Question at hand
Derevyagina, O.E. (2021). On exemption from criminal liability for unlawful restriction of competition (the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) . National Security, 4, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the notes to the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Article 14.32 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses; foreign antimonopoly legislation on exemption and mitigation of liability for cartels; decisions of the plenums of higher judicial instances of the Russian Federation regarding the grounds and procedure for exemption from liability for cartel agreements; draft of the federal law on introducing amendments to the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and antimonopoly practice on cartels. The article aims to examine the grounds for exemption from criminal liability for cartel agreements, including in comparative-legal and interdisciplinary aspects. The novelty of this research consists in establishing extension of the grounds for exemption from liability in the Russian legislation to all cartel participants (unlike foreign legislation, according to which the cartel facilitator is not exempt from liability). This article is firs to provide interpretation to scantily studied questions of the procedure for realization of the conditions of exemption from criminal liability: the instance, when the cartel participant is still able to declare the restriction of competition to law enforcement agencies, and other measures of reparation of the inflicted damage. The author proposes a method for unification of the the grounds for exemption from liability stipulated by the Article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Article 14.32 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. The acquired results can be applied in the activity of law enforcement agencies.
leniency programmes, discharge, limiting competition, competition, cartel agreements, antitrust law, conspiracy, Criminal law prohibition, criminal law, criminal liability
Question at hand
Ragozin, A.V., Itselev, A.A., Glazunova, S.A. (2021). Mobilization readiness to respiratory disasters: how to increase financial and economic availability of mechanical ventilation equipment . National Security, 4, 14–26.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the critical vulnerability of modern society to the risk of respiratory disasters – situations of mass destruction of people by biological, chemical or radioactive agents with the development of respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventilation. This is substantiated by extremely high cost of conventional mechanical ventilation technology, which currently has no alternative, and implies “anti-physiological” (dangerous to health) pressure-targeted ventilation. Due to high cost of such equipment, no country is currently able to provide substantial mobilization reserves of ventilators, which in case of respiratory disasters, entails high mortality rate among population. The solution of this problem, the authors see the “catching-up” development of inexpensive, easy to use, and relatively safe method of mechanical ventilation with negative pressure ( the so-called tank ventilator or “iron lungs”), which encloses most of a person's body, and varies the air pressure in the enclosed space, to stimulate breathing. Due to the lower price, safety and ease of use of this method, the authors consider it essential in the instance of mass victims with respiratory failure caused by infectious, chemical or radiation agents. The conclusion is made on the importance of advancement of the mechanical ventilation technology based on the method of negative pressure for ensuring mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation to respiratory disaster, as well as the current need of the healthcare system.
mass production, respiratory disaster, mobilization readiness, economic affordability, technological affordability, medical affordability, negative pressure ventilation, positive pressure ventilation, maintenance costs, COVID-19 pandemic
Question at hand
Sausheva, O.S. (2021). “Greening” the financial system of the country as an essential condition for solution of the “growth dilemma” . National Security, 4, 27–40.
This article aims to examine the global trends of greening the financial system, as well as analyze the relevant issues and prospects for their solution within the Russian economy. The subject of this research is the transformation of the financial system of the Russian Federation in the context of ecological requirements, and their impact upon the level of national security of the country. The working scientific hypothesis of this research is based on recognition of the idea that greening the financial system, which is implies the transformation of financial and economic processes towards acknowledging the priority of ecological consequences of financial activity over the economic, seems inevitable in the med-term and even short-term perspectives. Therefore, the sooner Russia would be included in these processes, the more conditions would be created for sustainable and secure economic development. Taking into account the annually growing ecological footprint of the Russian economy, it is difficult to say if it is currently “green” or ecologically sustainable. A crucial role in these processes is played by the unpreparedness of the Russian financial system to meet the new ecological requirements. The article analyzes the current trends of “greening” the financial system of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of solving the “growth dilemma”. The author outlines the key obstacles to its development, namely the importance of solving the problem of “greenwashing”, transformation of the economic growth of the Russian Federation from the “brown” zone into the “green” zone, and problems of the taxonomy of green projects. The conclusion is made on the significance of the ongoing processes of “greening” with regards to the national security, and the need for the development of comprehensive state policy in this area due to a considerable “gap” between the financial and real economic sectors in the context of availability of environmental investments and readiness of majority of the Russian companies thereof.
greenwashing, the economic growth, growth dilemma, national interests, green bonds, green finance, environmental investments, greening the financial system, national security, greenhouse gases
Question at hand
Rzaeva, V.V., Mamedov, M.A. (2021). The development of open banking based on the implementation of open API technologies. National Security, 4, 41–52.
The implementation of open API into the work of financial organizations allowed optimizing the processes of obtaining and exchanging the internal and external data. Increasing the value of services rendered is possible due to a number of technological solutions, including open API technology. The relevance of covering the topic of open banking based on implementation of the technology of open programming interfaces is substantiated by the growing impact of using API in the process of rendering services by financial institutions. The object of research in this paper is It is an open API and its development in the Russian and foreign markets. The subject of this research is the methods of regulation, development and integration open programming interfaces in the financial markets. For comprehensive analysis of the articulated problem, the author reviews the classification of the open API, key trends in the development and application of open banking, foreign and domestic experience in its regulation and implementation. The scientific novelty of this article lies in systematization and generalization of data on the use of open interfaces in the era of digital economy on the level of financial (banking) institutions, as well as in description of the current trends in development and implementation of open API. The conclusion is drawn that banks are being actively introduced to open banking society, therefore increasing the transparency and availability of the practice-oriented data; as well as provide more information on the particular examples of implementation of open interfaces and full potential of their use.
open banking community, ecosystem, open banking, customers needs, SOAP architecture, REST architecture, open APIs, payment directive, service, platform
Economical support of national security
Samoilova, L.K. (2021). “Green” vector within the system of ensuring socioeconomic interests of macro- and micro-actors. National Security, 4, 53–68.
This article is dedicated to examination of the “green” economy – the economic model with priorities similar to the goals of sustainable development; its postulates are of particular importance in the context of increasing negative anthropogenic impact upon the environment. The majority of scientific publications discuss the advantages of transitioning toward the “green” course, which are indisputable from the perspective of preservation and augmentation of natural potential of the territory; while the factors that impede the proliferation of eco-oriented behavior, consequences of implementation such transformations for macro- and micro-actors, and assessment of the existing eco-trends in public law entities do not receive due attention. Therefore, this article aims to determine the impact of “green” reforms upon the socioeconomic interests of macro- and micro-actors leaning on the results of analysis of the characteristic features of the process of greening of economic activity. In the course of research, the author establishes that the “green” vector of economic development entails not only positive changes for macro- and micro-actors, but negative as well, which discourages their eco-activity. At the same time, the assessment of environmental situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation indicates the low eco-involvement of economic agents, which requires immediate implementation of environmental initiatives, although considering other public and private interests.
anthropogenic impact, eco-orientation, macro- and microsubjects, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, green economy, brown economy, regional economy, indicators, ranking
Strategy of national security
Kormishkina, L.A., Kormishkin, E.D. (2021). Eco-investing in the Russian Federation: analytical retrospective assessment, restraints, and mechanisms of its economic incentive. National Security, 4, 69–83.
The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need for prompt from a transition from the consumer model of economic growth towards the investment model for maintaining the long-term economic growth potential even in the conditions of planetary manifestations of large-scale environmental challenges. The authors promote economic investment as the prerequisite and “accelerator” of economic growth, which is adequate to the set goal of sustainable development for the period 2016–2030, “responsible” by nature and “transformative” by its functional role. The article aims to conduct the analytical retrospective assessment of the state of eco-investing in the Russian Federation over the period 2000–2019, determine its restraints, as well as the effective mechanisms for its economic incentive. Research methodology employs a range of procedures and methods that allow acquiring objective conclusions on the matter, namely: form databases of statistical data necessary for the analysis; intellectual data mining with instrumental support of the software package Statistica; and multifactor regression analysis. The author builds the regression models of resource potential of eco-investing, which emphasize the need for creating such normative legal, financial and economic conditions that would encourage the economic entities to invest in reduction of their ecological footprint. Based on examination and summary of the leading world practices in the sphere of state support, and application of the relevant market tools for the development of eco-investing, the article provides recommendations on the development of comprehensive mechanism for its economic motivation in the Russian Federation. Such mechanism successfully combines the methods and tools of both positive and negative motivation, concernment and responsibility measures.
potential of environmental investments, environmental investments, principles of ESG investment, investment model of growth, sustainable development, geospheric limits of growth, consumer model of growth, responsible investments, transformative investments, market instruments
Question at hand
Polushkin, V.A. (2021). The problems of popularization of science in the Russian Federation in the context of amendments to the legal regulation of educational activity . National Security, 4, 84–94.
The subject of this research is the relevant issues pertaining to popularization of science in the Russian Federation. The goal of this article lies in determination of the currently existing key issues of popularization of science in the Russian Federation: 1) the absence of effective response to the transformation of the traditional field of scientific promotion activity (distribution of new forms and methods of such activity); 2) imperfection of the new legal regulation of educational and scientific promotion activity, which may implicitly lead to negative consequences. The conducted research involves in theoretical conceptualization of scientific promotion activity in the digital age the novelties of legislative regulation of educational activity adopted in April 2021 (the so-called Law on Educational Activity). Unlike other works dedicated to the analysis of this law, this article assesses its basic provisions from the perspective of the effectiveness of achieving the goals set in the context of its impact upon the state of popularization of science in the Russian society. It is established that the model for preventing deterioration of the quality of educational content proposed in the Law on Educational Activity is not effective enough and may further reduce the quality of scientific promotion activity. Therefore, the purpose of imposed restrictions may fail to be achieved. The author believes that the more effective way would lie in intensification of the activity of traditional actors of popularization of science, rather than restriction of the activity of nontraditional actors of popularization of science.
Education Act, nontraditional actors, new media, enlightenment, popularization of science, scientific popularization activities, Enlightenment Act, legislative innovations, mass media, journalists
Person and citizen within security systems
Samoilova, L.K., Litvinenko, A.N. (2021). Indicators of the quantity and quality of human potential as the “markers” of security (pseudo-security) of territorial economy. National Security, 4, 95–115.
This article presents the original approach towards assessment of human potential of the territory from the perspective of economic security. Despite a wide variety of scientific publications that touch upon the issues of assessing the quantity and quality of human resources, there is no comprehensive research on them as a structural element of the system of ensuring economic security of the country and its administrative-territorial units. At the same time, the development of human capital significantly impacts the level of economic security of public legal entities, and the indicators that characterize its state may serve as the “markers” that allow tracing the instance of occurrence of the borderline states that threaten territorial economy. In light of this, the author aims to develop the indicators that on the one hand describe the provision of territorial-economic complex with labor resources, and on the other hand the fulfillment of socioeconomic needs of the population. Combined, they determine the degree of protection of the territorial economy from threats that arise due to the changes in quantitative and qualitative parameters of human capital. In the course of this research, the author develops the system of coefficients that reflect the parameters of human potential of the territory, constant monitoring and comparison with the “threshold” values, which are objectively required for assessing the level of economic security of meso-formations. It is suggested to include relative, tempo-based indicators in the list. Their application is oriented towards determination of changes in the quantity and quality of human resources and the predisposition of the territorial-economic complex to strengthening (weakening) the destructive socioeconomic processes.
human potential, regional economy, individual needs, macro- and microsubjects, borderline-dangerous states, economic security, assessment, indicators, thresholds, ranking