Question at hand
Zeinalov, F.N., Lyashenko, E.A. (2018). Registering a Road Traffic Accident by a Driver Via European Accident Report. Police activity, 2, 1–6.
The subject of the research is the system of legal relations in the sphere of road safety. The aim of the research is to analyze the legal base that regulates the order of registering a road traffic accident by submitting an accident report witout police officers as well as special training of drivers. The researchers focus on such aspects as the definition of a European accident report, legal consolidation of a simplified procedure for registering a road traffic accident, and experience of the foreign states on the matter. The authors emphasize the need to devote a great number of academic hours to teaching practical skills in filling in an accident report. They also explain the grounds for making amendments to Clause 284 of the Administrative Regulation approved by the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 664 dated September 21, 2017. The methodological basis of the research implies the system of philosophical knowledge that sets forth the main requirements for scientific theories, the nature, structure and scope of application of different research and analysis methods, fundamental provisions of the theory of law and state, and methods of logical and systems analysis. The scope of application of the research results include activity of state authorities, law enfrocement practice, educational process, scientific research of road traffic and road safety experts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the practical and theoretical importance of the law enforcement issues in the sphere of road safety as well as training of drivers. In conclusion, the authors of the article suggest to devote more than three academic hours for training drivers how to fill in an accident report. The authors also suggest to make relevant amendments to Clause 284 of the Administrative Regulation, in particular, replace the term 'scheme of administrative violation' with the term 'scheme of a road accident place'.
programme of professional training, education programme, traffic rules, a driver's duties, notice of the road accident, a European accident report, road traffic accident, road safety, foreign experience, drawing up a road accident scheme
Administrative activity of the police
Nikonova , Y.S. (2018). Implementation of the Principles of State Control (Supervision) in Control and Supervision Activities Performed by Executive Authorities . Police activity, 2, 7–18.
The subject of the research is the principles of state control (supervision). Based on the current judicial practice in solving the cases that may arise in the process of implementing the principles of state control (supervision) in control and supervision activities performed by executive authorities, and statistical data of the Justice Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the author of the article describes the practical law enforcement potential of the aforesaid principles and describe their evolution dynamics. The author concludes that when being implemented to the reali life and in response to reformations of the state control (supervision), principles change their priority order. Some of them come to the forth, and others become less important. In the course of her research Nikonova has applied general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, description, generalisation, etc.) and special research methods (comparative law, structured sytem analysis, method of legal interpretation) as well as the method of statistical evaluation. All these methods allowed to describe the main trends and patterns of the process under the study. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need to reform a new system of the principles of state control (supervision) that, according to the author, should be based on the Concept of the Federal Draft Law On State and Municipal Control (Supervision) in the Russian Federation and the Concept of Increasing Efficiency of Control and Supervision Measures of State Authorities.
control and supervision measures, the principle of openness, principle of separation of powers, principle of good faith, notification procedure, principles, control and supervision activities, state control, check, reform of control and supervision
The police and criminal procedure
Alontseva, E.Y. (2018). Detention of the Suspect Pursuant to Criminal Procedure Legislation of Russia and Some CIS States (Comparative Law Analysis). Police activity, 2, 19–23.
The article is devoted to particular issues associated with the detention of the suspect. The object of the research is the law enforcement practice of the bodies of preliminary investigation and detention. The subject of the research is the provisions of Russia's and the Commonwealth of Independent Countries' states (Armenia's, the Azerbaijani Republic's, the Republic of Tajikistan's, Kyrgyz Republic's, the Republic of Moldova's) laws that give a definition and describe the nature of detention, the time of actual detention, calculation of the time of actual detention, and scientifically grounded positions of procedure law scientists on the matter. In her research Alontseva has used general and special research methods, in particular, structured systems analysis, comparison, generalisation, and logical law analysis. Based on the results of the research, the author suggests to make amendments to Articles 5 and 92 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation that set forth the period of detention and clarify the definition of the time of actual detention. The author comes to the conclusion that some aspects of the legal regulation of procedural issues of detention pursuant to criminal procedure legislation of CIS states can be used as the basis for further research.
restriction of freedom, procedural detention, time of actual detention, period of detention, measure of procedural coercion, detention, personal immunity, criminal procedure legislation, capture, the delivery of a
The police and criminal procedure
Isaeva, K.A., Alisherov, A.T. (2018). Areas of Concern in Commissioning and Conduction of Legal Enquiries as Part of Investigation of Contract Killing in the Kyrgyz Republic. Police activity, 2, 24–33.
The article is devoted to the areas of concern that be faced in the process of commissioning and conduction of contemporary legal enquiries as part of discovering contract killing in the Kyrgyz Republic. The authors of the article describe the main trends and prospects for developing fprensic equipment used to investigate contract killing in the CIS states in general. They demonstrate priority areas for forensic provision of case types including development and modernization of this aspect. In addition, the authors also touch upon expertise in the Kyrgyz Republic and outline the main factors that may create obstacles in the investigation process including investigation of contract killings. Moreover, the authors describe four groups of factors (of both subjective and objective nature) that relate to the implementation of forensic methods and means which use decreases the efficiency of counteracting to the aforesaid crime in the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on the analysis of the problems disccused in this article, the authors give recommendations including those of legal nature, in relation to new regulations of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (2017). Recommendations given by the authors will allow to solve a whole number of issues faced by expert organisations and bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation.
a crime, personality, contract killings, facilities, methods, expert, expertise, expert service, pre-trial proceedings, investigation
Professional training of police officers
Gizatullin, M.G. (2018). The Experience in Using Electronic Manuals at a University Based on the Competency Building Approach to Teaching. Police activity, 2, 34–64.
In his research Gizatullin touches upon implementation of electronic manuals in teaching Legal Informatics, both in class and for independent research of university students. The object of the research is the process of vocational training of students. The subject of the research is the use of electronic manuals in the process of vocational training. The author of the article examines a set of requirements recommended for the use of electronic manuals at a University. He pays special attention to the development and use of electronic manuals in teaching Legal Informatics to Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The methodological basis of the research implies empirical research methods such as comparison, questionnaire survey, and expert evaluation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the article demonstrates how a law institute performs the integration of academic materials that combine theoretical materials, practical exercises, list of Internet resources and online tests to evaluate the students success. The main conclusion of the research is that the use of electronic manuals both in class and student's independent research does not only raise the quality of teaching Legal Informatics to law students but also actively stimulates their cognitive activity and personal motivation to acquire professional competence.
electronic materials, subject matter, educational process, educational program, higher education institution, educational organization, higher education, electronic manual, faculty, student