Police administration
Motin A.V. (2012). Improvement challenges in the organization and economic mechanism of the industrial
sector administration in criminal executive system. Police activity, 1, 5–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59167
the article reveals present state and issues in the industrial sector of the criminal executive
system in Russia. The author suggests how to enhance efficiency of the goals set for the criminal
executive policy. The realization of these suggestions will enhance efficiency of functioning of the
organization and economic mechanism in the administration of the industrial sector of the criminal
executive system.
labor adaptation of prisoners, industrial engineering, organization and economic mechanism, controlling, efficiency, industrial sector in criminal executive system.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Vatel A.Y. (2012). Administrative and legal regulation of ethics and conduct at service of civil officers
in the mechanism of anticorruption means. Police activity, 1, 9–13. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59168
the article presents the author’s research in the sphere of legal and organizational issues of
establishment and realization of official and ethical standards of conduct, describes the role and influence
of these standards in the mechanism of anticorruption means.
corruption, counteraction, code of ethics, standards, service, officer, state, conflict, interest, profit, risk, data, income.
Administrative activity of the police
Badulin A.D. (2012). On prevention of administrative offence in the sphere of the turnover of alcoholic
beverages. Police activity, 1, 10–19. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59169
the article analyses legal and structural issues in realization of the means of administrative
liability in the sphere of the turnover of alcoholic beverages. The specificity of this kind of legal liability is
exposed. The author suggests a number of means aimed at the improvement of the means of the administrative
liability in this sphere.
alcohol, ethanol, liability, turnover, products, poisoning, supervision, consumption, alcoholism, death, alcohol addict, abuse.
Administrative activity of the police
Lobanov S.A. (2012). Challenges of administrative offences qualification in the sphere of consumers
market. Police activity, 1, 19–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59170
the article analyses legal and structural issues in qualification of administrative offences in
the sphere of the consumers market. The essence of this qualification process is revealed in general and
in the sphere of the consumers market particularly.
market, qualification, sphere, consumer, offence, corpus delicti, threat, indication, offender, law enforcement, commerce, merchandise.
Administrative activity of the police
Sizov I.Y. (2012). Information support challenges in the work of the bodies of Internal Affairs in their
combat with migration crime. Police activity, 1, 26–30. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59171
the article contains insights on some ways in which databases can be used in combat with
migration crime. It allows the author putting forward suggestions on how to improve the legal and organizational
principles of counteraction to illegal migration.
information support, information, record, system, illegal migration, databases, migrant, liability, banishment, deportation.
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Kuzmin A.V. (2012). Legal regulation of the methods of counteraction to the growing threat of terrorism
and extremism among young generation. Police activity, 1, 31–33. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59172
the article studies such a social legal phenomenon as extremism and reveals the forms of
the latter among the young generation. Besides, the article studies administrative and legal means of
counteraction to extremism. The author makes assumptions that informal social groups and subculture
may have roots of extremism among the young generation.
extremism, liability, counteraction, ban, penalty, nationalism, fascism, pseudo hero, patriotism, terrorism, youth, members of an informal social group.
Police enforcement
Kukushkin S.N. (2012). Criminal liability of the state registrar in the sphere of civil (business) turnover
of the real estate (Art. 170 and 285.3. Penal Code of RF). Police activity, 1, 31–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59173
the article views questions of correlation between the Civil and Penal legislation in qualification
of the state registrar’s activity in the sphere of civil (business) turnover of the real estate. The
qualification of the state registration procedure for the real estate has peculiarities, which reveal issues
in criminal liability of the state registrars. The correlation of civil and criminal law affects the formulation
of the Criminal Legislation, ensures more accurate formulation and explanation of the rules of criminal
liability of certain public officers who serve at state bodies in the sphere of economics. And finally, the
conclusions made in the article, are related to the process of the police reform, especially in securing
of ownership.
business turnover, real estate, state registration, registration procedure, economic crimes, ownership, procedural law, state registrar, registration body.
Police enforcement
Khalilov R.R. (2012). Ethical meaning of incentives in the Criminal Legislation. Police activity, 1, 39–41. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59174
ethical meaning of incentives is in cohesion with the state positive reaction in this society, on
this certain stage of development and at this historical moment. Incentives as a means of ethical sanction
are allowed with consideration of moral assessment of good behavior of the legible offender and result in
mitigation or relieving liability by the appropriate authorities.
code of ethics, morals, conscientiousness, conscious, incentive, criminal, conduct, law, and legality.
Professional training of police officers
Movchan A.V., Baeva E.V. (2012). Improving efficiency in professional retraining of police officers at
educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 1, 42–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59175
the question of improving of communicative competence of the officers of the bodies of
Internal Affairs including the teaching staff of the educational establishments is raised in the article. The
improvement is aimed at a more efficient presentation of information. The authors suggest usage of modern
technics aimed at growing of language resources and enriching the vocabulary of the professorial and
teaching staff of the educational establishments of the MOIA of Russia. It will let develop communicative
skills in business and official communication of the students by their own example.
communication, cooperation, communicative competence, communication skills, language means, vocabulary, communication purpose.
The issues of interaction between police and other law enforcement authorities and institutions
Admiralova I.A. (2012). About cooperation of law enforcement bodies and non-governmental organizations
in combat with people trafficking. Police activity, 1, 44–46. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59176
the article focuses on legal and organizational issues in people trafficking and reveals
specificity of cooperation between law enforcement bodies and non-governmental organizations in combat with people trafficking. This analysis allows the author formulating suggestions on improvement
of this cooperation.
people trafficking, people, organization, cooperation, law enforcement, body, information, exchange, hostage, police, seizure, safety, person, state, merchandise, victim.
The issues of interaction between police and other law enforcement authorities and institutions
Kashkina E.V., Vorobjeva T.I. (2012). Issues in cooperation of the bodies of Internal Affairs with the
election committees while preparation and execution of elections in the Russian Federation. Police activity, 1, 46–51. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59177
the article describes the mechanism of realization of one of the fundamental liabilities of
police officers in the process of preparation of elections, referendum, fundamental issues of cooperation
of the officers of the bodies of Internal Affairs with the members (representatives) of the election committees,
and assistance.
democracy, sovereignty of the people, agitation, elections, referendum, committee, police, ballot, order, chairman, offence.
Foreign police forces
Kobets P.N. (2012). Legislation regulation, peculiarities of penal liability for sexual assault in the countries
of the postsoviet territory, in a few European states, in the countries of Asia-Pacific region
and a comparative analysis of the legislation in these countries with the Russian Legislation. Police activity, 1, 52–56. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59178
the article studies issues in realization of penal liability for sexual assault. The author uses
both domestic and foreign experience in this area. Based on the research of the foreign experience suggestions
have been formulated on how to realize the means of penal liability for sexual assault.
liability, rape, sexual crime, crime, defendant, penalty, life, corpus delicti, qualification, moral.