Legal support of national security
Melikhov, A.I. (2022). Criminal-legal and operational-investigative measures to counteract "white-collar" crime. National Security, 5, 1–10.
Currently, the Russian jurisdiction is endowed with such unattractive features for economic entities as excessive criminalization of offenses that do not pose a public danger, accusatory bias and opportunism of domestic justice. These defects of the punitive system make the development of the system of crime prevention relevant. In the punitive system, the role of the repression is dominant, while in the system of crime prevention it occupies a leading place. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that for further economic growth it is necessary not so much to punish "white-collar" crime, as to prevent it by means of limiting the list of criminally punishable acts in the field of intellectual professional activity and the use of preventive measures. According to the authors, the state policy in the field of professional offenses should change from punitive to preventive. In this regard, it is necessary: 1) decriminalize the minor "white-collar" crimes of minor gravity, highlighting these offenses in a separate chapter of the new Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and in case of repeated commission of these offenses to bring the offender to criminal responsibility; 2) to spread the practice of using preventive measures in the activities of law enforcement units carrying out operational investigative activities; 3) to introduce departmental indicators of the work of the units of the bodies internal affairs carrying out operational and investigative activities for prevented offenses and unfinished crimes. These measures will prevent a personnel shortage in the field of highly intelligent professions in the context of the introduction of Western sanctions against Russia and will strengthen the economic security of the Fatherland.
attractiveness of the Russian jurisdiction, the intended offense, white - collar crime, entropic crime, warning, prevention, admonishment, operational and investigative activities, national security, decriminalization
Strategy of national security
Pleshakova, E.S., Gataullin, S.T., Osipov, A.V., Koroteev, M.V., Ushakova, Y.V. (2022). Recognition of Human Emotions by Voice in the Fight against Telephone Fraud. National Security, 5, 11–29.
Advances in communication technologies have made communication between people more accessible. In the era of information technology, information exchange has become very simple and fast. However, personal and confidential information may be available on the Internet. For example, voice phishing is actively used by intruders. The harm from phishing is a serious problem all over the world, and its frequency is growing. Communication systems are vulnerable and can be easily hacked by attackers using social engineering attacks. These attacks are aimed at tricking people or businesses into performing actions that benefit attackers, or providing them with confidential data. This article explores the usefulness of applying various approaches to training to solve the problem of fraud detection in telecommunications. A person's voice contains various parameters that convey information such as emotions, gender, attitude, health and personality. Speaker recognition technologies have wide areas of application, in particular countering telephone fraud. Emotion recognition is becoming an increasingly relevant technology as well with the development of voice assistant systems. One of the goals of the study is to determine the user model that best identifies fraud cases. Machine learning provides effective technologies for fraud detection and is successfully used to detect such actions as phishing, cyberbullying, and telecommunications fraud.
phishing, phone fraud, cybercrimes, computer crime, personal data, text analysis, neural networks, machine learning, cyberbullying, artificial intelligence
Internal threats and countermeasures
Ermakova, E., Igonina, A.A. (2022). The Problem of Poverty in a Society with Excessive Socio-economic Inequality. National Security, 5, 30–40.
The object of the study is the phenomenon of socio-economic inequality in the world and Russia. The subject of the study is poverty as an integral phenomenon of the lower strata of society with its excessive differentiation by income and wealth. The purpose of the study is to determine the depth of the problems of socio-economic inequality and poverty during the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The research methodology is based on the use of the principles of integrated and systematic approaches, general scientific and special methods of economic science. The information base of the study was data from the National Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, data from opinion polls conducted by VTSIOM and the Levada Center, the World Bank. The article is devoted to the problems of socio-economic inequality and poverty as interrelated, having common roots, causes, consequences and similar solutions. The depth of the studied problem is illustrated by statistical data in relation to Russia and individual countries of the world. Particular attention is focused on the accessibility of the poorest segments of the population to health services during the spread of coronavirus infection. The thesis that the pandemic has made the poor even poorer is confirmed. The authors cite alternative official statistics - the results of sociological surveys conducted by various organizations in order to emphasize the scale and depth of the problem of poverty and vulnerability of the population classified as the lower decile.
progressive taxation, social federalism, federal program, deprivation, pandemic, extreme poverty, absolute poverty, the poverty line, socio-economic inequality, poverty
Strategy of national security
Moskalev, G.L. (2022). Extremist and Terrorist Crimes in the Courts Decisions Statistics. National Security, 5, 41–49.
The subject of the study is the statistical data on the state of criminal courts records in Russia in their dynamics for 2017-2021. The relevance of the study is due to the allocation in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation from 2021 of an independent section dedicated to information security, as well as an indication in it of the threat in the form of extremist and terrorist activities carried out on the Internet. Achieving the goal of defining and specifying this threat required the fulfillment of tasks in the form of: establishing a list of extremist and terrorist information crimes; detecting trends in the number and age of convicts, as well as their distribution in different years according to these compositions. The study found that after a significant decrease in the number of convicts for extremist and terrorist information crimes in 2019, their number last year again approached the numbers of 2017. The distribution of convicts under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has undergone serious changes over the past 5 years. It was found that among those convicted of crimes of extremist and terrorist orientation in 2021, the proportion of those who committed crimes using the Internet increased 5 times compared to 2017, reaching a value of 72.21%. The share of those convicted of such crimes over the age of 29 increased from 28.86% in 2018 to 55.89% in 2021. The share of juvenile convicts, on the contrary, decreased, not reaching 5% in 2021. The results of the study allowed us to confirm the increased threat to information security in the form of extremist and terrorist activities carried out on the Internet. The obtained data on the age of convicts can be used to adjust preventive measures of anti-extremist and anti-terrorist orientation, which today are mainly focused on schoolchildren and students.
legal statistics, judicial statistics, terrorist activity, extremist activity, internet criminality, crimes of terrorist character, terrorist crimes, extremist crimes, Information crimes, criminal record status
Monograph peer reviews
Bol'shakova, V.M., Utyuganov, A.A. (2022). Military Police – a New Stage: Reflections on the Textbook "Organization of the Activities of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". National Security, 5, 50–56.
The article examines the recently published textbook "Organization of the activities of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" under the general editorship of V.V. Ershov, S.V. Kuralenko, S.V. Surovikin, published in 2022 at the Russian State University of Justice. The textbook reflects a wide range of issues: the main activities, functions and powers of the military police; general issues of the organization of its activities; organization of its legal education activities; features of military service in it; activities of the military police to ensure law and order and military discipline in the military; organization of its activities in the field of criminal justice; organization of proceedings on cases of administrative offenses, participation in the consideration by the courts of materials on gross disciplinary offenses; organization of its activities on search, detention, escort and application of criminal penalties to military personnel; security functions of the military police and functions to ensure state protection; functions to ensure road safety and other issues. The content of the textbook must be recognized as necessary and sufficient in describing and justifying the issues of organizing the activities of the national military police. The authors give a description of the publication under consideration, and also make proposals to change the current legislation regulating the activities of the military police. So it is proposed to state Article 9 of the Statute of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the following wording: "9. The military police in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.".
state bodies, functions, crime prevention, coercive measures, powers, legal bases of activity, military police, military personnel and citizens, military service, Armed forces
Economical support of national security
Samoilova, L.K. (2022). Asymmetry of Sustainable Development of Regional Systems as a Threat to the Economic Security of the State. National Security, 5, 57–79.
The article is devoted to the formulation of the author's approach to assessing the socio-economic opportunities of Russian regions in achieving their sustainable development goals. It is undeniable that the term "sustainable development" is reflected in the publications of domestic and foreign scientists, however, insufficient attention is paid to its connection with the definition of "economic security", which is the basic characteristic of any economic actor. The analysis of scientific papers allowed us to correlate these categories, confirming their coherence. Consequently, monitoring of indicators of sustainable development will contribute to the timely identification of negative activities that hinder the creation of conditions for socio-economic balance at the macro, meso and micro levels. It is appropriate to note that, despite the development by official statistics of a list of national indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, their thresholds have not been established. In view of this, the purpose of the study is to develop indicators through which the state of the regional system can be determined from the standpoint of its internal abilities to ensure social equality, economic stability, and rational use of natural resources. The set of methods used in the research process consists of two groups: general scientific, private scientific. The first of them includes: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. Based on these tools, the relationship between such categories as "economic security" and "sustainable development" has been established. The second includes absolute and relative statistical values, ranking, classification. With their help, the Russian regions were ranked according to a number of criteria, without which the sustainable development of territories becomes illusory. The result of the study is the development and testing of a system of coefficients grouped taking into account the fundamental principles of sustainable development. Their list is presented by relative indicators that allow for an interregional comparison, the purpose of which is to identify the degree of asymmetry of meso-formations according to the parameters of sustainable development. The application of the proposed indicators is aimed at detecting prosperous and disadvantaged regions among Russian regions in order to prevent the increase of imbalances in the future.
thresholds, ranking, indicators, assessment, social equality, economic stability, environmental management, sustainable development goals, sustainable development, economic security
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Gorian, E. (2022). The Role of the Financial Regulator of Thailand in Ensuring the Information Security of the Financial and Banking Sector. National Security, 5, 80–90.
The object of the study is the relations arising during the functioning of the national legal mechanism for ensuring cybersecurity. The subject of the study is presented by regulatory legal acts and sources of "soft law" of Thailand, which establish requirements for information systems of the financial and banking sector. Using the example of the second economy in Southeast Asia - Thailand, the role of the financial regulator of the state – the Bank of Thailand (Bank of Thailand, BOT) in ensuring cybersecurity of the financial and banking sectors is described. The features of the legal status of the Bank of Thailand, determining the coordinating role in the institutional mechanism for ensuring cybersecurity, are highlighted. The key documents of the financial regulator that form the regulatory mechanism for ensuring cybersecurity in Thailand are examined. The powers of the financial regulator of Thailand are distributed among three bodies. The Bank of Thailand controls commercial banks, financial companies, credit institutions, asset management companies, electronic payment services and credit card companies. The Securities and Exchange Commission oversees securities transactions, while the Insurance Commission oversees the activities of insurance companies. Ensuring information security is entrusted to the Bank of Thailand, which is authorized to create a risk management system for financial institutions in order to ensure their stability. To this end, it adopts regulations that establish security standards for three types of information systems: general, serving electronic payments and serving electronic payment cards. Noteworthy is the requirement for information system operators, when concluding a service agreement, to determine the rights of internal and external auditors, as well as an official of the Bank of Thailand to verify transactions and control the service provider. The financial regulator determines the status of service providers of particularly important payment systems, charging them with the obligation to develop security measures for information systems, depending on the types and complexity of their own services.
information system, fintech, information system operator, Thailand, critical information infrastructure, digital infrastructure, financial regulator, information security, financial and banking sector, digital technologies
Transformation of national security systems
Moreva, E.L., Obolenskaya, L.V. (2022). Reformatting the National Environmental Agenda for Safe Business Development under Sanctions. National Security, 5, 91–99.
The subject of the research in the article is the national environmental agenda of the Russian Federation and the issues of its reformatting. The need to implement the national environmental agenda is shown on the example of the Arctic region, where it is necessary to take into account: (1) the planned intensification of industrial development, which increases the risks of negative impact of man-made factors on environmental safety; (2) the specifics of the region, which aggravates the criticality of environmental safety problems. Against the background of today's sanctions pressure, the task of reformatting the national environmental agenda has entered the list of urgent technological and logistical problems for Russian business. Reformatting includes anti-sanctions measures to support business security, which the study focuses on. The novelty of the research consists in substantiating and developing a balanced approach to reformatting the national environmental agenda, carried out to ensure the safe development of business under sanctions pressure. The approach focuses on two key areas of reformatting: (1) measures to temporarily weaken environmental regulations; (2) measures to support priority environmental projects of business, as well as domestic developers and manufacturers of environmental equipment. From the analysis of business and environmental risks, in the zone of which the Arctic territories fall, it is concluded that there is a need for a rational combination of the identified areas. From the standpoint of environmental safety and business preparation for improving the economic situation, the need to strengthen the second direction of reformatting related to the implementation of priority environmental business projects is shown. The results obtained can be useful for choosing anti-sanctions measures to support safe business development within the framework of the state policy of ensuring national security.
balanced approach, environmental risks, entrepreneurial risks, anti-sanctions measures, external sanctions, the Arctic, environmental security, business security, national environmental agenda, reformatting the environmental agenda
Legal support of national security
Kuzmin, I.A., Garmyshev, Y.V. (2022). Theoretical Foundations of the Interaction of the System of Legal Responsibility and the System of Combating Crime. National Security, 5, 100–116.
In this article, in order to comprehensively counteract crime, a systematic method of studying state-legal and criminal reality through the prism of the system of legal responsibility is analyzed. It is indicated that in modern conditions, the system of measures of legal responsibility should be improved, aimed at establishing the causes and conditions that contribute to crime. Attention is drawn to the conflicts of the sectoral legislation of the Russian Federation that prevent the application of legal liability measures. The author's vision of the structural and substantive components of the systems under consideration is proposed. The sociological, political and cultural components of the problem are taken into account. The spheres of interaction between the system of legal responsibility and the system of combating crime are revealed. Using the appropriate methodological arsenal and regulatory framework, the instrumental characteristics of the system of legal responsibility and the system of combating crime are determined. In each of the systems, normative, procedural and organizational subsystems are identified and considered, the interaction between them is shown. The quality of the legal regulation of activities for the prevention of crimes and other offenses is assessed, the existing intra-system contradictions and their causes are identified, conceptual solutions for existing problems are proposed. The vagueness of legal norms and the lack of effective procedural mechanisms actually negates the law enforcement effect of fixing in the laws an extensive list of prohibitions aimed at countering crime. The current directions of criminal policy in the field of combating crime in the context of the development of legislation are determined. The comparison of the system of legal responsibility and the system of combating crime is made from the position of a methodological level approach, which allows them to be correlated at the substantive, structural and proper-system levels. Outside of the "points of contact" of the compared systems, the conditions for their convergence in various spheres of society were considered. The conclusion is made about the need to coordinate the system of legal responsibility with the realities of the reality surrounding the subjects of law. The connection between the effectiveness of the crime prevention system, the effectiveness of the system of legal responsibility, indicators of law-making, law enforcement and law interpretation activities is revealed.
legal instrument, legal regulation, crime control system, counteraction to crime, criminality, crime prevention, system of legal responsibility, legal responsibility, law enforcement, legal practice
Moreva, E.L., Obolenskaya, L.V., Bekulova, S.R. (2022). On the question of choosing the organizational form of the digital space for the safe development of Russian business. National Security, 5, 117–134.
In the context of the global trend of digital transformation of industry, the formation of digital spaces is one of the important tasks of business and national economies. The diversity of forms of digital spaces in modern industry has led to the need for their theoretical ordering, structuring and classification in order to create conditions for the most correct choice of the form of its implementation in practice. The purpose of this work is to solve the problem of choosing the optimal form of organizing the digital space to increase the security of business development and the national economy. The object of the study is the process of digital transformation of the modern economy and industry. The subject of the study is the forms of organization of digital spaces in modern industry. The analysis of the forms of organization of digital spaces indicates their diversity and complexity. It is shown how the organization of a digital space suitable for business increases the efficiency of its functioning. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the consequences of the transition to a digital business model. It is established that the choice of the form of organization of the digital space returns to the peculiarities of business functioning. One of the main criteria for choosing the form of organization of the digital space is how the business operates: independently or within the value chain. It is shown that one of the consequences of the trend of progressive growth of digital data flows between different subjects of different levels is the emergence and aggravation of imbalances in their digital spaces. In these conditions, the participation of the state is necessary to ensure the security of business development and the national economy.
digital platform, artificial intelligence, integrated digital system, digital data, digital factory, industry, digital technologies, digital space, digital business model, digital integration
Economical support of national security
Ozarnov, R., Medvedeva, M. (2022). Regional and national insurance mechanisms in developing countries. National Security, 5, 135–150.
The article is focused on the regional and national insurance mechanisms in developing countries. Their activities and these in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as strengthening geopolitical tension are considered. The subject of the analysis is the mechanisms of the functioning stabilization funds in developing countries, such as the Chong Mai Agreement, BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement, FLAR, EFSD, and the national insurance mechanisms in such countries as Russia and Saudi Arabia. The authors analyse the main formation stages and the purpose of creating these mechanisms, sources of funding and the main activities, as well as the structure of investment portfolios. The study is based on general scientific methods of cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as the presentation of tabular and graphical interpretation of statistical information, and time series. The novelty of the article lies in a comprehensive analysis of both regional and national insurance mechanisms in developing countries. Stabilization mechanisms, taking into account the volume of their financial resources, perform significant functions both at the level of the national economy of the member countries and at the regional level, while also influencing the world economy. However, their organizational activities and investment strategy are not always effective, and in this regard, it is advisable to conduct further research in this field.
Russia, developing countries, national economy, macroeconomics, investments, world economy, sovereign wealth funds, world finance, global financial market, COVID-19 pandemic
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Ragozin, A.V. (2022). Integration of military medical services and civilian health care
as a key condition for the provision of medical care to military personnel
and the population in the event of a large-scale military conflict. National Security, 5, 151–163.
The escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine threatens with a shortage of resources for the military medical service. The solution may be the integration of civil and military medicine - it is provided for by the military medical doctrine of NATO, but does not have a systematic implementation in the Russian Federation, which even in peacetime limits the availability of medical care to military personnel, and in the event of an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine threatens to overload the military medical service . Attempts to integrate civilian and military medical infrastructure were unsuccessful due to the lack of a systematic approach to their interaction and the inability of the departments concerned to reach an agreement on the mechanisms and sources of funding.The authors propose to return to the principles of organizational integration between military and civilian medicine, which were first proposed in the ÕIX century by N.I. Pirogov, successfully used by the health care of the USSR during the civil and second world wars and forgotten after the collapse of the Soviet Union. For financial and economic integration, it is proposed to include military personnel in the CHI system for medical care that military medical institutions cannot provide due to their overload, remoteness or lack of necessary specialists.It is proposed to solve the problem of paying compulsory medical insurance contributions for military personnel by replacing the compulsory medical insurance contributions paid by employers (for employees) and the subjects of the Federation (for the non-working population) with a universal compulsory medical insurance contribution automatically withheld at the same rate for all legal entities and individuals from all non-cash transactions - thereby financing additional medical guarantees for military personnel, leveling the “free rider effect” in the CHI system.
Automated Payment Transaction, transaction tax, free rider problem, financial stability, FCHIF, centralized financing, insurance premiums, CHI income, effective medical help, special military operation
Legal support of national security
Chakalova, M.S. (2022). Responsibilities of Organizations in the Field of Emergency Protection. National Security, 5, 164–173.
From the content of Federal Law No. 68-FZ "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies", it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion about which organizations are concerned with article 14 of this law, which establishes the responsibilities of organizations: all or only those whose categories are considered in it. The powers of organizations in the field of protecting the population from emergencies should differ and depend on whether they function in an emergency, whether they are part of a unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergencies, whether they pose a danger to the environment, whether it is about protecting the organization of the population or only its employees. It is proposed to supplement the law under consideration with Article 14.1 "Obligations of organizations to protect employees from emergencies", which establishes obligations for organizations not classified in the categories considered by the federal law: training of employees; notifying them of the threat of an emergency or the occurrence of an emergency; conducting emergency.
material resources, financing, reserve, workers, population, protection, civil defense, emergency situation, safety, responsibilities of the organization