System and interaction
Ambartsumyan V.N. (2014). The potential of establishing a financial system within the BRICS countries. National Security, 5, 619–625.
The subject of the research is the economic relations of the BRICS countries in the financial
and credit area, as well as their status and role within International Monetary Systems (IMS).
An important task for the alignment is to increase their role within IMS and to reform IMS taking
into consideration the constant growth of the role of its countries in the global economy. Within the
current IMS system, it is difficult for the BRICS countries along with other developing countries
to defend their financial and economic interests. The author reviews a favorable vector for the IMS
reform by including new financial institutions created by the BRICS alignment into the system. The
main method of the scientific research is the method of comparison and analysis of the qualitative and
quantitative factors, acquired through the course of monitoring the development of global currency
relations. The author comes to a conclusion that the establishing of an international financial center
by the BRCIS alignment is necessary, and can become a counterbalance to the West’s domination
within IMS. Creating such counterbalance to the current financial system is the matter of national
security for Russia and other members of the BRICS alignment. All these measures would contribute
to raising the marketability of the BRICS countries’ economies and strengthening their influence on
the global level in both, financial and political aspects.
Financial system, payment system, BRICS, clearing house, international payment turnover, global economy, portion of the BRICS countries, international monetary systems, points of capitalization.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shultz V.L., Kulba V.V., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V. (2014). Diagnostics and scenario analysis of the external threats to regional security. National Security, 5, 626–664.
This work is dedicated to the methodological and applied issues of improving the processes
of managing regional security under the conditions of aggravated antagonism between nations of the
West and Russia, as well as the instability of the world economy. It presents a diagnostic methodology,
structural analysis and evaluation of the main threats to national security. We will examine the
issues of countermeasures towards the destructive information influences, built upon disinformation
and manipulation technologies. This article demonstrates the results of an analysis of the key aspects
of the processes of regional security management. It goes over the mechanisms of using scenario
analysis in managing the social and economic development of a region and providing protection to
social stability from the external and internal threats. We look at the results of scenario research of
the developed multigraph models of managing regional security. In order to solve the entirety of the
problems at hand, the article offers a methodological approach, which is based on the modeling and
advanced scenario analysis of the processes of a situation progression within the regional social and economic systems, as well as in the external environment. Its main advantage is the ability to: assess
the level of vulnerability of social and economic systems influenced by the external and internal
threats to the regional security; conduct a complex analysis of a particular region’s situation within
any given timeframe; form a short-term and long-term prognoses of its development; evaluate the
effectiveness and concurrence of the multiple, spread across time and space strategic and tactical
management solutions for achieving the set goals under the conditions of ambiguity. The article
shows that the effectiveness of the countermeasures for the emerging threats to regional security
from geopolitical enemies of the Russian Federation, as well as internal sources of vulnerability that
they have created and financed, depends on creation and widespread use of complex mechanisms that
would provide a coordinated solution to at least two basic sets of tasks: ensuring a stable social and
economic development of a region, and its protection from the external and internal informational
threats to the social stability.
regional security, social stability, diagnostics of threats, management, informational influence, scenario analysis, imitational modeling, symbol graphs, management decisions, threat countermeasures.
Rapid response and tactics
Bahtin R.V. (2014). The outflow of capital overseas. New ways of cash outflow within the action of the Customs Union. National Security, 5, 665–670.
Countering the illegal financial operations, pertaining to transferring money out of our
country, along with carrying out the fiscal functions, is one of the main activities of the Federal
Customs Service of Russia. The author emphasizes the fact that the customs authorities, being
agents of the foreign exchange control, conduct currency control across the entire foreign trade
turnover of Russia, while not emulating the work of other control agencies. The subject of research
of this article is the work of the customs authorities that is aimed at uncovering illegal schemes of
transferring money offshore, as well as the difficult issues emerging in the process of doing so. In
the process of working on this article, the author uses knowledge gained from personal work in this
field, and as a result, offers ways to solve problems arising in the work of the customs authorities,
including the legislative vacuum. The scientific novelty of the specific part to which this work is
dedicated, consists of the fact that the establishment of the Customs Union has also allowed for
creation of new ways of transferring money abroad. The flaws within legislation, as well as the
differences of the regulatory acts of the member states of the Customs Union created conditions
for an uncontrolled transfer of funds overseas, which destabilizes the economy of our nation. If
implemented, the proposed ways of solving this issue would help Russia’s customs authorities
rectify the situation.
Countermeasures against the outflow of capital, economic security, questionable operation, capital outflow schemes, statistical form, foreign exchange control, customs authorities, internal transaction, foreign trade transaction, moving of products.
Staffing of national security
Vorushilin L.V., Kurbanov A.H., Karlova E.N. (2014). Identification of the characteristics of the military-scientific complex as a social institution and
the specifics of the human resource potential of the military science. National Security, 5, 671–675.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the social parameters of the scientific knowledge
industry within Russian military-scientific complex, which currently carries a great level of significance. The human resource potential of the military science is being reviewed with regards
to meeting the modern requirements and tasks that stand before the military organization of the
country. This work draws the main conclusions on the current state of the human resource policy
within the military-scientific complex, as well as certain specifics of the socio-demographical socioprofessional
characteristics of the human resource potential within military science. Based on the
research conducted, the article reviews the particularities of the age and gender structure of the
military scientists, scientific communication and mobility within the military-scientific complex,
social stratification and innovative work. The authors substantiate the institutional approach towards
the analysis of the human resource potential of the military science, and come to a conclusion about
the specific character of the organization and maintenance of the scientific work within the defense
subject. Their emphasis is on the fact that the military scientists carry the status of active military
service members, which affects the character of the organization and content of the scientific work;
it establishes certain type of relations within the scientific community and affects the choice of one
or another trajectory of their careers.
Military-scientific complex, military organization, innovations, human resource potential, scientific communication, scientific mobility, defense industrial complex, training scientific staff, potential of military science.
Staffing of national security
Ryumshina L.I., Mustafaeva E.M. (2014). Sociocultural and public determination
of manipulation of subordinates
by Russian and British managers. National Security, 5, 676–687.
Culture is one of the key factors that define the relations between people, and its main
parameters lie in the foundation of national business culture, where industrial organizations and
relations between staff members are being formed, including those between management and subordinates.
At the same time, the society aims to form values and aspirations among the citizens that
would be necessary for a successful adaptation within the current social and socioeconomic system.
This article reviews the correspondence of social and socioeconomic values based on the example
of manipulation of staff members by Russian and British management. The subject of empirical research
is the manipulative tendencies of managers, their perception of themselves as manipulators,
and the realization of their subordinates about the manipulative tendencies of the management. The
research methods are: theoretical analysis of the scientific sources, which allow us to recreate the
fundamental principles of the Russian and British cultures; evaluations and questionnaires for management
and their subordinates. Based on the sociocultural specifics of Russian culture, it does not
provide prerequisites for manipulation; thus the acquired results can be explained first of all by the
complicated social situation within modern Russia, forcing people to elect the path of cooperation,
which contradicts their sociocultural values.
Culture, cultural parameters, national business culture, sociocultural specifics, social structure, Russian culture, British culture, people manipulation, manipulative tendencies of management, recognizing manipulations.
Legal support of national security
Dundukov M.Y. (2014). Legal standards of protection
of information on matters
of national security of the United States. National Security, 5, 688–700.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of judicial standards, which regulate the policy
of classified information pertaining to matters of national security of the United States. The article reveals the policy of assigning different levels of secrecy, as well as the process and conditions
under which the term of secrecy can be extended for a documents requiring various levels
of clearance. The article also goes over the process established by US legislation of declassifying
documents and disclosure of historical materials to the general population, which could not previously
be accessed; it demonstrates the role of special commissions created in the United States in
order to monitor the protection of secret documents and disclosure of information that has already
been declassified. Article is based on the method of historical analysis and the method of analyzing
documents. The documents being analyzed in this process are those of US Federal Laws and US
Presidential Orders. The scientific novelty of this article is in the fact that the author is first to sum
up the experience of the United States over the last decades, pertaining to the area of legislative
regulations on protection of information on matters of national security. He also explains the role
of Federal Laws and delegated legislation issued by the President of the United States in regulating
the process of classifying document of the Federal US Government. The author reveals the role of
the Freedom of Information Act ensuring the proper legal protection of information concerning the
matters of national security.
National security, protection of information, classified information, declassification of documents, executive order, delegated legislation, Federal Law, freedom of information, government official, intelligence service.
Legal support of national security
Toropygin O.Y. (2014). On the issue of criminalizing the act
of infringement upon the rights
and interests of copyright holders
of trademarks of products and services. National Security, 5, 701–711.
The authors and trademark owners are concerned about the manufacturing and sales
of counterfeit products, the scale of which poses a serious threat to the economic security of Russian
Federation. The fakes market spans from shoes and clothes, to audio and video devices. The
most significant cause for concern is the problem of counterfeit medications. However, there is an
opinion among scholars working on this issue that the legal ramifications (stated in section 180 of
the Criminal Code of Russia) for the illegal use of registered trademarks do not correspond to the
actual public demand for criminal accountability. Within the theory of criminal law, this matter
still remains quite controversial; and unfortunately, the consensus is yet to be reached on this issue.
In this work, the author attempts to demonstrate the reasons that justify the criminalization
of these actions. This research was conducted based on the accumulation of general scientific
and socio-legal methods. In solving specific tasks in this research, the following methods were
used: statistical, analytical, comparative legal and others. As a result of the conducted research,
the author comes to following conclusions: the actions, which violate the legal use of a registered
trademark, service mark, the place of origin of a product, or similar marking on a product of
same type, give grounds to their criminalization due to their high public risk and their relative
commonness. At the same time, the illegal use of a registered trademark symbol with regards to
means of individualization that were not registered within Russian Federation, does not provide
grounds (conditions) for the criminalization of these actions: section 1225 of the Civil Code of
Russia does not define it as a result of intellectual activity, thus it is unclear exactly whose rights
are being violated.
Public risk, criminalization, copyright holder, rights of a copyright holder, trademark, service mark, product’s place of origin, registered trademark symbol, conspiracy to commit crime, organized crime.
Informational support of national security
Sedykh N.S., Gshiyantz R.E. (2014). The graphical model
of the social representations of terrorism. National Security, 5, 712–724.
This article presents the main results of an empirical research, the goal of which is to study
the peculiarities of the student youth’s perception of subjects of terrorism. As such, the following
were examined: a terrorist — the leader of a terrorist movement, responsible for development of corresponding
ideology, propaganda, and promoting the idea of extremism for the purpose of recruiting
new members into the ranks of the organization; a terrorist — the executant, member of a terrorist cell
responsible for the preparation and carrying out of an act of terrorism; a male and a female terrorist
bombers. The methodology behind the research is developed based on the semantic differential and
is aimed at detecting the physical appearance, socio-demographic characteristics and character traits
of terrorists, which will solve various problems with regards to carrying out their destructive actions.
For the purpose of expansion the interpretations and development of conclusions, the author offers
a graphical model of social representations of terrorism, which allows illustrating the key vectors of
terrorist activity and the structure of perception about subjects of terrorism. This presents an interest
in the context of problematics of antiterrorist activity. In the analysis of the results, one of the aspects
taken into consideration is that of the role of mass-media in the social formation of the phenomenon
of terrorism. The question of optimizing the social and informational-psychological countermeasures
to terrorism under the modern circumstances becomes more relevant.
Terrorism, terrorist, society, youth, information, mass communication, influence, social perceptions, preventative measures, informational-psychological countermeasures.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Goncharova N.P., Noyanzina O.E. (2014). Subjective state of social exclusion of the migrant
community in the Altai Krai labor market. National Security, 5, 725–738.
Subjective state of social exclusion of the migrant community of the Altai Krai labor market.
The migrant workers, both legal and illegal, experience significant limitations within the region’s job
market. Among the most affected are their social and legal rights in the job market, which makes seeking
a legal course of actions to resolve work-related issues virtually impossible. The subjective state
of the social exclusion lies within the fact that such conditions are unacceptable to the migrants; they
find themselves unable to exercise their rights in the labor market. This article presents the results of
a social research in the form of in-depth interviews with various categories of migrant workers of the
Altai Krai. During the 2012 and 2013, a cycle of in-depth interviews was conducted with the migrant
workers (n = 35, of which legal n = 20, and illegal n = 15). In the course of the research it became
evident that the conditions of the job market generally met the demands of the migrants who were
interviewed, as they arrive ready and willing to work for less pay, higher workload and only a verbal
agreement about the terms and the rate of pay, which significantly increases the risk that these agreements
will be violated. They justify accepting these work conditions due to the fact that most of the
time the migrants do not have the necessary paperwork allowing them to legally live and work in that
territory. Throughout their employment, they may often find themselves being discriminated against
in both, their relations with the management, and their colleagues. The work of those belonging to a
different ethnic group is usually greatly underrated. Trusting relationships with the native population
are quite rare, thus the migrants prefer to live and spend leisure time among a community of their own.
Job market, exclusion, social exclusion, migrant, migration, migrant worker, legal migrant worker, illegal migrant worker, infringement of rights, state of social exclusion.
External aspects of national security
Zhong R. (2014). The Indochina War of 1962
and the post-war structure. National Security, 5, 739–759.
This article examines the events which preceded the war between China and India that
occurred in 1962, briefly the military engagement itself in the Eastern sector and its results. In
author’s opinion this conflict carried a number of causes, among which is India’s annexation of
Tawang Town (a part of South Tibet), the Tibet situation in general, as well as certain aspects of
the Indian border policy. The author studies the specifics of the cooperation between the leaders of
People’s Republic of China and India on the controversial issues, which prompted the Chinese army
to attack India’s positions on October 20, 1962. Methodological base for this research consists of
the systematic, structural-functional and comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and expert assessments. The boarder war between China
and India lasted a month, while creating a new type of warfare, where the fight is not to capture
enemy territory, but to punish the other side. It is clear that in many cases the controversial issues
should be addressed separately, suspending the difficult and complex ones for an indefinite period
of time.
National security, foreign policy, China, India, border conflict, diplomacy, country, interests, values, war.
External threats and countermeasures
Los A.B., Kabanov A.S., Vodolazhenko A.A. (2014). The problems with establishing
an effective system of detecting
and countering cyber-attacks
in the Russian Federation. National Security, 5, 760–772.
This article reviews the problems of creating a government system of detecting, warning,
and liquidating the effects of cyber-attacks on the informational resources of the nation. It presents an
analysis of a global legal practice with regards to defense against cyber threats, and the analysis of the
solutions to this issue within Russia. The article lists the main stages of execution of attacks on the
information systems, and the structure of the system that detects and neutralizes them. It validates the
need to establish an effective system of countermeasures to cyber-attacks; underlines the difficulties
in the process of its creation; gives an analysis of the current state and possibilities of further developments
within Russia’s electronics industry. Based on this research, the article offers and substantiates
solutions to this problem, and formulates the key conclusions and recommendations on how to solve
it. To address the issues presented, the article offers a method of theoretical analysis of the initial data
in various areas of the problem at hand, method of summarizing the gained results, and devising the
necessary ways of solving it. The relevance of the problem in question has to do with the constantly
escalating antagonism between world’s nations in the cyberspace, and the open entanglement of number
of countries into cyber warfare. This article is written in response to the order of Russia’s president
to create an effective system of defending the country against threats in the area of information. The
scientific novelty of this work consists in the theoretical analysis of all sides of this problem, including
analysis of the global cyber law, the state of Russia’s electronic components base, and development in
the area of software solutions. Based on the results of this analysis, the authors offer the ways to create
the government system of security against cyber threats.
Cyber warfare, cyberweapon, cyber-attacks, detecting cyber-attacks, convention, paradigm, vulnerability of information systems, threats to information systems, electronics industry, standard of cyber security.
Economical support of national security
Pustovoytenko S.I. (2014). Creating a model of a safe
tourism product (on the example of Germany). National Security, 5, 773–790.
Analysis of Germany’s development of tourism as a complex and integral system, allows
addressing the issue of designing a version of national model of a quality (safe) and competitive
tourism product. From the beginning of the 1920’s, tourism in West Germany and other Germanspeaking
countries has been viewed by researchers as a complex and integral system, in which the
correlation of all its components results in the ability to offer the consumer a safe and high-quality
tourism product. At the foundation of the tourism product of Germany, Switzerland, Austria and
other German-speaking countries lies in the consistency and interdisciplinarity of tourism research.
The methodological basis of this research is the systemic approach and comparative analysis; it offers
comparative analysis of the conceptual and terminological construct of the problem. The article
presents: analysis of the model of a tourism product (on the example of a travel and tourism company
TUI AG); comparative analysis of conceptual and terminological construct of the problem; proposal
of a version of a model of forming a quality (safe) tourism product within travel region; offers the key
components of a safe tourism product. The field for implementation of the results of the research is
the theory and practice of developing national tourism. The relevance is presented in the possibility
of using the positive experience of a systematic development of tourism in West Germany, and applying
it in our own tourism by forming upon this foundation a quality (safe) national tourism product.
Tourism system, tourism model, safe tourism product, risk management, crisis management, travel offer, risk analysis, causes of crises, travel product, model of a tourism product.
Humanitarian support of national security
Koptseva N.P., Reznikova K.V. (2014). On the question of cultural-psychological
factors of national security.
The results of associative experiment
with associate “modern warfare”
(based on the materials from
the research in groups of students
of Siberian Federal University). National Security, 5, 791–815.
The subject of this research is the humanitarian aspects of ensuring national security
of the Russian Federation with regards to cultural-psychological factors of forming of the concept
“modern warfare” within the social group of youth and students based on the material of analysis of
the results of the conducted associative experiment. In theoretical examination of the term “modern
warfare”, the relevance of the level analysis of the causes of war becomes evident. One of the least
researched levels is the national (state) level, where the concept of “modern warfare” forms. The
article presents the contents of the concept “modern warfare”, reconstructed upon the empirical
interdisciplinary research. The methodology of this inquiry carries an integrative character. The
basic method of research is the associative experiment on the methodology of Nazarov and Sokolov,
approved in the current Russian research. Also used, were the theoretical methods related to the
analytical overview of modern scientific literature on research, and analysis of the concept “modern
warfare”. The scientific novelty of this research is pertaining to the implementation of the associative
experiment method with regards to the student groups of the Siberian Federal University. The results
are systematized; generalized conclusions are drawn about the key contents of the concept “modern
warfare” among students. The study reveals certain cultural-psychological factors attributed to the
forming of the image of modern warfare among youth.
National security, cultural-psychological factors, modern warfare, causes of war, level analysis, national (state) level, associative experiment, concept, studentship, Siberian Federal University.
Humanitarian support of national security
Gryaznova E.V., Esakova I.N. (2014). Corporate informational culture
within the healthcare management. National Security, 5, 816–825.
The subject of this research is the development of the concept and structure of the corporate
informational culture of the medical facilities within the system of healthcare management. In
order to bring this research to life it is necessary to solve a number of problems: 1. Review informational
culture as a part of human culture based on informational cooperation. 2. Develop structure
of corporate informational culture as a type of corporate culture. 3. Develop the structure of corporate
informational culture within medical facilities as a type of activity. 4. Define the notion of
the corporate informational culture of the medical facilities. The main methodological approaches
that were used in this research were the activity, and structural-functional approaches, as well as the
principles of dialectics. The research yielded the following results: informational culture is a part of
a human culture, which forms upon the informational correlation and informational socialization of
an individual; the structure of the informational corporate culture within the system of the human
culture is presented in three main elements — informational, operational and motivational subsystems,
which are a product of the corporate medical culture as a social phenomenon; the specificity
of the informational corporate culture is evident in the fact that it forms and establishes through the
informational activity. As a result, the knowledge, skill and orientation necessary for the creation of
the required level of medical corporate culture can be passed on and developed only through the use
of modern information technologies; the structure of a corporate informational culture in medical
facilities as a type of activity is presented in form of a system, in which all elements carry informational
character — subject, object, means, environment, conditions, process, system, and result.
Informational corporate culture of medical facilities is a system of generally accepted knowledge
institutions, skills and orientation, which form and being transmitted based on the informational
cooperation aimed at realization of medical work that creates unique image of the medical facility.
Healthcare management, medical activity, corporate culture, informational corporate culture, informational culture, informational society, informational support of healthcare system, values, informational cooperation, medical facility.