Strategy of national security
Nosko, P.A. (2019). Analysis of the national project “Ecology” by means of SWOT analysis. National Security, 6, 1–10.
The goal of this article lies in examination of the national project “Ecology” within the framework of national security of the Russian Federation. The subject of this work is the system of relations associated with implementation of the national project “Ecology” in the context of ensuring national security of Russia. The research is focused on the federal projects in the fields of waste management, improvement of air and water quality, preservation of biological diversity, and development of technologies. Attention is turned to funding arrangement of the national project elements, as well as its role in ensuring national economic interests of the Russian Federation. The SWOT analysis became the principle research method. The author also applied the general methods of scientific cognition such as analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The novelty of this work consists in determination of the strong and weak aspects, capabilities and risks of the national project, and formulation of recommendations on enhancing its effects with regards to improvement of the environment. The conclusion is made that implementation of the national project “Ecology” may significantly contribute to ensuring of national security of the Russian Federation.
pollution cleanup, waste management, federal projects, SWOT-analysis, environmental protection, national project, environmental security, economic security, BAT, national security
Strategy of national security
Loginova, E.V. (2019). Digital parameters for ensuring national security of modern Russia. National Security, 6, 11–24.
This article substantiates the need for digitalization of the Russian economy and society, which would contribute to strengthening of national security due to increase of global competitiveness of the country on the international markets. The author explores the qualitative (changes within the system of industrial relations) and quantitative (development indicators of “digital” sector of the economy) parameters of transformations taking place in modern Russian society influenced by widespread of digital technologies. The conducted analysis allowed determining limitations in the application of digital technologies and potential “growth milestones”, as well as identifying the strategic priorities of digital development in modern Russia. The main conclusion consists in the proof that the current public production continues to retain market content, as it functions on the basis of market interactions, mediated by the use of digital technologies. However, the application of digital technologies significantly affects the economic growth rates and social progress in the country. Therefore, the analysis of digital parameters of the Russian economy allows ascertaining the priorities of social development, as well as appropriately coordinate state policy measures aimed at ensuring national security of the Russian Federation via implementation of digital technologies.
digital growth points, digitalization limitations, quantitative parameters of digitalization, quality parameters of digitalization, digitalization of Russian society, national security factor, digital technologies, strategic priorities, digital development, global competitiveness
Economical support of national security
Shabanova, L.B., Morozova, I.G. (2019). Risk management in production enterprises on municipal level. National Security, 6, 25–33.
The entrepreneurial activity in the market economy is accompanied by many risks. The subjects of this research is the entrepreneurial risks, nature and scale of which need to be probed, in order to be managed efficiently. The goal of this work is to develop methodology for compiling risk maps that would allow not only quick identification and classification of entrepreneurial risks, but also efficiently manage them. A version for structuring a risk map consists in a “likelihood-loss” matrix, where the magnitude and likelihood of loss is scored and marked in the appropriate line or column within the matrix. The scientific novelty of this research consists in development of a risk management algorithm in entrepreneurial activity based on identification and formation of risk maps that allow undertaking efficient measures to mitigate the consequences of a particular risk. The proposed methodological recommendations, as well as the algorithm for classification, identification and management of risk in production entrepreneurship is approved by the materials of OOO “Prok”, and demonstrated its actuality and effectiveness.
acceptable risk, risk management methods, risk classification, risk, enterprise, entrepreneurship, risk identification, risk rating, risk maps, risk mapping
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Iroshnikov, D.V. (2019). Methodological aspects of research on transportation security in legal studies. National Security, 6, 34–43.
This research concentrates on the methodological aspects of research on transportation security and its components within legal studies. The author analyzes security as a scientific problem, and explores the questions of scientific research on the problems of security in various branches of science, describing the process of establishment of security science in Russian and some foreign countries (on the example of Poland). Special attention is given to the security research issues in various legal studies. Specific methods of research of the legal insurance of transportation security is analyzed with consideration of its multifaceted nature. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of specific peculiarities of research on legal insurance of transportation security and description of the corresponding peculiarities of the methodology of such research. A conclusion is made that using specific methodology of conducting legal research on ensuring transportation security will affect the quality and the scientific level of the acquired results.
national security, law, legal sciences, methodology, scientific research, transport security, security, science, method, transport
Question at hand
Ishmuratova, D.F. (2019). The development of human capital in the context of formation of digital environment. National Security, 6, 44–49.
The studies of human capital do not lose their relevance due to its continued contribution to national wealth and its role in socioeconomic development. Affecting the formation and realization of human capital, the scientific and technological progress imposes new demands on its content, which gives an impetus for studying its transformations. One of such trends is digitalization, in the context of which successfulness depends on the skills in using respective technologies in work and everyday life. The research is based on the analysis of individual statistical indicators of development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation, as well as studies dedicated to transformation of the content and forms of human capital. The data analysis testifies to the development of information and communication infrastructure, as well as the personal and business use of opportunities offered by the Internet. Changes in the content of human capital include the emergence of new elements in form of digital competencies, development of its online presence, virtualization of social capital that meets the demands of current socioeconomic development.
virtual social capital, information and communication technologies, network form of human capital, social capital, digitalization, human capital, digital competencies, specific human capital, employment, communication
Nikolaev, I.V. (2019). Verbal symbolic structure of official national security discourse in Russia during 2009-2019. National Security, 6, 50–58.
The object of this research is the verbal symbolic structures of official national security discourse in Russia, constructed in the national security strategies of 2009 and 2015, as well as in Russian presidential addresses to the Federal Council during 2009-2019. The subject of this research is the transformation of the semantic content and semiotic ties of the basic concepts determined in the Strategies in the context of presidential addresses as part of the discourse. Special attention is paid to the changes of the key concept of “security”. The goal of this research is to determine the level of correspondence of the verbal symbolic structure of the official presidential security discourse with the ones mentioned earlier in the Strategies, as well as determine the possibilities of conjuncture transformation of the verbal security symbols. The main result of the research consists in the confirmed fact of conjuncture transformation of the discourse of national security in presidential addresses to the Federal Council. A claim is made that during 2009-2012 the discourse of authority regarding security corresponded with the verbal symbolic structure stated in the National Security Strategy of 2009. From 2012, there is a visible transformation of interpretation of security, expressed in endowing it with geopolitical sense instead of social and economic.
Russia, presidential messages, discourse of security, verbal-symbolic structure, verbal political symbol, national security strategy, national security, transformation, content analysis, political conjuncture
Question at hand
Geladze, S.A. (2019). Development of methodology for quality assessment of economic security on the international oil and gas markets. National Security, 6, 59–69.
Assessment of the economic security on the international oil and gas markets is conducted on the basis of indexes, many of which are multicollinear (for example, dependence upon import and economic vulnerability). At the same time, many of the highlighted indexes complicates their interpretation, as well as structuring of grades by specific country or group of countries. Therefore, it is relevant to use an approach that would allow lower number of indicators, without losing the information they provide. Original methodology of assessment of economic security of countries on the oil and gas market used in this article combines a system of models and methods of factor and cluster analysis. The information acquired in the course of this research can be used for optimization of economic security of nation-states. The developed methodology is tested by the author on selection from 32 countries. The results of the research yielded integral factors that characterize economic security of countries on the oil and gas markets. These integral factors were also used to classify countries, which allowed grading level of security by separate integral factors and by groups of countries.
Russia, security, integrated factors, cluster analysis, oil and gas market, External economic security, World Bank, international energy, world economy, economy
Question at hand
Astakhova, E.V., Kostenko, N.M., Do, L., Tsun, M.M. (2019). Development of free economic zones in the Primorsk region as the vector of improvement of regional economic security (on the example of the free port of Vladivostok) . National Security, 6, 70–80.
The subject of this research is the analysis of the free economic zones in the modern global economy, which are the stimuli for rapid growth of separate regions through expansion of volume of global trade, development of foreign economic relation, and attraction of investments. The object of this research is the free economic zones of the Primorsk region. Special attention is paid to the question of analysis of key preferences, provided by the Federal Law to the residents working in the free port territory. The article expounds the main difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in working in the free port of Vladivostok, as well as by the state authorities regulating these territories. Attention is centered on the analysis of classification of the FEZs and study of their peculiarities. The authors systematize the forecasting indexes of gross regional product, as well as number of jobs under the free port of Vladivostok for the coming period. Authors’ contribution into the research of this topic consists in systematization and analysis of the indexes of the work of free port in Primorsk region. This research outlines the role of the main resident of the free port of Vladivostok – the People’s Republic of China among nations of the Asia-Pacific Region. The novelty of this research consists in systematization of the vectors for improvement of development of the free port of Vladivostok.
GRP, China, Primorsky Region, economic growth, entrepreneurial activities, Free Port of Vladivostok, special economic zone, opportunities of development, trade preferences, Russia
Question at hand
Rustamova, L.R. (2019). Mass media and the internet: the problem of usage for terrorist purposes . National Security, 6, 81–92.
This article explores the main problems pertaining to usage of mass media and the internet by terrorist organizations, as well as measures for prevention of their destructive activity on the web. Mass media greatly influenced the transformation of the nature of terrorism in the XXI century. In a paradoxical way the freedom of speech and expression, open access to information and means of information-communication technologies began to serve not only development of civil society, but also actively enable terrorist organizations. By publishing information on terrorist organizations and their leaders, the mass media practically proliferated their “political program” and through resonating illumination of the terrorist acts contributed to fearing of the population, creation of atmosphere of panic and fear. In the course of this research the author concludes that the problem of the usage of mass media and internet by terrorist organizations lead to the fact that even among the ranks of Western countries, which traditional advocated freedom of access to internet, free from censorship, attempts can be observed to limit the ability of terrorists to use the potential of mass media for destructive purposes. However, legislative limitations alone cannot solve the problem, since in the conditions of current level of technological development and access to the internet, virtually every user becomes the source of proliferation of certain content.
world politics, security, legislative regulation, Christchurch appeal, the Internet, cyber terrorism, terrorism, mass media, international conflicts, regional security
Person and citizen within security systems
Kirichek, A.I. (2019). State youth policy of the Russian Federation and its subjects: chronopolitical analysis of the practice of Primosk region. National Security, 6, 93–114.
The goal of this work is to research the mechanisms, forms and principles of implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation. As key components, the author meticulously examines the problems of normative support of state youth policy in Russia and practical aspects of implementation of its priority vectors. Research is conducted on the example of specific subject – the Primorsk region, which currently has a special role in the socioeconomic, innovation and investment development of the country. Main conclusions consists in the following: current conditions of absence of unified concept aggregate for youth policy exerts negative impact of the choice of organizational and financial mechanisms in implementation of youth policy, which is the reason for formulation of original understanding of the definition of “youth policy”. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the reasonableness of development and modernization of infrastructural objects of youth policy, and importance of educated prioritization of the key vectors of implementation of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation. The results of this research can present scientific and practical value, be used in the work of the branches of government in researching the problem of implementation of state youth policy and development of specific campaigns for improvement of mechanisms of its realization.
youth participation, civil society, youth parliamentarism, the youth, political activity, youth policy, state, legal education, youth association, human capital
Person and citizen within security systems
Vnukova, L. (2019). Phenomenon of cognitive political censorship (on the example of events of the presidential election campaign in Ukraine). National Security, 6, 115–122.
Due to spread of telecommunication networks and multifold increase in the sources of information over the last decades of the XX century, emerges a phenomenon of cognitive censorship, based not on limitation of information, but prevention of people’s ability to adequately perceive this information and correctly analyze it. Success in exercising cognitive political censorship depends on many factors, and one of the main ones is control of the media (information) field. This article explores how separate episodes within the framework of presidential race campaign in Ukraine were subjected to censorship. The research examines two eye-catching events of the presidential race in Ukraine, one of which can be viewed as a phenomenon of cognitive political censorship: expected event – candidate debates right before the second tour of election completely capture the audiences’ attention and there is no predicted sensational reaction to details of the functionality of Zelensky camp. Cognitive censorship is used in conjunction with manipulations – shift of attention, as well as feed of information from a different angle for the purposes of distortion, diminishing of its importance, promotion of alternative points of view and others.
P. Poroshenko, Election of the President of Ukraine, Ukraine, cognitive political censorship, political censorship, Censorship, V. Zelensky, manipulation of public opinion, propaganda, disinformation