provides examples from the practice of conducting linguistic expertise, speech utterances in text files from an Internet resource.
Citations count: 1
Sysoev A.A. —
Scientific and Technical Support for the Investigation of Criminal Offenders in the Territory of Eastern Siberia in Pre-Soviet Times
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 73 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.3.39831 EDN: RRHEPN URL:
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In the context of the modern transformation of Russian statehood, attention to the problems of improving law enforcement has naturally increased. Of particular importance are the issues of the application of modern scientific achievements. It is no coincidence that over the past decade, the study of the process of formation and development of criminal investigation has noticeably intensified.
The object of the study is the activity of the East Siberian Criminal police aimed at combating criminal crime, the subject is the implementation of this activity through the introduction of advanced scientific achievements. The purpose of the study is to determine the content, trends, patterns and contradictions of the process of formation and development of criminal investigation.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the features of the introduction of advanced methods of investigation into the activities of the police of Eastern Siberia.
The practice of combating criminal crime in pre-Soviet times on the territory of Eastern Siberia demonstrated the urgent need to apply the latest achievements of science and technology. Due to the lack of effective means and methods of identifying criminals, the criminal investigation system of Eastern Siberia did not fulfill its main tasks. Already in the second half of the XIX century, the steady decline in the personal and property security of the Siberian population required the local administration to take the most drastic measures. One of the most promising areas of combating criminal crime was the use of advanced methods of investigation. However, due to financial difficulties, the use of promising methods in operational activities for many years remained only the lot of single enthusiasts. The remoteness from the metropolis, the personnel crisis and insufficient funding had a decisive impact on the very possibility of using advanced scientific and technical achievements in detective work.
Citations count: 1
Egorova N N N.N., Egoshin I.V. —
Using self-presentation and self-monitoring tactics by police officers involved in inspection and perquisition procedures during mass sports events
// Police activity.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2018.6.28147 URL:
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The research subject is the theoretical analysis of the essence of the phenomena of self-presentation and self-monitoring and the analysis of the results of testing and experimental comparing of the preferred self-presentation strategies and tactics used by police officers with different lengths of service. According to the authors’ opinions, the acquired results are of both theoretical and practical importance for the optimisation of the process of holistic professional training of police officers with account of the length of their service, and of the students of educational institutions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation involved in perquisition procedures aimed at public safety ensuring during international sports events.
The authors use analysis and synthesis of the current scientific approaches to the essence of self-presentation and self-monitoring; testing, as a psycho-diagnostic method; and the Student’s T-test, as a method of mathematical and statistical analysis.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it broadens the range of ideas about the peculiarities of manifestations of self-presentation and self-monitoring of police officers as the representatives of a definite professional group. The empirically revealed presentation tactics preferred by police officers help define the directions of psychological and educational work aimed at preventing destructive tendencies in their self-presentation, thus promoting the formation of a positive professional image of police officers among the Russian citizens and the foreign guests of mass sports events.
Citations count: 1
Novgorodov D. —
On some problems of judicial proceedings on cases of administrative offences, committed via the Internet
// Police activity.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 20 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.2.22109 URL:
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The research subject is legal regulations, judicial practice materials, and activities of public officials, aimed at collection, fixation, and procedural consolidation of evidences for cases of administrative offences, committed via the Internet. The research object is social relations, arising during judicial proceedings on cases of administrative offences, committed via the Internet. Special attention is given to the issues of determination of a person and a place of an administrative offence, committed via the Internet, and the problem of collection and fixation of evidences for such offences. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and special research methods of cognition (empirical, analytical, and system methods, analysis, synthesis, etc.). The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author offers practical recommendations for the determination of an offender and a site of the offence. The author concludes that the fixation of evidence, taken from the Internet, can be performed both in a form of a protocol, and in the form of an act, and demonstrates the sample of a protocol (act) of examination of a web page.
Citations count: 1
Sadekov R.R. —
Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Act in Special Conditions
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 55 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.1.39646 EDN: EULEHO URL:
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The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the pedagogical conditions for training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to act in special conditions in modern conditions. The article deals with the essence of creating special pedagogical conditions, the issues of teaching academic disciplines in departmental educational organizations to tactically-oriented training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to perform service and combat operations, in conditions of various levels of danger that pose a threat to the state, the population, infrastructure and life support facilities. This paper presents recommendations on the conduct of classes, the use of training programs, various forms and methods of conducting classes. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are described: motivation and readiness for professional activity, formation of skills of self-development, regulation, professional special, moral and pedagogical training. The main conclusions of the study are that employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation provide protection to citizens and the state. An important point is the formation of their professional motivation skills for further training and work. The basis of the qualities of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are the moral characteristics of professional stability. They are formed throughout the life of a law enforcement officer, but it is training that lays the foundation for the characteristics with which he will enter the path of his activity. Pedagogical conditions at the time of training are the main factors of socialization of the future defender of the state, legitimate rights and interests of society.
Citations count: 1
Vorozhtsov A.M., Zhukov V.M. —
The formation of the algorithm of firearms usage and the role of a trainer in this process
// Police activity.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 49 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2021.4.36297 URL:
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The research subject is the sequence of a shooter’s actions at the firing line. It is believed that the repetitions of an action improve the speed of its performance and eventually - its preciseness. Unnecessary movements stop being made, an action stereotype is being developed, as well as a certain algorithm. A shooter should follow this sequence of actions when shooting, and develop it in the process of training. The more experienced the shooter is, the shorter the sequence becomes, since its length depends on the experience. The development of the algorithm is promoted by the study of the elements of shooting and repeated practicing of dry and charged shots. The formation of an optimal algorithm will be more effective if guided by a supervisor. The process of formation of the sequence of actions with firearms is determined by the use of various techniques of organizing and giving firearms training lessons. The use of individual, group and mixed activities allows the teacher to optimize the process of formation of the algorithm of actions in accordance with individual characteristics of students. Motivation and self consciousness of students become significant for the formation of the algorithm. At the same time, the contents of the educational process should be aimed not only at the formation of technical actions with a gun, but at the formation of the tactics and appropriateness of its usage. Successful performance of training shooting will indicate the completeness of formation of the algorithm of actions with firearms.
Citations count: 1
Gorlov O.Y. —
Methodology for developing exercises of pistol practice in typical policemen activities (on the example of security and convoy police units)
// Police activity.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 43 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2023.1.38047 EDN: EVSCAQ URL:
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In the article presented by the author, the issues related to the methodology of developing shooting exercises in typical situations of policemen activities are considered. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, each departmental educational organization implements a priority profile for the training of police officers. In this regard, the author of the study attempted to develop a private methodology that would allow the development and implementation of new types of firing exercises for employees of a specific category in the educational process of fire training. The author presented the conditions for regular and continuous improvement of professional competencies of employees of internal affairs bodies. In addition, the importance of the study is associated with the importance of solving the problems of methodological support for the training of police officers and the introduction of private methods of conducting classes with specific categories of employees into the policemen educational process. Currently, a number of contradictions have formed between the normative requirements for a police officer and the actual set of his personal qualities and professional competencies. To solve this problem and increase the level of fire training of police officers, we propose to consider the possibility and outline further ways to improve the methods of fire training of law enforcement officers in terms of specialization of their activities, in order to carry out and improve the professional training of police officers. The procedure proposed by the author for the development of a private methodology will allow specialists organizing the fire training process to develop and implement new preparatory exercises, shooting exercises, taking into account the peculiarities of the official activities of a particular department of Internal Affairs.