Comparative analysis of security systems
Komzolov, A., Kirichenko, T., Nazarova, Y., Kirichenko, O., Barkhatov, V., Kosminova, A. (2021). Implementation of the concept of hierarchical construction of threats to economic security of the state in risk management of the economic entities of fuel and energy complex . National Security, 6, 1–12. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.36800 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the key element of ensuring the economic interests of company owners – the system of risk management and internal control. Special attention is given to the methodology of risk management for the analysis of normative documents – laws, recommendations and standards, as well as the experience of their practical application. Comparative analysis is conducted on the corporate norms with the approaches in national strategic goal-setting with regards to national, economic and energy security, in order to develop the theory and practice of ensuring economic security of the economic entities based on the instruments devised within the system of national goal-setting. The object of this research is the economic entities and investment projects of fuel and energy complex. The scientific novelty lies in adjustment of the hierarchy of construction of challenges, threats and risks of the national strategic goal-setting in the sphere of economic security to solution of the tasks aimed at ensuring economic security of the economic entities. The relevance of the acquired results is substantiated by the difference of the authorial approach towards risk analysis in fuel and energy complex in the economic entities. Comparing to the approach of standards recommended by the economic activity regulators, which implies a single category of insecurities – “risk”, the distinction consists in implementation of the concept of hierarchical construction of the system of insecurities: challenge, threat, risk (concepts from the goal-setting documents on ensuring economic security of the state) in the new sphere of risk management of the economic entity. The authors’ original research indicate that introduction of the hierarchy of insecurities (challenges, threats, and risks) at the stage of risk identification allows simplifying and clarifying the procedure of risk assessment.
risk assessment, internal control, risk management, hierarchy, risks, threats, challenges, economic security, national security, energy security
Question at hand
Vasilyeva, E.V. (2021). Ensuring economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population: theoretical-methodological aspect . National Security, 6, 13–21. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.36869 Retrieved from
This article is dedicated to the theoretical-methodological aspects of studying economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population. The author traces the evolution of interpretation of the concept of “economic security”. Analysis is conducted on the conceptual construct of studying economic security of the territory that has established in scientific literature. The polemical character of determination of the object of economic security of the territory is indicated. The author considers the nuances of using the concepts of “national interests” and “state interests”; examines the traditional triad “interests – threats – protection” of studying economic security in the conditions of aging of the population. The theory of economic security is augmented with the provisions of the neoclassical theory of human capital and theoretical models of generational economics that take into account the age structure of the population of the territory. In the conditions of aging of the population, the state interests in the economic sphere and the interests of the senior citizens are considered as the object of economic security. The model for the formation of the effective instrument of protecting state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens from the threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging is built from the perspective of the theory of economic security, theory of human capital, and theoretical models of generational economy. The author clarifies the concept of economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population, which implies protection of the objects (state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens) from threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging.
generational economy, human capital, security object, demographic threats, aging of the population, interests of the elderly population, state interests, economic security, protection of interests, security subject
Internal threats and countermeasures
Ermakova, E. (2021). The instruments for combating shadow economy in the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 22–32. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37067 Retrieved from
This article substantiates the need for the development and application of the additional instruments for combating shadow economy in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the measures for combating shadow economy, while the subject is the related punitive and preventive instruments. The research methodology employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy); systemic and comprehensive approach; official statistical data, normative legal acts, works of the leading researchers dedicated to the problems of expansion of shadow economy, computer-based legal research systems Garant and ConsultantPlus. The study of the normative legal framework and scientific writings of the leading scholars, as well as the analysis of practical experience of the Russian Federation in combating shadow economy allowed making the following conclusions: the effective system of combating shadow economic processes should be built on all levels of governance: micro, meso and macro; at the same time, each of these levels should be able to apply both punitive and preventive instruments that encourage the actors to engage in legal activity. In recent years, Russia largely implements preventive methods for combating shadow economy. However, the rate of shadow economy in the country remains high (33% of GDP), which thwarts the economic development.
information base, tax incentives, special tax regime, capital amnesty, offshore, preventive measures, punitive measures, shadow economy, small business support, conjuncture
Economical support of national security
Markelova, E.A. (2021). Energy policy of Qatar at the present stage: external and internal dimensions (on the example of gas sector). National Security, 6, 33–42. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37095 Retrieved from
The object of this research is the energy policy of Qatar on the example of gas sector. The subject of this research is the key directions and trends in the development of energy policy, i.e. its external and internal dimensions. Detailed analysis is conducted on the energy diplomacy of Qatar being a small state. The author determines the key areas for further use of gas export revenues for sustainable development of Qatar's national economy and its diversification. The article explores the peculiarities of Qatar’s energy diplomacy; its interaction with the European and Asian countries, the United States, as well as multinational energy corporations for the purpose of development of the own fuel and energy infrastructure. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to generalize the key vectors of energy policy of modern Qatar, aligning them with the goals of economic development set in the strategic plan “Vision 2030”. This article is first to introduce sources in foreign languages into the scientific discourse. Leaning on these sources, the author reveals the “success factors” of Qatar's energy policy and growth potential, including in the conditions of “green transition”. The conclusion is made that Qatar would continue to invest in the development of gas sector, which is the major resource for qualitative assessment of the economic model. Such development implies open interaction with various external actors and the use of the latest technologies.
economic diversification, natural gas, LNG, Katar's energetics, energy security, energy diplomacy, energy policy, small states, QNV-2030, green transition
Question at hand
Egorova, T., Delakhova, A.M. (2021). The strategy of spatial development of inland water transport of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the current context. National Security, 6, 43–58. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37073 Retrieved from
This article is prepared the framework of comprehensive analysis of the current state of transport and logistics system of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Historically, water transport is the core element of the transport complex in the republic, which handles bulk cargo of interregional exchange to provide population with vital goods, and maintains the functionality of regional economy. Life sustenance of the Arctic zone and conduct of economic activity in the entire territory of the republic depends on the effective operation of inland water transport. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of the key components and objects of inland water transport in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), as well as determination of the strategic directions of its development in changing conditions. The conducted analysis of the river basin of water transport in Yakutia, the state of infrastructure, and the age composition of transport fleet reveals the major problems of functionality of the water transport in the region. Improvement of the efficiency of inland water transport should be examined from the perspective of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises through implementation of the logistics approach towards rendering services and transportation management. The author comprehensively analyzes and assesses the cargo flows of inland water transport of the Sakha Republic and changes in the logistics of northern freight in the region. Research methodology leans on the general scientific methods of synthesis, generalization, systemic approach, and economic-statistical analysis.
Berkakit-Tommot-Yakutsk railway, transport and logistics system, transport hub, northern delivery, transport system, the northern sea route, water transport, multimodality, logistics center, spatial differentiation
Rapid response and tactics
Plyushchikov, V.V. (2021). The analysis of systematicity cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United Nations in terms of disaster risk reduction. National Security, 6, 59–69. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37056 Retrieved from
In the conditions of transformation of geopolitical environment and escalating magnitude of natural and man-made disasters, the international humanitarian cooperation becomes one of the priorities on the agenda of all global actors. This substantiated by the fact that the increasing frequency of natural disasters requires the development of new approaches and programs for addressing the humanitarian issues. The goal of this article lies is the analysis of vectors and peculiarities if cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United Nations, as well as systematicity of their interaction in terms of humanitarian aid and disaster risk reduction. It is established that one of the urgent problems for the Russian Federation in the context of disaster risk reduction is wildfire prevention. The problem attracts as a global challenge has drawn particular attention of the UN.. Special emphasis is placed on the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, which for the Russian Federation and majority of countries of the world, serves as the methodological guide in the questions of participation and interaction with international partners towards overcoming humanitarian disasters and reducing the risks of anthropogenic hazards. Special attention is given to examination of the vectors and measures of support of the Russian Federation to the countries suffered from disasters. The conclusion is made that within the framework of interaction with the United Nations in terms of disaster risk reduction, the Russian Federation fully conforms to all strategic priorities and key provisions of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction. The acquired results are valuable for the improvement and development of the principles of international humanitarian cooperation between the countries in the context of formation of the new paradigm of civilizational development.
Ministry of Emergency Situations, international cooperation, international relations, safety, Sendai Framework, disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations, Russian Federation, forest fires, environment
Strategy of national security
Loginova, E.V., Polkovnikov, A.A., Guzev, M.M. (2021). Inclusive digital economy as a factor of ensuring national security . National Security, 6, 70–85. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37148 Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the processes of ensuring national security through the development of inclusive digital economy. The object of this research is the determining factors that indicate readiness of the countries for digitalization and its consequences; as well as the resulting factors that characterize the quantitative meaning of the development of inclusive economy under the influence of digital technologies. The goal lies in methodological substantiation of considering the development of inclusive digital economy as a factor of ensuring national security. The achievement of the set goal required the solution to the following tasks: compare the indicators of quantitative assessment of national security with the indicators used for calculating the index of inclusive development; analyze the impact of digitalization upon establishment of inclusive economy. For solution of the latter problem, the author built the econometric model based on the methods of linear and Bayesian Ridge Regression using the programming language Python. As a result, the author proves that that inclusive digital economy can be viewed as a factor of ensuring national security, because the digitalization processes influence the development of inclusive economy, and the countries with more developed inclusive economy have greater social and economic sustainability and higher level of domestic security. The acquired results can be applied for assessing the development trends of inclusive economy, as well as for elaboration and implementation of the economic policy measures aimed at intensification of economic growth and leveling the threats to national security.
econometric modelling, inclusive development index, quantitative assessment of security, national security factor, digital technology, inclusive economy, national security, resulting factors, determining factors, digital externalities
System and interaction
Ilyakova, I.E., Moiseeva, I.V. (2021). Diagnostics of the juvenile potential of modern economy of the Russian Federation . National Security, 6, 86–98. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.36802 Retrieved from
This article is dedicated to a relevant scientific problem, within the framework of which the subject of research is the factors that limit the reproduction of juvenile potential of the modern Russian economy. The goal lies in determining the structure of juvenile potential, diagnostics of its key elements, and formulation of basic recommendations that contribute to implementation of the juvenile potential as a factor of innovation development. Besides the general scientific methods, the research employs the factor analysis and analytical capabilities of the “Statistica” software product. Assessment is give to the state of the key elements of juvenile potential. Special attention is turned to the role of higher education system in the reproduction of human potential of the future economy. The conducted analysis revealed both positive and negative trends, namely the problem of imbalance in the age structure of juvenile potential, which negatively affects the prospects for the sphere of education and job market. The article outlines the conditions for increasing the level of juvenile potential of the Russian economy, as well as substantiates its importance in ensuring the progressive socioeconomic development of the country in the strategic perspective. The authors’ recommendations can be valuable in elaboration of state programs and documents that determine the strategic prospects for the economic development of the Russian Federation and its regions. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the theoretical provisions of the concept of juvenile potential are currently at the stage of formation.
youth innovation potential, labor potential, educational potential, structure of juvenile potential, juvenile potential, youth, human potential, demographic potential, intellectual potential, innovation development of the economy
Legal support of national security
Gao, Y. (2021). Data sovereignty and national security in China’s legal system (based on the dispute over the share allotment of the company “DiDi Taxi” on the New York Stock Exchange. National Security, 6, 99–111. doi: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.37260 Retrieved from
This article analyzes the modern concepts of data sovereignty, as well as the corresponding issues of their practical application. Based on the example of China as the country with the largest in the world number of Internet users and developed economy, description and critical assessment is given to the existing approaches towards data sovereignty, taking into account the international law experience. The conclusions acquired in the course of theoretical analysis are proven on the case of the company “DiDi Taxi”, the share allotment of which on the New York Stock Exchange has been terminated due to posing risks to the information sovereignty of the People's Republic of China. It is established that the modern concepts of “data sovereignty” are based on application of the methodology of previously existing branches of legal science on the storage, processing and transmission of data; therefore, the explanations developed on their basis cannot be acknowledged as universal and fully meeting the specificity of the object of regulation. Based on the case of “DiDi Taxi”, the author formulates the objective criteria that may underlie the restriction of the right of the company to freely use the following data: number of users, scope of data, and possibility of their preliminary verification). Special attention is given to the problems associated with the attempts of the United States to revise the principle of determination of the state jurisdiction of data, which has established in the international practice, based on the principle of data localization. It is noted that the establishment of such regulation is unacceptable and may lead to political and economic conflicts in the future. The obtained results give an adequate perspective on the current concept of data sovereignty and the related issues, thereby drawing the interest of law enforcement agencies and scholars dealing with the national security issues.
cartographic data, personal data, transborder data flows, data localization, sovereignty of cyberspace, data sovereignty, national security, big data, U.S. CLOUD Act., DiDi Taxi