Strategy of national security
Kuznetsova, E.I. (2014). On the issue of state strategic planning within the economic national security guarantees. National Security, 3, 366–371.
Formation of the system of national security administration taking into account both tactical and strategic
goals should guarantee more than just protection from appearing (existing) threats, but also forecasting, prevention
and prophylactics of internal and external threats for the sake of guaranteeing sustainable development of the society.
Accordingly, one of the main principles of strategic planning should be interdependency of the measures of social
development and economic security guarantees. That is why it seems unreasonable to depart from consecutive development
and reflection in the legislative acts of the issues of strategic planning for the needs of national security.
Interdependency of sustainable development and economic security guarantee requires scientific substantiation of
strategic decisions, as well as studies of the strategic planning issues. The article defines the need for the formation
of the state strategic planning system, defining the interdependency between the measures for social and economic
development of the Russian Federation and economic security guarantees, allowing to abolish the defects, which
currently lead to disparities among the forces and means for national security guarantee, allowing to concentrate the
efforts at the security directions currently reaching and going beyond crisis markers.
threats, doctrine, economic security, guarantees, strategic planning, state, system, protection, criteria.
Rapid response and tactics
Medov, M.U. (2014). Forensic characteristics of the terrorist personality in the Western Europe. National Security, 3, 372–379.
The object of studies is terrorism as a socially negative matter in general, and terrorist personality in particular.
The studies also involve activities of state and society in the sphere of guaranteeing control over this negative social
phenomenon. The goal of the study is to study and define the main criminologically valuable characteristics of the
terrorist personality in order to take efficient measures against the spread of terrorism in Russia. The object of studies
includes: scientific heritage, current criminal legislation, statistical data, foreign criminal legislation, scientific literature
and study manuals in the relevant sphere. In addition to the general scientific cognition methods, the author applied the
following special scientific cognition methods: logical, historical, systemic structural, statistical, sociological (polling,
interviewing),etc. The methodological basis for this study was formed with the basic categories of dialectic materialism:
negation of negation, transformation of quantity of change into quality, philosophical categories of general, special, and
singular, causes and effects, etc. Scientific novelty of the work is due to the fact that it reveals some specific features of
the terrorist personality in the Western Europe. In addition, the article provides a comprehensive description of crimes
and persons committing these crimes. The author reveals new information of the relevant criminological determining
factors and terrorist personality. The author also provides for some special approaches towards the terrorism prophylactics,
as well as for the typology of terrorist personality in the Western Europe.
terrorist personality, social and demographic characteristics, personality typology, terrorism in Europe, individual specificities, comparative analysis, specific personal characteristics, terrorism psychology, threat of terrorism, characteristics of terrorist groups.
Legal support of national security
Dubynina, T.V. (2014). On historic interrelation between the military law and civil law of Russia. National Security, 3, 380–389.
The object of studies includes formation and development of military law of Russia and the possible formation
of its civil law element. The immediate object of studies includes social relations, which are formed due to
implementation of activities by the military personnel and organizations in order to guarantee military security
during various historic development periods of Russia. As a result based upon the studies of the normative legal acts regulating the issues of military and civil law at various stages of historic development of Russia the author defines
the interrelation of the said legal branches, and establishes the fact of participation of subjects of military security
guaranteeing activities (military personnel and military organizations) in the civil turnover, substantiating the need for
civil law guarantees of their activities. The methods of studies involve general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis,
generalization), as well as logical and formal legal methods of scientific studies of norms of law and legal constructions,
as applied in the sphere of military security guarantees in the history of the Russian state. The practical value
of the studies is due to reflection of provisions and conclusions as formulated in the article, and they form a certain
impact on the development of legal system of Russia, its civil and military law, as well as the science of military law.
It especially concerns the issues of security of military officers and military organizations.
military law, civil law, periodization, military officials, military organizations, participants of civil law relations, sources of law of Russia, development of military law, legislation, private law relations.
Informational support of national security
Vladimirova, T.V. (2014). Information security: social practices and structures. National Security, 3, 390–397.
Definition of information security continues its formation in various spheres of social life, as well as in theoretical
knowledge in general. The author considers that various study directions and approaches to information security
may be regarded from a single methodological standpoint, as expressed in the language of social and philosophical
theory. Such an operation in the view of the author shall facilitate further development and fulfillment of the understanding
of social nature of this term. The author connects information security guarantees with understanding and
possession of specificities of the modern social practices, allowing to keep information streams adequate to the outside
world for an individual or social systems, thus, providing for comprehensive and sustainable situation for individuals
and systems in the conditions of growing deviations/innovations, communication variability and growing intensity
of information streams. Theoretical and methodological basis for the study is formed with the sociological theories
of A. Giddens, M. Castells, J. Urry. The author also uses the works of Russian scientists in the sphere of information
security guarantees. It is noted that guarantees of information security are formed with various social practices and
social structures. The offered approach allows to develop understanding of social aspects of information security, to
see specific features of information guarantees practices, to fix the contradiction between locality of structures and
the network stream character of information threats. It is noted that high intensity of communication mobility practices
in security guarantees becomes possible thanks to security privatization as a specific feature of such practices.
information security, information security practices, information security structures, security privatization, structural locality, information industry, information infrastructure, information law institutions, new mobility information streams.
Internal aspects of national security
Karpovich, O.G. (2014). International organizations and their role in prevention, regulation and resolution of ethnic-political conflicts. National Security, 3, 398–405.
Ethnic-political conflicts remain among most topical issues in the international relations, and they have
great impact upon the situation in the regions of our planet. It is no accident, that many programs and declarations of
international organizations pay scrupulous attention to the sets of instruments and practices, which should allow the
international community to prevent and resolve ethnic-political conflicts. The complicated character of development
of such documents is due to the fact that it is practically impossible to consider the entire specter of the problems arising
in the process of escalation of ethnic-political conflicts. There is also an objective difficulty with the development
of the necessary measures for the prevention of various conflicts, since the main goal of international organizations
is to prevent military conflicts as destructive manifestations of the human nature. This article provides comparative
analysis of the programs of the UNO, the OSCE and the African Union for regulation, resolution and prevention of
modern ethnic-political conflicts. And there is also a forecast for topical perspectives of successful implementation
of these programs in the nearest future.
international relations, foreign policy, national security, geopolitics, ethnic-political conflicts, diplomacy, state, interests, values, the UN.
External threats and countermeasures
Manoylo, A.V. (2014). Role of the color revolutions in the disassembly of the modern political regimes. National Security, 3, 406–414.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the problems regarding disassembly of the political regimes in the
modern states (both authoritarian and democratic) and role of the color revolution technologies in this process. The
problems of disassembly of political regimes and the related issues of color revolutions in the modern conditions
become especially topical nowadays. It is related to more than just the Ukrainian situation, which, if viewed closely,
clearly repeats the scenarios of color revolutions in the North Africa and the so-called Arabian Spring in the Middle
East, and, more specifically, the revolution in Egypt, showing that these events are not purely accidental. The reason
for it is that traditional disassembly instruments of the global community are substituted by the new generation of more
sublime instruments, combing forceful methods of influence with the technologies for manipulation of the mass conscience
and mass behavior of the large groups of civilian population involved in these pseudo-spontaneous processes.
national security, foreign policy, Arabian revolutions, color revolutions, the USA, international conflicts, state, interests, values, the UN.
Economical support of national security
Andreev A.P., Latov, Y.V., Idrisov, R.F. (2014). Economic aspects of terrorist activities. National Security, 3, 415–424.
The article is devoted to the economic aspects of terroristic activity, since its escalation poses a growing
threat to the security of most of the states in the world, causing huge economic, social, political and moral costs.
Using vast amounts of Russian and foreign materials, the authors provide detailed analysis of economic losses from
the acts of terrorism and counter-terrorist measures caused by them in specific states and branches of economy. The
authors evaluate the issues of anti-terrorism activities and their optimization, as well as the insurance systems and
compensation of damages, caused by the acts of terrorism. The study is based upon a complex method, involving
the methods of categorical, empiric, subject-object, problem-chronological, comparative, structural-functional and
statistical analysis. The scientific novelty is due to the social and economic substantiation of the comprehensive
concept for fighting modern terrorism with due recognition of its modification and specifics of its manifestations
due to the modern economic globalization processes, as well as due to the development of recommendations for
making fight against terrorism more efficient and for lowering its economic, social, political, ethnic-cultural and
moral costs.
terrorism, terrorist act, economics, losses, crisis, efficiency, compensation of damage, compensation of harm, insurance, security.
Economical support of national security
Agafonov, I.A. (2014). Centralization of the management system in the enterprises for drilling exploratory and oil-and-gas holes. National Security, 3, 425–431.
The article provides for the specific features of oil and gas enterprises, which were formed by uniting production
capacities in the post-Soviet territory, as well as potential benefits from centralized enterprise management
and the criteria for evaluation of personnel workload. The author provides an example of the method of optimization
for the similar divisions in filial enterprises of a large oil-and-gas companies, taking into account potential effect of
the annual economy in labor costs. The author then gives recommendations regarding application of this method.
The matter involves combination of enterprises, which is based upon tying several basic elements in different forms.
The article involves evaluation by the author of the method for objective personnel workload based upon the example
of the accounting and reporting department, as well as the enterprise as a whole. The author formulates a number
of conclusions: 1. Today some the oil-and-gas enterprises in the post-Soviet territory, which were formed by uniting
the production capabilities, fail to pay due attention to economic and efficient management system. 2. Taking into
account the long-term perspectives for the development of oil-and-gas industry lack of economic and efficient management
structures makes an enterprise less attractive for investments, raises the costs, complicated the process of
production modernization, makes the enterprise system less flexible. 3. The offered method of objective evaluation of
personnel workload is universal and it allows to take into account all of the factor having influence upon the everyday work of the personnel. 4. The author provides recommendations as to the key directions for the centralization of the
enterprise administration functions.
economics, strategic management, management centralization, personnel optimization, salary fund, oil and gas industry, business processes, restructuring, optimization, personnel.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Ovcharov, A.O. (2014). Research-and-Development spending as an indicator of economic security. National Security, 3, 432–437.
The article includes analysis of the correlation between the innovative development in Russia and economic
security guarantees. The author sets a goal to apply economic security theory and its indicative system to the specific
features of organization of scientific research activity. Additionally, the author studies the tendencies and problems
of R&D financing in Russia as a key indicator of innovation security. The author interprets the Russian and foreign
statistical data regarding state spending on science, and he analyzes the typology of innovatively active companies,
as well as their competitiveness. The article involved general scientific analysis methods (analysis, abstract-logical
method, etc.), as well as special scientific statistical method for the analysis of dynamics and structure of spending
on research and development. It is substantiated in the article that the amount of R&D financing is an element of
an indicator system for economic security. Based upon the analysis of the Russian statistical data the author draw a
conclusion on contradictory tendencies in the financing of the Russian science. The author shows the place of Russia
in the global system in respect of domestic spending on research and development. He also reveals the role of introducing
novel features in the activities of modern enterprises and discusses the problems in the R&D organization.
innovative development, economic security, public spending, innovations, research and development, federal budget, threats, indicator system, enterprise.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Akopov, G.L. (2014). Hacktivism as an inalienable element of modern information warfare. National Security, 3, 438–444.
Politically oriented computer hackers became more active due to the tensions in the political situation in
Ukraine. The author studies the activities of hacktivists (cyber-terrorists) in the opposition between Russia and the West.
The author analyzes illegal actions of computer hackers and political consequences of the results of their activities.
The author also generalized the newest experience of applying cyber-weapons for the political goals and within the
context of information warfare in the international opposition. The author describes the methods for fighting cyberterrorism
and political hacktivism, taking into account foreign theoretical and practical experience in the sphere of
fighting cyber-terrorism and hacktivism. The methodological basis for the study is predefined on one hand with its
character, and on the other hand with the conceptual approach and scientific position of the author. Special attention
is paid to the content-analysis of the mass media. The defining historical principles are on one hand: objectivity,
systemic character, comprehensive evaluation, historicism. In the process of study it was revealed that there are new
means and methods of information opposition in political conflicts and local wars. There are growing real threats of
cyber-wars especially when there is an involvement of organized groups of cyber-terrorists, which are lead by the
special services or various extremist organizations.
network warfare, cyber-threat, cyber-activism, political Internet, Internet and politics, cyber-security, cyber-terrorism, hacktivism, cyber-armed forces, information warfare.
Humanitarian support of national security
Ismailov, N.O. (2014). Sustainable society development strategy in the context of justice. National Security, 3, 445–453.
The article concerns sustainable society development strategy within the context of justice. The author offers
a sustainable development strategy as a scientific instrument for the implementation of the principle of justice. The
concept based upon the national security principle is meant to bring it to a new quality level. The author evaluates
the sustainable development concept as one of efficient instruments for reflecting the modern realities, attempting
to reveal the ideas, which may be used for the implementation of justice in the modern social conditions. The author studies the sustainable society development strategy within the context of justice from the standpoint of unity of all
of the spheres of social life, interrelation among needs, interests and values. The study of the justice concept in the
interrelation with the sustainable development concept requires reevaluation of the social markers and facilitates
formation of the new worldview. The humanity needs a new alternative model of social development, which should
guarantee the harmony between people and nature, security of vital life sustenance of person and society, preservation
of humanity and biosphere.
justice, freedom, responsibility, equality, environmentalization, sustainable development society development, security, needs, interests, values.
Person and citizen within security systems
Bzezyan, A.A. (2014). Specific features of ethnical identity as a predictor of accepting discriminatory attitude towards ethnic-cultural
groups. National Security, 3, 454–464.
The article concerns specific features of ethnical identity as a factor for accepting discriminatory attitude
toward ethnic-cultural groups with differing appearance. It is supposed that specific features of ethnical identity may
serve as prerequisites for the manifestation of various components of discriminatory attitude towards other ethnical
groups. The author provides results of the comparative analysis of manifestation of hypo- and hyper-identity, ethniccentrism
of Russians and Armenians, the degree of acceptance of discriminatory attitudes towards ethnic-cultural
groups by Russians and Armenians, as well as the results of interrelation between accepting a discriminatory attitude
towards ethnical characteristics of participants of the study. The method “accepting discriminatory attitude towards
representatives of ethnic-cultural groups with differing type of appearance” (V.A. Labunskaya, A.A. Bzezyan, 2013)
was applied in order to define the degree of acceptance of discriminatory attitude expressed in actions towards representatives
of various ethnic-cultural groups with different types of appearance “Slavic appearance”, “Caucasian
appearance”, “Asian appearance”. The method of “Types of ethnical identity” (G.U. Soldatova, S.V. Ryzhova, 1994) was
applied in order to study the manifestations of various types of ethnical identity (including characteristics: positive/
negative, defined/undefined, value), expressions of hyper-identity, which in the opinion of the authors of the method
causes greater destructive character of the relations among different ethnic groups and discrimination. The method
of “Evaluation of the level of ethno-centrism”, as developed by J.W. Neuliep and J.C. MacCroskey (J.W. Neuliep,
J.C. MacCroskey. 1997) and adapted by O.I. Matiash and others (Matiash, O.I., 2011) was applied in order to study
expressions of ethnic centrism and specific features of respondents’ attitude towards their own and other cultures.
In order to establish the differences between the Russians and the Armenians in the expressions of ethno-centrism,
manifestations of ethnical identity and acceptance of discriminatory attitude toward ethnic-cultural groups with
differing appearance the author used the Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test. In order to establish the relation
between the ethnical identity, expressed ethno-centrism and discriminatory attitude toward ethnic-cultural groups
with differing appearance the author used correlation analysis by Spearman. Unlike the existing social psychology
works, this study concerns discriminatory attitude towards ethnic cultural groups marked by types of appearance
provided for in the anthropological literature and often used by the mass media and in the everyday behavior. It is
shown that accepting discriminatory attitude towards ethnic and cultural groups is correlated to the manifestation
of ethno-centrism, types of ethnic identity, and it differs as a result of influence of ethnical characteristics of the
discrimination subjects; manifestation of behavior component of discriminatory attitude towards other ethno-cultural
group is due to the specific features of ethnical identity of Russians and Armenians.
ethnical identity, ethno-centrism, discriminatory attitude, ethno-cultural group, hypo-identity, hyperidentity, type of appearance, Slavic appearance, Caucasian appearance, Asian appearance.