Professional training of police officers
Manturov , O.S., Ganaga, V.S. (2020). Communication skills of police officers in the digitized environment
. Police activity, 5, 1–17.
The research subject is the peculiarities of formation and manifestation of communication skills of police officers in the digitized environment. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (formalization, synthesis, generalization of theoretical information on the research issues, and the empirical deductive method), and theoretical methods of the modern social sciences and the humanities. Using the sociological method of questioning, the authors establish the main problems of formation of communication skills of police officers in the digitized environment, analyze the officers’ ideas about prohibitions and restrictions in the digitized environment determined by their professional activities, and detect the weak points of professional training which can damage the image of the internal affairs agencies if ignored. The research helps to reveal several problems connected with communication skills of police officers in the digitized environment. Firstly, it is the absence of normative regulation of the term “communication skills of civil servants” which causes the polyphony in the interpretation of this term. Secondly, it is the absence of formalized requirements to the behavior of police officers in the digitized environment. There are no rules of behavior of police officers on the Internet and in social networks per se, therefore there’s no formal responsibility for their violation. The authors also detect the drawbacks of the professional training and retraining of police officers. The first significant indicator is the fact that most police officers know neither the legislative requirements to digital behavior, nor the current statutory instruments regulating the police officers’ behavior. All these facts prove the necessity to improve the current system of police officers professional training and retraining.
culture of speech, information security, informatization, information, digital space, communication strategy, communication competence, communication culture, professional culture, discrediting the police
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Vodianaia, M., Lyashuk, A.V. (2020). Countering manifestations of extremism in the implementation of administrative supervision and judicial control in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications. Police activity, 5, 18–28.
The article is aimed at further improving the legal support of law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies in the field of countering extremism. The subject of the study is the norms of administrative legislation regulating public relations in the field of administrative supervision of the police and judicial control in the field of countering administrative offenses of extremist orientation in the telecommunications network "Internet", as well as materials of judicial practice and law enforcement activities of police officers. The work uses a set of general scientific methods of cognition, such as dialectical, hermeneutical and systematic approach. Private scientific methods were used, such as formal legal and statistical research methods. Â The authors consider in detail the problem of optimizing counteraction to extremism in the process of administrative supervision of the police, as well as as a result of judicial control over the resolution of cases of administrative offenses of extremist orientation identified during the implementation of state supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications. The characteristic mistakes of law enforcement are revealed, consisting in the excessive application of administrative coercion measures to persons brought to administrative responsibility for extremism. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the approach in the perception of the concept of "extremism" in the telecommunications sphere as a phenomenon of "extreme" radical behavior. The ways of improving legislation and law enforcement activities in this area are proposed.
informatization, law enforcement, extremism, administrative responsibility, administrative supervision, judicial control, public demonstration, contesting, information technology, countering extremism
Professional training of police officers
Krasinskaya, E. (2020). Particular issues of implementation of professional training programs for internal affairs officers in terms of COVID-19 spreading
. Police activity, 5, 29–38.
The research subject is the forms, methods and approaches to the organization of professional training of internal affairs officers in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author analyzes the main approaches to the implementation of professional training programs, particularly, gives special attention to distance teaching and the methods of organization of the educational process. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to reconsider the current system of professional training in internal affairs agencies, to change the approach to its organization and implementation, and the search for the most efficient forms and methods of professional training of officers. The research methodology is based on the systems and competency-building approaches and includes the methods of theoretical, practical and empirical studies, as well as the statistical method and other research methods. The purpose of the research is to define particular problems emerging in the process of implementation of professional training programs using the online teaching techniques; to offer the ways to solve them, which would be the most effective for professional training of internal affairs officers. The author arrives at the conclusion that in order to successfully implement distance professional training programs for the newly employed internal affairs officers, in terms of COVID-19 spreading, particular managerial decisions should be made which would eliminate both organizational and procedural, and material and technical drawbacks. In the author’s opinion, it is reasonable to make adjustments to the organization of professional training. These ideas underlie the topicality of the research. The scientific novelty is determined by the topic of the research and the offered ways to improve the professional training system in internal affairs agencies aimed at increasing its effectiveness in current conditions.
law enforcement, modern educational technologies, professional skills, competence approach, efficiency, distance learning, policeman, professional training, professional education, Information society
Forensic activities and police work
Deryugin, R.A., Malykh, A.A. (2020). Forensic processing of bows: types, features of construction, and the problems of expert practice and identification
. Police activity, 5, 39–47.
Currently, bows along with other types of throwing weapons are often dealt with in the work of forensic departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as objects of forensic processing. Recently, the law has defined the guidelines of forensic processing of objects in terms of their belonging to such a class of throwing weapons as bows, but at the same time, there’s no unified procedure of marking the processed objects. The research subject is various types and the features of construction of bows, the problems of legislative regulation of bows circulation, and the urgent problems of forensic processing of bows. The popularisation of archery and the growth of the number of bows owners in society, as well as the accessibility of bows have defined the necessity to regulate bows circulation. However, despite the 2020 changes in certain legislative documents, many crucial issues of bows using haven’t been settled. The authors consider some topical and unsolved problems of forensic processing of bows and formulate the conclusions about throwing weapons marking using technical means, the rules of licensing, storage and circulation of bows. The authors consider the rules of forensic processing of bows as cold and throwing weapons.
bowstring, archery, arme blanche, block bow, expertise, metal weapons, classic bow, bow, lever, shoulders
Police staffing
Izinger, A.V., Trusova, N.K. (2020). Professionally significant traits of guard police officers. Police activity, 5, 48–59.
The topicality of the research is determined by the need to formulate the concept of professionally significant traits of police officers and to form their list which would define the effectiveness of execution of professional tasks by guard police officers. The research is aimed at the improvement of professional training and educational work with guard police officers by means of establishing, using the definition and the minimum essential list of professionally significant traits, the most effective ways the senior officers can influence the junior ones which would ensure their effective work. The research subject is the set of legal provisions, scientific sources and law enforcement practice helping to study the problem in question through the lens of practical use during professional training. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the complex approach to studying the concept of professionally significant traits, including that based on psychological aspects, and formulating the author’s idea of this concept. Taking into account the law enforcement practice, the authors form the list of professionally significant traits of guard police officers. This list is meant to be easy to understand and defined by particular tasks performed by guard police officers. The authors define the correlation between professionally significant traits and personal traits in order to find the ways of educational impact on junior officers. Based on the research, the authors focus on the role of senior officers of guard police in the formation of professionally significant traits of junior officers during their service and educational work.
personnel training, competence, professional skill, qualification criteria, training of employees, educational work, security and convoy units, professionally significant qualities, impact on the individual, method of influence