Professional training of police officers
Vasil'ev, M.A., Kleimenov, S.Y. (2024). Tactical bases of fire training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 3, 19.
The object of the research of the scientific article is the tactical basics of handling firearms during fire training. The subject of the study is the methods that develop the tactical basics of firearm ownership in the training of fire training. The aim of the study is to identify the most effective methods for conducting fire training classes aimed at developing tactical skills in handling firearms. Research objective is to determine the most effective and accessible methods in the process of handling firearms. The practical significance of the conducted research is to identify the most effective methods for training fire training, necessary for practical application. At the same time, attention is paid to strict compliance with safety measures when handling both training and combat weapons. The methodology of the conducted research is determined by its purpose and objectives. It is based on a systematic approach to the study of methods of training police officers in the practical use of firearms. The novelty of the scientific article lies in the development of author's methods in the study and testing of tactical actions of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the handling of firearms during practical training. The training exercises were practically tested during the training of cadets and trainees at the initial stage of the practical part of fire training, during the development of tactical skills, it was carried out both idling and during combat shooting from small arms. The development of tactical actions with firearms allowed the trainees to form confident practical skills in handling firearms, which in turn affected the increase in the level of general discipline and the readiness of employees to act in practice.
police officer, live firing, idle actions, theoretical training, professional training, tactical training, firearms, fire training, security measures, ammunition
Professional training of police officers
Guseyan, G.O., Bondareva, A.V., Himedenova, D.N., Kuharev, Y.S. (2024). Problems of professional training of employees of the Russian penal system in the context of digital transformation. Police activity, 3, 1020.
The subject of this article is the problem of professional training of current and future employees of the Russian penitentiary enforcement system in the context of the digital transformation of the penitentiary system in the country and the world. The relevance of the stated topic is due to the fact that the current employees of the penal enforcement system have a low level of knowledge of information technologies. In addition, modern professional training of future personnel of the penitentiary system is carried out without the use of such information innovations as distance education technologies and digital security. The article examines the current level of information technology proficiency of current employees of the penitentiary system; describes the problems existing in the system of training future personnel when they receive education in institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, as well as in civilian universities training personnel in the field of "Jurisprudence", "Law Enforcement"; the problem of the lack of courses is considered improving the digital literacy of current employees of the penitentiary system; the experience of using distance learning technologies by foreign countries in the process of obtaining education by current employees who have the opportunity to improve their competence without interrupting their direct official duties; the possibility of applying foreign experience in the Russian penitentiary system was assessed. Along with general scientific methods, the authors also used special legal methods (system-analytical, comparative legal, statistical). The novelty of the research lies in the development of the main ways to solve the problems of professional training of employees of the penitentiary system within the framework of the digital transformation of the penitentiary system, providing for improving the training of existing employees, as well as introducing certain innovations in the training of future personnel of the penitentiary system. On the basis of the conducted research, difficulties were identified and opportunities for improving the modern professional training of future personnel, as well as current employees of the penitentiary enforcement system, contributing to the optimization of processes and improving the quality of the penitentiary system were identified. The best way to solve these problems will be the introduction of a mandatory requirement to improve the digital literacy of existing employees of the system. For institutions that train future personnel of the penitentiary system, it is necessary to introduce disciplines into the educational program aimed at obtaining practical skills in working with automated information systems used in the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation.
training, information technology, cadets, penitentiary system, staff, professional training, penal enforcement system, educational program, digitalization, information security
Reforming and upgrading the police
Shatskaya, E.A. (2024). Image and social portrait of a police officer. Police activity, 3, 2129.
The problem of improving the image of police officers is an urgent and significant task for the Russian state. In the article, the author reveals the concepts of "image" and "social portrait" of a police officer. It is determined that an image is a subjective perception of an object, and a social portrait is its objective characteristic. Despite these differences, common features of these categories are also proposed. Firstly, the image and social portrait are collective in nature, they are characterized by a mass consciousness, not an individual one. Secondly, image and social portrait have a communicative nature. Thirdly, the image and social portrait depend on the cultural and historical cycle. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific methods: analysis, generalization, comparison. In this understanding, the correlation between the concepts of "image" and "social portrait" of a police officer is interesting. The author draws attention to the fact that creating a positive image of a police officer is impossible without studying public opinion, which is a tool that can identify the main ways to optimize the image of police officers. In the article, the author draws attention to such a concept as "self-image". It is important for a police officer to realize the need to engage in self-development, to learn his strengths and weaknesses. It is determined that for a complete and specific picture concerning the image of a police officer, the unity of three key terms is necessary: "image", "social portrait" and "self-image". This approach may have practical significance in studying the image of a police officer, helping to answer questions: social perceptions of the employee, whether the employee meets the requirements, whether the employee himself strives for the ideal.
life experience, survey, comparative analysis, public opinion, image of a police officer, motivation, prestige of the profession, self-image, image, police service
Informational support of the police
Karimov, V.K. (2024). Prospects for the development of forensic fingerprinting in the context of digital transformation of society. Police activity, 3, 3041.
The subject of the study is the provisions of the current criminal procedure legislation, the norms governing fingerprint registration, investigative, judicial and expert practice aimed at collecting, researching, storing and processing evidentiary information. The author sets the tasks to determine the main directions for further improvement of the collection, research of fingerprint information, its accounting in the context of digital transformation taking place in society. The paper considers available and promising technologies, methods and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprinting. The legal aspects of the use of fingerprinting in the practice of combating crime have been studied. The problems in the field of legal regulation of biometric registration, technical and forensic support for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the field of collecting, researching and evaluating fingerprint evidence information are identified and ways to resolve them are proposed. The research methodology includes the following methods: observations, comparisons, descriptions, experiments, as well as special technical and forensic methods. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author has identified promising areas for further development of forensic fingerprinting in the context of digital transformation of society. The author presents them through the prism of consistent and interrelated directions collection, research, accounting and use of information. When collecting, attention is drawn to the possibilities of expert light sources, digital detection technologies, recording of trace information, and its verification by accounting. A legal justification of this activity is being carried out, new complexes of forensic tools such as smart cameras are being proposed. At the stage of fingerprint information research, the author draws attention to modern and promising techniques and technical means. Particular importance is attached to the prospects of research on micro-signatures, further diagnostic studies, as well as the development of specialized software and hardware complexes aimed at solving these tasks. During registration, the author draws attention to the need to take into account biometric parameters within a single system.
investigative action, expert techniques, papillary pattern, forensic accounting, krim light, digital technology, fingerprint examination, AFIS, hand marks, fingerprinting
Professional training of police officers
Sinitsyn, E.I. (2024). Compliance of "Courses and Instructions on fire training" with the conditions of use of weapons by employees of security and convoy units of the police. Police activity, 3, 4254.
The professional training of employees of security and convoy police units related to the lawful use of firearms should be practice-oriented. The developed standards with weapons, special shooting exercises, as well as simulated situations of operational and service activities, in fire training classes, should take into account the specifics and conditions of service activities of employees of this category. The problem of the study arises from the contradictions between the insufficient regulatory and legal provision of fire training of employees of security and convoy police units and, in this regard, the need to develop pedagogical technologies for practice-oriented training of employees of security and convoy police units to the lawful use of weapons. In this scientific work, the author presents the results of a retrospective analysis of regulatory legal documents regulating the organization of fire training in the internal affairs bodies, namely, Shooting courses and Fire training Manuals from 1992 to the present. In solving the research tasks, the following methods were used general scientific methods: description, comparison, generalization, classification. Empirical data were systematized on the basis of mathematical statistics methods and presented using a graphical data analysis method. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the practice-oriented conditions of shooting exercises that contribute to improving the fire readiness of employees of security and convoy police units. The main results of the study are: - determination of criteria (physical conditions) for the orientation of exercises of shooting courses and fire training Manuals for the practice of using weapons by employees of security and convoy police units; - study of technical actions with weapons that ensure the necessary level of preparedness of employees of security and convoy police units for the lawful use of weapons. One of the key conclusions reached by the author is that when developing regulatory legal documents related to the organization of fire training in the Department of Internal Affairs, the practice of using firearms by employees of security and convoy police units, as well as the specifics and conditions of official and professional activity, was not sufficiently taken into account.
Instructions, Shooting courses, use of weapons, special shooting exercises, practice-oriented standards, police officers, fire training, Professional training, the escort, situations