Rapid response and tactics
Chirkov, D.K., Litvinov, A.A., Antonov-Romanovskiy, G.V., Koimshidi, G.F. (2014). Modern tendencies in rural crime: scientific
approach to the problem. National Security, 1, 4–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63890
The article substantiates the topicality
of the problem of studying crime in rural
areas, which is defined, on one hand, by
complicated character of criminal situation
in villages, and topicality of problems of
organizing countermeasures against crime and
its prevention, and on the other hand, by the
lack of studies of the criminological issues in
the sphere of rural crime. The number of cases
involving death or grievous harm to health of
village people by criminal attacks is especially
alarming to one studying rural crime. The
number of deaths of people due to crime in rural
areas in Russia remains the same in last three
years, and it is over two times larger than the
same criterion for the city crime, and one and a
half times larger for causing grievous harm to
health of people. The methods employed include
following from abstract to specific, systemic
structural and comparative analysis, historic
method, dynamic and statistical methods, as
well as specific sociological methods for the
evaluation of rural crime. The article for the
first time provides structural analysis of rural
crime compared to the city crime, as well as
regional analysis. The authors of the article
point out the complicated character of criminal
situation in the villages. The tendency for the
lesser registered crimes in the rural areas in
2009 to 2012 does not reflect the real situation,
since it is artificially formed in last several
years by lowering statistical data. In this article
the authors provide full-scale analysis of the
tendencies in the modern rural crime in order
to guarantee rapid reaction of the state to this
problem and finding efficient counteractions.
topical aspects of studies, city crime, rural crime, crime dynamics, crime structure, specific features of rural crime, rural crime level, criminal situation, regional crime analysis.
Legal support of national security
Tischenko, V.N. (2014). On the issue of crime prevention
improvement in the current conditions. National Security, 1, 21–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63891
In the current conditions use of various
forms and methods of complex planning in
the sphere of fighting crime, including crime
prevention, is one of the most important spheres
in the improvement of activities of prosecution
and other law enforcement bodies in the sphere
of guarantees of security and legal order,
allowing them to have direct influence on the
formation and implementation of coordinated
social, economic, organizational, legal, etc.
measures applied in order to form and regulate
positive processes in the society, to prevent
crime and facilitate its prevention. It should
be noted that this topic is set for the research
purposes, while the efficiency analysis of
crime prevention system is always topical. It
is noted that one of the main directions for the
improvement of the legal fundamentals for the
functioning of state government bodies in the
relevant sphere is dealing with the gaps in the
federal legislation. The said activity also allows
to improve coordination of actions among ht
subjects of preventive activities at various
levels, influencing its overall efficiency. The
article concerns topical issues of legislative contradictions in this sphere, and proposal are
made for terminating contradictions. The article
may be of use for the law-enforcement bodies
staff, postgraduate students, students, and all
those interested in crime prevention in the
Russian Federation.
legislation analysis, security of citizens, crime prevention, regional legislation, federal legislation, legislation improvement, regional prophylactic systems, special preventive measures, prevention programming, complex planning
Informational support of national security
Sedykh, N.S. (2014). Role of mass communications
in the information and psychological fight
against terrorism. National Security, 1, 32–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63892
The article concerns the role of
mass communications in the social reality
construction. In this regard the author analyzes
some consequences of global information
penetration of the social sphere, as well as
some specific features of mass communication
influence on the public opinion and individual
conscience. The author provides the result of
discourse analysis for the TV programs of the
Channel 1 in the period between 8 and 14 of
July, 2013. The main criteria for the choice of
TV programs for analysis was the presence
of social rhetoric, defining the specificities of
ideological inf luence. The author views the
problems of information and psychological
anti-terrorism activities with regard to the role
of pedagogical journalism and educational
technologies. The author refers to the issue
of consolidation of efforts of pedagogical and
journalist communities in order to develop
projects aimed against extremist and terrorist
ideologies among the youth. The author points
out the need to form specialized educational
programs for additional professional education
for some categories of teachers and social
pedagogues, journalists, law-enforcement
officers in order to develop specific competencies
in for professional purposes of extremism and
terrorism prevention, as well formation of antiterrorism
values in the Russian society.
society, terrorism, threat, youth, information, mass communications, discourse, information and psychological counteraction, education, pedagogical journalism.
Internal aspects of national security
Goncharova, N.P., Noyanzina, O.E., Avdeeva, G.S. (2014). Migration processes and social safety
of the labor market in the near-border
regions of Russia. National Security, 1, 50–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63893
The goal of the article is to analyze the
migration processes in the near-border regions of
Russia and their influence upon the social safety
in the labor market. It is based upon a complex
approach towards the problem of labor market
security, which presupposes the necessary study
of the migration activities of the people and their
influence upon the economic and social sphere
of a specific region, as well as specificities of
attitude of local people to labor migrants, and
possible solutions to the problems caused by
the migration processes. The article presents
results of a social study, presupposing among
other issues a subjective evaluation of scale of
migration processes by the people in the relevant
territories. The authors provide the results for the
expert poll analysis, presupposing the evaluation
of influence of migration processes upon the
various spheres of life of regional near-border
societies. Special attention is paid to evaluation
of influence of migration upon the security of
regional security markets.
migration, near-border region, expert evaluation, migration processes, labor market security, social safety, labor market, migration activity, regional society, migration mobility.
External aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2014). The outer security contour of the fuel
and energy complex objects of Russia
and the activity directions
for neutralization of the sources
of external threats. National Security, 1, 61–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63894
In this article the author discusses the
problems of fighting real external threats to
security of fuel and energy complex objects
in Russia, and provides information on some
directions in this fight.
jurisprudence, security, object, fight, sources, terrorism, threats, neutralization, activities, directions.
External aspects of national security
Karpovich, O.G. (2014). The peace-making activities
within the framework of transformation
of the international relations system. National Security, 1, 79–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63895
The current relations among the leading
states in the world allows some hope in the
small potential for a global nuclear conflict and
a new global war. However, both small-scale
and large-scale armed conflicts arise regularly
in Europe and Asia, in the so-called “third
world states”, some of these states claim to have
nuclear weapons, and their political systems
lack stability, which provides for the possibility
of unlikely event scenario, including a large
military tragedy. The unsolved disputes and
conflicts, and the armed conflicts arising out
of them, touch upon the vital interests of every
state and pose a real threat to international peace
and security. In the political conflicts, which
often become civil wars, the mass crimes are
committed against the civilians, towns and cities
are destroyed in grave violation of international
international relations, foreign policy, peace-making, conflict, state, global order, interests, values, security, cooperation.
External threats and countermeasures
Borodin, E.A. (2014). The withdrawal of the International
Security Assistance Force from Afghanistan
as a durability test of Russian-Kyrgyz
security cooperation. National Security, 1, 86–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63896
This article provides analysis of threats
to national security of Russia in the central
Asian region due to the expected withdrawal
of the International Security Assistance Force
from Afghanistan. It is expected that after the
military forces of the USA and their European
allies are withdrawn from Afghanistan, the
territory shall be controlled by the Taliban and
the demarcation line between the Taliban power
and the pro-Western Karzay government shall be
at the same position, which previously divided
the Taliban from the Northern Alliance. In this
case it should be expected that the Central Asia,
including Kyrgyzstan shall lose their status of the
territories in the strategic rearward area of the
ISAF, guaranteeing supply of the Afghanistan
operation, and they shall become the frontline of
defense from the export of Islamism, terrorism,
and narcotic drugs into Russia and European
stats. In this case the growing threat to the
international security from Afghanistan shall be
a durability test for the Russian-Kyrgyz relations
and cooperation in the sphere of security.
political science, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, national security, threats, politics, international relations, cooperation, integration.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Ivaneev, S.V. (2014). Islamic banking as a threat to the spiritual
security of a secular state. National Security, 1, 94–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63897
The article is devoted to the perspectives
of development of Islamic banking in the territory of the CIS state, where the Islamic
banks are lately recognized as “useful” within
the framework of a global financial crisis.
The author draws a conclusion that the main
instrument for the implementation of the
Islamic global order goals is formed by Islamic
banks, serving as an efficient instrument for the
influence and pressure in the areas of spread of
Islam for the purpose of implementation of the
Islamic global order concept. It may be regarded
as a threat to spiritual security of the state,
being an inalienable element of national and
constitutional security. The author is assured
that implementation of the Islamic global order
concept, where one of the vectors of Islamic
global dominance is its penetration into the
fundamentals of the economic life, threatens
the secular principles and world views, as well
as secular law of Russia, and it may cause
irreparable loss to civil society and democracy
in the Russian Federation.
banking, Islam, spiritual security, secularity, religion, democracy, law, freedom of conscience, expansion, Islamization.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Kozhevnikov, E.A. (2014). The perspective systems and means of radio
electronic fight of opponents against
the satellite communications systems. National Security, 1, 104–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63898
The ar ticle includes analysis of
perspective systems and means of radio
electronic fight of opponents against the satellite
communications systems. The analysis of the
foreign concepts of fighting for dominance in the
information sphere and in the space, as well as
the views of the role and place of radio electronic
means against the satellite communications
systems shows that in the situation of military
activities both space and ground levels of the
satellite communications system may be subject
to the electronic countermeasures.
warfare, opponent, connection, suppression, satellite, jam, orb, network, system, transmitter.
Person and citizen within security systems
Bazhenov, A.A., Chernikova, E.V. (2014). The national-level problems of informal
influences in the sphere of remuneration
for work. National Security, 1, 108–116. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63899
This article includes analysis of the
phenomenon of informal social interactions
in the sphere of remuneration for work. In the
post-Soviet period this phenomenon became
wide-spread, but it roots itself in the Soviet
period. The labor sphere is regarded as a social
area formed by the interactions of employee and
employer. The conclusion is made that informal
social interactions in the sphere of remuneration
for work have transformed from the social
practices into the social institution. However, this
is an informal institution, and it is alternative,
since it was formed within the legal structures.
On one hand, the “shadow” payment for work
allows to achieve certain goals, guaranteeing the
existence of the institution, on the other hand,
such a form of payment has considerable negative
consequences. The necessary condition for
managing this process is information influence,
that is monitoring of scale and dynamics of the
shadow processes in the sphere of wages.
wages, social practices, social instit ution, social interactions, infor mal institution, taxation, income, shadow, gray, envelopes.
Person and citizen within security systems
Almaeva, Y.O. (2014). The problems of psychological security
guarantees for workers at the workplaces
in the process of performing their
professional duties. National Security, 1, 117–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63900
In this article it is stated that the reforms
in the sphere of regulation of social and labor relations in the modern Russia pay no attention
to prevention and prophylactics of mobbing —
moral persecution of workers in their workplace
in the process of performing their professional
duties. It is partially due to the fact that in Russia
the problem of active persecution of a working
persons is hardly discussed, and the issues of
improvement of labor legislation for centralized
prevention of mobbing has no theoretical basis.
That is why there is no legislative definition
of mobbing and neither the Labor Code of the
Russian Federation, nor any other federal laws
in the sphere of social labor relations contain
any definition of mobbing or similar term, while
protection of personal non-proprietary rights
of workers is achieved via means of different
branches of law, such as civil law. However,
non-proprietary benefits and rights of workers
cannot find complete protection within the
framework of regulation of civil law. That is why,
the Russian labor law should include special
means of protection of non-proprietary rights of
workers, requiring a unified state policy in the
sphere of protection of dignity and guarantees
of personal labor rights of workers. At the same
time, the measures against “mobbing” and
for the protection of psychological health of
workers in the process of their working activities
should be legislatively provided for both at the
centralized and the local level.
psychological security of workers, labor legislation, moral persecution, personal non-proprietary rights, civil law, mobbing, selfdefense, labor law, improvement, compensation of moral damage.
Academic life
Yurchenko, A.V. (2014). For the future managers on the need
to take into account the security functions
when managing a business. National Security, 1, 128–142. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63901
The object of study is the further
development of the optional course “Security of entrepreneurial activity” for a wide range of
students at the National Research University —
Higher School of Economics. The author
has developed a new course “Managing the
business security systems’ especially for the
4th y ear s tudents f or t he B achelor’s d egree a t
the management faculty. The methodologically
organized studies show the possibility for the
adaptation of the interdisciplinary course for
the specialized audience. Just like the previous
course, the “Managing the business security
systems “course is developed for the first time.
The competence, which the students have
gained during their third year of studies have
formed a sufficient basis for the studies within
the framework of this course. The experience
shows that in the near future the authors
shall negotiate with their colleagues having
related course in order to provide a qualified
solution of connecting disciplines and mutual
complementing of courses. The measures are
taken to develop several study disciplines on
business security, which may logically continue
the professional study programs for the students
of one specialty, allowing to provide the students
with additional spheres of competence, which
they could use efficiently in their practical
activities after graduation.
entrepreneurial activities, business, management, marketing, security systems, complex security of an enterprise, target audience, competences, Bachelor’s program, decomposition principle.
Academic life
Mikhailova, A.V. (2014). The method of preliminary examination of
potential contracting parties
via the Internet resources. National Security, 1, 143–152. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63902
This article was written based on the
results of course “Security of entrepreneurial
activity”, and it is devoted to the methods of
studying potential contracting parties with the
use of Internet. As an illustration for the distance means of gaining information about the potential
contracting parties the author methodologically
provides examples of popular schemes in the
Internet community, and they are based upon
lack of information in one of the parties. Novelty
of the material is due to the fact that it is aimed
at the youth audience, actively using Internet
resources for business purposes. Taking this
fact into consideration, today the enterprises no
matter what size they are should protect their
commercial secrets carefully and at the same
time use commercial intelligence. Within the
context of this work, the author evaluates the
information of potential contracting parties,
since in the everyday life individuals often
have to do with the contracting parties, and not
competitors. Additionally, collection of such
information is easier to bring into system, while
competitor monitoring is often personalized and
it requires certain professional knowledge and
capacities within the relevant field.
contracting parties, personal data, Internet, social networks, monitoring, scamming, disinformation, business intelligence, infobusiness, law on information.
Academic life
Kutyina, M.M. (2014). Comparative analysis
of modern Russian and foreign
entrepreneurial risks classifications. National Security, 1, 153–161. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63903
This article was written after taking the
course “Security of entrepreneurial activity”,
and it is devoted to comparison of Russian and
foreign entrepreneurial risks classifications.
The author uses comparative method in order to
compare the approaches towards entrepreneurial
risks in Russian and foreign science, then
comparing some of classifications of such risks,
establishing and analyzing their specificities.
The novelty of the article is due to the fact that
it is a first modern attempt to compare Russian
and foreign risk management schools with their
differing approaches. This article includes
analysis of various approaches to understanding
entrepreneurial risks by Russian and foreign
scientists, as well as various systems for their
classifications. Finally, it is noted that Russian
and foreign risk classification systems (as well
as approaches to understanding entrepreneurial
risks as such) have significant similarities, while
having a number of specific features. Perhaps,
these specificities reflect specific features and
problems of certain business environments.
entrepreneurship, security of entrepreneurial activity, risk management, e nt r e p r e ne u r ia l r i sk, cla s si f ic at ion of entrepreneurial risks, possible changes measures, unfavorable result, business, analysis, control.
Academic life
Borovkov, M.S. (2014). Complex of preventive measures
for protection of business
against hostile takeover. National Security, 1, 162–170. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63904
The object of studies in this article is
one of the divisions of the theory of takeovers
and mergers in business, namely, hostile
takeover, and the article is written after taking
the course “Security of entrepreneurial activity”.
Methodologically, the author provides an
overview of the scientific publications on foreign
and Russian practice. He provides theoretical
analysis of the main elements, models and
possible strategies for the protection against
hostile takeovers. The author pays special
attention to the Russian situation, involving
the Russian legislation and practical examples.
For the first time the author used Redel Group
factual data for the analysis. Most of the
strategies should be applied together for a
maximum results. The pills, the parachutes and
supermajority should be displayed publicly in
order to lower the possibility of future takeover
and raising the price of shares. The protection
of assets, strategic alliance and strategic
acquisition should be used only in emergency
situations. The author concludes that the situation in the Russian market of mergers and
acquisitions is not as tragic, as it seems. In spite
of the domination of the administrative resource,
lack of development of the financial market, lack
of friendly takeovers, and corruption, one may
protect his own business, if he takes care of it
in advance.
mergers, conglomerate, hostile takeovers, share, asset, resource, two-level offer, the Russian Federation, white knight, poison pills.