Administrative activity of the police
Shaposhnikov, V.L. (2022). Strengthening of Administrative Responsibility for Offenses Committed in the Presence of Persons under the Age of Sixteen. Police activity, 6, 1–8.
The object of the study is social relations arising in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children in the implementation of law enforcement activities by the police. The subject of the study is the impact of the most common administrative offenses committed in public places on the consciousness and behavior of persons under the age of sixteen. The author, through the use of dialectical-legal, social, psychological and pedagogical methods, analyzes the relationship of a set of factors with the consciousness and behavior of children, the formation of deviant behavior in them. The author's main thesis is that children should be protected wherever and with whomever they find themselves, including in the law enforcement sphere, where the police exercise their powers. The author's main conclusions based on the results of the study is that despite the obvious negative consequences for children of committing illegal actions in their presence, the issues of prevention of this phenomenon have not received due attention from specialists and require close attention today. Attention is drawn to the special role of parents in solving the problems of education, on the one hand, and the negative influence of adults who are not related to adolescents and commit administrative offenses, on the other hand. A proposal is being made to tighten administrative responsibility for persons who have committed administrative offenses (petty hooliganism “Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation”, consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages in prohibited places or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances or intoxicating substances in public places “Article 20.20 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation”) in the presence of persons, under the age of sixteen. The results of the study can be used to study the influence of adults on the formation of the legal culture of minors in the field of road safety.
petty hooliganism, administrative responsibility, administrative offense, prevention, police, family, antisocial actions, minors, alcohol consumption, upbringing
Professional training of police officers
Karimov, A.A. (2022). Horror Quests as a Promising Method of Tactical and Special Training of Cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs. Police activity, 6, 9–19.
The object of the study is tactical and special training as a basic element of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies. The subject of the study is horror quests as a promising direction of psychophysical training. The purpose of the work is to study horror quests as a promising direction for the introduction and adaptation of tactical, special and psychophysical training of law enforcement officers. The set goal determines the objectives of the study, namely: 1. To reveal the role of psychophysical training in the system of tactical and special training of law enforcement officers, as well as its impact on overall professional fitness; 2. To consider the history, content and essence of horror quests as one of the most popular types of modern leisure; 3. To evaluate the possibility of adapting the concept of horror quests into the process of tactical, special and psychophysical training of police officers, as well as to consider ways of practical implementation of such adaptation.The scientific novelty lies in the justification of the application of the horror quest methodology in the psychophysical training of police officers.
systematized programs, adaptation, tactical training, horror quests, conceptual programs, modeling, psychophysical training, stress resistance, professional suitability, fire training
Forensic activities and police work
Karimova, T.S. (2022). Verbal Treat as an Object of Linguistic Expertise. Police activity, 6, 20–30.
The article is devoted to the problem of diagnosing the form of statements in the production of forensic linguistic expertise in cases of threat. In linguocriminalism, an expert philologist has to meet with examples when, in the context of a threat, it turns into a speech utterance containing advice, recommendation, warning. The purpose of the study is to reveal the lexical and grammatical features of verbal threat markers in SMS texts and cases of their neutralization by a speech act of the council. The article considers a number of social, communicative, linguistic factors associated with verbal threat. The reason for writing the article was the lack of a unified approach in the expert community to solving the main tasks of this kind of expertise. Conducting an examination in cases of insult has traditionally assumed the solution of two tasks: 1) establishing signs of verbal aggression in a statement addressed to a person; 2) determining the form of the statement – a threat, a warning, a recommendation.
lexical and grammatical threat markers, speech behavior, culture of speech, conflict discourse, speech interaction, linguistic expertise, verbal aggression, conflict situations, speech genre, menace
The police and protection of human rights
Mangasarova, L.A. (2022). The Personality of an Employee-Patriot of the Internal Affairs Bodies and its Scientific and Pedagogical Interpretation. Police activity, 6, 31–40.
The article describes three stages of the research of the scientific and pedagogical essence of patriotism as an integrative quality of the personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies: theoretical analysis of the works of domestic scientists; empirical research of the opinions of the focus group; system modeling of the purpose of patriotic education. The article presents the modeling of the purpose of patriotic education of an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs as a system that includes citizenship, professionalism, cultural, spiritual and socio-moral qualities. The analysis of the results of the study indicates the need for diagnosis and formation in the personal-developing professional environment of the inherent qualities of the personality of the police officer – patriot, characterizing the highest level of its development in the manifestation of active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland. The object of the study is the personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies as a patriot. The purpose of the study: a comprehensive study and scientific and pedagogical interpretation of the personality of an employee
personal development environment, self-realization, self-determination, brainstorming, professionalism, morality, citizenship, patriotic education, patriot, personality
Professional training of police officers
Ayupova, G.S. (2022). Experience of Modeling the Information and Training Space in the Independent Work of the Student in the Preparation of the Graduate Work. Police activity, 6, 41–48.
The subject of the research is the modeling of the educational space, increasing the efficiency of the student's independent work in preparing a thesis. Electronic educational resources are a means of learning and act to transfer its quality. One of the objects of introduction into the educational practice of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continues to be the organization of independent work. The level of the completed thesis, defense performances and the final grade are directly related to the effectiveness of managing students' independent work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it describes in detail the method of using the capabilities of the electronic information and educational environment of the institute to provide methodological and organizational assistance to students performing final qualifying work. This experience of implementing the student's independent work made it possible to identify a number of advantages in comparison with traditional forms. The use of the presented model of managing students' independent work contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives.
educational environment, methodology, pedagogy, independent work, electronic educational resources, educational process, research skills, scientific activity, informational environment of educational establishment, graduate work
Problems of ensuring law-adherence and discipline in police work
Korsun, K.I., Zadorina, M.A. (2022). Prevention of Professional Deformation of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies: Psychological, Pedagogical, Organizational and Legal Aspects. Police activity, 6, 49–61.
The article is devoted to the issue of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies and prevention of its occurrence and development. The subject of the study are regulations, scientific publications and conditions for the organization of work on the prevention of professional deformation of employees in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the research is an interdisciplinary approach that allows accumulating the achievements of scientists from different fields – pedagogy, psychology, management and law. During the research, analysis, synthesis, comparison, observation, study of experience, special legal methods of cognition were used. The reasons for the appearance of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies are considered. Special attention is paid to the stages of formation of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies. In order to reduce the risk of exposure to the development of occupational deformation, the authors state the need for timely prevention of occupational deformation and offer its possible options. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the complex of preventive measures proposed by the authors that contribute to the prevention of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies. The authors come to the conclusion that for the successful implementation of preventive measures to prevent the development of professional deformation, it is necessary to expand the staff of the psychological service, develop the institute of mentoring, develop and adopt programs for the prevention of professional deformation of employees in specific departments of internal affairs bodies, taking into account the specifics of their activities, improve pedagogical and other conditions for the prevention of professional deformation of employees of internal affairs bodies. The results of the study will be useful to specialists of personnel and psychological services, the management staff of the internal affairs bodies, as well as specialists in educational work of higher educational institutions that train future employees of the internal affairs bodies of Russia.
professional burnout, professional legal awareness, psychological services, employees of private security, police officers, prevention of deformation, internal affairs bodies, professional deformation, corruption, official activity
The police and protection of human rights
Osintseva, L.M. (2022). Problems of self-organization among students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 6, 62–70.
The object of the study is the self–organization of students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the subject is the conditions for its implementation. The relevance of this problem is indisputable, because self–organization is the management of a person's own activities, the organization of tasks and the distribution of all resources. A modern person does not just have to have a set of techniques from the field of "how to meet deadlines" or "how to hold a meeting correctly". This is a system for managing yourself and your activities. The students themselves admit that they spend a lot of time irrationally, since the reasons for the loss of time are the inability to plan their time, the inability to separate the main actions from the secondary ones. The novelty lies in comparing the results obtained with the previously known ones, which makes it possible to identify the problem and in the future choose a conceptual solution to it. Since the main goal of self–organization is to maximize your own capabilities, consciously manage the course of your life and successfully overcome any external circumstances. Thus, according to the results of our research, it was determined that first-year students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are mostly unable to plan their time, or do not understand how to properly establish control over distractions during self-organization.
socialization, motivation, organization, activity, planning, time aspect, self-development, self-study, self-organization, educational process
The police and protection of human rights
Alontseva, E.Y. (2022). Interpreter's Participation in Criminal Proceedings (Historical and Comparative Legal Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Legislation). Police activity, 6, 71–84.
The article is devoted to certain issues of the participation of an interpreter in criminal proceedings. The object of the research is the social relations that arise in connection with the involvement of an interpreter to participate in criminal proceedings. The subject of this article is the provisions of the criminal procedure law related to the implementation of the principle of the language of criminal proceedings and regulating the participation of an interpreter in the criminal process, as well as scientifically based positions of scientists in this area, the problems of insufficient regulation of determining the legal status and participation of an interpreter, in a historical context, the history of the appearance of an interpreter in the criminal proceedings of Russia is studied, an analysis of changes that affect his competence is carried out, a comparative analysis of foreign legislation in criminal proceedings is also carried out (on the example of some foreign countries - Great Britain, France, Germany).The work uses general scientific and particular scientific methods, namely: system-structural, comparison, generalization, logical-legal analysis, historical. As a result of the study, the author substantiates the conclusion that in order to improve the legal regulation of the participation of an interpreter in the criminal process in Russia, some procedural issues of participation and the procedure for involving an interpreter in the criminal process, established in the study of foreign legislation, and comparison, should be taken into account when improving Russian legislation. In particular, when studying a candidate for translator by an investigator, it is proposed to take into account the translator's knowledge of legal terminology. Also, the need to involve two interpreters, in the event of a conflict of interests of the suspect, the accused, the appointment in court of a new interpreter who has not previously participated in pre-trial proceedings.
procedural order, translator status history, rights and obligations, accused, suspect, comparative analysis, interpreter, participants in criminal proceedings, principle of the language proceedings, criminal justice
Reforming and upgrading the police
Kuznetsova, L.V., Lazareva, I.Y. (2022). Organization of the Educational Process in Modern Conditions of Digital Transformation of Education. Police activity, 6, 85–93.
The object of the study is the pedagogical training of highly qualified personnel within the framework of the adjunct system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the study is the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on the use of digital technologies corresponding to the digitalization of education developing in our country. The main requirements of the state policy in the field of education in the conditions of digitalization of society are considered. Based on the study of this issue, as well as the use of practical experience, the paper highlights the main approaches and principles of the organization of the modern educational process, taking into account the personalization of learning. The necessity of changing the attitude to the organization of the educational process aimed at updating the goals, content, methods, means and forms of education due to the influence of digital technologies is emphasized. The methodology of the research is presented by empirical methods that provide an analysis of the existing practice of organizing the educational process in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the use of methodological experience, as well as generalization of existing models of organizing the learning process in the conditions of digitalization of society, using personal experience of organizing the educational process according to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel. The novelty of the research is the authors' identification of principles and methods, as well as stages of the organization of the educational process in the adjunct. The conclusion is made about the need to expand the possibilities of using digital technologies to ensure the individualization of training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
personalization of the learning process, digital education infrastructure, e-learning, adjuncts, educational process, innovative processes, digitalization of education, digital transformation of education, digital technologies, organization of the educational process
Administrative activity of the police
Akhtanina, N.A. (2022). The Main Directions of Increasing the Effectiveness of Liability for Recidivism of Administrative Offenses. Police activity, 6, 94–102.
The object of the study is social relations arising on the basis of legal norms regulating administrative responsibility in the commission of several administrative offenses. The subject of the study is: scientific literature, regulatory legal acts and law enforcement practice considering the commission by the same person for the second or more time after bringing to administrative responsibility an intentional administrative offense. The methodological basis of this article is formed by general and particular scientific methods of cognition, including: - dialectical method (when studying the institute of administrative responsibility, establishing links and contradictions of phenomena, implementing their legal assessment); - historical method (in the study of the evolution of the recurrence of administrative offenses, its chronological features and relationships);- interpretation of the norms of law (when studying the norms governing the issues of bringing to administrative responsibility); - system-structural (when studying the conditions and procedure for bringing to responsibility for administrative offenses); - formal legal (when analyzing the norms of administrative law, developing author's conclusions, provisions); - logical (when presenting the research topic and formulating theoretical and practical conclusions), as well as other methods. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the justified and planned changes in administrative legislation, which determines the relevance of improving the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in terms of regulating issues of administrative responsibility for offenses committed by a person previously subjected to administrative punishment. Based on the analysis of modern administrative delicacy, the author concludes that it is necessary to distinguish a new form of recidivism in the multiplicity of administrative offenses. The social danger of relapse is caused by the greater danger of the act, and at the same time the identity of the perpetrator, the persistence of his antisocial views. The fact that a new intentional offense was committed by a person to whom administrative punishment measures were applied indicates that the previous punishment was insufficiently effective, which should be the basis for imposing a more severe punishment, including the basis for prejudicial elements of crimes.
repetition, tort, administrative prejudice, administrative responsibility, crime, administrative offense, recidivism, embezzlement, administrative punishment, legal norm
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Diskina, V.N. (2022). Restrictions, Obligations and Prohibitions related to the Prevention of Corruption Offenses in the Internal Affairs Bodies. Police activity, 6, 103–109.
In order to counteract corruption in the internal affairs bodies, anti-corruption restrictions, duties and prohibitions were imposed on employees. In this connection, employees are required to provide information on income, expenses, and property obligations for themselves and their family members, comply with the requirements for resolving conflicts of interest, promptly notify the manager of the employee's inducement to commit corruption offenses, as well as comply with other anti-corruption provisions. In addition, a police officer is obliged to prevent abuse of official authority, as well as to comply with the requirements for official behavior of an employee. Thus, if employees comply with the prescribed anti-corruption regulations, it is possible to minimize corruption in the police, which grows not only in the internal affairs bodies, but also in other authorities, and negatively affects the authority and reputation of federal executive authorities.
penalty, order, reform, job title, responsibility, police, restrictions, duties, anti-corruption, employee
Informational support of the police
Baumtrog, V.E. (2022). On the issue of classification of inspection and search equipment. Police activity, 6, 110–119.
The subject of the study is the classification of inspection and search equipment. The object of research in the work is the tactical and technical characteristics of various samples of inspection and search equipment, the features of its design, the principles of operation of the devices. The paper discusses such classifiers as the type of the detected object, the design features of the product, the specifics of the impact on the surrounding space, the physical principle of operation. The author pays special attention to the search, formulation and discussion of classification features that allow us to fully characterize not only the purpose and design of a specific inspection or search technical means, but also the principle of operation, in order to form a single conceptual apparatus in the subject area. The main results of the study are a comprehensive consideration of the classification of inspection and search equipment, the formulation of the names of groups of inspection and search equipment, based on its principle of operation. Within the framework of individual groups, an additional division of equipment into subgroups is proposed, which allows even more accurately characterizing its capabilities. The novelty of the research also lies in the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of classifying signs of inspection and search equipment, in the proposal of a classification scheme based on the physical principles of the devices. For a more complete understanding of the developed classification, the author provides examples of search and inspection devices of different types according to the developed criteria.
nonlinear locator, principle of operation, metal detector, georadar, classification, inspection equipment, search technology, lidar, classifier, x-ray installation
Professional training of police officers
Arkhipov, S.N. (2022). Assessment of the Functional State of Trainees of Professional Training Based on Heart Rate Variability. Police activity, 6, 120–126.
Modern conditions of official activity impose increased requirements for the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies. Shooting is the main form of conducting fire training classes and is aimed at the formation, maintenance and improvement of firearms skills by employees. Therefore, when considering issues related to the formation of motor skills, special attention is paid to improving the results of shooting, as well as maintaining and improving the skills of firearms possession by employees in the course of professional activity. In his research, the author noted the need to monitor the functional state of employees at the stage of vocational training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to mobilize psychophysiological resources in the event of stress in the formation of motor skills. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: methods of assessing the functional state (statistical indicators of the functional state of students with gender characteristics were demonstrated); methods of mathematical statistics.The main result of the study is the data on the functional state of students under stress factors in the process of mastering new material, including during training and control shooting. Thus, there is a need to take into account the conduct of classes based on the differentiation of the group by gender when forming the order of the shooting shift. Based on the individual typological features and functional indicators of listeners, with the development of motor skills, optimization of the employee's condition before firing in a stressful situation, which will reduce the influence of negative (internal) factors on the effectiveness of shooting and increase the efficiency of mastering motor skills.
training, functional state, heart rate variability, professional training, fire training, police officer, physiology, motor skill, shooting, listener