Rapid response and tactics
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2024). Battlefield informatization: some possibilities and possible problems. National Security, 2, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2024.2.36142
The subject of the study is informatization in military affairs, the object of the study is possible ways to control the enemy through intentional and targeted distortion of information about their troops, goals and conditions of action. The author examines in detail such aspects of modern warfare as multi-domain, with a significant shift in emphasis in the sphere of information warfare. As the experience of local wars and armed conflicts of the last decade shows, the forms of their conduct differ significantly from the "classic" wars waged until the end of the XX century. The informatization of the battlefield made it possible to switch to such form of use of troops (forces) as network-centric actions. But the expansion of capabilities, the improvement of technologies of warfare, in accordance with the laws of dialectics, generates certain vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities manifest themselves in the same area where the strengths are located – in the field of informatization of military operations. Based on this, special attention is paid to assessing the impact of informatization on the adequacy of decisions, primarily in terms of possible vulnerabilities of the management process. Using general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, the author, based on the analysis of the main trends of modern armed confrontation, synthesized a description of possible vulnerabilities when using automated control systems, formulated the task of developing a mathematical apparatus for the formation and evaluation of the reliability of information about the opposing systems. This is not about physically changing information in the automated control systems of the enemy: this task is technically difficult, but relatively simple from the point of view of algorithmization. And not about the trivial misleading of a decision-maker, as it has been done many times before. The article deals with the situation of decision-making management through the management of the directed submission of information using vulnerabilities by its automated processing in the automated control system.
management through information, modern military concepts, decision making, command and control of troops, information confrontation, intentional misrepresentation of information, targeted information impact, automation of management, informatization of the battlefield, misleading
Economical support of national security
Shemyakina, M.S. (2024). “Whitewashing” the activities of real estate agencies as one of the directions for ensuring the economic security of public legal entities in the budgetary and tax sphere. National Security, 2, 16–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2024.2.43879
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The subject of the study is the relationships that arise in the process of ensuring fiscal security by public legal entities. Fiscal security is considered in the article from the perspective of its duality (budgetary security and tax security) in the context of the shadow sector, taking into account the risks of cartel collusion and concealment of part of the income and property from taxation. The nature of the formation of the shadow sector is explored, which is defined as a deep reserve that should be gradually mobilized into the budget system, while encouraging taxpayers to conscientiously fulfill their tax obligations, which will subsequently form a completely different level of tax culture. The article presents the author's logical model of leveling the shadow economy of public legal entities in order to ensure their fiscal security based on digital tools of public administration. The research is based on the following methods of scientific knowledge: comparison, analysis, synthesis of theoretical material. The author has developed an algorithm for comparing open Internet data with Federal Tax Service data in order to identify hidden income. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of the category “fiscal security”, the theoretical justification of the directions for its provision by public legal entities in the context of the “whitewashing” of the economy in the context of the use of digital tools of public administration.
threats, ensuring budget and tax security, digitization, tax administration, whitewashing the economy, shadow economy, economic security, tax security, budget security, budget and tax security
Economical support of national security
Evloeva, A.B., Rykunova, V.L., Goryainov, A.A. (2024). Digitalization in the Russian Federation: current problems and solutions in the field of tax audits. National Security, 2, 33–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2024.2.69337
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The object of this work is tax control in the Russian tax system, and the subject is the organization and implementation of tax control in the context of digitalization of the Russian economy. In their research, the authors consider in detail the topical issues of the organization of tax control in modern conditions of digitalization of the economy, identify the main problems and propose ways to solve them. It is noted that in light of the rapidly changing technological environment, tax authorities must adapt and use innovative technologies to ensure effective and transparent tax control. Digital security and efficient use of data are also important aspects. The authors propose to explore the possibilities of using technologies to analyze large amounts of data, identify potential tax violations and ensure more accurate and effective control. This can significantly improve the tax collection process and reduce the burden on tax authorities, freeing up time for more in-depth analysis and strategic planning. The study of the organization of tax control in the digital economy has a high relevance and novelty. In the modern development of technology and digitalization, more and more companies carry out their activities through online platforms and electronic systems. This creates new challenges and difficulties for tax authorities, as traditional methods and approaches to tax control may be ineffective. An effective tax control system is the basis for the economic well-being of the state, promotes the development of entrepreneurial activity and ensures stability. The study highlights the need to improve regulatory regulation in the field of detection and disclosure of economic and tax crimes. It also requires the introduction of modern methods and means of detecting and disclosing such crimes, improving cooperation and information exchange between tax authorities, law enforcement agencies and entrepreneurs.
digital transformation, audit, tax planning, digitalization, tax base, illegal activities, taxation, economy, government, tax control
Economical support of national security
Popova, L.I., Maltseva, N.V. (2024). Trends in the development of foreign economic relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. National Security, 2, 50–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2024.2.70325
The expansion of international contacts contributes to improving the image of the region, ensuring its investment attractiveness, acting, along with this, as a primary task of forming targets for the socio-economic well-being of the territory. The priority directions for the development of foreign economic relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area are based on economic potential of the region: the fuel and energy sector with accompanying large-scale infrastructure projects and traditional economic sectors of the indigenous peoples of the North. Taking into account the sanctions, the promising directions for the development of foreign economic relations is of particular relevance. The subject of the study is the prerequisites for the formation of foreign economic relations in the Arctic region, trends in the development of foreign trade activities, and features of customs support for export and import operations of foreign trade participants in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area in conditions of economic and political instability. Special attention is paid to the study of prerequisites and trends in the development of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area in order to identify problems and prospects for deepening foreign economic relations in the region. The research method and methodology is based on the use of the following general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition, namely: the method of system analysis, logical and comparative methods, the method of document analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in an integrated approach to identifying the prerequisites, specifics of foreign economic activity in the Arctic region, trends and promising areas for expanding foreign economic relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area in conditions of economic and political instability. The article presents an assessment of foreign economic relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area in modern conditions, identifies the specifics of foreign economic activity in the Arctic region, examines the features of customs support for export-import operations, analyzes statistical data on foreign trade exchange of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, identifies problematic issues, develops an algorithm for increasing exports of products and develops promising directions for the development of foreign economic relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. For the development of the region's economy, it is necessary to modernize the sphere of production of fuel and energy sector and expand the commodity exports of the agricultural sector of traditional activities of the indigenous peoples of the North.
fuel and energy complex products, hydrocarbon raw materials, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, customs infrastructure, Arctic region, foreign trade, foreign economic relations, economic security, transnational projects, non-resource exports
Person and citizen within security systems
Petrenko, E.G., Goncharov, V.V., Nagaitsev, V.V. (2024). Public control in the Republic of Belarus: problems and prospects for the development of legislation (public law analysis). National Security, 2, 63–77. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0668.2024.2.69089
This article is devoted to the analysis of problems and prospects of development of legislation on public control in the Republic of Belarus. The object of the study is public relations related to the organization and functioning of the institute of public control in the Republic of Belarus, and the subject of the study is normative legal acts on the legal regulation of this institution of civil society in the country, as well as scientific legal doctrine in the field of organization and functioning of the institute of public control. The paper substantiates the importance of the institution of public control in the country as the most important legal guarantee for the implementation and protection of the constitutional principles of democracy and participation of citizens of the Republic of Belarus in the management of state affairs. It seems that the organization and functioning of this institution of civil society in this country are associated with numerous problems, the most important of which are, in particular: the imperfection of legislation on public control; the absence of mandatory subjects of public control who would organize and conduct public control activities on a regular basis; the lack of real powers of public control to influence to the objects of public control in order to bring their activities, acts and decisions in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the current legislation. The authors use a number of methods of scientific research, in particular: analysis; synthesis; formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analysis of specific legal situations. The article formalizes and substantiates a system of measures and proposals to resolve the above-mentioned problems in order to optimize the processes of organization and activity of this institution of civil society, both through amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the current legislation, and through the development and adoption of new laws on: organization and functioning of the system of public control in the Republic of Belarus; creation of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Belarus, regional public chambers, district and city public chambers (councils).
President, state control, democracy, public control, legality, Republic of Belarus, development, prospects, problems, responsibility