Humanitarian support of national security
Balynin, I.V., Ragozin, A.V., Grizenkova, Y.V. (2024). Practical proposals for the development of a system of mutual settlements for medical care for labor migrants between the Russian Federation and labor-exporting countries. National Security, 6, 1–10.
The object of the study is the humanitarian aspects of ensuring national security in the context of providing medical care to migrants. The subject is associated with the development of a system of mutual settlements for medical care to labor migrants between the Russian Federation and labor-exporting countries. The authors examine in detail the issues related to financial support for the provision of medical care to labor migrants, taking into account their unification into two groups: legal and illegal. The authors propose modernizing the legislation taking into account the minimization of financial risks and imposing the obligation to pay for medical care on the government bodies of the country from which the corresponding migrant arrived. A conclusion is made about the presence of not only direct, but also indirect effects, which, first of all, are associated with ensuring the achievement of the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. Мethods: data analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, graphic tools. Scientific novelty: the author's recommendations on the organization of a system of mutual settlements for medical care to labor migrants between the Russian Federation and labor exporting countries. A conclusion is made on the need to organize it taking into account the existing problems of financial support for the provision of medical care in the context of legal and illegal migrants. The authors propose to form statistics on the amount of expenditures of the budgets of the Russian Federation on the provision of medical care to labor migrants. The presented results will be in demand by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Russia.
voluntary health insurance, medical care, migration, human capital, economic security, national security, health, compulsory health insurance, international relations, Eurasian Economic Union
Chikhireva, N.V. (2024). National wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system. National Security, 6, 11–31.
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The subject of the research is the functions of national wealth, considered in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system. National wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system is one of the fundamental indicators that reflects the totality of tangible and intangible resources at the disposal of the nation. During the transformation of the socio-economic system, there is a redistribution of national wealth between sectors of the economy. Transformation requires reforming state institutions, legal systems and management structures – this can affect the efficiency of using national wealth, increasing or decreasing economic stability, national security and investment attractiveness of the country. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to sustainable development, which involves the rational use of natural resources and minimization of environmental risks. Transformation of the system aimed at sustainable development contributes to the preservation and increase of national wealth in the long term. The purpose of the work is to determine the content and structure of national wealth in the context of the transformation of the socio-economic system. The research methodology is based on the generalization of information from domestic and foreign sources, statistical data on the issues considered in the work. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying qualitative changes in the characteristics of national wealth in the modern conditions of transformation of the socio-economic system. The article highlights the following stages (phases) in the development of the socio-economic system: crisis phase (destabilization phase), phase of awareness of the need for change, reform base (transformation phase), phase of adaptation and stabilization, phase of growth and development, phase of consolidation and institutionalization. The results of the study can be considered as an increase in scientific knowledge in economic theory.
problems, elements of national wealth, changes, key characteristics, transformation, elements, institutional environment, national wealth, crises, socio-economic system
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Gorokhova, R.I., Nikitin, P.V. (2024). Detecting anomalies in images of critical information infrastructure. National Security, 6, 32–46.
The authors present a method for detecting anomalies in the visual content of critical information infrastructure based on comparing hash strings obtained from visual data to detect potential deviations or duplicate content. The subject of the study is the detecting of anomalies in critical information infrastructure (CII) images using hashing technology. The relevance of the study is due to the growing threat of copyright infringement and the distribution of illegal content. Critical information structures, including public administration, science, economics and energy systems, directly depend on the protection of their information. Therefore, identifying anomalies in images and their prompt response play a key role in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of data. The goal is to develop an algorithm for identifying duplicate content and create an effective tool for monitoring images. The work uses the integration of computer vision methods and machine learning algorithms. The development includes the use of hash strings for precise comparison of images. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the development and implementation of a new approach to detecting anomalies in images of critical information infrastructure using hashing technology. The use of the technology provides unique identifiers for visual data and allows for efficient comparison and analysis of images. This approach significantly increases the speed of data processing and the accuracy of detecting duplicate content and anomalies in images. Hash-based image classification provides a higher degree of sensitivity to anomalies and allows filtering out false positives, which is critical for organizations with a high level of information security. The results show the high efficiency of the proposed method; a significant degree of accuracy in detecting anomalies has been achieved, which is confirmed by experiments on real data. The presented algorithms have demonstrated improvement over existing solutions.
perceptual hashing, machine learning, hash strings, duplicate content, similar images, computer vision, threats, anomalies, visual content, critical information infrastructure
Economical support of national security
Derzayeva, G.G., Aletkin, P.A. (2024). Partnership finance: challenges and opportunities for Russia and CIS countries. National Security, 6, 47–64.
The subject of the article is strategic approaches to the development of partner financing in Russia and the CIS countries. The object of the study is the steps taken by scientists, practitioners, specialists and the government so that Russian partner financing organizations could integrate into the Eastern international markets in the best and most effective way. The purpose of the study is to identify the challenges and opportunities that open up for Russia and the CIS countries in connection with the implementation of the principles and rules of partner financing in economic phenomena. The study is conducted in the context of the CIS countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Using the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and contrast, scientific analysis, the article examines the current state of partner financing activities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Based on the results of the study, the article concludes that among the CIS countries that are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the most developed system of Islamic banking is in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. However, in these countries, despite the widespread use of both Islamic banks themselves or individual Islamic products, and a fairly developed legislative and practical framework, there are still many unresolved problems of implementing Islamic economic principles. The Islamic Development Bank plays a huge role in solving these problems in these countries. Many issues of the theory and practice of partner financing remain undisclosed, since the topic of partner financing is quite new for the countries under consideration, for example, for Russian reality, the federal law on partner financing was put into effect only in 2023. In addition, the study allowed us to conclude that it is important to amend tax legislation, legislation on self-regulatory organizations, non-credit financial organizations and insurance.
Islamic banking, banking sector, financial reporting, investments, capital market, financial instruments, sukuk, federal law, partnership financing, CIS countries
Economical support of national security
Starovoitov, V.G., Krupnov, Y.A. (2024). Special economic zones as a mechanism for territorial development ensuring national security in the context of sanctions restrictions. National Security, 6, 65–83.
The subject of the study is the socio-economic relations that arise during the formation and functioning of special economic zones in the Russian Federation under the conditions of sanctions restrictions. The object of the study is the economic development and ensuring the national security of Russia in the context of sanctions pressure from "Western" countries. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations on the creation and functioning of special economic zones to ensure socio-economic development and national security of Russia under sanctions. In order to achieve this goal, successfully functioning special economic zones were analyzed. The economic and social changes arising in Russian regions and municipalities as a result of the SEZ activities are identified. It is shown that these changes are complex and have a significant positive effect on the socio-economic development of the territory. The necessity of the formation and functioning of special economic zones in the Russian Federation is substantiated. The research used the method of system analysis, comparative analysis, the method of analysis and synthesis, methods of structural and factor analysis. The main conclusions of the study: - in conditions of severe sanctions restrictions, the structural transformation of the economy is being carried out based on domestic resources and domestic capital; - SEZs with developed infrastructure and favorable business conditions are an effective mechanism for attracting investments, expanding import substitution activities, strengthening technological independence, etc. - a successfully functioning SEZ is an effective mechanism for territorial development and ensuring national security. The author's special contribution to the study is to analyze and develop proposals for the creation and development of special economic zones under sanctions restrictions for federal, regional and municipal authorities on the example of the SEZ "Vladimir". The novelty of the research lies in the creation and dissemination of best practices for the formation and functioning of the SEZ as a mechanism for territorial development and ensuring national security in the face of unprecedented sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation from "Western" countries.
sanctions restrictions, investment, economic development, technological independence, import substitution, national security, structural transformation of the economy, system analysis, territorial development, special economic zones