Strategy of national security
Moskalev, G.L. (2020). Crimes of terrorist and extremist nature: statistical results of implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. National Security, 2, 1–10.
The subject of this research is the rate of recorded crimes of terrorist and extremist nature in their dynamics for the period of implementation of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. For the purpose of discovering the impact of criminalization and decriminalization processes upon the changes of this index, the author explores s the norms on responsibility for extremist and terrorist crimes, which also comprise the subject of this research. Attention is given to corrections in method of accounting of such crimes in the examined period, as well as their impact upon the changes of the index. In the course of study it was discovered that compared to 2009, the number of recorded crimes of extremist nature during the period of 2014-2018 increased by 2.5-3 times, but in 2019 this index has returned to the initial numbers, which is explained by partial decriminalization of acts stipulated by the Article 28 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The number of recorded crimes of terrorist nature by 2019 superseded the 2009 index by almost 3 times, caused by criminalization of various accompanying manifestations of terrorist activity. The growth in the indexes of both cases relates to expansion of the list of actions attributable to the aforementioned categories of crimes in formation of statics. In the end, implementation of the Strategy cannot be assessed negatively due to growth in crime rate, since it is caused by the socially justified amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and changes in statistical calculation.
information of extremist content, extremist crimes, extremism, crimes registration, statistics, national security strategy, terrorism, terrorist crimes, terrorist activity, national security
Legal support of national security
Kamalova, G.G. (2020). Restrictions and boundaries in the Russian information law. National Security, 2, 11–30.
The subject of this research is the system of legal norms of the Russian Federation that regulates public relations within the process of restriction of the constitutionally recognized information rights and liberties of a human and citizen, as well as establishment of the boundaries of their realization in the current conditions of development of the information society and digitalization. The goal of this work is to develop theoretical foundations for information law through demarcation of boundaries and restrictions of the information rights and liberties, which would also contribute to improvement of information legislation and the practice of its application. The scientific novelty of research is reflected in the acquisition of scientific knowledge required for development of legal regulation of the information sphere in the conditions of digitalization, among which are the original definition of the concepts “boundaries of exercising rights in the information sphere” and “restrictions of information rights and liberties”, obtained based on the conducted analysis of the forming public relations within information sphere and their legal regulation. The following conclusions were made: 1) there is absence of research on the issues of boundaries of rights, including boundaries in information law; 2) there is a need for determination of boundaries of exercising right in the information sphere and restriction of information rights and liberties in implementation of legal regulation, as well as consideration of the legal nature of technical norms in their inclusion into a normative legal act.
illegal information, information of limited access, restrictions on rights, limits of legal regulation, limits of the exercise of law, limits of law, information law, information, digital technologies, technical legislation
Internal threats and countermeasures
Novikov, A.V. (2020). Analysis of the risk factors of emergence of terrorism in Russia. National Security, 2, 31–51.
National terrorism is a complex issue, the cause for emergence of which lies in various factors and conditions that generate or are capable of generating it. The goal of this work consists in determining the key risk factors that contribute to emergence of terrorism based on expert polling of the members of academic community and law enforcement directly dealing with security of the Russian regions. The importance of this research is characterized by the fact that it allows assessing the main internal and external factors contributing to emergence and spread of national terrorism, causes thereof, and conditions that formed in Russia. The research is based on a social survey of experts in the area of security, containing questions on risk factors of terrorism. In the course of study, 72 causes for emergence of national terrorism were identified, which were later transformed into survey questions. The acquired results allowed establishing 18 main risk factors associated with the advent of terrorism. It was noted that the elimination of these risk factors will allow an overall reduction of the impact of less significant factors. The research results can be useful for countries and national regions experiencing high level of terrorist activity.
national terrorism, risk assessment, security, threat, risk, terrorism, factors, survey of experts, strategy of resistance, rational choice
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Ul'yanov, M.V. (2020). Counteracting criminality in the area of information and communication technologies in the conditions of quarantine measures. National Security, 2, 52–61.
This article examines the correlation of processes pertaining to the spread of the Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), as well as various elements of the of national security system. Analysis is conducted on the impact of the set of quarantine measures upon the increase in digitalization; use of personal data, prospects of correction of international approaches in the sphere of information security; development of legal instruments aimed at counteracting criminal use of information and telecommunication networks, including restriction of access to resources spreading banned information; expansion of the scale of cybercrime. The study of this topic is based on the general dialectic method of cognition of the phenomena, as well as systemic approach towards research of the social legal issues. The author comes to the conclusion that in the conditions of present threats regarding the expansion of the capabilities of organized crime within the information sphere, the measures aimed at controlling the Internet by states and private companies is also expanding. Global contradictions in the information sphere stemming from the current crisis are likely to be resolved, particularly through negotiation of international documents.
computer crime, national security, terrorism, COVID-19, quarantine measures, information and telecommunication networks, UN, prohibited information, Personal Information, cybercrime
Person and citizen within security systems
Prokhoda, V. (2020). Migration as a threat to security of the accepting society: peculiarities of perception of the native population. National Security, 2, 62–82.
This research is based on the materials of the fifth wave of the cross-national sociological project “European Values Study”. The conceptual framework consists in the theory of a complex threat, describing the key components of the perceived threat that lead to prejudice between social groups. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of the perception of migration by native population as a potential threat to the security of the accepting society. Special attention is paid to the description of current migration situation in Europe. The article reviews the realistic and symbolic threats of migration through the prism of public opinion of the native population. It is stated that the European countries significantly differ depending on perception of migration threats by the native population. The author notes that population of the countries with developed economy mostly do not feel competition with the migrants on the job market. A conclusion is made that in the conditions of Russia’s unstable national economy and pressure of sanctions, the migrants seem to Russians as a serious threat on the job market. It is evident that in the European countries the migrants are largely perceived as a source of criminality. The research determines the factors affecting rejection of migrants in modern Russia. The author offers the typology of European countries based on peculiarities of perception of migration threats by the native population.
illegal migration, threats of migration, attitude towards migrants, migration crisis, immigrants, migrants, migration, migration processes, security, cross-country studies