Legal status of police officers
Koynov, M.Y., Golubev, I.V. (2023). Legal grounds for the use of improvised means in the activities of police patrol officers. Police activity, 3, 1–15.
The article deals with the legal issues of improving the activities of patrol and post police units in terms of the use of improvised means and means that are not in service when solving operational and service tasks. The purpose of the study: the formation of theoretical knowledge on the legal basis and procedure for the use of improvised means and means that are not in service with the police during carrying out patrol duty. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory framework governing the use of improvised means and means that are not in service in the activities of police patrol and patrol service officers when solving operational and service tasks. To study the practice of using improvised means and means that are not in service in the activities of police patrol officers when solving operational and service tasks. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the need for additional legal regulation of the use of improvised means not only in place of special ones, but along with them other means to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the patrol and post service of the police. Determination of the grounds, conditions, limits and tactical features of the use of improvised means by police officers. And also, the need to correlate the used improvised objects with a similar special tool, which is in service with the police. The problematic points in the topic under study and ways to eliminate such problems are identified, the need for further research in the affected topic is justified.
attack on the police, an extreme necessity, necessary defense, use of force, improvised means, arming the police, special means of the police, patrol service police, police, active protection
Preventative work of the police
Golubev, I.V. (2023). Deviant behavior and ways to prevent dangerous driving. Police activity, 3, 16–26.
The author examines the influence of deviant behavior and psychological personality traits on the tendency to dangerous driving, as well as ways to prevent dangerous driving. Modern society reacts very sharply to the state of its security, even small changes towards the destabilization of established systems cause close concern in society about the current situation. It is necessary to consider such issues, not only in the theoretical way, but also from the practical point of view, while taking into account the social nature of the problem under study. In this regard, the relevance of the study of deviant behavior and ways to prevent dangerous driving is extremely high. The object of this study is the legal relations formed in the field of safe road traffic, arising under the influence of deviant behavior of the driver of the vehicle. The subject of the study is the deviant behavior of the driver of the vehicle. The purpose of the study is to consider the reasons for the formation of deviant behavior of the driver of the vehicle. The objective of this study is to define the concept of deviant behavior of the driver of the vehicle, to consider the conditions for the formation of deviant behavior, to identify factors contributing to this process of behavior, as well as to identify elements that contribute to the prevention of dangerous driving of the driver of the vehicle. The author deduces the definition of the legal culture of the subjects of road traffic, expressed in the prevention of deviant behavior of the driver of the vehicle, and as a consequence, increasing the overall level of road safety in general.
cultural norms, generally accepted norms, communication function, educational function, road traffic, transport vehicle, prevention of offenses, dangerous driving, deviant behavior, moral assessment
Informational support of the police
Temnyakov, D.A. (2023). Psychological and pedagogical features of persuasion and argumentation. Police activity, 3, 27–35.
The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical features of teaching effective methods of argumentation in speeches.The object of the research is the methods of persuasion and influence on the audience. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the formation of communication skills and personal effectiveness, explores the physiology of information perception, reveals techniques for using rationality and emotionality in persuasion. The author pays special attention to the technology, which is commonly called the "Line of argumentation", where the techniques of the border in argumentation are given, which the author designated as "demarcation". The author suggests using the philosophy of persuasion to argue his arguments, reveals the principles of the philosophy of persuasion and the plot of the argument. The main conclusions of the study are the structural components proposed by the author, which must be taken into account when teaching persuasion and argumentation. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the methods he proposed to influence the interlocutor or the audience to confirm his arguments. The author analyzes the evaluation of the strength of the arguments used in the speech to determine the specifics of teaching persuasion and argumentation. The author defines the depth and evidence of argumentation in the speech. The novelty of the research lies in the description of the application of the methods: Perception of information. Rationality and emotionality in persuasion. Technologies of the line of argumentation. Philosophy of persuasion. Evaluation of argumentation.
argumentation training, argumentation skill, perception of information, rationality in persuasion, argumentation line technology, emotionality in persuasion, argumentation methods, philosophy of persuasion, evaluation of argumentation, performance
Professional training of police officers
Soloveichik, M.V. (2023). Organization of Professional Training of Police Officers aimed at Obtaining the Competencies Necessary to Perform Official Duties in Modern Conditions. Police activity, 3, 36–44.
The subject of the study is the organization of professional training of police officers aimed at obtaining the competencies necessary to perform official duties in modern conditions. The object of the study is the educational programs of professional training of police officers in the position of an employee "Policeman", currently being implemented in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author analyzes the features of professional training of police officers, as well as problematic issues that arise during its implementation.The examples of illegal acts against police officers are analyzed, which show the need to improve the effectiveness of vocational training and its orientation to the practice-oriented component. As a result of the analysis, solutions are proposed aimed at improving the effectiveness of professional training of police officers, forming the necessary competencies for law enforcement activities in modern conditions. Changes in the content are proposed for the formation of competencies necessary for the performance of official duties as close as possible to the practical law enforcement activities of the police. The recommendations necessary for the organization of training that meets the requirements for the acquisition of professional competencies reflecting the current conditions of police service are given.The proposed solutions will make it possible to implement measures aimed at improving and matching the professional competencies of police officers necessary in modern conditions of service.
fighting crime, protection of public order, professional activity, modeling, police officer, job responsibilities, professional competencies, conditions of service, professional training, developing learning technologies
Professional training of police officers
Shatskaya, E.A. (2023). The role of professional training in the formation of psychological attitudes among police officers. Police activity, 3, 45–55.
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The author examines the crucial role of professional training in the formation of psychological attitudes of police officers. The subject of the research of this article is the psychological attitudes identified by the police officers themselves, as well as those that need to be formed in the process of vocational training (vocational training). The object of the study is police officers with individual psychological potential. The author of the article examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the effectiveness of professional activity, in particular, the relationship of the basic categories: need, interest, motive, goal, reflection; the content of the educational material, the study of which should focus on a personality-oriented approach. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the focus on the fact that the thematic curriculum for the interdisciplinary course "Moral and psychological training" fully allows to form basic psychological attitudes that allow to more effectively carry out professional duty. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is that the author emphasizes the importance of psychological attitudes, such as empathy, communication skills and the ability to solve problems, in building positive relationships with the subjects of interaction. The novelty of the study lies in the proposed psychological attitudes that have a beneficial effect on the personality of a police officer, on the realization of their personal potential.
Effectiveness, Stereotype, Self-development, Individual, Training, Potential, Psychological attitudes, Police officer, Professionalism, Preparation
Professional training of police officers
Bogdanov, S.G., Tregubov, A.V. (2023). Features of the formation of professional competencies of specialists of the canine services of the Russian Federation. Police activity, 3, 56–72.
The object of this study is the professional competence of specialists in the canine service of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, characterized by structuredness, consistency, integration and practical orientation, specified within the framework of daily activities in the aggregate performance of official tasks. The subject of scientific work is the features of the formation of professional competencies of these specialists in educational activities and special training in the system of law enforcement agencies. The authors have clarified the main complexes of professional cynological competencies, which must necessarily be formed among specialists in accordance with their level of position. Also, the authors have developed and tested in professional activity a formula that reflects the organization of the process of training cynologists in a quantitative ratio from its actual actions in the course of performing official tasks and allows the formation and maintenance of cynological abilities at a sufficiently high level necessary for the implementation of the professional functions of a specialist. This toolkit of pedagogical research is considered necessary for implementation in all canine units of law enforcement agencies in order to implement high-quality professional activities of canine service specialists.
skills, capabilities, modularity, integration, daily activities, special training, specialists, cynologists, professional cynological competencies, professional training
History of the Russian police force
Sysoev, A.A. (2023). Scientific and Technical Support for the Investigation of Criminal Offenders in the Territory of Eastern Siberia in Pre-Soviet Times. Police activity, 3, 73–82.
In the context of the modern transformation of Russian statehood, attention to the problems of improving law enforcement has naturally increased. Of particular importance are the issues of the application of modern scientific achievements. It is no coincidence that over the past decade, the study of the process of formation and development of criminal investigation has noticeably intensified. The object of the study is the activity of the East Siberian Criminal police aimed at combating criminal crime, the subject is the implementation of this activity through the introduction of advanced scientific achievements. The purpose of the study is to determine the content, trends, patterns and contradictions of the process of formation and development of criminal investigation. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the features of the introduction of advanced methods of investigation into the activities of the police of Eastern Siberia. The practice of combating criminal crime in pre-Soviet times on the territory of Eastern Siberia demonstrated the urgent need to apply the latest achievements of science and technology. Due to the lack of effective means and methods of identifying criminals, the criminal investigation system of Eastern Siberia did not fulfill its main tasks. Already in the second half of the XIX century, the steady decline in the personal and property security of the Siberian population required the local administration to take the most drastic measures. One of the most promising areas of combating criminal crime was the use of advanced methods of investigation. However, due to financial difficulties, the use of promising methods in operational activities for many years remained only the lot of single enthusiasts. The remoteness from the metropolis, the personnel crisis and insufficient funding had a decisive impact on the very possibility of using advanced scientific and technical achievements in detective work.
registration, signs, Eastern Siberia, anthropometry, judicial photography, crime, police, detective, link, financing