Question at hand
Wu, Y. (2020). China’s participation in the international economic system: historical stages and modern strategy. National Security, 3, 1–14.
This article explores the peculiarities of China’s participation in the international economic system on the various stages and practice of People’s Republic of China on the changes in the international economic system. The author notes that the history of China’s participation in the international economic system consists of four stages: first stage – from 1949 to 1971; second stage – from the reinstatement of China’s lawful place in the UN (1971) to 1978; third stage – from the implementation of the policy of “reform and opening-up” (1978) to 2008; and forth stage – from the global economic crisis of 2008 to the present time. The goal of this research is to explain the causes for China’s dissatisfaction towards current international economic system, search for ways to resolve this problem, as well as determine the role that China wants to play on the international arena in the future. The author concludes that with the growth of the economic power and elevation of China’s international position, it attempts to develop its own variant or such reform of the international economic system that would correspond to the common interests of developing countries. At the same time, being the economic leader of the developing countries China will play an important role in the international economic system.
WB, internationalization of RMB, IFM, WTO, AIIB, China, reform and openness, international economic system, UN, world economy
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Gorokhova, S.S. (2020). Artificial intelligence in the context of ensuring national security. National Security, 3, 15–31.
The subject of this research is the most promising technological solutions with application of artificial intelligence and global trends of their implementation by the armed forces of technologically advanced countries. The author determines the key vectors in application of artificial intelligence technologies by a number of countries, including the Russian Federation. The problem of research consist in the lack of balance in the approach towards application of technological solutions based on artificial intelligence, d on the one hand substantiated by the increased risk of application of artificial intelligence systems for ensuring security and defense of the countries, while on the other – impossibility of rejecting them due to current international trends. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of comprehensive analysis of the current global situation with regards to outlining the prospects and risks of application of artificial intelligence technologies in the armed forces and in the sphere of ensuring national security of modern countries. The following conclusions were made: artificial intelligence technologies are the most promising direction for re-equipment of armed forces of the leading military powers of modern world; explorations are conducted in multiple directions, varying from unmanned vehicles to deadly autonomous weapon. The experts note the evident positive prospects of application of artificial intelligence in the sphere of ensuring national security, as well as potential negative consequences of its implementation.
armed forces, national security, deadly automatic weapons, uninhabited vehicle, robot, artificial intelligence, defense, swarm, information security, active safety
Informational support of national security
Litvinova, T.N. (2020). The European and Russian policies on preventing cyberterrorism (on the example of fight against Cyber Jihad. National Security, 3, 32–47.
The subject of this research is to determine similarities and differences in the fight against “Cyber Jihad” in policy of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the prevention of cyberterrorism as a threat to national and international security, associated with the dynamic development of information technologies worldwide, absence of censorship and the wide availability of materials published on the Internet. The author describes the legal framework for countering cyberterrorism in the European Union and the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the difference in approaches in the European and Russian legislation towards fight against undesirable materials in the global network, difficulties related to countering "Cyber-Jihad", identification of people from risk groups who may be involved in terrorist activities as a result of hostile propaganda. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the empirical proof that the difference in approaches to countering cyberterrorism in the European Union and the Russian Federation significantly reduces the results of fight against the global "Cyber Jihad". The author reveals the key legal, technical and ideological difficulties in the fight against "Cyber-Jihad", underlines the need for coordination of the efforts of Europe and Russia in this area, as well as indicates the importance of prevention and ideological counter-propaganda among youth and at-risk population groups.
terrorist acts, countering terrorism, legal regulation, Cyber Jihad, cyber terrorism, cyber security, European Union, Russia, extremist materials, recruitment
Question at hand
Orlova, I., Fomin, E. (2020). Digital sociology: capabilities, risks and prospects. National Security, 3, 48–63.
The subject of this article is theoretical provisions of the new scientific field – digital sociology, developed by the leading foreign and Russian experts in the area of sociology, anthropology, public administration, as well as political, social and information technologies (K. Michael, R. Clark, M. Fourcade, K. Healy, L. Manovich, L. Sloan, J. Morgan). Along with theoretical positions, the author examines the results of empirical research in the area of digital sociology, acquired by the representatives of government structures, corporations, medical institutions, and secret services (K. Garattini, E. M. Chereshnev, G. Greenwald, and C. Sunstein). Leaning on the texts that are unfamiliar to Russian audience, the authors explore the theoretical positions of digital sociology, determine its object field, methodological capabilities, identify risks and boundaries, as well as outline the prospects for future development. The article analyzes the current trends in the area of cyborgization and chipping of humans, and assesses the risks of utilization of digital tools to controlling citizens in real and virtual environments. It is demonstrated that the interface and software of modern technologies pattern and determine reality. The authors reveal the methods used by a number of secret services in foreign countries that control and manipulate discussions in the social networks. The approaches of the theoreticians of sociology – J. Bentham, M. Foucault, and B. Latour are being adapted to the context of research. The authors also assess methodological traps related to big data analysis, and propose the ways for increasing validity of the results of research, obtained using the methods of digital sociology.
surveillance, observation, digital capitals, manipulation technology, social media, big data, digital sociology, monitoring, chip implants, digital traces
Question at hand
Ivanov, V.Y. (2020). To the question on classification of digital footprint. National Security, 3, 64–71.
The subject of this research is the digital footprint and its place in the traditional classification trace evidence in forensic science that is divided into material and ideal. The advent of computer technology led to the need for detailed examination of the trace pattern formed as a result of human activity in computer space, and thus to supplement trace evidence analysis with the new type of trace evidence. A number of forensic experts advances the original concepts on determination of place and role of these traces in trace evidence analysis. The author analyzes different points of view expressed by forensic experts on the matter, as well as presents an original substantiated opinion. The main conclusion of this research consists in the need for rapid adaptation of the approaches of forensic science to the current conditions of information society. The established within forensic science traditional approaches lose their relevance in the current context of the development of computer technology. Commission of unlawful actions in the computer space, particularly with application information and telecommunications technology on the Internet, contributes to the emergence of a specific trace evidence pattern that cannot be attributed to either material or ideal traces. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the existing classification with a separate section – the digital footprint, which has substantially different characteristics than material or ideal trace evidence.
electronic trace, virtual footprint, electronic digital footprint, trail classification, perfect tracks, material traces, tracing mechanism, digital footprint, cybercrime, Internet
Rouvinsky, R.Z., Tarasov, A.A. (2020). “Social Credit System”: historical prerequisites and doctrinal grounds of the phenomenon. National Security, 3, 72–88.
This article is dedicated to identification and examination of doctrinal grounds and historical prerequisites of the" Social Credit System (trustworthiness)” – a project introduced in the People’s Republic of China in the early 2000s, and currently being “exported” from People’s Republic of China to other countries. In the course of this research, the author analyzed the specific Chinese sources and prerequisites for the creation of modern social rating and control system, as well as non-national sources mostly attributed to the history of Western European political legal thought and Western social institutions. Viewing "Social Credit System" as a technique for exercising social control and oversight, the authors discover its origins in J. Bentham’s project" Panopticon ", Taylor’s philosophy of management, Confucian and legalistic traditions of Imperial China, ideas and institutions of the era of Chinese cultural revolution, as well as U.S. credit scoring systems. This article is the first within Russian science to study the historical and doctrinal prerequisites of China’s "Social Credit System”, taking into account the works of foreign scholars dedicated to the history of its establishment. A new perspective is given on the Confucian ideas the ideas of Fajia (Legalism) School, which are interpreted as complementary sources of the modern system of social control developed in PRC. The authors believe that China’s “Social Credit System” and the related techniques of control represent a so-called “bridge” that connects “Western” history of the development of social institutions with typically “Eastern” political and sociocultural tradition. In conclusion, attention is turned to the positive aspects, as well as “shadow” side of implementation of the mechanism of “Social Credit System”, “reverse” of this process and all accompanying problems thereof.
social rating, financial scoring, Legalism, Confucianism, panoptism, surveillance, control, discipline, social credit system, Artificial Intelligence
Legal support of national security
Moskalev, G.L. (2020). Going through training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activity. National Security, 3, 89–103.
The subject of this research is the provision on criminal liability for training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities. In the course of this research, the author determines the content of the elements of a crime stipulated by the Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, defines boundaries of this criminal violation, as well as makes recommendations on the improvement of its legal regulation. The article is based on the component legal analysis of the body of crime, stipulated by the Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with application of such methods of legal hermeneutics as grammatical and systemic interpretation. It was revealed that de facto, a direct object of crime envisaged by the Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation differs depending on the type of crime for which the subject is undergoing training; while the objective side of crime consists in training, including self-training of the subject. The article criticizes the legislator’s decision to establishing a minimum age threshold (14 y.o.) for the subject of crime, as well as the method to describe the purpose in disposition of the Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author describes the cases when introduction of the Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows double prosecution for the same offence, as well as regulation of a stiffer penalty for preparation, in comparison with the completed substantive crime, which in both cases violates the principle of justice (Article 6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). A proposal is made to exclude the Article 205.3 from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as introduce a special rule on the boundaries of punishment for preparation of terrorist acts.
preparation for a crime, terrorism, principle of justice, terrorist crimes, crimes of a terrorist characteristics, crimes of a terrorist nature, terrorist activity, passing training, unfinished crime, countering terrorism
Economical support of national security
Solomennikov, A.E. (2020). The relevance of development of critical initiatives in meat packing industry for the purpose of implementation of a new Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. National Security, 3, 104–118.
The goal of this article consists in carrying out comparative characteristics of the Russian Food Security Doctrines adopted in 2010 and 2020; specification of their role, purpose, relevance, and flaws in the national security development strategy, as well as setting priorities, tasks and objectives of the new Food Security Doctrine and its meaning for the development of Russian meat packing industry. The author reveals a multifactor (multicriteria) method of assessment of the development of food production markets for ensuring food security. Using such tools as the balance method, logical, comparative and economic-statistical analysis, the author examines uncertainty factor in the meat packing industry in management decision-making with regards to its sustainable development, as well as functional dependencies of factors affecting fluctuation in stability and planning of the situations that define importance of the development of meat packing companies. It is concluded that the objectives of national security of the country, described in the new Food Security Doctrine, require a comprehensive solution of multifactor and multilevel tasks, including the establishment of centralized management of administrative and financial resources as an integrated and effective tool for the development of meat packing industry, as well as creation of nationally-oriented centralized food industry with a unified operation office and human resource reserve.
quality, multi-criteria approach, development, management, food industry, food security, critical initiatives, Food security, multifactor method, personnel reserve
Economical support of national security
Okhrimenko, I.V. (2020). On the impact of socioeconomic policy upon national security (based on the example of Turkish currency and debt crisis of 2018). National Security, 3, 119–127.
This article is dedicated to examination of the impact of social factors upon the state of national economic security, which is a vital segment within the overall system of national security. Insurance of national economic security implies activities aimed at elimination of factors that negatively affect the development and independence of the national economy. Such factors, of internal or external origin, are views as threats to national economic security. The subject of this research is internal threats that emerged as a result of unfavorable socioeconomic policy of the state. The author describes the impact of Turkish socioeconomic policy upon the state of its economic security by means of establishing a causal connection between certain manifestations of the unfavorable socioeconomic policy of the country and the emergence of threats to national economic security. The scientific novelty consists in definition of socioeconomic policy of the state as a factor affecting both, economic and national security. This hypothesis is substantiated by the following conclusions: 1) Effectiveness of socioeconomic policy of the state depends on differentiation of the distribution of benefits in the course of its realization; serving the interests of particular population group results in destabilization of the society and risks of civil confrontation, which leads to negative consequences for the national economy and adversely affects the state of national economic security. 2) Excessive burden on state budget with social and economic expenditures may negatively affect the state of national economy in the conditions of upcoming macroeconomic cataclysms. This is what happened in Turkey, when a substantial part of state budget dragged national economy to the bottom in terms of the United States economic sanctions and subsequent crisis of 2018.
crisis, state, threat, domestic, security, economic, national, Turkey, social, policy