System and interaction
Radzhabzoda, D.I. (2022). Procedural features of sending a request for legal assistance in the interaction of the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and the CIS countries in criminal cases . National Security, 2, 1–9.
The subject of this study is the legal norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, national normative legal acts, organizational and administrative documents (orders, orders) of heads of law enforcement agencies, international treaties aimed at regulating public and legal relations on the issues of sending requests for legal assistance in the field of interaction between the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and CIS countries when criminal proceedings. The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of judicial and investigative practice in order to identify the most typical errors that usually cause refusal to execute a request in order to eliminate problems and eliminate legal gaps in the legislative regulation of the mechanism for sending and executing requests for legal assistance in criminal cases. The dialectical method of scientific cognition was used, as well as comparative – legal, logical – analytical, systemic, as well as formal – legal research methods. The article examines the issues related to sending a request as one of the forms of interaction between the preliminary investigation bodies of Russia and the law enforcement agencies of the CIS countries. The legal regulation is analyzed and the specifics of the request direction are considered. The novelty of the article lies in the identification of problematic aspects of cooperation and the conflict of criminal procedure legislation and international agreements, which usually cause refusal to execute the request, including one of the most difficult problems in this area – compliance with procedural deadlines for the execution of the request. The proposals contributing to the resolution of existing problems are formulated. In particular, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to supplement the provisions of normative acts regulating the mechanism of sending a request for legal assistance so that the investigator can necessarily indicate in the content of the request the terms of its execution, taking into account significant factors.
convention, legal assistance, request execution, criminal case, interaction, Concord, preliminary investigation, Investigator, a reasonable time, legal proceedings
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Vakarev, A.A., Vinogradov, V.V. (2022). Ensuring environmental safety through the development of waste recycling in modern Russia: development, difficulties, solutions at the regional level. National Security, 2, 10–37.
The subject of the study is the system of relations arising in ensuring the environmental safety of modern Russia in the field of waste processing of solid industrial and household waste. The object of the study is the regional economy of the Volgograd region, where there are significant opportunities for the creation and development of incineration facilities. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as: analysis of the development of the incineration business in the global economy; justification of the potential of the incineration business in modern Russia; analysis of the practice of creating waste disposal facilities in domestic conditions; justification of the construction of incineration plants in the Volgograd region. Special attention is paid to the economic justification of the efficiency of incineration plants in the Volgograd region. The main conclusions of the study are the following: waste disposal is currently a very promising area of business development, a powerful aspect of the growth of the regional economy of some subjects of the Russian Federation; international experience shows that a very powerful economic potential is already involved in this area, especially in the most developed countries of the global economy; the modern market offers a wide range of technical and managerialcommercial funds for the development of waste disposal enterprises; in many regions of Russia there is high business activity for the development of waste disposal enterprises, but this activity encounters environmental restrictions and inertia on the part of environmental organizations; creating conditions for the development of waste recycling facilities in the Volgograd region will have a high economic effect and will have a positive impact on the overall socio-economiceconomic development of the region. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is its actualization and attraction of rich world experience. The novelty of the research lies in the adaptation of the research topic to the practical conditions of the Volgograd region and other regions of Russia.
production, investment, branch, industry, incineration, incineration plant, wastes, effectiveness, region, ecology
Comparative analysis of security systems
Novikov, A.V. (2022). Analysis of the impact of political isolation of ethnic groups on the growth of terrorism. National Security, 2, 38–58.
The presented work examines terrorist violence at the subnational level, taking into account the fact that the regions of residence of politically excluded ethnic groups are exposed to a higher terrorist risk. Moreover, this risk may be exacerbated by the high population density of the region, the level of economic development and the type of political regime of the country. There is some reason to believe that the influence of political isolation may also be more likely to motivate cases of ethnic violence when this exclusion is combined with numerous local and country conditions that increase awareness of group competition and unequal distribution of socio-economic resources. The study uses geocoded incidents of terrorist attacks within States in combination with a set of data on ethnic groups' access to political power in the country and an additional set of control variables. The analysis focuses on the assessment of domestic terrorism incidents for 185 countries in 1970-2019. Logistic regression with random effects was used to verify the assumptions made. In general, it was found that ethnic political isolation is an important risk factor for local terrorist violence. It was also revealed that more densely populated and affluent regions are at much greater risk of violence if at least one excluded ethnic group is present in them. These trends are much more pronounced in democratic countries, in which cases of political isolation are deviations rather than the norm.
economic development, terrain of attacks, geography of violence, civil war, political isolation, ethnic groups, the risk of terrorism, terrorism, logistic regression, probability
Legal support of national security
Veprentseva, T.A. (2022). Actual problems of legal provision of information security of the Russian Federation . National Security, 2, 59–73.
The subject of this article is the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information security, as well as the theoretical positions of modern researchers on the legal provision of information security in the Russian Federation. The modern legislation of the Russian Federation on information security issues is analyzed in detail, while special attention is paid to the consideration of regulatory legal acts that ensure Internet governance, which is one of the most important areas of development of legislation in this area. The most important aspects of information security that attract research interest, approaches to solving existing problems in this area are identified. The analysis of the norms of information legislation and the systematization of the material is based on the formal-logical method. The comparative legal method allowed us to identify current trends in the development of legislation in this area, and the prognostic method allowed us to determine the prospects for the development of legislation aimed at creating a system of effective legal provision of information security in the Russian Federation. The article presents the author's reasoned position on the problems of legal provision of information security and the prospects for their solution in the current international situation. The conclusions obtained as a result of the study allow us to speak about the prematurity of codification of legislation in the field of information security, at the same time, the need for systematic movement in a given direction. Conclusions are drawn that today the Russian Federation continues to pursue a policy in the field of information security, which defends the sovereign information space, and also initiates the activity of the world community aimed at creating effective mechanisms for ensuring international information security through the activities of international organizations and expanding the coverage of international law.
information legislation, information technology, The Internet, electronic interaction, legislation, information protection, security threats, information security, information, information space
Legal support of national security
Filatova, E. (2022). Countering corruption as a threat to public security in foreign countries. National Security, 2, 74–82.
Among the factors that pose a systemic threat to public security in modern realities, one of the most important is the spread of corruption. At the same time, many of the foreign countries have faced manifestations of this threat much earlier than the Russian Federation, and therefore have accumulated more substantial experience in countering them. In this context, the article examines the specifics of the implementation of various anti-corruption models that take place in world practice (Singapore, the United States of America, Ireland, etc.). It also substantiates the most important role of the public control system in the system of leveling threats to public security generated by corruption factors. In the context of the topic under consideration, it seems necessary to legislatively regulate the order of interaction of public control institutions with state and municipal bodies, as well as the responsibility of the latter for non-assistance or opposition to structures empowered to carry out public anti-corruption control.Summing up the analysis, I would like to note that the use of foreign experience of administrative and legal regulation both in the field of formation of mechanisms of public (public) anti-corruption control and improvement of anti-corruption mechanisms in general is one of the most important areas of ensuring public safety due to the extremely high danger posed by modern trends in the development of corruption processes for the formation of the environment, characteristic of a healthy society.
national security, public anti-corruption control, public service, administrative and legal regulation, foreign experience, anti-corruption, public safety, asian model, singapore model, public control