Internal threats and countermeasures
Svinukhova, Y.N. (2018). Key factors in formation of social tension and growth of conflict potential in modern Russia and its regions (on the example of Volga Federal District). National Security, 6, 1–11.
This research reveals the key factors in social discord in the process of social development of the Russian Federation and its regions that do not meet current trends of socialization of the economy. The scale of their spread and the depth of the indexes that characterize them allows classifying them as the key sources of formation of conflict potential and threats to national security to modern Russia. The subject of this research is the general trends in social development of the Russian Federation and its regions. The aim of this work is to determine the key factors causing social tensions and the zones of social conflicts in Russia. The methodological strategies of measuring include the principle of dynamic criterion, and are based on the evaluation of indexes of social differentiation of population, as well as research through determining the structure and level of poverty, consumption, and consumer spending. The criteria for evaluation are the indexes of level and quality of life. The author determines the dynamic or shift in the main zone of formation of conflict potential in modern Russia from ethnic and religious, towards the zone of socioeconomic and social employment.
consumer spending structure, income differentiation, social inequality, social structure, conflict potential, social conflict, socio-economic development, unemployment and poverty, hired labor relations, social tension
Economical support of national security
Pinskaya, M.R., Artem'ev, A.A. (2018). Methodological problems and solutions of indirect taxation of broker operations in the EEU . National Security, 6, 12–18.
The subject of this research is the indirect taxation of broker operations in the EEU. The authors carefully examine such aspects of the topic as taxation consequences of goods imports into Russian Federation from other EEU member states. It is noted that due to methodological flaws of the mechanism of indirect taxation, there is a disruption in the neutrality principle of the target country, producing risks of tax revenue losses. It is proved that taxation consequences of brokered deals should be determined based on the assessment of real economic substance of the conducted transactions. The authors’ contribution into the research of this topic consists in development of solution to the problem of determining the point of VAT in transactions involving a broker. The novelty of this research consists in development of methodology of indirect taxation in regional integration unions aimed at improving the taxation system of foreign trade transactions between EEU member states, conducted through a broker.
principle of neutrality, VAT, indirect taxation, harmonization, import, foreign trade, Eurasian Economic Union, principle of country of destination, commission agent, committent
Economical support of national security
Khandazhapova, L.M., Lubsanova, N.B., Dagbaeva, S.D. (2018). Economic security of a border region: factors and limitations. National Security, 6, 19–26.
The goal of this work consists in assessing the economic security of bordering regions of Siberia and Far East of Russia, as well as determining the factors and limitations of socioeconomic development. The subject of this research is the examination of occupational safety, food safety, innovation security, financial security, and social security that are the key components of economic security of a border region. The authors establish the criteria and threshold values (indicators) of economic security; conduct a comparative analysis of the indicators of economic security of the Siberian Federal District and Far Eastern Federal District for 2010 and 2016. Methodology is based on the systemic approach towards assessment and development of the multilevel system of economic security criteria, considering the specificity of a border region in the conditions of expansion of integration processes. Through the prism of diagnostic assessment of economic security, the authors determine the factors and limitations of border regions, as well as substantiate the main directions in socioeconomic development of the region. The scientific novelty lies in formulation of methodical framework for assessing the economic security of a border region. The authors describe the factors and limitations of socioeconomic development of the region in the context of ensuring economic security; substantiate the key directions in regions’ socioeconomic development for increasing economic security in the eastern regions of Russia; and offer to consider border factor in the system of government regulation of regional development.
the Far East, border region, financial security, food security, industrial security, social security, economic security, factors, restriction, regulation
Question at hand
Popova, L.I. (2018). Global threats to the functionality of the BRICS states: environmental risks of Brazil and India. National Security, 6, 27–38.
This article continues the research on formation of approaches towards solution of pressing issues of the functionality of the countries within integration processes. The research is devoted to the global threats in the global economy, protection of the environment, and realization of state environmental policy of the BRICS member states on the examples of Brazil and India. The goal of this work is to determine the environmental risks specific to these countries, characterize legislative acts regulating the use of natural resources, and determine efficient directions and measures of environmental policy. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that consideration and generalization of state-specific experience in the sphere of environmental protection will allow devising a single universal mechanism for ensuring environmental safety within BRICS. It is proved that presence of environmental risks is associated with the intensive production and irrational use of natural resources. Application of new enrichment technologies, transition towards renewable energy sources, preservation of biodiversity and reduction of impact of urbanization are prioritized in the states’ activity. Quality standards, environmental monitoring, zoning limitations for commercial activity, and creation of the system of information influence are highlighted as the most efficient instruments of environmental policy.
environmental risks, natural resources, urbanization, BRICS, global threats, global governance, integration, International relations, environmental protection, environmental policy
Question at hand
Sarkisyan, A.A. (2018). Peculiarities of prevention of socially dangerous behavior of pedophiles. National Security, 6, 39–51.
This article is dedicated to the questions of preventing crimes committed by pedophiles against sexual inviolability of the minors. The author examines the criminal legal and criminological issues of combatting pedophilia; analyzes the effectiveness of some of the existing measures, such as chemical castration, right to hold a certain post, or conduct certain activity. Taking into account the regulations of current legislation, personality factor of perpetrators, viable possibility of introduction of particular measures, including the example of several high-profile cases covered by mass media, this article analyzes the possibility and purposefulness of implementation of the new to the Russian legislation methods of prevention of the dangerous behavior of pedophiles. The conclusion is made on the high level of social danger of pedophiles accompanied by high degree of probability of recidivism due to the presence of clinical disorder, as well as the age and psychological unpreparedness of the victims. The author also determines the practical need for improving the existing measures of combatting pedophiles, and proposes the new preventative measures with regards to crimes against sexual inviolability of the minors.
chemical castration, pedophile, sexual integrity, prevention of crimes, identity of the offender, fight against pedophilia, Pedophilia, social danger, paraphilia, sexual anomalies
Globalization and national security
Sazonova, K.L. (2018). Current international legal status of the weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and international responsibility of the states for its use . National Security, 6, 52–65.
The topic of total and partial ban on certain types of weapons constantly remained highly relevant for international law. However, even the adoption of multiple international agreements is not conducive to eliminate incidences of the use of particular types of prohibited weapons. The possible use of weapons, classified as the “weapon of mass destruction”, cause special concern due to their high lethal power. Another pressing issue is the question of holding internationally responsible the countries for using such weapons. This research is based on the analysis of provisions of the international treaties and conventions regulating the use of various types of WMD; international legal documents regulating the questions of international responsibility of the states; as well as doctrinal studies of the Russian and foreign authors. Leaning on the conducted research alongside the analysis of particular cases of use of the weapon of mass destruction, the author determines the key problems related to holding countries internationally responsible. The conclusion is made that the international legal regulation of the status of weapon of mass destruction has multiple gaps, which impedes adequate raising of the question of possible international responsibility of states for usage of such type of weapons. The treaties and conventions regulating WMD are limited either by the pool of participants or the absence of control mechanisms. Moreover, it is especially difficult to identify the responsible party in use of WMD in terms of the domestic armed conflict. In this case, special importance falls development of mechanisms for collecting facts and counteracting information speculations.
biological weapon, chemical weapon, nuclear weapon, international security, international responsibility, weapon of mass destruction, prohibited weapons, international treaty, disarmament, states
Legal support of national security
Beshukova, Z.M. (2018). To the question on the concept of the mechanism of Criminal Law counteraction of extremism . National Security, 6, 66–78.
The goal of this research is to formulate the definition of the mechanism of Criminal Law counteraction of extremism. To solve this task, the author analyzed the current doctrinal approaches towards the question of definition of such key concepts as “Criminal Law mechanism”, Criminal Law regulatory mechanism”, “crime counteraction”, as well as sequential revelation of their content. As any other mechanism, the mechanism of criminal law counteraction of extremism has a certain task of its functionality and correspondingly carries out specific tasks to achieve it. To solve the question of what should be understood as the goal of this mechanism, the author referred to the goals of crime counteraction as a whole. A conclusion is made that the content and list of tasks and functions of the mechanism of criminal law counteraction of extremist activity is substantially defined by the tasks and functions of criminal law. Moreover, the author highlights the structural elements of the mechanism of criminal law counteraction of extremist activity.
functions of Criminal Law, enforcement, lawmaking, extremist activity, Criminal Law, anti-crime mechanism, extremism, tasks of Criminal Law, legal mechanism, crime
Internal threats and countermeasures
Moskalev, G.L. (2018). Terrorism propaganda (Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). National Security, 6, 79–87.
The subject of this research is the norm of criminal law stipulated in the Article 205.2 with regards to regulation of responsibility for terrorism propaganda. This publication makes one of the first attempts to examine the new to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation term of “terrorism propaganda”, including in correlation with the act previously prohibited by the Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is given to interpretation of the legal definition of such act, set by the Addendum 1.1 to the aforementioned Article. The author also examines the characteristics of the subject, subject side and the ground for criminalization of terrorism propaganda. The main result of the conducted research consists in definition of the boundaries of the criminal legal prohibition of the norm established by the Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation due to inclusion of terrorism propaganda into its content. The study demonstrates how the new alternative action introduced into the Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation practically consumed previously existing actions in the Article. In introduction of insignificant legislative correction into the Addendum 1.1, public calls for terrorist activity and public justification of terrorism could be completely excluded from the norm without loss of its content.
grounds of criminalization, public justification, public appeals, dissemination of illegal information, terrorist activities, terrorism, propaganda, terrorist crimes, terrorist information, countering terrorism