Strategy of national security
Rabkin S.V. (2015). Peculiarities of the formation of Russia’s national security strategy: certain historical lessons of the World War I. National Security, 6, 777–787. Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the historically substantiated factors that define the institutional principles of structuring Russia’s national security strategy. Changing the institutional structure of relations between countries, the First World War has significantly influenced the creation of systems for ensuring their own national security. Similar trends are characteristic for the modern development of society. Global economic and political crises give rise to the new institutionalization of criteria of economic security, forming a corresponding system its insurance, thus changing the institutional foundation of economic relation between nations. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the role of the state in the regulation of strategic branches of economy as the basis for efficient system of realization of national development priorities with consideration of historical traditional of formation of geopolitical interests. Use of the method of historical analogies within the framework of general methodology of institutional analysis forms a more optimal structure of the research of “immaterial” factors affecting the economic security of the state. The institutional approach towards research of this issue allows concluding that the solution for the historically identified for Russia paradigm of search for state interest within the “material” and “immaterial” wealth is directly linked with the formation of qualitatively new system of realization of the guarantees of economic security.
National security, Economic security, World War I, National interests, National development priorities, Immaterial factors, Institutional theory, Geopolitics, Strategical branches, State regulation
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shumov V.V. (2015). Model of national security and its supplements. National Security, 6, 788–801. Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the analysis and determination of the key, maximally aggregated and measurable factors that define the level of security of a state (or a coalition of states). The factors affecting the state of national security (population, territory, technologies, and complementarity of the ethnoses) are being studied for the purpose of building a mathematical model of national security. In the interests of verification of the model, the author uses statistical and analytical data that characterizes the security of the nations of the European and Eurasian unions: size of the population, size of the territories, index of innovations, etc. In order to describe the system of international relations, the work employs the typology og the international systems by Morton Kaplan. In structuring the model, the author utilizes production function, power function, and distribution of Pareto. Using this model, the assessment of the security of the European and Eurasian unions is being carried out. The results of the assessment demonstrate that inclusion of Ukraine into the European Union will lower the EU’s level of security. The technologies are the hampering factor of the expansion of the European Union.
Security, National security, Historical approach, Systemic approach, Mathematical model, Safety criterion, EU safety, EAEU security, Values, Sovereignty
Staffing of national security
Kremenskaya M.N. (2015). Comparative legal analysis of the enlistment of citizens into the military service in the United States and Germany. National Security, 6, 802–809. Retrieved from
The reformation of the military structure of a country is impossible without improvements to the legal support of the work of the federal branches of executive power, in which the federal legislation establishes military service. The comparative legal analysis of the norms of Russian and foreign legislation that regulates the issues of enlistment and selection for service in the armed forces of foreign countries, gains more and more relevance. On the example of the NATO member-states, we examine the peculiarities of the legal regulation of enlistment and selection of citizens to serve in the armed forces of the United States and Germany. At the present stage, we can observe a tendency in the foreign countries to prefer voluntary enlistment into the armed forces over compulsory enlistment in formation of professional army. Contrary to the forecasts, there are not that many volunteers to serve in the military, thus the military and political leadership of the United States and Germany devise a complex of measures aimed at attracting more recruits. This complex of measures represents relevance, first and foremost, on the background of processes of formation of the branches of federal security services in the newly re-established bordering subjects of the Russian Federation – Republic of Crimea, and the strategic city of Sevastopol.
Military service, Selection of candidates, Serviceman, Requirements, Enlistment, Legal regulation, Comparative legal analysis, Germany, United States, Recruitment
Legal support of national security
Beshukova Z.M. (2015). Retrospective analysis of the criminal legislation of the Russian Empire on responsibility for extremism (On the 1845 Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishment and Criminal Code of 1903). National Security, 6, 810–820. Retrieved from
This article is dedicated to the retrospective analysis of the legislation of the Russian Empire for actions that would today fall under the category of extremism. The subject of this research is the key positions of the 1845 1845 Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishment and Criminal Code of 1903, representing the prototype of crimes of extremist nature. The author states that actions that fall under the legal definition of extremism are included into the various chapters and sections of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, majority of them pertain to crimes against the foundations of the constitutional structure and security of the state; against public safety and public order. Advancements in the legislation on responsibility for extremism is directly connected to certain historical eras of development of Russian statehood and establishment of the national legal culture. The author analyzes the norms that set the responsibility for political crimes and crimes against religious beliefs. The article presents the continuity of certain legislative decisions on responsibility for crimes of extremist nature by the legislation of Russian Empire and by modern Russian criminal legislation.
Russian Empire, extremism, political crimes, crimes against religion, Criminal Code, pre-revolutionary legislation, criminal association, social order, incitement of hate, riot
Legal support of national security
Pozharskiy A.Yu. (2015). Vehicular crime: concept and attributes. National Security, 6, 821–836. Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the concept and attributes of vehicular crime, which are considered debatable within the theory of criminal law. A special attention is given to the fact that the literature is yet to present a generally accepted definition of these acts. In many ways it is explained by the approach towards the definition of the object of crime – broad and narrow. In the first case, vehicular crime is any crime that involves a vehicle; in the second – when the vehicle is the object of a crime. The author thoroughly examines the aspect of the topic such as the change in the criminal legislation beginning with the enactment of the Criminal Code of RSFSR of 1926. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the attributes of vehicular crime are determined based on the mechanism of its commission. The author comes to a conclusion that a vehicular crime is a punishable offence, committed in the area of interaction between human and the vehicle that violates traffic safety or use of a vehicle as a complex system, or violation of the conditions of ensuring passive safety of a vehicle during its manufacturing, which carries criminal consequences as provided by law.
Transportation, Transportation system, Vehicle, Traffic violation, Traffic safety, Car safety, Object of vehicular crime, Traffic, Vehicular crimes, Classification of vehicular crimes
Internal threats and countermeasures
Komov R.G. (2015). The problems with promotion of outsourcing in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and possible solutions. National Security, 6, 837–850. Retrieved from
This article presents the research on the issue of use of third-party commercial organizations by Russia’s armed forces, to which it outsources the non-essential types of activity of the Russian military. At the same time, the author notes the positive aspects, as well as problems that brought negative influence on the battle readiness of the military bases and divisions. The empirical base for the research became the data from the open sources on the practical realization of outsourcing services in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and results of the audits of the outsourcing agencies by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The novelty of the work consists in determination of the essential aspects of such phenomenon as outsourcing, as well as a complex presentation of the key problems that negatively affected the performance of Russia’s armed forces as the result of its use. Based on the results of the conducted research, the author determined a group of problems: lack of proper financial control over the activity of the outsourced organizations; creation of prerequisites for decreased battle readiness of the military bases; instances of corruption. As possible measures for reanimation of the military outsourcing, the author proposes ways of improving the legislation in this area, as well as the mechanism of organizational control.
Outsourcing, Russian armed forces, Foreign experience, Military outsourcing, Outsourcing practice, Improving the outsourcing system, Corruption, Anticorruption measures, Battle readiness, Economic security
Economical support of national security
Troshin N.N. (2015). Russia in the Continental Blockade: economic consequences. National Security, 6, 851–862. Retrieved from
Under the circumstances of the growing economic sanctions against Russia from the United States and the European Union, resulting from the events in Ukraine, Russia may once again end up in the situation of a “Continental Blockade”, similar to the one that took place between the 1808 and 1812. The integration of Russia into the Continental System, enacted by Napoleon in the struggle against Great Britain, has led to the degradation of the conditions of Russian foreign trade. But the rapid decline of 1808 was not caused by the dissolution of trade relations with England (Russia’s key foreign trade partner), as much as it was by Britain’s retaliatory actions, blocking the coast of Baltic Sea, as well as the embargo by the United Sea. It is evident that the quantitative research is impossible without using a substantial amount of statistical data, and as demonstrated by the analysis of the dynamics of the import and export prices, the negative consequences of Continental Blockade for Russian economy during the Napoleonic Wars were greatly exaggerated. There is no doubt that today the United States have significantly more capabilities than Napoleon had to exert pressure on the Russian economy. Even now, the sanctions affect not only the foreign trade, but the financial operations of Russian banks and companies. But Russia’s membership in the WTO virtually denies the Western countries the ability to directly implement trade limitations.
Continental Blockade, Embargo, Economic sanctions, Export, Treaties of Tilsit, Cotton mills, Relative prices, Trade conditions, Ruble’s exchange rate, Sugar industry
Economical support of national security
Goncharenko L.P., Yakushev A.Zh., Ambartsumyan V.N., Sybachin S.A., Fat'yanova I.R. (2015). Analysis of the trends of development in the area of research and development as a factor of economic safety of the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 863–874. Retrieved from
The subject of this research is the dangers and threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation in the area of innovation security. The object of the research is the quantitative trends of development in the sphere of R&D, more specifically: staffing of R&D, the current situation in the area of financing of R&D and activity of subjects of various forms of property. Innovation security represents the key factor that ensures the economic and national security of the country. The relevance of this works is justified by the importance of growth of the R&D sector of Russian economy, as well as the ability to ensure national security and expanded reproduction of national economy. The goal of this article is to research the quantitative trends in the dynamic of the system of objects of innovation security such as science and personnel, techniques and technologies, products and services, realization and commercial use. The results of this analysis allowed the authors to conclude on the existence of the processes that limit the work on research and development. In the conditions of the increase in scientific and technical aspects of international competitiveness, these trends pose a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and increase the vulnerability of Russian economy to the domestic and foreign threats.
Research and development, Financing structure, Expenses, Personnel, Investment volume, Trends, Development forecast, Threats, Crisis, Innovation
Economical support of national security
Kashulin D.A. (2015). Energy safety as the research task for political science . National Security, 6, 875–885. Retrieved from
This article analyzes the conceptual approaches, key trends, and prospective directions of research in the area of energy security within the framework of political discourse. It examines the global aspect of energy security, and analyzes the specificity of modern international energy relations and causes of competitiveness for access to energy resources, as well as the risks on the path of ensuring national and international energy security. A special attention is given to the subjects of energy relations. The author assesses the level of their influence upon the state of the energy market, the role in strengthening global energy security, as well as forms and means of their cooperation. The author reviews the form of state-private partnership as the most efficient way to ensure energy security. The conceptual approaches towards energy security reflect the entirety of the problems emerging before the countries on their path towards energy stability. As a result, on the background of the expanding spectrum of global risks it is extremely important to have a dialogue between the countries in the area of energy partnership, and it is important to conduct a politological analysis of the problems of energy security, which would contribute to understanding of the processes, trends, and forecasts of development of the energy markets.
National security, Energy security, Russia, Politics, Political science, Political regime, State, Interests, Values, International relations
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Kuznetsova E.I., Kuznetsova M.V. (2015). The Institutional Basis of the Strategy of Innovation Development of the Russian Federation realization. National Security, 6, 886–891. Retrieved from
The formation of innovative strategy may be represented as a process of relating goals and means of long-term economic development of the country through time and territory. The institutions and instruments of ensuring the implementation of the innovation strategy of Russia are the subject of the research. The object of research is the institutional framework of the strategy of innovative development of Russia. The author examines the problems of implementation of the innovation policy in Russia, which include the mismatch between development rate and the structure of the Russian research sector and needs to achieve the targets, due to the low susceptibility to innovation in Russian business sector. The methodology of the feasibility of the strategy of innovative development of Russia study includes an assessment of compliance with the conditions and objectives of the means to achieve them and identify institutions that will further become the «locomotive» of innovative development. The main conclusions of the study should include the rationale for the implementation of the institutional foundations of the innovation strategy of Russia, which will provide the innovation imperative strategic development of Russia, determine the structure of the economy based mainly on the generation dissemination and use of knowledge, and which will also serve as the basis for improving the welfare of the population through sustainable economic growth and increase competitiveness.
the implementation, development institutions, innovation policy, institutional framework, development, innovation, strategy, innovation elevator, innovation infrastructure, technology platforms
Humanitarian support of national security
Napso M.D. (2015). The risks of nationalistic ideology. National Security, 6, 892–899. Retrieved from
The object of this research is the philosophy of nationalism, while the subject is the risks that emerge upon the foundation of nationalistic ideology. The authors examine the contradictory nature and dichotomy of nationalism and ethnocentricity, which lead to risks of various type and effect. A special attention is given to the analysis of the factors contributing to the rise of nationalistic attitude and ideologemes. The work demonstrates the influence of the processes of economic stratification upon the spread of nationalism and various forms of its manifestation. The authors substantiate the demand for this issue by the scientific community and public consciousness. The novelty consists in substantiation the thesis on the nationalistic ideology’s dependence on the conditions of social practice and peculiarities of ethnic development. The main results consist in the following in the following theses: 1) under the conditions of expansion of the space of multinational world, the problem of nationalism requires research that is adequate to the socio-historical context; 2) from the perspective of threats to national security, a special importance lies in the analysis of risks and negative consequences of nationalistic ideologies.
national interest, national identity, mentality, ethnic discrimination, ethnocentrism, nationalism, tolerance, clannishness, risk, conflict