Professional training of police officers
Struganov, S.M., Barkalov, S.N., Zyryanov, V.S. (2020). The fundamentals of sharpening the police officers’ skills of using combat fighting techniques in nontypical situations. Police activity, 3, 1–10.
The article raises the problem of improving physical training of police officers, particularly the sharpening of tactical motions and legitimate use of combat fighting techniques during their service. To implement this task, it is necessary to introduce innovative techniques and methods into the educational process using various means and forms of education. The authors also consider the problem of a lack of connection between the educational process and practice demonstrating the inability of the recent graduates to solve operational tasks in nontypical and extreme circumstances of their professional activity. The authors suggest expanding the range of combat fighting techniques by means of studying and adopting them from other types of combat sports which are more appropriate for the professional activities of police officers. The authors conclude that it is necessary to: expand the range of techniques and methods of teaching the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and acting police officers and to include the techniques of various types of combat sports use the distracting tactique and the methods of progressive raising of an assistant’s resistance which would help to sharpen the tactics and technique of combat introduce the use of simulating situations in the educational process of police officers which would simulate the real circumstances with certain operational tasks, which would improve psychological readiness of students to nontypical and extreme situations of their future profession.
operational and service tasks, knocking factors, physical training, non-standard situations, fighting techniques, physical fitness, police officer, service activity, technical and tactical training, professional qualities
Operative investigation in police work
Bulbacheva, A.A., Kotyazhov , A.V. (2020). Collisions and contradictions of legal regulation in the field of struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances, and their precursors: the ways of improvement of anti-narcotics legislation
. Police activity, 3, 11–21.
The object of research is the set of legal provisions regulating social relations emerging during the process of struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances, and their precursors. The research subject is the set of legal norms in the field of struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances and precursors. The research methodology is based on general philosophical methods, the dialectical method of scientific cognition, analysis of documents, comparative-legal analysis, the specific historical approach, the methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction. The theoretical significance of the research consists in the attempt to analyze the legal basis of the struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances and precursors. The purpose of the research is the improvement of the legal basis of the struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances and precursors; the elimination of contradictions in regulatory documents. The article represents the opinion about the necessity to exclude the term “intoxicating substances”. The analysis of the legal framework of the struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs, psychoactive substances and they precursors allows the authors to detect the problem issues of non-compliance of legal provisions regulating legal relations in the field of the struggle against illicit trafficking of drugs at the level of federal legislation, which often leads to the contradictory practice of law-enforcement in the field of administrative, intelligence, criminal-legal and other legal relations involving the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
disclosure of crimes, identification, coordination of activities, drug trafficking narcotic, psychotropic substances, narcotic drugs, operational-search activity, administrative offense, operational-search measures, intoxicants
Professional training of police officers
Mangasarova, L.A. (2020). The concept and the current state of pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer
. Police activity, 3, 22–31.
The subject of research is pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer as a component of the process of planning and development of an officer’s career which is considered in the context of organizational and educational process. The object of research is the process of an internal affairs officer’s career development. The purpose of the research is scientific substantiation of the effectiveness of using pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer. The author uses analysis and synthesis to formulate the concept of pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer. The author forms a research hypothesis based on the assumption that a focused, consequent and coordinated pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer promotes the formation of an integral system of organisational, educational, psychological and pedagogical support, the stimulation of the active role of officers in the process of planning and development of their career, and the improvement of the effectiveness of professional and personal potential of officers. The author arrives at the conclusion that the formulation of the concept and the consideration of the theoretical prerequisites of the problem, the essence and the contents, the current state of pedagogical support for the development of the career of an internal affairs officer will help create the system of effective stimulation of professional and personal potential of officers and their successful career growth. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it is the first to consider the concept of “pedagogical support for the development of the career” of an internal affairs officer, and to reveal its contents and current state.
intra-organizational career, professional career, career growth, career planning, career development, career, educational support, professionalism, self-development, selfdetermination
Professional training of police officers
Nasadyuk, E.V., Simontovskii, A.P. (2020). Peculiarities of special physical training of internal affairs officers at the stage of technical and tactical improvement of defence against beating. Police activity, 3, 32–40.
The article demonstrates the results of the scientific research conducted by the authoring team of the department of tactical, firearms and physical training of the faculty of professional training of Vladivostok branch of the Far-East Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia aimed at the detection of the peculiarities of organization of special physical training of internal affairs officers at the stage of technical and tactical improvement of defence against beating. The authors use the methods of theoretical analysis of the corresponding scientific works in the field of psychology and pedagogics, as well as pedagogical experiment and the methods of mathematical statistics (two-sample Student’s t-test) and interpretation. Statistical calculations were made using the Microsoft Excel analytical package for statistical processing of initial data. These methods help substantiate the necessity to focus the attention on the development of coordination abilities which would help increase the effectiveness of the process of organization of special physical training at the stage of technical and tactical improvement of defence against beating. Besides, the research has revealed the pedagogical potential of coordination abilities. It helped develop the technique of formation and organization of the educational and training process. The introduction of this technique has significantly improved the characteristics of a technical skill of defence against beating. Thus, the technique based on the motional tasks aimed at the development of coordination abilities of internal affairs officers helps to raise significantly the effectiveness of the process of special physical training at the stage of tactical and technical improvement of defence against beating.
the direction of the pedagogical effects of actions, educational and training educational and physical qualities, educational-training educational - organization of motor actions, educational and training training and technical skill, educational and training process, employees of bodies of internal Affairs of impacts of action, shock protection, coordination capabilities, stage of technical and tactical improvement, special physical training
Question at hand
Ayupova, G.S., Lyubushkin, S.Y. (2020). Peculiarities of legal responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident
. Police activity, 3, 41–48.
The object of research is the set of social relations emerging as a result of using the provisions of criminal and administrative law imposing the responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident. The research subject is the provisions of criminal, administrative and other branches of Russian law regulating social relations in the field of road safety promotion, the judicial practice materials related to the crimes and administrative offences in the field of road safety, statistical data and scientific works on the research topic. The research methodology is based on the general dialectical method involving the consideration of legal terms, phenomena and processes in their development and interconnection. The authors use general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the authors, based on the comprehensive system research, acquire the new results and formulate theoretical provisions regarding the improvement and application of the provisions of criminal and administrative law imposing the responsibility for leaving the scene of the accident. Particularly, the authors formulate the provisions on certain issues of classification of crimes specified in part 2, 4 and 6 of article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The authors substantiate the necessity to fill the lacuna in administrative regulation of leaving the scene of the accident.
criminal law, criminalization, car, traffic, leaving in danger, crime, traffic accident, intoxication, criminal liability, administrative offense
The police and criminal procedure
Alontseva, E.Y. (2020). The problem of a procedural status of some participants of investigative activities organized according to the ruling of the court
. Police activity, 3, 49–60.
The article analyzes the provisions of the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts in the field of criminal process, regulating the pool of participants of investigative activities organized in accordance with the ruling of the court, and the problems of absence of a procedural status of some persons. The author considers the issues of their participation and the procedure of them using their rights. The article reveals the problems of an insufficient regulation of the status of persons participating in such investigative activities as search of dwellings without the inhabitants’ consent at the stage of a criminal case initiation; search of dwelling, and seizure in dwelling at the stage of a pre-trial investigation. The author uses such methods as dialectical, general scientific method, formal-logical, and system-structural. The author substantiates the conclusion that it is not reasonable to extend the list of participants of the criminal process and include into the list all persons involved in investigative activities requiring the ruling of the court. The absence of a particular article for each particular person involved in investigative activities does not mean this person has no right to defend their rights and lawful interests in criminal proceedings. Based on the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the author forms the list of fundamental rights and duties of a person without a status of a participant of criminal proceedings who is involved in investigative activities requiring the ruling of the court. The author suggests specifying a procedural status of a forensic investigator, formulates the definition of a lawful representative of a person the court decision about a compulsory treatment is being made on. The author suggests including the list of persons possessing a right to complain to the court, apart from a complainant, persons who turned themselves in and persons subject to the investigation upon a report of a crime, into one of the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court.
procedural status, rights and obligations, specialist, home inspection, participants in criminal proceedings, investigative actions, criminal proceedings, legal representative, investigator, judgment
Professional training of police officers
Shatskaya, E.A. (2020). Professionalism and competence of internal affairs officers. Police activity, 3, 61–69.
The subject of research covers such categories as “professionalism” and “competence”. These concepts are considered from the general scientific viewpoint, and with respect to internal affairs officers. The author studies the criteria of professionalism, the levels and types of competence. Competence is the most important component of professionalism of internal affairs officers. The research object is professional competence of internal affairs officers which is understood to be an ability to protect life, health, rights and liberties of an individual and a citizen, public order, and property, to ensure public safety, to combat crime, in particular, under the conditions requiring use of force, special means and firearms, and in an emergency. The author concludes that professional competence of internal affairs officers is a complex concept which includes the range of personal traits, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, and the knowledge itself. Using the outcome-based approach to the educational activity, the author focuses on the modular variant of professional training of internal affairs officers. The organization of internal affairs officers into modules depends on their duty position. The author enumerates the main advantages of such an approach: the contents of modules allows acquiring comprehensive professional knowledge; different levels and types of competence are being implemented. The gained professional competence in professional training programs for internal affairs officers promotes the formation of consistent vision of professional tasks.
Skills, Abilities, Knowledge, Competency-based approach, Professional competency, Competence, Professionalism, Employee, Efficiency, Activities