Police staffing
Serdyuk N. V. (2013). Development of hermeneutical approach in educational work of the head of the body of Internal
Affairs. Police activity, 2, 79–83. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62474
the article exposes the essence of the hermeneutical approach in educational work of the head of the body of Internal Affairs. This approach is based on the principles of comprehension, assimilation and introspection of professional experience.
hermeneutical approach, educational work, head of the body of Internal Affairs, official interpretation, sensual thinking, human resources, service, officer, police, police officer, pedagogics.
The police and the institutions of civil society
Kashkina E. V. (2013). About the status of the subjects of public order maintenance. Police activity, 2, 84–92. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62475
among all subjects assisting the bodies of Internal Affairs in the matter of public safety ensuring the citizen
is viewed as the most important one. This citizen can offer various help to the law-enforcement bodies depending
on the level of his or her social activity. In the presence of various forms, which the citizens’ participation may take in
the matter of public safety ensuring it is possible to classify them into certain groups. This classification is based on
the type of the citizens’ activity and this allows simplifying of the procedure of interaction with the bodies of internal
affairs in the matter of public safety ensuring in public places.
subject, preventive measures, public safety, religion, society, union, interaction, assistance, citizen.
Police enforcement
Astishina T. V., Markelova E. V., Opholz I. A. (2013). Prevention of juvenile delinquency by police. Police activity, 2, 93–99. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62476
the author suggests that prevention of offences among the juvenile — is a very acute task in preventive
activity of the bodies of Internal Affairs. Infringing behavior of the minors determines not only crime in general at
present, but it also determines future crime. Obviously it’s a serious question to carefully choose the organization,
which this job will be imposed on. Notwithstanding the comparatively low statistics of offences committed by the juvenile
among the general crime, the work aimed at prevention of the offences among the juvenile is of great importance.
police, task force for the work with the cases of juvenile, bodies of Internal Affairs, preventive measures, compulsion, conviction, measures, help, interaction, collaboration, neglect, public safety.
Police enforcement
Nesmelov P. V. (2013). Legal regulation of using force, special equipment and firearms by police officers. Police activity, 2, 100–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62477
the article provides a research of legal and organizational foundations and the reasons, which justify the
use of force, special equipment and firearms by police.
compulsion, prevention, police, firearms, means, police officer, employee, foundation, technic, unarmed self-defense, wrestle.
Administrative activity of the police
Admiralova I. A. (2013). Administrative process and application of specific knowledge in it. Police activity, 2, 104–106. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62478
the article studies legal and organizational issues in application of specific knowledge in administrative
process and procedure related to the cases of administrative offense.
administrative offences, specific knowledge, forensic inquiry, expert, expert opinion.
Administrative activity of the police
Zhitnik N. A., Ushakova I. V. (2013). Notion and essence of the complaint procedure in the work of customs bodies. Police activity, 2, 107–110. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62479
the article studies legal and organizational issues in complaint procedure in the activity of customs
bodies, and peculiarities of complaint procedure in the customs sphere. The authors determine place of the customs
complaint in the system of the rights protection means of the participants of customs relations.
complaint, customs, customs officer, service, defense, procedure, process, stage, participant, body, function.
Administrative activity of the police
Kalinina N. S. (2013). Notion and essence of the public event in administrative law. Police activity, 2, 110–115. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62480
the article exposes essence and notion of the public event in administrative law, it studies the matter of
the rally, demonstration, march, picketing.
rally, law, march, event, classification, picketing, picketer, freedom, demonstration.
Preventative work of the police
Kupreev S. S., Dorofeev R. O. (2013). Administrative and legal means of offence prevention used in the sphere of
national security. Police activity, 2, 116–120. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62481
the article is about administrative and legal means of crime prevention in the sphere of national security.
The mentioned means are as follows: the cause and reason promoting the realization of the threats to the security of
the Russian Federation and make an official warning to the physical body. An important role of the implementation of
such measures in the framework of the national security is stated.
administrative, legal, means, preventive measures, prevention, presentation, official, caution, offence, crime.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Kuleshov R. V. (2013). Principles of the theory of operative and militant counteraction to extremist and terroristic
activity. Police activity, 2, 121–125. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62482
the author analyses how the theory of operative and militant counteraction to extremist and terroristic
activity is related to other types of jurisprudence, such as law of criminal procedure and administrative law with the
perspective of succession of the scientific knowledge.
theory on operative and militant counteraction to extremist and terroristic activity, principles related to the building of the theory of operative and militant counteraction to extremis, principle of the historical method, relation of theory to practice, interaction with the public, observation of the lawfulness, planning, objectiveness, conspiracy, offence, combination of open and classified events.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Proletenkova S. E. (2013). Methodology of counteraction to extremism. Police activity, 2, 125–128. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62483
the article describes the structure of administrative legal research of the religious extremism. The study
of the phenomenon of the contemporary religious extremism and elaboration of the means to eliminate it conjugate
with a number of challenges, which inevitably arouse problems of methodological nature for the researcher. The matter
of fact of these challenges is mainly based on philosophical heritage of the past and the works of contemporary
scientists, to comprehend the legal and political nature of religious extremism as a dangerous social phenomenon,
find out the reasons of its appearance and its threats to national safety and perspective tendencies of counteraction
(averting or parry) to religious extremism or any other type of extremism in the nearest future.
political extremism, foreign countries, law, counteraction, internal safety, methodology, religious extremism, logics, novelty, cognitive methods.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Sochnev D. V., Abasov M. M. (2013). General types and most commonly used forms of international terrorism. Police activity, 2, 129–136. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62484
the author of the article compares legislation of a number of foreign countries in the sphere of combat
with terrorism. Notwithstanding the fact that terrorism acquired the status of the international phenomenon comparatively
not long ago, the world community has gained considerable experience in the sphere of legislation how to
combat it.
terrorism, extremism, classification of terrorism, bioterrorism, cyber terrorism, law, convention, UNO, CIS, confession, fundamentalism, Al-Qaeda.
Financial and economical functions of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities and institutions
Korzun S. Y. (2013). Financial control and financial activity in theory and in practice of sate administration. Police activity, 2, 137–143. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62485
the article suggests its readers a number of points of view at the category of financial activity. It is stated
in the article that financial control is part of financial activity, although financial control has its own subject, forms
and methods of realization in the financial system.
control, finances, activity, state, administration, budget, offence, body, chamber, theory, practice.