The police and protection of human rights
Korzun S. Y. (2012). Realization of administrative and judicial means of protection of the taxpayer’s rights. Police activity, 4, 5–16.
the problem of protection of citizens’ rights has always been of great interest to the scientists
and specialists. Building and functioning of a jural state and institutes of civil society is not possible without
the observance of civil rights. Which is why almost all developed countries are striving for building legal and
organizational mechanisms, which will guarantee and protect the citizens’ rights in all spheres of their lives.
Physical entities build various relationships using their legal status in different spheres of life, including public
administration. Tax field is a special sphere physical entities deal with in their general legal status.
tax, tax inspectorate, control, protection, taxpayer, means, method, liability, suit, and complaint.
Administrative activity of the police
Kupreev S. S., Ryabchikov Y. I. (2012). Institute of banishment according to the legislation of the Russian
Federation. Police activity, 4, 17–26.
the article studies various situations of using in practice of the Institute of administrative expulsion
of aliens according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The authors analyze legal origin, essence
and order of implementation of such forms of administrative expulsion as banishment from the territory of the
Russian Federation, deportation and readmission. The authors arrive to some conclusions by comparing such
means with the present day situation in Russia in anticipation of the forthcoming major international events in
the country.
jurisprudence, administrative, expulsion, banishment, deportation, readmission, institute, legislation, agreement, alien.
Administrative activity of the police
Tregubova E.V. (2012). Institute of injunction in administrative law of Russia. Police activity, 4, 27–31.
legal and especially legal administrative injunctions have been in the focus of interest of several
generations of scientists and specialists. Legal injunctions provide law and order in many spheres of public
administration and social activity. Administrative injunctions got thoroughly researched by the scientists of
administrative law in the mid XIX beginning of the XX centuries. This subject was not studied in the soviet
epoch, and there were a number of reasons for that of both objective and subjective character. Absence of
strict administrative injunctions in the system of the soviet public service is related to the strict administrative
regulation of economic and social relations. In this situation the social meaning of the administrative injunction
in the system of public service was not so important. What caused an objective need in the development of
administrative injunctions was the development of market relations, decentralization of public administration
and appearance of the new forms of private property of the means of production.
injunction, regulation, right, Institute, principle, law, rule, industry, segment of industry, system, structure.
The issues of interaction between police and other law enforcement authorities and institutions
Beketov M. Y., Samoroka V. A. (2012). Assessment of threats addressed at one of the parties of the criminal
court proceedings before having recourse to safety measures. Police activity, 4, 32–37.
according to Part 1 Article 16 of Federal Law from 20.08.2004 No 119-ÔÇ “About state protection
of the victims, witnesses and other participants of the criminal legal proceedings” the reasons of implementation
of the safety means stipulated in Article 6 of this law can be information proving real threat to the life of
the person who is acting as a party in the criminal court proceedings, violence addressed at this person or
destruction of their property. The article illustrates some examples of checking and assessment of seriousness of the threats addressed at the party of the criminal court proceedings, studies specificity of assessment
of various types of threats. The authors substantiate the importance that the expert philologist takes part in
interrogation of the party of the criminal court proceedings, because such a specialist can prove accuracy of
the testimony.
party of the criminal court proceedings, investigator, safety measures, threat, psychic pressure, state protection, expert psychologist, revision, interrogation.
Forms of police activity
Abasov M. M. (2012). Innovations in ensuring of aviation security when preflight check-up of the passengers
and the crew. Police activity, 4, 38–42.
issues in prevention of attempts of illegal interference in the work of civil aviation are known
since the first day of civil aviation. In the last decades of the XX century the number of skyjacking attempts
has increased with every other year, and this factor proves the need in constant improvement of both technical
and legal base of such complicated procedural measures as preflight check-up of the aircraft, members of the
crew, carry-on and luggage, and those specialists of civil aviation who have access to the aircraft.
airport, check-up, passenger, personnel, carriage, luggage, terrorism, threat, security, aviation.
Forensic activities and police work
Vinnikov A. V. (2012). Police and forensic translations. Word in defence of the Russian legislation. Police activity, 4, 43–49.
the article contains data collected in the analysis of police institutes and translators in Russia
and in developed foreign countries. Legislation allows hiring any person who has sufficient competence in a
foreign language as a translator. Traditionally in foreign countries sworn translators and other licensed and accredited
translators work, and their taking part in the proceedings is not obligatory. Recently there have been
known examples of sabotage of independent sworn translators and agencies against cases of outsourcing
by authorities whose goal is to cut budget costs. World sphere of foreign languages is not homogeneous and
is constantly changing, which seriously prevents from training of specialists among police translators. The
author insists on further development of forensic translation agencies which already function in the Russian
Federation and improving their cooperation with police and restrain from simultaneous adaptation of experience
of foreign countries. The author suggests criteria of measuring competence of translators.
police translation, forensic translation, sworn translators, competence of translators, reasonable proficiency of translators, judicial translation agencies, sphere of foreign languages, criminal migration.
Informational support of the police
Lavrentyeva O. O. (2012). Improvement of information support of public service in the view of its modernization
and counteraction to corruption. Police activity, 4, 50–59.
management processes in the system of public civil service mean search, securing, analysis,
assessment, spreading of information of social importance, meaning information, which is related to the implementation
of the function of this type of service. Information support of public civil service is one of the most
acute and at the same time most difficult tasks. First of all, the flow of external and intraindustry information
has increased lately. Secondly, the constant need in efficient management of the processed in the system of
state civil service causes the need in more qualitative information processing.
corruption, information, control, record keeping, data, officer, state officer, service, process, item, security.
Informational support of the police
Nesmelov P.V. (2012). Confidential data in administrative law. Police activity, 4, 60–65.
confidentiality derives from “confidence” (when passing such information we hope that it is secure
from being spread, otherwise spreading of this information may cause certain damage to the parties).
Confidential information may be called information with restricted access, and which does not contain state
secret. Confidentiality is obligatory for any person who got access to this type of information, not to pass this
information to the third parties without the consent of its owner.
information, strategy, provision, rights, administration, state, control, modernization, secret, classified data, protection.
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Proletenkova S. E. (2012). Peculiarities of Islamic fundamentalism and about the means to its counteraction. Police activity, 4, 66–69.
the article draws attention to importance and to the role of religious views in the republics of the
North Caucasus. The notion and essence of Islamic fundamentalism are described. Historical and political
experience of Russia proves that Islam serves not only as a national symbol, spiritual base, national and cultural
heritage of the people but the authorities, intellectual and political elite also use it as permission for their
own programs of political, legal and economic development of these republics for.
religious extremism, fundamentalism, Islam, the North Caucasus, Salafism, counteraction, liability.
Foreign police forces
Kikot-Gluhodedova T. V. (2012). Whether the experience of US internal security ensuring is applicable
today in Russia. Police activity, 4, 70–73.
the author of the article studies potential of implementation of the experience of the United
States in the sphere of ensuring of internal security. When working at the efficiency of the law enforcement
activity, it is important to take into account some mistakes known in the history of the country, which were
made due to the ignorance or irresponsible disregard of the experience of foreign countries in the sphere of
legal regulation of different elements of the police system of the state.
police, counteraction, experience, police officer, control, crime, offence, delict, society.