Question at hand
Arzhaev, F.I. (2020). Cooperation between the Russian Federation and EAEU with Asian financial institutions: current state and development of strategy for further cooperation. National Security, 1, 1–11.
The Russian Federation and EAEU actively participate in the international financial relations, as well as represent large financial markets. At the same time, economies of the Union are in need for an impulse that would allow them to transition towards sustainable course of long-term development. Such impulse can come from a dialogue with Asian financial institutions (AFI). The goal of this work is to describe the contours of the dialogue and strategies for gaining maximum benefit out of it, as well as discover possible paths for future transformation of Asian financial institutions. The results of this research allow discovering paths for overcoming the key problems of Russian economy – lack of direct foreign investments, as well as lack of diversification of exports – through cooperation with the AFI in the financial sphere and trade. The article determines the main paths for structuring the Asian financial architecture, and make proposals on a strategy for intertwining the EAEU and the AFI with consideration of interest of the EAEU member-states, primarily Russia. The author proposes the model for redistribution of investments within EAEU taking into account the investment position of the country, and conducts analysis of the effects of cooperation with the AFI upon the EAEU countries. Moreover, the research reveals the main advantages of this cooperation for the Asian countries, which allows speaking of bilateral benefits of the cooperation.
monetary and financial architecture, China, Russia, EAEU, Monetary and financial institutions, strategy, financial policy, economics, the Silk Road, investment
Question at hand
Pankratov, V.N. (2020). National interests as the basis for “revisionism” on the international arena in the context of National Security Strategies of Ukraine, United States, and Russia. National Security, 1, 12–23.
The coup d'état in Kiev along with the war in the Southeast of Ukraine became the catalyst for a serious geopolitical conflict between Russia and the United states, as well as justified substantial transformation within the official discourse of all countries involved. The highest echelons pass strategies of national security and military doctrines, in which they put forth strong accusations of aggression and intentional destabilization of international order. This article explores the nature of these accusations, and attempts to analyze them from the perspective of the theory of international relations. The research is based on formal examination and comparison of state legal documents, using the method of qualitative content analysis. The novelty of this work consists in an attempt of explore the main polemical tactics of creating the “image of the enemy” within the official national security doctrines of Ukraine, United States, and Russia through the prism of such key concept of the theory of international relations as “revisionism”. Leaning on the analytical evaluation of the fundamental documents of Ukraine and the United States on ensuring national security, the author concludes that the foreign policy position of Ukraine completely corresponds with the hegemonistic geopolitical course of the United States, suggesting antagonistic relations with Russia. In the dispute between Russia and the United States, the parties use similar formulations, their arguments are mirrored images, the national positions is justified by the appeals to the status quo. The use of normative language by each party of the dispute in defending actual national interests invokes caution, since it complicates rational discussion of issues.
balance of power, sovereignty, revisionism, conflict, realism, nternational relations, military doctrine, national interests, national security, official discourse
Strategy of national security
Dobrynina, L.Y., Gubareva, A.V. (2020). Legal substantiation of retaliatory measures of the Russian Federation to economic sanctions of the United States, European Union, and their allies. National Security, 1, 24–37.
The authors examine the economic sanctions introduced nu the U.S., EU and their allies against the Russian Federation, as well as the legal mechanism of retaliatory measures taken by Russia on the nationwide scale. The changes in the international legal regulation derailed the vector of global development, which was bringing real freedom of economic activity. Establishment of the sanction regime by the aforementioned parties signifies a struggle for own influence, weakening of the positive trade and economic ties, as well as an attempt to institute a regime of protectionism within the international trade turnover exclusively for their own benefit. Based on the analysis of the normative-legal documents, an assessment is made on the legal legitimacy of the introduced discriminatory measures of the allies from the perspective of the norms of international law. This article presents the analysis of the positions of federal laws and other legislative bills of the Russian Federation, establishing gradual constraining countermeasures for foreign subjects in various spheres of activity. The authors substantiate the fact that introduction of retaliatory economic sanctions by the Russian Federation with regards to the United States, European Union, and their allies is directly related to the implementation of the principle of reciprocity, currently existing within private international law. It is noted that all these actions on protection from illegitimate sanctions are realized by Russia practically without participation of UN, WTO and other reputable international organizations in regulation of the “sanctions” issue. The extraterritorial measures introduced by the United States and the European Union justifies the movement of Russian into a new stage of evolution of legal regulation of the foreign economic activity, and in foreign trade – establishment of new markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
national security, WTO, response measures, foreign economic activity, retaliation, globalization, US and EU, economic sanctions, economic isolation, import substitution
Economical support of national security
Kovalev, A.A. (2020). To the question of ensuring international economic security: logics and key stages. National Security, 1, 38–52.
The goal of this work is to examine the history of ensuring international economic security. This goal can be achieved through the following tasks: 1) determine and explore the stages of ensuring international economic security within historical-logical aspect; 2) characterize and signify the key events of these stages; 3) assess the effectiveness of the mechanism of international legal provision of economic security within the highlighted historical periods. History of ensuring international economic security allows understanding it as the state of global economy, which drives the significant and sustainable growth of economic indexes and demonstrates efficient satisfaction of the economic interests of all nations. In this article, the provision of international economic security was examined within the historical-logical aspect, determining three stages of this process: 1) period between two world wars, when for the first time humanity set forth a task to ensure economic security as the paramount existential factor; 2) during the 1940’s – 1980’s the struggle between the global system of Socialism and Capitalist world also took place as a competition for economic efficiency of the two socioeconomic formations; 3) the third period, arriving after the collapse of the Soviet Union and global system of Socialism, is characterized as creation of unipolar world that is dominated by the United States, which initiated the globalization processes. This led to collision of civilizations, threatening to morph into a large-scale civilizational conflict. At the current stage of civilizational collision, it is difficult to reach a consensus in majority of the key issues pertaining to international economic security.
strategy, state, globalization, history, economy, economic security, national security, security, UN, League of Nation
Person and citizen within security systems
Kormishkina, L.A., Kormishkin, E.D., Koroleva, L.P., Ermakova, E.R. (2020). European experience of assessing social justice. National Security, 1, 53–68.
The goal of this research is a review of the complex indicative systems and indicators used in the European Union, which allow giving a multi-criteria assessment to social justice, in the interests of adaptation of positive European experience in Russia. The information base of this research consists of the data from the European Commission on EU social indicators, materials on social integration monitoring in Europe, and Bertelsmann independent foundation of private law on components of social justice indicator; data of two-year report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development “Society at a Glance”. To achieve the set goals, the work employs the following general scientific methods of research: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison. The authors conduct comparative analysis on the most complex system of social indicators used in the European practice; determine their benefits and flaws, as well as the methodological problems of application in the conditions of the current system of statistics in Russia. A proposal is made to adapt and use the methodology of calculating multi-criteria social justice indicator in Russian practice.
social index, social exclusion, non-monetary poverty, poverty, social inclusion, socio-economic policy, socio-economic inequality, social justice index, deprivation, services access