Confrontation and defense potentialities
Gonta, S.N., Ivanov, N.A. (2024). Yemen's Houthis (Ansar Allah): impact of the Iranian proxy force on security in the region (in light of the crisis in the Red Sea). National Security, 1, 1–20.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the Yemeni pro-iranian rebel group “Ansar Allah” (also called the Houthis) in the context of the maritime navigation crisis through the Red Sea that emerged at the end of 2023, which continues to this day. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the activities of the Houthi group to effectively block most of the maritime traffic through the Red Sea have already caused significant economic damage, and the very safety of maritime navigation along the shortest route from Asia to Europe has actually been called into question. The object of the study is the Yemeni movement “Ansar Allah” (Yemen Houthis movement). The subject of the study is the activities and influence of the Houthi group on the international economy and the safety of maritime navigation through the Red Sea. The research methodology is based on general scientific research methods (content analysis, classification), as well as on special historical methods (narrative, historical-genetic). The scientific novelty of the article lies in a detailed analysis of the events of the crisis in the Red Sea, which began at the end of 2023 and is currently ongoing. The authors' particular contribution to the study is description of the activities of the Houthi movement in the Red Sea in the period from December 2023 to January 2024. Separately, the authors analyze the degree of influence of the crisis on Russia and possible ways to overcome it. In conclusion, the authors conclude that Iran, with the help of its proxy forces, was actually able to block an important sea route for international trade, as well as cause serious economic damage to Western countries and Israel. And the consequences of such damage could ultimately affect the rest of the world.
Suez Canal, international economics, maritime piracy, proxy forces, terrorism, maritime shipping, Red Sea, Houthis, Ansar Allah, Yemen
Economical support of national security
Malyshenko, M.V. (2024). Financial mechanism in the system of countering unfair practices in the securities market. National Security, 1, 21–32.
The subject of this study is the system of countering insider transactions and manipulation in the securities market in terms of its mechanisms. The purpose of this work is to determine the place of the financial mechanism of counteraction and its role in the system of combating unfair practices. The securities market is the most important element ensuring the development of the economy. Today, one of the main problems of its regulation in Russia is the search for effective mechanisms to combat illegal practices. As a result of such activities, the financial security of participants is put at risk, and confidence in the market is reduced. The issue of finding and implementing new mechanisms to improve the effectiveness of control over the activities of participants is becoming urgent. In order to increase the effectiveness of the market regulation system in terms of control over insider trading and manipulation, the author proposes the introduction of a financial mechanism to counter insider trading and manipulation in the securities market. The methods of modeling and analogy, classification, comparison, system analysis, synthesis and generalization were used in the work. A comparative analysis of counteraction systems in countries with the world's leading stock exchanges has been carried out. The results show that each of the considered systems has a financial mechanism of counteraction, expressed not only by strict fines related to the amount of damage caused, but also by additional amounts of compensation, which is absent in domestic practice. The author analyzes the existing system of regulation of the Russian securities market, identifies its components, and highlights the main disadvantages. In addition, the analysis of the system showed that such a component as a financial counteraction mechanism has not been fully formed to date. The existing measures do not ensure the effectiveness of the fight against illegal practices. The financial mechanism of counteraction in Russian practice is fragmented, and the existing fines have no economic justification and are directly related to the damage caused to the market. In addition, no other measures are provided to compensate the losses received by the participants. Thus, in this paper, the concept of a financial mechanism for countering insider and manipulative activities is proposed, and its place in the Russian securities market regulation system is determined.
financial security, unfair transactions, fakes, stock exchange, manipulation, insider trading, market regulation system, stock market, financial mechanism for countering, securities market
Internal aspects of national security
Kiseleva, E. (2024). Increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption as a condition for ensuring national security. National Security, 1, 33–46.
The presented article, based on the identification of the multifaceted impact of corruption manifestations on the parameters of national security, identifies areas for improving the effectiveness of measures aimed at leveling the threats produced by this negative phenomenon. The subject of the study is a set of forms and methods of strategic anti-corruption used in the activities of public authorities of the Russian Federation, which is ensured by using methods of systemic, structural, comparative legal, historical and genetic analysis. The main message of the article is to substantiate the close relationship between the processes of ensuring national and public security in the context of countering corruption threats, which significantly reduce the level of both of these manifestations of security as a complex, multidimensional concept. In this regard, the emphasis is on the need to strengthen public participation in anti-corruption activities. Among the most important manifestations of such participation is the implementation of mechanisms of public anti-corruption control, the effective implementation of which implies the need for the formation of a set of so-called "anti-corruption competencies" among those who carry it out. Based on the analysis, it is stated that one of the most important conditions for ensuring national security is the activation of the role of society as a whole and citizens, in particular, which should be ensured by a well-formed anti-corruption worldview. Persons who must have competencies can be divided into the following two groups: basic competencies, which presuppose the possession of key knowledge, skills to ensure the formation of an anti-corruption worldview, its implementation in one’s life. Professional competencies that allow you to successfully perform functions that are directly related to combating corruption, including as part of the implementation of public anti-corruption control procedures.
anti-corruption worldview, anti-corruption competencies, anti-corruption public control, National security strategy, legal regulation, public safety, threats to national security, national security, corruption, anti-corruption training
Economical support of national security
Dragunova, A.E., Belousova, S.N. (2024). The role of investment projects in ensuring the economic security of regions. National Security, 1, 47–59.
The main purpose of the work is to assess the impact of investment projects on ensuring the economic security of the country. It is concluded that investments are one of the main characteristics of the state's activities and allow solving existing economic or social problems, including those that can be aimed at achieving national interests, thereby ensuring stable economic security of the country. The article solves the following tasks: an assessment of the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation and the Kursk region was carried out; an assessment of the current level of investment activity in the region was carried out. Attention is paid to the study of the state program of the Russian Federation "Economic development and innovative Economy" and its directions, an analysis of the financing of subprograms. Also, the rating of the investment attractiveness of the regions is considered. The methodological basis of the research is based on a set of methods of economic research combined with a systematic approach to the study of this problem. Currently, the economy of the Russian Federation is facing many problems caused by the difficult political situation, sanctions against Russia and other reasons. Achieving socio-economic goals has become impossible without investing. The role of investments is high, since thanks to the investment, the accumulation of public capital is carried out, they contribute to economic growth, the renewal of technologies, the improvement of professional qualities the employees and the development of infrastructure. They also can be aimed at achieving national interests, thereby ensuring stable economic security of the country. Investments are one of the driving forces of economic development, since they make it possible to modernize existing and create new business facilities, and can also be aimed at solving other socio-economic problems.
investment policy of the region, investment activities, fixed capital, the state program, investment, investment project, investment attractiveness of the region, economic security, investment fund, investment activity
Person and citizen within security systems
Goncharov, V.V., Nagaitsev, V.V., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). The Public Control in Russia as a tool for the centralization of the public administration system during the special military operation. National Security, 1, 60–72.
This article is devoted to the legal analysis of the public control in the Russian Federation as a tool for centralizing the public administration system during a special military operation. The authors note that the public administration system in Russia during the period of a special military operation, on the one hand, is experiencing a systemic negative external impact from hostile foreign states and their coalitions, and on the other hand, is being tested for strength due to extreme pressures on both the country's economy (including the military-industrial complex) and and the Russian society. In this regard, it is of particular interest to analyze the main directions of using the institute of public control as a tool for centralizing the public administration system in the Russian Federation. A number of scientific research methods are used in the research, including: formal-logical; historical-legal; comparative-legal; statistical; sociological; method of analyzing specific legal situations. The paper examines the main problems hindering the organization and functioning of subjects of public control as an effective tool for influencing the public administration system in Russia in order to optimize it in the context of a special military operation: the lack of consolidation of this institution in the Basic Law of the country; the exclusion of a number of objects from the subject of Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated 07/21/2014 "On the basics of public control in the Russian Federation"; lack of real powers for subjects of public control; lack of elaboration in scientific legal doctrine and legislation of special forms, methods and types of public control measures in military and emergency situations; lack of elaboration of increased measures of legal responsibility for actions that impede the legitimate activities of subjects of public control; lack of specific types of subjects public control with experience in working under conditions of a special military operation; insufficient use of positive foreign and Soviet experience of public control over the apparatus of public power. The authors have developed and substantiated a system of measures to resolve these problems.
conduct, period, public administration, system, centralization, instrument, Russian Federation, public control, special military operation, civil society