The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Karimova, T.S. (2024). Features of linguistic expertise of texts of dialogues on anti-corruption cases. Police activity, 1, 1–15.
The object of the study is dialogue texts with signs of corrupt speech behavior. The subject of the study are marker words, linguistic methods that reveal linguistic signs of a discourse that has a meaningful and semantic focus on receiving or transferring values for the actions of the recipient (inaction), in favor of the giver. The purpose of this work was to conduct a communicative analysis of corrupt speech behavior in the text–dialogue: to accept illegal remuneration for actions (inaction) in the service in order to obtain valuables in the event of an agreement between the specified persons.The main task of the linguistic and forensic examination of anti-corruption cases is to establish the event by its speech representation: it is required to prove that the dialogue is about the transfer of funds. To solve this issue, it is necessary to conduct a communicative analysis of the text-dialogue. The research methodology is related to the communicative analysis of texts-dialogues with signs of corruption content, based on the works of D.L. Karpov, "on the theoretical and practical works of A. N. Baranov, K. I. Brinev, E. N. Galyashina, M. A. Grachev, I. A. Sternin, etc., devoted to cases related to corruption. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of a communicative approach within the framework of text-dialogue analysis, logical-semantic and functional-stylistic analysis. The analysis of the expert study of the text-dialogue on anti-corruption cases is presented, the conceptual framework is developed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the main task of linguistic expertise in anti-corruption cases is to establish an event by its speech representation through the use of a set of semantic and pragmatic techniques of discursive analysis, which allows us to clarify the signs of conversational dialogue that are significant for the legal qualification of speech crimes. When conducting a communicative analysis of a corrupt text, it is important to identify signs of corrupt speech behavior. When analyzing a communicative corruption situation, it is necessary to consider the speech strategies and tactics of the participants in the dialogue, which ultimately allow us to determine the true intentions of the communicants aimed at achieving a communicative goal.
semantic discourse analysis, masking the content of the conversation, linguistic expertise, speech tactics, speech strategies, marker words, expert research methodology, corrupt communication act, corruption, linguistic sciences
Professional training of police officers
Gol'chevskii, V.F. (2024). Preparation of the management staff of the Department of Internal Affairs for the elimination of the consequences of emergencies caused by forest fires. Police activity, 1, 16–26.
The subject of the study of this article is public relations in the field of organizing the training of personnel of internal affairs bodies for actions in emergency situations caused by forest fires. The object of the study is the organization and improvement of professional and service training in instilling competencies for conducting rescue and other urgent rescue operations in the aftermath of forest fires. The relevance of this work is related to improving the quality of professional training and retraining of police officers, and the execution of the Decree of the President of Russia V. V. Putin "On combating forest fires", which sets the task for senior officials of the subjects of the Russian Federation to ensure a reduction in the area of forest fires on forest fund lands in 2022-2030 by at least 50 percent relative to the level of 2021 of the year. The article provides a detailed analysis of the training of cadets and police officers to act in emergency situations. The issues of tactical training of police officers involved in extinguishing forest fires were raised. The methodology of the conducted research is based on the application of methods of included observation, analysis of the practical experience of the activities of ATS organizations and educational organizations, interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents on the problem under consideration. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: a) a detailed analysis was carried out on the training of police officers to eliminate the consequences of emergencies caused by forest fires; b) the need to pay special attention to the training of police officers to ensure personal safety when extinguishing forest fires is justified; c) the issues of tactics of preparing police units for emergency situations are highlighted. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the need to improve the tactics of preparing ATS units for action in the event of a threat and extinguishing forest fires. The above statistics and the considered example of the death of paratroopers during the extinguishing of a forest fire in Tyva indicate the importance of ongoing research in this area and the need to improve the quality of professional training.
legal support, monitoring, operational situation, professional training, police officers, rescue of citizens, rescue operations, forest fire, emergency, fire reconnaissance
Informational support of the police
Kiryushin, I.I., Ivanov, I.P., Timofeev, V.V., Zhmurko, D.Y. (2024). The use of blockchain technology in law enforcement. Police activity, 1, 27–41.
This article explores the possibilities of using blockchain technology in police work. Examples of the use of blockchain in various areas of police activity, such as personal data management, control of drug trafficking and other prohibited substances, traffic monitoring and the fight against cybercrime, are considered. The authors note that thanks to the storage of data in the blockchain, it becomes possible to increase the protection of the confidentiality of personal information, ensure transparency and efficiency of police work, as well as prevent fraud and corruption. The conclusion of the article emphasizes that the use of blockchain can improve the work of the police and ensure greater security of citizens. Distributed ledger technology, or blockchain as a service (BaaS) is indeed a relatively new product on the market that allows you to provide blockchain services for corporate clients. This solution allows you to use more reliable and secure methods of data processing and transaction management within the organization. All these economic effects can lead to a reduction in costs and an increase in the efficiency of the police. In general, the use of blockchain technology in the police can have a number of advantages, such as increasing transparency and accountability, reducing data processing time and combating data falsification. However, it is necessary to take into account some risks, such as the possibility of data privacy violations, as well as difficulties in integrating with existing systems and training personnel. In general, the introduction of blockchain technology into the police requires careful analysis and an approach that takes into account all aspects of the use of technology and its impact on the organization.
information Technology, cybercrime, cryptography, transactions, data storage, digitalization, safety, police, technology, blockchain
Professional training of police officers
Seleznev, V.I. (2024). Optimization of the professional training of policemen: parameters, pedagogical conditions and stages of optimization. Police activity, 1, 42–51.
The subject of the study is the optimization of the process of professional training of policemen, which will ensure the achievement of levels of preparedness of employees for police activities. The policemen preparedness to act competently, meaningfully and actively in the specific conditions of the operational situation will contribute to his professional self-determination and career growth. The parameters and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the professional training process substantiated in the study contribute to increasing the level of preparedness of a policeman (the level of his initial qualifications) and create conditions for the professional development of a policeman when performing professional functions in solving future official tasks. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the parameters have been determined and pedagogical conditions have been developed for optimizing the process of professional training of policemen, which are aimed at the professional development of an employee who is ready and able to perform professional service tasks in any position held with his further specialization. Reasonable levels of professional preparedness of policeman can be used to clarify the qualification requirements for this activity, as well as when assigning employees to various positions, to other units or services (departments), during rotations or career moves.
levels of preparedness, abilities, competence, knowledge, pedagogical conditions, professional training, parameters, process, optimization, policeman
Professional training of police officers
Temnyakov, D.A., Mironov, V.L. (2024). Didactic features of the implementation in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of professionally oriented disciplines related to countering crimes committed using information and communication technologies. Police activity, 1, 52–66.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of teaching information and communication technologies in educational institutions of higher education.The object of the study is the implementation of professionally oriented disciplines related to countering crimes committed using information and communication technologies in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors consider in detail the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process, their effectiveness in solving applied tasks to improve the educational process, increase the activity of students through their involvement in various activities and stimulating educational activity. The authors pay special attention to the use of information and communication technologies in the pedagogical process of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors reveal the problems of implementing professionally oriented disciplines related to countering crimes committed using information and communication technologies. In the course of the research, the dialectical method of scientific cognition was used, as well as a set of general scientific and special methods for studying the theoretical foundations of pedagogy, creative understanding of the problems of using information and communication technologies in the educational process. The introduction of scientific conclusions and recommendations into the practice of teaching professionally oriented disciplines are made. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the ways proposed by the authors to solve the problems of implementing professionally oriented disciplines. The main didactic questions "Who should be trained?", "What should be taught?", "How should training be conducted?" are considered and "Who will provide training?" professionally-oriented training related to countering crimes committed using information and communication technologies. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is their proposed methodology for teaching students and cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to counter crimes committed using information and communication technologies. The authors note that the training should be carried out using an interdisciplinary approach, including elements of jurisprudence, information technology, psychology, sociology and other relevant fields of knowledge. The novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of the basic didactic principles of the implementation of professionally oriented training related to countering crimes committed using information and communication technologies.
learning technology, teacher qualifications, the educational process, methodological support, didactic provision, professionally oriented disciplines, legal education, information and communication technologies, learning challenges, specialty
Professional training of police officers
Temnyakov, D.A., Ruzin, A.A. (2024). Initial emergency training of traffic police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 1, 67–76.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of learning to drive a car. The object of the study is to train the initial actions of traffic police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the management of operational vehicles in extreme situations. Formation of practical skills in emergency training in the event of extreme situations. The authors consider in detail the location of the driver in the car, substantiate recommendations for the correct landing of the driver, which ensures his readiness for emergency actions. The authors give practical recommendations on the location of the hands on the steering wheel, so that, without losing control of the steering wheel, the driver can interact with the controls of the car. The authors pay special attention to the formation of the so-called "stability triangle" in the student of emergency driving, which includes (shoulders pressed against the back of the seat; the left foot in a resting place; the heel of the right foot, resting on the floor). Research methods: the dialectical method of scientific cognition, a systematic approach and analysis were used in the research process. Taking into account the complexity of the problem under consideration, general scientific and private scientific methods are used in the study: logical method, synthesis, structural and functional analysis and modeling methods. Implementation of the proposed recommendations in the practice of emergency training. The main conclusions of the study are the methodological recommendations proposed by the authors on training at the primary stage of emergency training for traffic police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The initial actions for the correct position of the body behind the driver's seat, methods of rotating the steering wheel with both two hands and one, as well as the development of practical skills in emergency training in the event of extreme situations are considered. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is their proposed methodology for teaching emergency training to traffic police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors consider the technique of driving a car with one hand to ensure full control of the steering wheel. The novelty of the study lies in the disclosure of the basic methodological techniques of initial training in emergency driving, which allows drivers to predict and prevent possible traffic accidents.
the triangle of stability, the position of the driver's feet, driving skills, Extreme driving, emergency preparation, driver's location, car, driver, The dead zone, the position of the driver's hands