The police and protection of human rights
Khilyuk, S.O., Abrosimova, P.A. (2023). Legal Guarantees for Police Officers when Citizens Take Photos and Videos of their Official Activities. Police activity, 6, 1–10.
This study's objective is the interaction of employees of internal affairs bodies with mass media. The subject of the study is the legal basis for the interaction of internal affairs officers with the media, the requirements, and the procedure for preparing for such interaction. The purpose of the study is to identify the legitimate grounds for the use of photo and video devices to capture the activities of police officers, as well as the procedure for training police officers to interact with the media. The study uses theoretical research methods (interdisciplinary analysis of literature and normative legal documents, systematization, comparison, and generalization). In this article, the authors reviewed the regulatory documents explaining the rights to capture photos and videos of police officers’ professional activities. The practical significance of this study lies in the legal justification of the legality of the use of photo and video tools in the activities of police officers made by the authors based on the analyzed normative legal acts, generalized based on the studied federal laws and departmental orders communicative requirements for police communication with the media, as well as the experience presented by the authors on the formation of the readiness of future police officers to interact with the mass media at the stage of training in Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs’ educational organizations. So, according to the authors, for the successful preparation of future police officers for interaction with the media, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions, including conducting communication training, creating a cadet press center, studying a special academic discipline, as well as the constant involvement of students in interaction with the media.
citizens, video filming, taking photos, science and technologies progress, competence, communications, press center, training, police officer, mass media
Police administration
Koynov, M.Y. (2023). On the issue of tactical distribution of police patrol squads using the discrete method. Police activity, 6, 11–23.
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The object of the study are the legal relations developing in the field of public security and public order protection in the system of management of the police. The subject of the study is the consideration of the use of innovative methods of distribution of police patrol squads in the management system of the forces of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. This study is conditioned by the need to bring the activities of the police patrol service in line with modern trends in improving the management and distribution of police patrol units, the introduction of innovative technologies, as well as the use of modern methods of distribution of police patrol units. As a tactical component of the study, a model of public order protection and ensuring public order in a large district center is presented, which allows using a discrete method to distribute patrol squads across the service area with the greatest efficiency of responding to committed offenses. The article provides a comparative analysis of similar studies conducted in foreign research institutes by foreign scientists. The system of discrete distribution of police forces allow to determine the optimal number of patrol squads in a given location and to determine the route to the crime scene. The main conclusions of the study are the provisions on the procedure for reorganizing the management system of police patrol squads.
police squad, suppression of crimes, police, patrol distribution system, protection of public order, ensuring public safety, police units' management group, police force management, patrol route, police patrol
Administrative activity of the police
Shumskii, V.V., Tkachenko, V.V., Kolenichenko, V.V. (2023). On the issue of the activities of the district police commissioner for the prevention of offenses in the field of family and household relations. Police activity, 6, 24–35.
The article analyzes the current legislation in the field of prevention of domestic offenses, discusses the tasks of the district police commissioners and the police in general for the prevention of household offenses. The analysis of legislative acts related to the suppression of offenses in the family and household sphere was carried out, statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for 2022 were analyzed. The service of district police commissioners has a leading role in the prevention and suppression of offenses in the sphere of intra-family life. The positive and negative aspects of the activities of the precinct police commissioners were identified, the problems of the implementation of the current legislation by the units of the precinct police commissioners were identified, which should include the workload of the units of the precinct police commissioners of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; related to the fact that on average there are about 400 appeals per precinct officer, or about two during the working day.
administrative activities of the police, family, prevention of violence, administrative offense, district commissioner of the police, police, family and household relations, prevention system, prevention of offenses, domestic violence
Professional training of police officers
Seleznev, V.I. (2023). Analysis of the professional training of police officers, first recruited, in the North-West region. Police activity, 6, 36–45.
The subject of the study is the analysis of the state of professional training of police officers, first employed, in a specific educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the North-Western region. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the results of the survey of police officers upon arrival and surveys upon completion of training (training), entrance control, as well as to conduct a statistical analysis of the results of qualification examinations (final attestations) upon completion of training (training). The conducted research has shown that it is necessary to make significant changes to the vocational training (training) programs, content, forms, means, methods and technologies of training (training) in order to prepare a police officer for the effective performance of professional tasks. The duration of the existing training (training) of police officers, who were first recruited, is on average from 3-4 to 5-6 months. Such a short period of time objectively affects the state of vocational training (professional training) of police officers in a specific educational organization of the North-Western region. The actual state and reliability of the results of qualification examinations (final attestations) police officers upon completion of the existing professional training in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was confirmed in the study by the use of methods of mathematical processing of results (methods of primary statistics): arithmetic mean, sample averages, error of representativeness of the sample average and coefficient of variation.
final certification, competencies, personal qualities, skills, knowledge, professional training, vocational training, questioning, policeman, primary statistics
Professional training of police officers
Kolesnichenko, D.A. (2023). Functional techniques of the improvement of the combat wrestling techniques in educational organizations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Police activity, 6, 46–53.
The purpose of this study is to organize effective "sport training" for cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using the principles of functional all-round training. The subject of the study is the methods of functional all-around, adopted for implementation in the training process of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using the example of the Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the process of research, methods of observation, generalization of independent characteristics, study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, experimentation, generalization, and specification were used. An analysis of the requirements for the performance of law enforcement officers emphasizes the need to develop a special approach to mastering "Physical Training". The result of the work is a set of indicators confirming the effectiveness of using functional all-around techniques to improve the quality of performing combat wrestling techniques. The results of the research can be used in educational process of the educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the discipline “Physical training”. The author substantiates the conclusion that these techniques not only help to realize the potential of general physical training of students, but also to form mental stability in the face of hard physical work, difficulties in the process of maintaining public order and ensuring public safety, as well as in other professional activities. The novelty of the research is determined by the content of the methods used and the rationale for the effectiveness of their use directly to improve the quality of performing combat fighting techniques.
Metcon, AFAP, Tabata, AMRAP, EMOM, types of exercises, circuit training, functional all-around, training methodology, martial arts fighting techniques