Shelkov, A.B., Shultz, V.L., Kulba, V.V., Chernov, I.V. (2014). Scenario analysis for the efficiency of regional security management. National Security, 2, 188–206.
The authors provide the results of the analysis of the key problems in the sphere of regional security
management for the purpose of sustainable non-crisis social and economic development of Russian regions in the
conditions of influence of internal and external threats to regional security. The authors provide results of analysis
of various aspects of internal and external elements of regional security, as well as the problems of counteraction
against various extremist manifestation and prevention of international and interreligious conflicts. It is shown that
in the conditions of globalization, growing interdependency of economic and social systems in different states, as
well as intensive development of the global information community the external destructive information influences
upon the target audiences or certain social groups may serve as prerequisites for the disruption of social stability.
The authors provide analysis of efficiency of use of scenario approach in order to resolve the problems of regional
security management. In order to achieve the established goals with the use of the apparatus of the signed digraphs
the authors have developed an integrated multi-factor model, allowing to provide for the anticipatory scenario for the
analysis of the process of development of the situation in the social spheres and related spheres. The authors provide
results of the scenario studies of the developed model, showing that the efficient organization of management of the
processes of counteraction against outer destructive information influence, as well as of the processes of planning,
preparing and implementation of active information campaigns in order to support social stability and fight various
extremist manifestations in the regions is capable of considerable improvement of regional security level.
regional security, social stability, management, information struggle, religious and political extremism, scenario analysis, imitation modeling, signed graph, management decisions, information support.
Strategy of national security
Ledeneva, V.Y. (2014). Multicultural aspects and problems of fighting extremism in the modern conditions. National Security, 2, 207–216.
The article concerns the main causes and problems regarding prophylactics of extremism. There is a considerable
discord regarding a logical definition of extremism due to its multifaceted complicated nature, and it is hard to involve all
of its elements within the same definition and not to make its interpretation overbroad. The author analyzes the legislatively
provided categorical apparatus, while noting that the legislative definitions of extremism are overbroad, allowing to recognize
as extremist activities a large number of state bodies, political parties and social organizations. The main causes of
extremist crimes are the absence of tolerance towards other nations and religions in some categories of people, spread of
ideas of religious and racial superiority among the youth, as well as Nazi ideas and values, social stratification. The author
uses the analysis of statistical data and proves that the further steps in the legislative development require scientifically
substantiated methodology for fighting extremism, providing an integral idea of extremism. There is need to develop a
systemic evaluation of the real condition of the Russian legislation on the issues of terrorism prophylactics. The novelty of
the scientific work is due to the methodological explanation of novel technologies in political management of extremism
prophylactics and the need to develop the state system for the management of risks in the sphere of extremism manifestations.
Development and introduction of new technologies shall allow to raise the threshold of state administration at a new
level of quality of organization. In order to introduce the relevant technologies there is need for a large amount of studies
regarding automatizing of the system, clarification and evaluation of the elements of degrees of risk of extremism manifestation,
development of methods for the monitoring and evaluation of the risks of appearance of situation, methods for
defining the complexes of prophylactic measures for every degree of risk. In addition, there is need for the studies for the
approbation of the sub-systems and system as a whole in pilot regions (territories) of the state.
extremism, multicultural conflicts, public security concept, prophylactics, migration relations, national security, types of extremism, federal law, political administration, new administration technologies.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Antropova, Y.Y., Kalinin, I.A. (2014). Road traffic security in the Sverdlovsky region: problem analysis and public opinion studies. National Security, 2, 217–226.
The article concerns analysis of the situation in the sphere of road traffic security in Russia and in Sverdlovsky
region of Russia in particular. From the standpoint of social integration and social justice the authors search for the
mechanisms for the security road traffic in the region. The authors provide evidence for foreign and Russian theoretical
studies and social practices. The object of studies was public opinion of the people in Russia and in the Sverdlovsky
region on the issues such as road traffic security, efficiency of the problem solutions in the sphere of road traffic
security. The authors provide comparative analysis of the sociological studies held by the authors in 2012–2013 and
the official statistical data and the all-Russian studies held by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center in
March of 2013. As a solution for the problem in question the authors refer to the partnership of the state, business,
civil society, including public-private partnership for the introduction of the system of photo- and video- recording
of the violations of the road traffic rules in automatic regime in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region. The authors
substantiate this proposal with the supposed social and economic effect, accenting achievement of the socially valuable
goals, such as better road traffic security and preservation of life and health of all of its participants.
road traffic security, social and demographic security, public-private partnership, inter-sector partnership, offence recording, transportation risks, social integration, social solidarity, road traffic accident, public opinion.
Globalization and national security
Kosorukov, A.A. (2014). Global elites community: class and network dimension. National Security, 2, 227–234.
The article is devoted to the studies of the global elites community, theoretical substantiation for its existence
from the standpoints of postmodernism, liberalism, constructivism and post-structuralism. Special attention is paid
to the theory of transnational historical materialism, allowing to analyze the formation of the new global capitalist
class within this community. The author also provides analysis of this community from the standpoint of network
analysis showing how the new global class is penetrated with the network connections responsible for the formation,
support and spread of consensus regarding the political course of the states. The author singles out the main problems,
which the global elites community faces, such as transformation of the institution of state, global democratization
trend, the movement of the power center, de-globalization of risks, pluralism of global elite agenda and the vulnerability
of global elites community. The methodology of studies, as provided in the article, is based upon the theory of
transnational historical materialism, as well as constructivism and post-structuralism. When analyzing the structure
of global elites community the author used the level approach within the framework of international relations theory,
and more specifically, uses the individual level. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the analysis of global
elites community from the standpoints of various theories as a relatively young and new term in political elites studies,
evaluation of the structures within the new global capitalist class, its specific features regarding recruitment of
the new members and achievement of consensus decisions, singling out problems and risks ,which the global elites
community faces at the crossroads of the class and network tendencies of its development.
global elites community, global capitalist class, network, recruiting, individual, state, democratization, power center, de-globalization of risks, agenda.
Legal support of national security
Morgun, O.V. (2014). Definition and main specificities of financial security measures. National Security, 2, 235–243.
In the modern world, which is ruled by the finances, the issues of national security guarantees cannot be
evaluated separately from the solution of the problems appearing in the process of financial turnover. The basis for the
achievement of the goals includes mechanisms, allowing to support the current vector of the financial and monetary
policy of a state, and at the same time serving as a mechanism for fighting unlawful and criminal threats. That is
why, this article is devoted to a topical issue of security in financial sphere. Based upon the financial security studies
and the prerequisites in the sphere of general theory of security measures, the author reveals the definition and main
specificities for the financial security measures. A number of legal limitation measures, possessing both administrative and preventive qualities regarding the possibilities to repeal the internal and external threats to the financial system,
may serve as an efficient method for achieving economic and financial security. The legal means presented in this
article are classified on various bases and illustrated with numerous examples from the Russian legislation regulating
the relations regarding the turnover of financial resources.
financial security, security measures, protective measures, preventive measures, protection measures, security rules, security sanctions, legal limitations, financial offence, financial crime.
Legal support of national security
Opalev, A.V. (2014). Legal guarantees of national security: object, immediate object and goals. National Security, 2, 244–250.
The article concerns theoretical substantiation for the object, immediate object and goals of legal guarantees
of national security. The legal guarantees of national security require clear definition of the object of legal regulation,
its immediate object and the goals, which need to be achieved within the framework of this object. In the opinion
of the author the object of legal guarantees of national security is the national security sphere, while its immediate
object includes relations and activities in this sphere, requiring legal guarantees. Based upon the provided attitudes
towards object and immediate objects of legal guarantees, the author singles out the topical area of the said legal
guarantees. The author uses general theoretical scientific analysis methods, which are needed for exploring the topic
of this article. Based upon the studies of the current condition and theoretical evaluation of legal guarantees of national
security the author makes conclusions on the object, immediate object and goals of this type of guarantees. It
is pointed out that the problem of object, immediate object and goals of the legal guarantees has both theoretical and
practical dimensions. Defining the object of legal guarantees of national security allows for clearer formulation of
purpose and main goals of such guarantees. The author makes a conclusion that one may state that currently there is
a relative basis for legal regulation of national security in Russia. At the same time, the current situation of legislative
basis for the national security guarantees may be defined as a system at the stage of formation, that is why it has the
qualities typical of transitional periods.
national security, legal security guarantees, legal regulation of security, object of legal regulation, immediate object of legal regulation, goals of legal guarantees, national security relations, security of a social system, national security system, legislative basis for security.
Legal support of national security
Savchenko, D.A. (2014). Legal means for the guarantees of the foreign security of the North-Western Russia in XVI -XV centuries. National Security, 2, 251–259.
The article concerns legal aspects of the foreign security guarantees of the medieval city-states in the
North Western Russia, which were often object of foreign aggression due to their situation in the bordering regions
of Russia. It is noted that legal means played an important role within the system of guarantees of foreign security.
This is proven by the provisions of the Pskov Judicial Charter, which was one of the most important legislative acts
in the Russian law of XIV — XV centuries. The article studies the norms of the Charter regarding responsibility
for the assistance to enemies treason(perevet), and special documents given to the residents, when they were going
abroad. The author analyzes the text of the Pskov Judicial Charter and provides comparative analysis of the norms
in the Ancient Russian, Byzantine and Roman law. The provisions of the Pskov Judicial Charger are studied in the
relation with the provisions of the Book of the Helmsman ( Kormchaya Kniga) and the Books of Law. The author
analyzes the chronicles, which contain references on punishment of traitors (perevetnik). The author makes a conclusion
that the legal means of foreign security guarantees in the North-Western Russia in XIV — XV centures
were measures of personal and proprietary responsibility for assisting enemies (perevet), as well as the regime
measures defining the procedures for travelling abroad. The capital punishment for the traitors was provided by
the “Laws of the Greek Kings” adapted to the conditions of the Ancient Russia. The same law provided for the
right to kill traitors when intercepting their attempts to run to the enemy. The Pskov Judicial Charter defined the
proprietary consequences of treason (perevet). It required confiscation of the property of traitors in favor of the
city community. In order to prevent reason the residents planning to go abroad had to inform the government on
their intentions and to get a certain document (charter).
foreign security, legal means, legal responsibility, legal regime, treason (perevet), Perduellio, capital punishment, confiscation of property, permission to go abroad, the Pskov Judicial Charter.
Informational support of national security
Bocharov, M.I., Bocharova, T.I., Simonova, I.V. (2014). The substantial elements of teaching information security at the basic and general secondary education. National Security, 2, 260–275.
The article contains analysis of how the requirements of the modern society and standards of general and
general secondary education on the issues of teaching information security are reflected in the school manuals on
information science. The authors study the role of teaching information security and socialization of school graduates
in the modern information society. The authors single out specific features of teaching information security within
the framework of the course of information science based upon the analysis of the manual sets by several authors.
Based upon the revealed patterns in the system of provision of materials and contents of the manuals themselves,
the authors provide recommendations for the improvement of the approaches towards formation of the contents of
teaching information security. The authors also clarify the definition of information security regarding teaching
school students, substantiating its use. The authors then provide components for the teaching standard for information
security for basic and general secondary education, as the basis for the system of teaching information security
within the framework of information science.
contents of school manuals, information security, teaching information security, information science, teaching methods, teaching school students, socialization of school students, study contents, information technologies, security problems.
Internal aspects of national security
Pitukhina, M.A. (2014). On the issues of securitization of migration in Russia. National Security, 2, 276–282.
The article is devoted to the studies of the topical issues of securitization of the migration streams in Russia
at the current stage of development. Currently the securitization of migration discourse reached its maximum, and
there is need to lower the level of possible national security threats and improvement of the human capital quality.
In last two years cardinal measures were taken in order to de-securitize migration, however, they are not sufficient
in the opinion of the author. At the same time it proves the fact that the migration policy in Russia is undergoing a
significant transformation. Methodology of studies is based upon the approach to securitization of migration, which is
implemented by the scientists from the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. In order to substantiate the results the
author used the methods of typology, comparison and expert evaluation. The author defined three measures, which
should lead to de-securitization of migration. The results received shall facilitate the optimization of migration policy,
improvement of the quality of the human capital and desecuritization of migration both in the short-term and the
long-term and middle-range periods. The experience of the leading Organization for Economic Cooperation states
is extremely important and its use may serve as the basis for the development of recommendations for the migration
regulation bodies in Russia.
securitization of migration, migration policy, qualified migration, human capital, trends, Organization for Economic Cooperation, innovative measures, desecuritization, lowering the level of threats, soft security.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Avatkov, V.A., Badranov, A.Sh. (2014). The pan-Turkist aspect within the discourse of the modern Tatar national movement. National Security, 2, 283–291.
The object of studies in this article includes national movements in the territory of the Russian Federation,
and, more specifically, the Tatar national movement, which is one of the most active actors in the domestic political
interactions in Russia. The ethnic political and federal development of the Russian Federation passed through the
stage of separatist “sovereignty parade”, and as a result of the reform of “strengthening the government vertical” in
early 2000, it is now characterized with the lower activity an role of national movements in the political discourse of
national and territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. At the current stage in some regions national movement of
the native peoples of these territories are out of the political arena due to degradation and discrediting of their ideas.
In other regions these movements were transformed into other institutional forms, or their ideas gained new understanding
among the national elites. The Republic of Tatarstan is quite interesting object to study from the standpoint
of the ethnic and political development of the peoples of Russia. The main method of studies therefore is a systemic approach, allowing to include separate processes into the general global trends. The pan-Turkist ideology shows flexible
mechanisms and forms of influence on the Tatar community. However, this ideology needs to address the basic
postulates of the time of its genesis in some way. That is why the scientific and expert community of Russia should
provide due evaluation to the “Idel-Urals” project as a radical theory provoking separatism in the Urals and Volga
Region republics. Generally, the pan-Turkism is a complicated ideology, including various theoretical concepts and
ideologems, which claims a rather large theory and a large number of ethnic groups. When this ideology is analyzed
from the critical standpoint it becomes obvious that the pan-Turkist project is pragmatically used by Turkey. However,
some politicians and public figures tend to evaluate implementation of pan-Turkist ideas as a revival of true national
identity (for example, in the Bashkir and the Tatar national movements). However, the pan-Turkist ideology provides
for a final goal of assimilation of all of the Turkic peoples into one super-ethnos based upon the Turkish nation, rather
than providing only for cultural and political unity. In turn, it means that the Turkic peoples shall be destroyed as
separate ethnic groups. At the age of globalization, when we face the choice among the paths for the development, we
may not ignore geopolitical realities and threats. The ongoing global processes, fall of regimes under other regimes,
victories of one ideology over another show the reform of the global structure and order. The national intellectuals
of different peoples should be very careful when choosing concepts for the modernization of their ethnic groups,
otherwise, there may be a situation when having “found their path for development” based on a certain ideological
construction the entire peoples may become just mechanisms and instruments for the achievement of geopolitical
goals of foreign states.
nationalism, Tatarstan, pan-Turkism, national movement, Turkism, globalization, security, national security, soft power, sovereignty.
Internal aspects of national security
Hazime, S.M. (2014). The approaches of the Western authors towards the analysis of the contradictions between the Sunnis and the
Shias in the Mashriq states (examples of Iran, Lebanon and Syria) in early XXI century. National Security, 2, 292–303.
the division between the Sunnis and the Shias in the Muslim world exists for a long time, but in the contemporary
history the contradictions between them have never risen to such a great level, as they did in the latest
decades. The contradictions inside the confession come forth in the entire Middle Eastern region, rather than just
in the domestic politics of certain states. The Russia, the Western and the Middle Eastern studies have always recognized
the value of this matter. As it was noted by the Professor Raymond Hinnebusch, any analytical sources on
the Middle East should include the understanding of the importance of ethnic and confessional identity. However,
there are still disputes among the scientists on the number of issues. Firstly, there is a question on what the causes of
escalation of contradictions inside the confession are. Secondly, there is a question whether such contradictions form
a purely internal systemic factor existing from the time when the Sunnis and the Shias were first divided, or whether
it is being instrumentalized by the political forces. Therefore, the object of this article includes different approaches
of scientists and experts to the issues of contradictions between the Sunni and the Shias. The goal of this article is
to divide the main publications in this sphere into certain directions. The main methods for achieving the goal were
theoretical analysis of scientific literature and inductive analysis. Based upon the results of the studies, one may come
to a conclusion that all of the hypotheses may be divided into three directions: constuctivism, neo-realism, and neoconservatism.
The practical result of the publication includes use of its results in the studies of internal confessional
conflicts in the Middle East and in the world in general.
the contradictions between the Sunni and the Shias, conflict escalation, scientific approaches, constructivism, neo-realism, neo-conservatism, the Islamic world, constructivist paradigm, the Middle Eastern states, global politics.
External threats and countermeasures
Alireza, N. (2014). Russia and the US A variable in the decade of conflict around the Iranian nuclear program. National Security, 2, 304–316.
Russia has held to an intermediary position in the decade of conflict around the Iranian nuclear program,
attempting to guarantee its interests with both parties: Iran and the West. Contrary to its statement that such a policy is an independent act and principle in a complex area, dependency of the Moscow policy upon the USA variable and
the low esteem of the other part of this equation being Iran are obvious defects of this policy. Generally, if one does
not take any tactical changes into account, the role of Moscow in the Iranian nuclear problem was no more than a
game within the framework construed by the USA. That is why the understanding by the Moscow of the strategic
goals of the pressure upon the Teheran as expressed in the attempts of the Washington to coordinate Iran with its
long-term expansionist policy in the Middle East was not expressed in the practical policy of Russia. Such a policy
does not correspond with the principles pronounced by the Moscow on disagreement with the US expansionism
and the acts as an “independent superpower”. The author used systemic analysis of the Russian policy towards the
Iranian nuclear program as a methodological basis, and there was no evaluation of some details. The recent regional
and international events having influence upon the nuclear program of Iran and the relations between the USA and
Russia, as well as continuation of the aggressive US policy in the Middle East with the “New Greater Middle East”
on one hand and the current negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program, continuous threat of a military attack upon
Iran and the new processes in the nuclear activities in this state formed a new situation in this sphere.
war, sanctions, diplomacy, negotiations, the Middle East, expansion, Iran, nuclear program, Russia, the USA.
External threats and countermeasures
Surma, I.V., Annenkov, V.I., Karpov, V.V., Moiseev, A.V. (2014). The “network-centric management”: the modern paradigm of development of management systems in the
military forces of the leading global powers. National Security, 2, 317–327.
The article shows that the search for the efficient management methods and the modern development of information
technologies have led to the appearance of the novel management paradigms, such as the “network-centric
management”. It is noted that in the conceptual and theoretical sphere the network-centric approach in the military
is implemented as a system including three sub-systems formed as mutually penetrating frames (information subsystem,
sensory and intelligence subsystem and combat subsystem — subsystem of separate tactical divisions and
combat management), when the information subsystem frame penetrates the entire system of modern administration
and forms its basis. The author provides comparative analysis of classical and network-centric approaches towards
management and experience of its implementation in the sphere of warfare taking examples of some states (the USA,
France, the Great Britain, Germany, Israel and China). The system of network-centric administration is a combination
of previously formed and deployed widespread automatized electronic networks for collection and primary
evaluation of information, centers for keeping and analysis of information, as well as the contours of management
and decision-making, and their combined effect forms an united information and management area, covering the
entire administration area. The main idea of the network-centric war is integration of all of the forces and means
within a united information sphere, allowing for multiplication of efficiency of military use through the synergy effect.
Introduction of the network technologies into the military sphere is a revolutionary step, which is aimed at the
improvement of the military capabilities of armed forces due to their operative and efficient use.
network-centric management, the NATO, global information frame, network-centric wars, J-structures, synergy effect, network-centrism, network technologies, perspective intelligence means, OODA (observation, orientation, decision, action).
Humanitarian support of national security
Lyubimova, T.M., Danilova, A.A. (2014). Linguistic security of a person, society and state within the modus of linguistic conflict studies. National Security, 2, 328–337.
The object of studies in this article includes factors, tendencies and structure of the multi-dimensional
matter of linguistic conflict studies. The article concerns various dimensions of linguistic conflict studies (claims in
court against mass media for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, fighting linguistic aggression,
obscene language, conscience manipulation with hidden insertions, suggestive techniques and NLP-programming
in the mass media, expertise in order to establish authors, uncovering dubious interpretations of legislative acts) in
their genetic link with the legal hermeneutics and linguistic pragmatics, and also from the standpoint of linguistic
security of a person, society and state. Linguistic expertise is regarded as one of the instruments for the guarantees
of linguistic security. The authors used dialectic method of studies together with comparative historical method,
hermeneutic and methodological approaches. Definition of linguistic security was previously used only in respect of activities of printed and electronic mass media, while in this article its understanding is broadened to the scale of
threats to person, society and state, since it is implemented in the diapason from the micro-level of individual conscience
influenced by the “propaganda ABC” to the mega-level of inadequate understanding of international legal
documents by the mass conscience.
linguistic expertise, conflict studies, linguistic security, linguistic pragmatics, legal hermeneutics, invective lexis, conscience manipulation, suggestive, hidden insertions, neuro-linguistic programming.
Person and citizen within security systems
Muraschenkova, N.V., Gritsenko, V.V. (2014). Extremism as a social and psychological matter. National Security, 2, 338–350.
The object of study in this article is extremism as social and psychological phenomenon. The goal of the
article is to provide theoretical analysis of social and psychological nature of extremism, as well as establishing the
definition of extremism from the standpoint of social-psychological approach. The authors single out a complex of
psychological causes, serving as the basis for extremism and being psychological determining factors for the formation
of extremist conscience and behavior of a person (pronounced extremity of a person in combination with moral
nihilism, lack of basic trust to the world, xenophobia and aggression), they provide their own definition of extremism.
The methodological basis for the studies includes complex and systemic approaches, which are presented in
Russian psychological studies. Extremism as a social and psychological matter is regarded within the framework of
studying psychology of evil and violence, and it is included into the problem field of the psychological security as a
novel scientific direction in the Russian psychological studies. The methods of studies include theoretical analysis,
synthesis and generalization. According to the definition given by the authors extremism as a social and psychological
matter manifesting itself at the level of person as a subject of social relation is a type of violence, aimed purposeful
aggressive behavior of a person (expressed by language or acts) towards another person or social group, which is
related to the violation of the basic trust to the world and motivated by the personal superiority ideology, intolerance
and xenophobia towards the object of violence. The formulated definition shows the possibilities and directions for
the further empiric studies in the sphere of extremism psychology, and its results are important from the standpoint
of efficient organization of psychological prophylactics and psychological correction of extremist manifestations in
various age and social groups.
extremism, social and psychological approach, violence, extremist ideology, extremity, moral nihilism, basic sense of trust, hostility, xenophobia, aggression.