Legal support of national security
Potapenko, S.V., Goncharov, V.V., Cheshin, A.V., Petrenko, E.G., Maksimov, A.A. (2024). Institute of Public-Private Partnership in Public Control in Russia. National Security, 4, 1–15.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and development of the institute of public-private partnership in the field of public control. The analysis of the system of legal guarantees ensuring the implementation and protection in the Russian Federation of the system of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the rights and legitimate interests of public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations is carried out. The role and place of the institution of public control in the system of these legal guarantees are studied. The main problems hindering the preservation and development of this institution of civil society in Russia are formalized and investigated. It is proved that the key of these problems is the lack of certainty in the functioning of the institution of public-private partnership in the field of public control. The author's definition of the concept of public-private partnership in general, as well as its most important variety in the field of public control, has been developed and substantiated. The research methodology consists of : historical-legal; formal-logical; comparative-legal methods. The authors formalized and analyzed the main problems associated with the functioning of public-private partnerships in the field of public control, in particular, the lack of: formalization of this institution of civil society in the Constitution; consolidation of the concept and content of this institution in the legislation on public control; a unified approach in the regulatory framework and scientific legal doctrine to understanding the essence and limits of public-private partnership in this area; a systematic approach in Russia to the adaptation of foreign experience in this area. The work develops and substantiates a system of measures to resolve these problems, in particular, by: incorporating the institute of public control into the Constitution of the Russian Federation and into legislation on public control (detailing the concept, essence and limits of the implementation of this institute); making possible for the Government of Russia with the support of The Chamber of Commerce of Russia to adapt and implement the public-private partnership, taking into account foreign experience and modern digital technologies.
responsibility, legality, optimization, prospects, problems, civil society, public control, public-private partnership, democracy, Russian Federation
Economical support of national security
Samoilova, L.K. (2024). Financial and legal institutions as an element of the mechanism for preventing shadow economic phenomena. National Security, 4, 16–42.
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The article is aimed at determining the place of financial law institutions in the fight against such a threat to the economic security of the state, society, and the individual as the shadow economy. A significant number of publications by both domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to this phenomenon. Special attention is paid to reduction methods. However, for many scientific studies, an approach is typical, which boils down to listing, sometimes disclosing, specific ways and techniques of detenevization of the economy without taking into account its "natural" connection with such institutions of financial law as taxation, financial control, monetary regulation and others. It is obvious that, individually and collectively, these institutions can become an impulse for both the growth and suppression of shadow economic activity. In view of this, the purpose of the study is to substantiate the objective need to modify the institutions of financial law in order to reduce shadow economic phenomena. The set of research methods used by the author of the article is represented by two groups: general scientific and private scientific. The first of them includes: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. Based on them, the relationship between the categories "economic security", "shadow economy", "public and private finance" has been established. The second one includes absolute and relative statistical values, on the basis of which the processes taking place in the field of finance are characterized. The result of the study was to clarify the place of financial law institutions in the mechanism of countering shadow economic phenomena. Among them, a special place is given to the taxation system, which carries both the causes of shadowization and the potential to reduce the volume of "informal" economic activity by reducing the fiscal burden on business entities and individuals. The emphasis is also placed on monetary regulation tools used to track the financial flows of microactors, including those typical for the shadow environment. The above approach to the application of financial law institutions makes it possible to expand the tools for leveling shadow economic phenomena. In addition, the implementation of the formulated recommendations will have a positive impact on the state of the financial system of the state as a whole and its individual links in particular.
instruments of detenevization, mechanism, indicators, assessment, financial law institutions, financial system, public finance, private finance, shadow economy, economic security
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Gonta, S.N., Plyakich, M.N., Malkova, Y.A. (2024). The use of civilian quadrocopters in the official activities of the police and other law enforcement agencies: an overview of foreign experience. National Security, 4, 43–60.
This article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of using commercial quadrocopters in the official activities of various law enforcement agencies. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that, thanks to technological progress, more and more technical means are now becoming available to law enforcement officials, which can significantly facilitate their work, and in some cases, even save lives. The object of the study is commercial (also called "civilian") quadrocopters. The subject of the study is the use of commercial quadrocopters in the official activities of the police and other law enforcement agencies of foreign countries. The authors have studied current data on the use of quadrocopters in various US law enforcement agencies, as well as analyzed in detail examples of such use (from the road transport sector to conducting assault operations and working in difficult conditions). The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (induction, deduction, content analysis method), as well as other special research methods such as narrative and historical-genetic research methods. The scientific novelty lies in a detailed study of the use of quadrocopters in the official activities of the police and other law enforcement agencies with the involvement of foreign experience (primarily the United States). A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is a detailed analysis and description of situations in which the use of quadrocopters makes it possible to secure the work of law enforcement officers, as well as in special cases, to save the lives of law enforcement officers. The work also contains a corpus of photographic materials with detailed illustrations and descriptions of examples of the use of quadrocopters in the work of law enforcement agencies. In conclusion, the authors conclude that currently civilian quadrocopters are quite effective and useful tools in the work of law enforcement officers, who are increasingly being introduced into their daily work, separately noting that foreign experience in their use can be applied in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
Foreign experience, use of drones, tactical support, assault operations, US police, police drones, police quadcopters, UAVs, drones, Quadcopters
Person and citizen within security systems
Malinovskii, O.N., Goncharov, V.V., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). Public control over migrant workers in Russia: to the problem statement. National Security, 4, 61–72.
This article is devoted to the analysis of modern problems of the organization and implementation of public control over migrant workers in the Russian Federation. The authors argue that public control is the leading institution of civil society, which is the most important legal guarantee for the implementationand protection of both the system of constitutional principles and the entire system of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and non-governmental non-profit organizations. The paper substantiates the position that public control measures should be carried out in relation to: authorized public authorities in the field of migration relations; enterprises, institutions and organizations that invite, import and use foreign citizens as labor, as well as stateless persons who previously lived abroad; labor migrants themselves; formal (registered in The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), and informal public associations of migrant workers. In the course of writing this scientific article, a number of general and private scientific research methods were used, including: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The article develops and substantiates a system of measures to optimize the processes of organizing and implementing public control over the above-mentioned objects related to labor migration, including by: formalizing public control in the Constitution as well as in legislation on public control; determining the list of subjects of public control authorized to organize and conduct public control in relation to the above-mentioned public relations; obliging any subjects employing foreigners and stateless persons to create trade union organizations; conducting scientific and practical research in the above-mentioned sphere of public control; incorporation into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation of measures of responsibility for countering the legitimate activities of representatives of subjects of public control in the field of labor migration; strengthening the organizational, legal and logistical base of subjects of public control in this area.
labor duties, labor rights, Ministry of Justice of Russia, migrant workers, stateless persons, foreign citizens, democracy, Russian Federation, public control, national security
Person and citizen within security systems
Potapenko, S.V., Goncharov, V.V., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). Public control over the collection, storage and disposal of solid household waste: problems and prospects for development. National Security, 4, 73–84.
This article is devoted to the analysis of modern problems and prospects for the development of public control over the collection, storage and disposal of solid household waste. The paper substantiates that activities related to the organization and implementation of the collection, storage and disposal of solid household waste can and should be subject to public control. The authors have identified and substantiated the problems hindering the organization and implementation of public control in relation to the above-mentioned type of activity, in particular: the absence of any real powers for the subjects of public environmental control to organize and conduct public environmental control in an independent mode; the undemocratic nature of the institute for verifying the knowledge of public environmental inspectors; weak organizational and technical, the material base of the activity of this type of subjects of public control. A number of scientific research methods are used in the work, including: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The article develops and substantiates a system of proposals for solving problems that hinder the organization and implementation of public control over the collection, storage and disposal of solid household waste, in particular, by: adopting the Federal Law "On Public Environmental Control", which should enshrine the principles, goals, objectives, basic forms and methods of organization and implementation measures of public environmental control, a system of real powers of subjects of public environmental control; the creation of the All-Russian Association of Public Environmental Inspections (membership in which can be made a prerequisite for their creation and operation), which will include an Independent knowledge testing center for public environmental inspectors, which will need to be entrusted with the organization and conduct of knowledge testing of the above-mentioned public inspectors; strengthening the material, technical, organizational and legal basis of the organization and activities of this type of subjects of public control.
optimization, disposal, storage, collection, Russian Federation, environmental control, household waste, solid, public control, problems
Person and citizen within security systems
Malinovskii, O.N., Goncharov, V.V., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). Public control in the sphere of creation and turnover of cryptocurrencies in Russia (public law analysis). National Security, 4, 85–97.
The article is devoted to the legal analysis of the organization and implementation of public control in the field of creation and turnover of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation. The paper substantiates the role and importance of the public control in the system of legal guarantees for the implementation and protection of both the system of constitutional principles and the entire system of human and civil rights and freedoms in Russia. The article examines the impact of the processes of creation and turnover of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation by 2024 on the development of the country's economy. The necessity of including control related to the creation and turnover of cryptocurrencies in the list of objects of public control is justified, since a significant part of the economically active population of Russia participates in these relations, and the turnover of the cryptocurrency market is comparable to the turnover of some sectors of the country's economy. In the course of the conducted scientific research, a number of methods were used: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological. The research materials were the doctrinal sources of T. A. Batrova, A.V. Gabov, Yu. V. Truntsevsky, etc., devoted to the organization and activities of subjects of public control in the Russian Federation, as well as the legal regulation of the issue and turnover of cryptocurrencies in Russia and in the world, the results of sociological research on the practice of functioning of these subjects, as well as statistical data on their organization and activities. The paper formalizes and examines the main problems associated with the organization and implementation of public control over public relations in the field of creation and turnover of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation. The authors have developed and justified a system of measures to resolve these problems, including by optimizing legislation in this area.
optimization, digital technologies, public law analysis, Russian Federation, cryptocurrency, turnover, creation, sphere, democracy, public control