Staffing of national security
Gudyaeva, L.A., Prygunova, M.I. (2021). Support of young scientists as the key priority of economic development and sustainable position of the Russian Federation in the global human capital market: regional aspect . National Security, 5, 1–10.
The subject of this research is the intellectual assets viewed in the context of the problems of economic development of the region and ensuring national security of the Russian Federation. The object of this research is estimate of the efficiency of measures taken by the government to support young researchers and their contribution to the development of high-tech economic sectors. The goal of this article lies in examination of the processes of formation and implementation of measures aimed at supporting young scientists within the framework of regional, intramural, and corporate programs oriented towards the new level of economic development. The article employs systemic approach, content analysis, and hypothetical-deductive method for assessing the state and dynamics of research activity in the Republic of Tatarstan as a whole, and individual scientific institutions. Analysis is conducted on the normative legal framework that lays the groundwork for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation and regional policy documents. An overview is given on the successful foreign practices for the support of young researchers. This study complements the author's previous works on evaluation of intellectual assets of the territories in the regional aspect, and involves into the theoretical elaboration the directly related legislative initiatives on ensuring national security, which were adopted in July 2021. The author substantiates the strategically important role of human potential of the Russian Federation as the key driver of further economic growth; examines the state support measures on ensuring its effective capitalization within the country; underlines the leading role of the state research and development policy oriented towards increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy and its resilience to external and internal threats. Special attention is given to the current level of scientific, technological and innovative development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The acquired results are valuable from the perspective of actualization of the problems of achieving leadership in research and development sector, which pose a threat to the strategically important priorities of national security.
scientific and technological sphere, scientific potential, region, strategic priorities, competitiveness, sustainability, national security, socio-economic development, resources, support measures
Economical support of national security
Shabanova, L.B., Morozova, I.G., Timiryasova, I.A. (2021). Methodology for assessing the competitive positions of a higher education institution on the national market of educational services . National Security, 5, 11–21.
The fact that many Russian universities offer a wide, but often similar, range of educational services substantiates stiff competition between them, which aggravated in the conditions of protracted global COVID-19 pandemic due to the need for rapid implementation of the tools and methods of distance learning. The educational institutions compete for not only students, by their admission to each specific discipline. The goal is set to analyze the competitive positions and opportunities of the university on the market of educational services in the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov. The research methodology leans on the general theoretical methods, as well as 7P and SWOT analysis. As a result, the author determines the merits and flaws of the university, market opportunities and threats; as well as offers the vectors for improving on the market of educational services. The acquired conclusions on the need to expand the material base, increase the academic degree holders rate, involvement in the grant mechanism, and integration into the real sector of economy are relevant for a great many universities in the Russian Federation.
marketing mix, SWOT analysis, 7P method, university, educational organization, competitive positions, competitiveness, possibilities, threats, strengths
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Starovoitov, V.G. (2021). Situation center as an effective mechanism in management system. National Security, 5, 22–29.
The subject of this research is the situation centers of the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the use of situation centers for improving the quality and effectiveness of managerial decision-making. The article employs the methods of economic analysis, forecasting, modeling, and systemic approach. The author examines the questions of creation and functionality of situation centers in the Russian Federation. It is noted that the Russian Federation has accumulated vast experience in establishment and activity of the situation centers. The research demonstrates that the situation centers allow increasing the competence, efficiency, and reliability of managerial decision-making, as well as ensure construction of a single dynamic vertical structure of decision-making. The novelty of this work lies in outlining the issues in the activity of situational centers at the current stage, the ways for their solution, and recommendation for the development of sitututations centers. The author also describes the feasibility of using situation centers in the conditions of pandemic for countering COVID-19. The conclusion is made that the system of situation centers is one of the crucial mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of public administration in achieving sustainable socioeconomic development and strengthening national security of the Russian Federation. The use of situation centers allows increasing the competence, efficiency, and reliability of managerial decision-making in vital spheres, healthcare in the time of pandemic. The research conducted in recent years prove the need for the transformation of traditional situation centers into the situation development centers.
monitoring, efficiency of public administration, management decision, situational development center, Situational center, National security, econometric models, artificial intelligence, neural networks, pandemic
Question at hand
Ilyakova, I.E. (2021). Implementation of the best available technologies as a factor of establishment of “green” economy: institutional aspect . National Security, 5, 30–40.
The goal of this research lies in assessment of the institutional factors of implementing the model of “green” economy in the context of introduction of best available technologies as the object of eco-investing, development of recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of such mechanisms from the perspectiveof ensuring “green” priorities. The article employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis, synthesis) and special methods (integrative that implies simultaneous study of institutional, social and economic factors). The object of this research is the institutional factors of eco-investing and implementation of the best available technologies. The subject is the effectiveness of the institutional mechanism of "eco-investing in the context of implementation of the priorities of the model of “green” economy. The article relies on the conceptual documents of international organizations in the area of sustainable development and “green” economy, scientific works of the leading national and foreign scholars, statistical data and reports of the government structures, as well as corresponding normative legal acts. The scientific novelty and results are as follows: the author clarifies the correlation between the concepts of “sustainable development”, “green economy”, “green growth”, and “eco-investing”; outlines the institutional roles of the actors of "eco-investing; determines the problematic areas, such as priority vectors of eco-investing; examines the normative legal mechanism of development of the “green” economy model in the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that the key “rules of the game” are established on the macroeconomic level. The article also reveals the “failures” in the course of implementation of the national project “Ecology” and the federal project “Introduction of the Best Available Technologies”. Recommendations are formulated for the elimination of such gaps and realization of the priorities of “green” economy in the investment sphere.
green financing, national project, an institutional mechanism, best available technologies, green investment, green growth, green economy, sustainable development, green bonds, environmental goals
Economical support of national security
Mammadov, T., Zvereva, A.D. (2021). Foreign direct investment as a factor of socioeconomic development of the EAEU member-states. National Security, 5, 41–55.
The goal of this research lies in assessment of the role of foreign direct investment in socioeconomic development of the EAEU member-states in the current context. The research methodology employs such approaches as scientific abstraction, logical generalization, statistical and factor analysis. Based on examination of the relevant theories of international capital movement, the author outlines positive factors in attracting long-term foreign investment. The article explores the key indicators of economic development of the EAEU member-states at the current stage. Analysis is conducted on the peculiarities of foreign direct investment in the region. It is noted that the Russian Federation is the most active investor within the EAEU. The author determines the common factors that limit the development of investment relations between the partner countries; as well as reveals the dominant disproportions in attraction of foreign investment capital. Consideration is given to the experience of Shenzhen in formation of the global special economic zone in the EAEU countries. The conclusion is formulated that the key factor of socioeconomic development of the EAEU member-states is the attraction of foreign direct investment capital. The following measures in the sphere of foreign investment are proposed: development of direct investment funds; formation of special economic zones; implementation of intergovernmental earmarked programs; creation of specialized centers for the development of small and medium business bases on the market principles.
special economic zones, EAEU, industrial park, private equity fund, socio-economic development, foreign direct investments, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, China
Informational support of national security
Duben, A.K. (2021). Recent trends in the development of legal regulation in the sphere of ensuring information security of the judicial system in the Russian Federation . National Security, 5, 56–65.
This article explores the questions of information security in the conditions of digital transformation and improvement of state administration. The author analyzes the impact of these challenges upon the judicial system overall and legal support of information security. Considering the existing scientific research and foreign experience, the conclusion is made on modernization of digital interaction on the issues of notifying the parties about the court hearing. Special attention is given to the institution of identification. Vectors in the development of complex institution of identification in the conditions of digital transformation are outlined. The author analyzes the case law material of the courts of general jurisdiction pertaining to personal data protection of a particular category of citizens; as well as substantiates the importance of digital notification of the parties to court proceedings for preventing the abuse of procedural rights by unconscientious participants. The author believes that formalization of prohibition on posting court documents online, in cases involving military personnel or persons doing military service, would ensure personal data protection of a particular category of citizens. . The conclusion is made that the highlighted issues of ensuring information security in the context of administration of justice testify to poor legal regulation of the institutions of identification and personal data. The consolidation of the uniform principles of legal regulation of relations that arise in the process of consideration and resolution of court cases with the use of information and telecommunications technologies, would allow countering the new challenges and threats in the information sphere, as well as the impact of globalization upon determination of the national strategy for the development of information society.
digital profile, digital technologies, personal data, identification institute, public authorities, legal information, information society, biometric identification, trust space, artificial intelligence
Economical support of national security
Samoilova, L.K. (2021). Innovative economy: barrier or impulse for the development of borderline-dangerous conditions of meso-formations . National Security, 5, 66–85.
The analysis of the provisions of economic science reveals the need for replacing the resource-based economy for innovative, which is explained by the growing scarcity of economic resources in the context of increasing demands of the actors for economic goods. However, most scientific elaborations focus solely on the positive consequences of implementation of innovations, rather than negative caused by the unwillingness of economic entities to innovative changes due to shortage of resources, scant involvement of the government agencies of meso-level in the process of simulating innovative initiatives, low interest of the end consumer in the innovative product. The goal of this article lies in substantiation of feasibility of using individual approach towards meso-formations in the context of switching the economic course, which would take into account the internal territorial peculiarities and impede the emergence of borderline-dangerous conditions. Assessment is conducted on the readiness of regional economies for innovative changes, which confirming high differentiation of meso-formations by a number of criteria that reflect the state of the local innovative environment. Based on the calculations and subsequent analysis carried out on the resource capacity of the territories, the author concluded on infeasibility of application of the “typical” rearrangement of the vector of their socioeconomic development.
economic resources, adaptation mechanism, border-dangerous states, innovative transformations, innovations, economy of innovations, regions, resource provision, indicators, assessment