System and interaction
Koroleva, L.P., Evseeva, Y.I., Bezrukov, E.V. (2024). Russia and Türkiye are on the path to progress in national anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing systems. National Security, 3, 1–16.
In 2022-2023, a number of international organizations of the global anti-money laundering and terrorist financing network, as well as financial intelligence units of the Western bloc countries, refused to cooperate with Russia. In these circumstances, it is necessary to expand international cooperation with friendly countries, including Turkey, a key foreign policy and trade partner of modern Russia. The article examines the national anti-money laundering and terrorist financing systems of Russia and Turkey. A comparative analysis of their technical compliance with the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) is carried out. The assessments of the effectiveness of the systems received by the countries within the framework of the 4th round of mutual assessments in 2019, as well as key countermeasures, are compared. General scientific research methods were used. The information was based on mutual assessment reports and progress reports from Russia and Turkey, as well as national laws on combating money laundering and terrorist financing. The comparative analysis was carried out for 2019-2023, during which countries made efforts to improve their national systems. As a result of the study, it was concluded that both countries have achieved significant progress in the development of national anti-money laundering and terrorist financing systems. Estimated 2023-2024 they comply or significantly comply with all FATF recommendations. At the same time, according to a number of recommendations, countries are superior or inferior to each other, which allows for the exchange of experience for further progress in this area. Thus, Russia is interested in Turkey's experience in establishing deterrent liability measures, identifying public officials and monitoring their operations, and interacting with third parties.
targeted financial sanctions, suspicious transaction, internal control, mandatory control, FATF recommendations, national countermeasures system, Financial Action Task Force, countering the financing of terrorism, anti-money laundering, financial monitoring unit
Legal support of national security
Kolesnichenko, O.V., Pankratova, D.V. (2024). Sale of goods through marketplaces: problems of realization and protection of consumer rights. National Security, 3, 17–27.
The subject of the research in this article is the problems of legal regulation of the sale and protection of the rights of buyers when selling goods through marketplaces. The authors pay special attention to the characteristics of the application of this method of selling goods. The specifics of providing the marketplace to the consumer with reliable, complete and accurate information about the characteristics of the product, price, delivery and return conditions, the specifics of ordering and canceling the order, returning goods of inadequate quality and goods that did not suit the consumer in shape, dimensions, style, coloring, size or configuration are considered. The doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concepts of "marketplace" and "information aggregator" are investigated. It is noted that terminological certainty, which is so necessary in this field of legal regulation, is accepted as a condition for extending legal guarantees of the realization and protection of consumer rights in their universal meaning to the studied relations. The research was conducted using general philosophical (materialistic, dialectical), general scientific (logical, system-structural), private scientific (formal legal) methods. As a result of the study, it is proved that the sale of goods to consumers through marketplaces is characterized by a number of significant features that distinguish this method from distance trading in general, due to the presence of which there is a need to develop rules for the sale of goods (provision of services, performance of works) based on the marketplace. The authors propose to understand the marketplace as an intermediary platform between consumers of goods, works and services, organizations, individual entrepreneurs selling goods for personal, family and other consumption unrelated to entrepreneurial activity, built on the basis of a specific aggregator of information about goods, designed to create conditions for the conclusion, execution, termination and modification of the contract between the specified entities through e-commerce. It is noted that the mandatory components of the rules should be the rules for the exchange and return of goods purchased through the marketplace; the rules for refunding funds for goods of inadequate quality or goods that did not suit the consumer in shape, size, style, coloring, size or configuration; the rules for disclosing information about the sold product, including requirements for its originality; the rules registration and cancellation of the product order on the marketplace; rules for handling complaints and appeals to the marketplace.
goods of inadequate quality, rules for selling goods, sale of goods, salesman, consumer, information aggregator, marketplace, exchange of goods, purchase returns, compensation for damages
Economical support of national security
Tsiku, S.Y. (2024). Monetary indicators in the financial monitoring system in Russia. National Security, 3, 28–39.
During the dynamic transformations in the economy, including in the financial sector, there is a need to adapt the existing financial monitoring system in Russia. To implement it, a system of indicators is used, on which the effectiveness of financial monitoring and the achievement of various goals depends. Therefore, the main criterion for financial monitoring is the completeness of the monitored indicators. This article examines the problem of the lack of indicators of monetary factors of economic processes and phenomena in the financial monitoring system in Russia, which creates a sphere of potential and real risks in the domestic economy. From here, the object of research is determined, which are monetary indicators. The subject of the study is specific monetary indicators: the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the ruble exchange rate, the RTS index. The achievement of research goals and objectives is carried out using general scientific methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis and generalization. The purpose of this article is to search for indicators that can clearly reflect the problems in the financial aspect that have developed in Russia. It is also argued that the use of monetary indicators in financial monitoring will make it possible to organize financial monitoring in Russia more effectively, that is, to ensure timely and more complete achievement of various goals and objectives of public administration. To achieve this goal, the essence of financial monitoring in Russia, the indicators used in it, as well as the search and analysis of new monetary indicators with subsequent conclusions about the viability of their use are considered. As a result, it can be understood that monetary indicators explain some of the causes of crisis phenomena, thereby proving the need for their inclusion in the Russian financial monitoring system.
financial crisis, national security, capital outflow, monetary indicators, key rate, ruble exchange rate, RTS index, financial monitoring, economic security, financial security
Economical support of national security
Sekushin, A.Y. (2024). Comprehensive stimulation of the pharmaceutical industry as a factor in ensuring drug safety in the Russian Federation. National Security, 3, 40–61.
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The subject of the study is comprehensive support tools based on the example of a SPIC, various aspects of the conclusion of a SPIC, requirements for companies when concluding a SPIC in relation to the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of the study is to analyze complex support tools, identify problems based on the analysis of complex support tools using the example of SPIC in relation to the pharmaceutical industry. The author examines in detail such features of the SPIC as: requirements for the conclusion of a SPIC, tax and non-tax benefits when concluding a SPIC, the concepts of "obligations" in complex support tools, price regulation of medicines from the list of VED, administrative barriers, opacity of requirements for an investment project within the framework of the conclusion of a SPIC, penalties for deviations from targets, etc. other matters. This study was conducted on the basis of the application of general scientific research methods, including systematic, logical, comparative analysis, and the method of analogy. The main conclusions of the study are the relevance of comprehensive support tools, including SPIC. The SPIC is currently an important tool for comprehensive support for both the state and companies, as it offers serious tax and non-tax benefits, which has a positive effect on investment activity in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the author highlights relevant issues for the SPIC, including administrative barriers, price regulation of medicines from the list of VED, the parties with whom a potential investor concludes a SPIC, penalties. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of problems during the conclusion of a SPIC that were not previously highlighted, including within the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the proposal of relevant directions for the development of a SPIC that can increase the attractiveness of this investment instrument.
Drug safety, Non-tax benefits, Tax benefits, Taxes, Investment activity, Comprehensive support tools, Pharmaceutical industry, Special investment contract, Pharmaceuticals, SPIC
Person and citizen within security systems
Goncharov, V.V., Nagaitsev, V.V., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). The role of trade unions in Russia in ensuring the implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy. National Security, 3, 62–80.
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of trade unions in ensuring the implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy in the Russian Federation. The author substantiates the position that the implementation of this constitutional principle is impossible without a system of legal guarantees, among which the most important place is occupied by civil society institutions. The key and most developed institution of civil society in modern Russia are trade unions, which are voluntary public associations of citizens to protect their labor and social rights, which form the basis of the system of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation. The article examines the main problems associated with the participation of trade unions in the implementation of forms of direct and indirect democracy in the country, and also developed and substantiated a system of proposals and recommendations to enhance the role of trade unions in ensuring the implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy in Russia. The work uses a number of methods of scientific research, in particular: analysis; synthesis; formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analysis of specific legal situations. The most important place in this system is given to proposals to improve the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the current legislation in terms of increasing the role and place of trade unions in the mechanism of implementation of direct and indirect forms of democracy in Russia.The object of this study is public relations related to the implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy in Russia, as well as the participation of trade unions in this process. The subject of the study is a set of legal norms regulating the mechanism for ensuring the implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy, as well as scientific views on the place of trade unions in the organization and functioning of this mechanism. The purpose of this study is to identify and substantiate the role of trade unions in the Russian Federation in the mechanism of ensuring the implementation of democracy as the most important constitutional principle.
constitutional guarantees, civil society, public authority, legality, public control, Russian Federation, constitutional principle, trade unions, democracy, implementation