Police administration
Kalyuzhny, Y.N. (2017). Modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. Police activity, 3, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22258
The research subject is the modern mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The research object is legal relations, phenomena and processes connected with the state management of road traffic safety provision. The author considers the modern achievements in the sphere of road traffic safety provision, analysis of the content of particular statutory documents defining the directions of the state policy in the sphere of road traffic aimed at the prevention of road accidents and decrease of the gravity of their consequences. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific research methods (formal-legal, analytical, the system method, analysis, comparison, etc.). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of statutory documents defining the key mid-term directions of road traffic safety provision in the Russian Federation. The author concludes that in Russia consistent activities aimed at the prevention of road accidents and minimization of their consequences are realized. These measures are complex, and the mentioned directions of road traffic safety provision will certainly be reflected in the elaboration of a unified strategic mid-term document, which should be in the form of a legal act harmonized with the existing legal framework in this sphere.
state policy, safety provision system, subjects of management, key directions, security, road safety, traffic, state management , relationship, public authorities
Forensic activities and police work
Ostrovskii, O.A. (2017). Object decomposition principle in systematization of ID codes characterizing cybercrimes. Police activity, 3, 10–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.21869
The author considers such aspects as the use of information tracks for the investigation of cybercrimes; proposes a well-elaborated system of interaction and presentation of the information in a flow graph for further classification of cybercrimes. The research object is cybercrime, which can be seen in information tracks, and tactical and technical mechanisms of detection, storage and subtraction of information tracks. The research subject is the cybercrime patterns leaving information marks, and the activities of law enforcement agencies aimed at the detection, fixation and use of such tracks for investigation of crimes. Special attention is given to the new principle of systematization of codes characterizing cybercrimes on the basis of object decomposition. The author uses the principles of object decomposition for the systematization of ID codes characterizing cybercrimes. The research methodology has the following peculiarities: investigative activities aimed at the acquisition of primary information; typification of investigatory situations; detection of circumstances; development of investigatory programs; organization of preventive activities of investigators; tactics of investigatory and other actions. The author concludes that analysis, identification and classification of cybercrimes are among the main and the most difficult tasks due to the extending range of such crimes and constant development of the means of transmission and storage of information. It requires not only a special tactics of investigatory and organizational activities, but, first and utmost, special knowledge in the sphere of information technologies. All the codes, characterizing cybercrimes, have an identifier starting with “Q”. For the identification of crimes, codes in descending order of gravity of a crime can be used. The author proposes the object decomposition principle, based on ID codes decoding, the system of interaction, and the presentation of information in a flow graph for further visualization. It will help an expert to classify the committed cybercrime quickly and accurately and assign to it a certain code.
system approach, system, codes, information tracks, Cybercrime, identification, systematization, object decomposition principle, classification, forensics and expertise
Forensic activities and police work
Savchenko, O.A. (2017). The trace pattern of thefts in the sphere of information technologies. Police activity, 3, 19–26. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.21930
The subject of this scientific research is the regularities of formation, collection and studying of traces of thefts in the sphere of information technologies. Thefts in the sphere of IT are a type of crimes encroaching on another’s property committed via using information technologies as means of theft. There are three types of thefts in the sphere of computer information: computer fraud, theft and embezzlement in the sphere of information technologies. Crime traces are formed in the process of committing of thefts in the sphere of information technologies. Thereby the purpose of the study is to develop a classification of traces of thefts in the sphere of information technologies based on the features of traces of computer fraud, theft and embezzlement. The author uses methods of theoretical and practical levels: the method of analogy, comparison, measurement, the method of microscopic examination, and the methods of forensic science. The author formulates the groups of traces in the sphere of information technologies, describes the features of traces of certain types of thefts. The first group of traces represents the changes in the familiar environment: a mechanical damage caused by using technical devices in the process of committing a crime, fingerprints, etc. And the second group of traces represents the changes in the information environment, the sphere of information technologies: traces of creating, copying and modifying, removing and sending data, using computer program, computer virus, electronic document and electronic digital signature. The results can be used for the formulation of recommendations for the investigation of thefts in the sphere of information technologies and other crimes committed via computer programs and technical devices in this sphere.
traces of mechanical impact, types of traces, traces of thefts, embezzlement, theft, computer fraud, thefts, information technologies, changes in the information environment, electronic storage device
Forensic activities and police work
Vinogradov, A.A. (2017). On the concept of criminalistic support for the investigation of car thefts. Police activity, 3, 27–33. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22609
The subject of the study is the set of different approaches of forensic science to the definition of a concept of "criminalistic support for the investigation of crimes", to its essence and significance from the scientific and practical point of view, as well as the relationship of this concept with the methods of scientific knowledge and criminalistics.The object of the study is the emergence, formation and development of the scientific category of "criminalistic support for the investigation of crimes." The author considers the possibilities to solve the legal, organizational, scientific-methodological and scientific-technical issues, which form the basis of criminalistic support. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical-materialistic method of scientific cognition, general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, comparison, the system-structural and logical methods), special juridical instruments and methods of cognition guaranteeing the completeness and comprehensiveness of the study of criminalistic support for investigation of crimes as a scientific category. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the author substantiates the relevance and expediency, reveals the essence of criminal investigation of crimes, acquires new information and formulates the conclusion about the scientific category of forensic support for investigation of car thefts as a method of forensic science. The author offers his own definition of a car theft.
Forensic knowledge, Forensics' functions, Car theft, Forensic support, investigation of crimes, Forensic method, method, Criminology, Introduction, Scientific category
Professional training of police officers
Avakova, O.V. (2017). Role of speech situations in the formation of foreign language communicative competence of law enforcement officers. Police activity, 3, 34–40. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.21129
The author proves the importance of speech situations in the formation of foreign language communicative competence of law enforcement officers. The author studies speech situations whose effectiveness depends on the provision of those being trained with standard means of language. The author considers the process of situational communication as a set of conditions and circumstances, which encourage to communicate and to express ideas, feelings and wishes. The author emphasizes that the insertion of the elements of the basic foreign language into the professional foreign language can help law enforcement officers to communicate more effectively in different situations both in their native country and abroad. The research method is a unified cognitive approach, which includes the methods of logical analysis, the comparative method and the method of context analysis. The author is the first to describe the theoretical aspect of a poorly studied problem of use of situational communication for the formation of communicative competence of law enforcement officers. Defining the conceptual cognitive basis of the narration, speech situations set the communication objective and the algorithm of use of language practices and means of expression, thus helping not only to use the foreign language as a means of professional communication, but also to overcome the communicational difficulties.
communication, teaching process, speech situation, communicative competence, formation, speech, foreign language, education, police officer, activation of speech
Professional training of police officers
Tahirov, Z.I. (2017). Administrative regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers of the Russian Federation in course of their daily service and in emergency situations . Police activity, 3, 41–51. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2017.3.22228
The article considers the problem aspects of administrative regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers of the Russian Federation in course of law enforcement service. The research object is the professional safety of internal affairs officers as an objective condition (characteristic) of the system of service in the internal affairs bodies, and the system of measures aimed at the reduction of professional risks and threats. The research subject is the set of legal provisions regulating the procedure of service in the internal affairs bodies with regard to personal professional safety of employees. These provisions are within the scope of constitutional, administrative, labor, and so-called “police” law. The purpose of the study is to detect juridical inconsistencies of the normative sphere of regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The research tasks are to describe the genesis of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, to study the structure of an administrative provision about personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, to formulate particular recommendations about the improvement of legal regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The author uses general scientific and specific juridical research methods guaranteeing the historicism, objectivity and consistency of normative-legal study of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. They include the principles of development of the research object, its logical determinacy, historical specificity and dialectical connection between the logical and historical methods of cognition; consistency and comprehensiveness of study; general scientific approaches: the system, genetic, activity approach; the methods of analysis and synthesis, juridical interpretation and other research methods of the modern socio-humanistic studies. The article is based on the current Russian sources of law via use of departmental statistics. Special attention is given to the detection of gaps in the departmental legal provisions in the sphere of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers, which don’t regulate the constitutional right of internal affairs officers to safe working conditions. The author substantiates the conclusion that professional risks of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers must be normatively regulated. The research results are described accurately and meaningfully. The author gives factual information and instances in the examples of legal practice describing particular interrelations of legal provisions and the patterns of the mechanism of legal regulation of personal professional safety of internal affairs officers. The author prefers using the latest research results and long-term data. Author’s critical conclusions contradict the existing legal provisions and are of a particular practical importance for the comprehensive provision of internal affairs officers’ safety, reduction of rate of accidents and deaths of officers in the course of duty, and general stabilization of the personnel system of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
Anatoly Budanov, administrative provision, internal affairs officer , personal professional safety, police, organization, injury, death, emergency, special conditions