Strategy of national security
Sipok, R.P. (2013). The subjects of the guarantees of the state security
of the Russian Federation. National Security, 1, 4–11.
This article contains detailed analysis of key subjects,
which guarantee the state security of the Russian Federation.
The goal of this article is to analyze their main
functions and their activities in the sphere of national security.
The article also includes description of the interaction
of these bodies within the system of state power
of Russia. Based on the results of this study, the author
concludes that efficiency of practical interaction depends
upon many factors, some of which are subjective.
In practice this cooperation rarely reaches an efficient
level. The general experience of work of state bodies in
the sphere of operative investigation shows that the necessary
level of their cooperation may be reached when
all of the relevant factors are taken into consideration.
The interaction should include all of the bodies, which
are involved in security guarantees.
jurisprudence, state, security, subject, intelligence service, legislation, defense, citizen, law, service.
System and interaction
Vladimirova, T.V. (2013). Security in a society as a sustainable social order in
the conditions of growing deviations. National Security, 1, 12–19.
The article provides for the developing approach towards
the problem of security in a society as a sustainable
social order in the conditions of growing number
of varieties and deviations. The analysis of the theory
of evolution by N.Luhmann allows one to see the role of
deviation in the modern destinies. The idea of the author
is that once the semantic hypertrophy of variety appears,
the social system develops a new saving social order formula,
which is development of network communication
space. The network has a unique quality, which is limitless
realization of the need for the Non-denied. In the
point of view of the author, the development of network
communication saves order in a society by localizing
anomy in the virtual network space.
social studies, security, society, communications, variations, deviation, network, anomy, accumulation, acceleration.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Chirkov, D.K., Sarkisyan, A.Zh. (2013). High techology crime: tendencies and perspectives. National Security, 1, 20–26.
The article includes general criminalistic characteristics
of crimes in the sphere of telecommunications and computer
information, the authors provide for the dynamics
of development of such crimes for the period since 2009
to 2012 in comparison to the number of Internet users
for the same period. In the latest decade the Internet became
a virtual space, where people may express their
ideas, get involved in social activities, etc. Currently the
Internet networks play an important roles in our communications.
We transfer money via computers, cash
dispensers, and electronic payment system, we set the
routes, look for good restaurants, find out what movie
we should watch, and all of these actions depend on information
technolgies. Many Internet users are attacked
by cybercriminals. The above-mentioned problems are
discussed in this article. The article may be useful for
the officers of the law-enforcement bodies working with
high-technology crimes.
jurisprudence, high technologies, cybercrime, criminal law, Internet technologies, statistical data, telecommunications sphere, computer information, characteristics of crimes, Internet users.
Transformation of national security systems
Semyachkin, A.A. (2013). The modern condition of the Russian-Indian relations
in the sphere of military and technical cooperation. National Security, 1, 27–33.
This article is devoted to the evaluation of the current
situation in the sphere of Russian – Indian relations, and
the changes which were introduced into them by the visit
of President V.V. Putin which took place in December
2012. It is noted, that the foreign political relations of Russia and India are developing in two main formats –
as a strategic partnership in support of national interests
in the international arena, and as a regional centralism,
which is aimed on limiting the role of non-regional players,
who wish to become a dominating political force in
the relevant region.
political science, national security, politics, international relations, Russia, India, strategic partnership, regional cooperation, interests, values.
Globalization and national security
Kuzmin, E.A. (2013). Theoretical and empiric studies of economic security
in liberalized trade relations. Part 1. Theoretical and
methodological positioning of a problem and possible
solutions. National Security, 1, 34–50.
In the article the author shares his methodological ideas
in the sphere of assessment of a fragmented economic
security, which is to include a new component for evaluation
– a dependent fragmented economic security, as
defined in relation to the external environment. The article
highlights the fact that the effects of the relationship
between economies (the effect of adhesion) and the relations
between economic agents within the economy (the
effect of cohesion) create the conditions for co-analysis
of the interaction and economic security within the model
of “I – the others”.
economic security, free trade, interpenetrating economies, substitution of domestic production.
Globalization and national security
Polyakov, E.N. (2013). On the issue of the causes of financial crisis of 2008 –
2010 and its consequences for the macro-prudential
politics. National Security, 1, 51–65.
The topicality of this article is due to the fact that in
three years after the sharpest phase of global financial
crisis, we finally understand its nature, and we can evaluate
the activities of the monetary government of states
at the time of crisis, to compare the monetary politics of
Russia and other developing states, and to understand
whether the Central Bank and Government of Russia
drew the right conclusions from the situation. Therefore,
this article devoted to the analysis of inß uence of instability
onto the global financial market on the economies
of the developing states, and the analysis of the prerequisites
for the higher or lower vulnerability of financial
systems in the developing states in the global economic
crisis of 2008 – 2010. In particular, the author analyzes
the causes and effects of the global financial crisis on
the economies of developing states including Russia.
The author also pays much attention to the inß uence
of the global financial crisis on the economies of two
groups of developing states – the South-Eastern Asian
states and the states of Central and Eastern Europe.
The results of this study may be used for the further economic
research, and they help to explain the dynamics
of the key macroeconomic characteristics of the Russian
Federation during the sharp period of crisis. The author
offers the analysis of vulnerability level of the Russian
economy in cases of lacking stability of global financial
markets at the present time.
economics, crisis, finances, economics, causes, politics, Russia, consequences, system, security.
Informational support of national security
Surma, I.V. (2013). The new global supranational actor in the international
relations within the framework of national security. National Security, 1, 66–80.
The modern information processes in the society lead
to the changes in the government structures and technologies
in favor of those, who manage information
streams and resources. Modern Internet has the potential
for provoking various crises, or strengthening existing
crises. Information and communication structure
of the state is a strategic resource, which requires constant
control and attention. Any destructive activities in
the information sphere may have serious consequences
for the manageable networks and systems, therefore
the information networks currently serve as means of
information warfare for public politicians, religious organizations,
entrepreneurs and businessmen, criminals,
criminal and terroristic groups. The role of studying
the cyber-terrorism, the scientific bases for the means
against it is ever-growing nowadays in the conditions
of complicating social and political structures, loss of
trust to political institutions, inefficiency of some existing
mechanisms of inß uence on the society. These and
other circumstances require the development of an efficient state policy against cyber-terrorism, as well as
the development of a new “intellectual technology” and
program instruments, in order to control the “dark Web”
and to analyze social networks. Therefore, the information
guarantees of foreign policy and international relations
have value, which is similar to such priority issues
of global policy, as non-proliferation of nuclear arms,
regulation of regional conß icts and peace-making, support
of global security, protection of cultural heritage
and guarantees of human rights.
political science, social networks, Internet space, cyber-attacks, social bots, SMISC, BFT-ONE, Internet mass media, the Arabian spring, cyber-terrorism.
Internal aspects of national security
Bunchuk, V.L. (2013). Formation and evolution of the federal model in the
modern Russia. National Security, 1, 81–87.
After the break-up of the Soviet Union there are tendencies
for strengthening of the national – territorial formation,
domination of the axifugal forces over the axipetal
ones, which in turn leads to weakening of the federal
center. The general dynamics of the relations between
the center and the regions in the modern Russia are to a
great extent determined by the specific features of these
relations in the former Soviet Union. The federal form of
territorial and state form was present in the USSR, however,
in practice with its strict centralization of the state
system, the federal relations were purely formal. The
regional policy of the Soviet period was determined by
a number of factors, such as the presence of national –
territorial autonomies, complicated administrative and
territorial division, strict hierarchy between the central
and regional governments. Considering the cyclical
nature of the federal relations and the current change
of processes of centralization and decentralization, the
evolution of the current model of Russian federalism
may be divided into several stages, in which one could
see the dynamics of centralization and decentralization
of power.
federalism, politics, model, federal relations, regions, federal center, evolution, security, asymmetric federation, federal structure, sovereignty, administrative and territorial division.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Dzutsev, H.V., Sinelina Yu.Yu. (2013). Spread of the religious movement of Wahhabism
in the republic of Northern Caucasian Federal
District of the Russian Federation: ethnic and
sociological analysis. National Security, 1, 88–122.
This article is written based on ethnic and sociological
studies on the issue of Wahhabism in the Republics of
the Northern Caucasian Federal District of the Russian
Federation, which took place in January and February
of 2010 by the Northern Osetian Center for Social
Studies of Institute for Social and Political Studies of
the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with
the Northern Osetian Institute for Humanitarian and
Social Studies named after V.I. Abaev. The goal of this study and this article was to find out the attitude of people
in the region towards the problem of radical Wahhabism.
The mass poll among the people of the North
Caucasian Federal District was performed, as well as
the expert poll. The materials and studies showed that
the importance of Islam and number of mosque-going
people grows in mono-national republics of the NCFD.
The appearance of the religious, ideological and political
Wahhabism movement, which supports the personal
spirituality, attracts many people in the Northern Caucasus
region, since they are afraid of the negative processes
taking place in the region.
social studies, religious world view, crisis of Islam, Muslim religion, ideology, Islamic state, radical Wahhabists, Jihad, state.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Georgievsky, E.V. (2013). On history of prohibition of offensive language. National Security, 1, 123–127.
The distortion of modern Russian spoken language with
the offensive language poses a threat not only to the ethnic
and cultural identity of the Russian people, but to the
national security of the Russian state. The cynical use of
the offensive language in the everyday conversations of
the grown-up people is understood as totally normal by
the younger generation. One could easily imagine, what
may happen to our language in the nearest future, unless
we try to change the situation considerably. The history
of Russian law shows that the Russian Orthodox Church
was diligent in protecting Russian language against offensive
language within the framework of its criminal
legal jurisdiction for the protection of human dignity in
the period since XI to XVII centuries. However, its efforts
alone may be insufficient, unless the efficient legislative
measures are taken against use of offensive language.
jurisprudence, swear words, offensive words, offending, insult, the church Ustav, obscene, linguistic and historical, identity.
External aspects of national security
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). The nuclear program of Iran in the focus of foreign
policy of the USA. National Security, 1, 128–130.
The Secretary of the Iran Supreme National Security
Council Said Jalili once again supported the right of
Iran to the access to the global nuclear energy within
the framework of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons. According to the Iran Information
Agency, during the briefing with foreign and Indian
journalists at the Iranian Embassy in New Delhi on January 4, 2013 the main negotiator for Iran on nuclear
issues Mr. Said Jalili has stated that in latest years
the IAEA experts visited the nuclear objects of Iran
over 5000 times. In accordance with his statement, the
report of the head of the IAEA contains 25 direct mentions
of the lack of direct evidence of military nuclear
studies by Iran. Said Jalili added that the IAEA inspection
of Iranian nuclear objects in December 2012 also
did not find out any violations of the IAEA norms and
rules for the peaceful use of nuclear energy by the Iranian
nuclear specialists.
political science, national security, Iran, the USA, IAEA, the nuclear program, international control, non-proliferation regime, international relations, international conß ict.
Economical support of national security
Akopdzhanova, M.O. (2013). The disposition of Art. 164 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation on responsibility for the
crimes against cultural security. National Security, 1, 131–134.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December
12, 1993 enshrines the right of every citizen to participate
in cultural life, to use the cultural institution
and to have access to cultural values (Art. 44). This
obligation is supported by the state by establishing responsibility
for its violation. In particular, the failure
to perform the obligations under p. 3 of Art. 44 of the
Constitution may lead to negative legal circumstances
in accordance to the legal mechanisms in various
spheres of Russian law, including criminal law. Since
the Russian legislation provides for the responsibility
for the violations of cultural rights and freedoms,
which are most dangerous for individuals, society and
state, this study is devoted to the issues of uncovering
the crimes in this sphere, and to the development of the
existing legislative base in order to improve the quality
of law-enforcement practice in this sphere.
jurisprudence, culture, values, protection, security, law, responsibility, elements, practice, improvement.
Economical support of national security
Rasnyuk, G.S. (2013). Development of portfolio theory in the modern
market conditions. National Security, 1, 135–139.
This study is devoted to the theory of portfolio finances
and the key stages of its development. The author defines
“an efficient portfolio”. Its criteria include guarantees of expected profit in the conditions of any risk, and
minimized risks in the conditions of any expected profit.
The author analyzes the views of renowned Russian and
foreign economists on the problems in this sphere of
social relations.
economics, investments, securities, portfolio theory, management, asset management, financial markets, banking portfolio, shares, bonds.
Legal support of national security
Silaeva, N.A (2013). Legal aspects of prevention of crimes against
the political system of Russia. National Security, 1, 140–151.
The article is devoted to the legal aspects of prevention of
crimes against the political system of Russia. The author
analyzed the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
the legislation of the Russian Federation on anti-criminal
measures, including measures against extremism and terrorism,
as well as some legislative norms of the Republic
of Tatarstan on prevention of crimes against the political
system of the Russian Federation. The author also
analyzed the legislation of the Russian Federation on
national security, she developed the draft of legal norm
and made some suggestions on the improvement of legislation
in order to protect the political system of the Russian
Federation against criminal encroachments, taking into
consideration that it requires the improvement of the
norms of other branches of law, as well as criminal law.
jurisprudence, crimes, extremism, politics, law, prevention, security, power, terrorism, Internet.
Legal support of national security
Razumov, Y.A. (2013). One of the directions for the improvement of the
legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere
of border security with regard to the national legal
implementation. National Security, 1, 152–156.
The article is devoted to the interaction between international
and national law in the legal system of the
Russian Federation via the reference to the international
treaties in various normative legal acts. Much
attention is paid to the border security. The author
offers to improve this sphere by changing reference
to transformation. The novelty of this article is that it
provides for the directions for the improvement of the
legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of
borderline security with due respect to the national
legal implementation. The goal is to offer proposals
on improvement of the legal norms, which refer to international
jurisprudence, legislation, implementation, border security, border activity, international treaties, national security, principles of law, norms of law, law.
Academic life
Yurchenko, A.V. (2013). On the experience of organization of the all-University
additional course on the issues of security of entrepreneurial
activities in the National Research University
“Higher School of Economics”. National Security, 1, 157–164.
This article includes information on the experience of
organization of the all-University additional course
on the issues of security of entrepreneurial activities
for the students for bachelor and master degrees in
the National Research University “Higher School of
Economics”. In the point of view of the author, the
students of various majors, who shall gain bachelor
degrees in the spheres of economics, management,
social studies, psychology, business informatics and
other spheres of knowledge, should come to the state
government bodies and economics with due knowledge
on security guarantees for the private persons
and legal entities, who are subjects of modern market
relations. The course is aimed for the students who
probably shall not work in the security divisions of
companies or for the security organizations.
entrepreneurial activity, business, security sphere, management, complicated security system, targeted audience, higher education.
Academic life
Gorokhova, D.I. (2013). The Council of Europe Convention in the sphere of
protection of individuals in the sphere of automatic
processing of the personal data. National Security, 1, 165–170.
This article is written based on the report, which was part
of the course on “Security of Entrepreneurial Activities”.
It is devoted to the principal issues regarding rights of
individuals in the process of automatic processing of
personal data. The author evaluates the legislation of the
EU and the Russian Federation in this sphere, and she
pays attention to one of the key directions in the modern legal practice in the sphere of protection of personal data
of physical persons from unlawful use and disclosure.
jurisprudence, protection, personal data, unlawful disclosure, the Council of Europe Convention, the Russian Federation, ratification, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, technical regulations, limitations.
Academic life
Kiselev, N.S. (2013). Preventive measures against raider hostile takeovers. National Security, 1, 171–178.
This article is written based on the report, which was
part of the course on “Security of Entrepreneurial Activities
”. It is devoted to the topical issue of raider hostile
takeovers. The author provides directions for the
formation of preventive security system in a company,
and mentions various means of protection from raider
hostile takeovers. He also provides practical examples
of raider hostile takeovers.
jurisprudence, raiders, security, hostile takeover, attack, protection, enterprise, shareholders, credit debt, preventive measures.
Academic life
Krivenko, S.G. (2013). The use of offshore companies in implementation
of dubious financial deals and legal risks for the
contracting parties. National Security, 1, 179–184.
This article is written based on the report, which was
part of the course on “Security of Entrepreneurial Activities
”. It is devoted to the legal aspects of business
with the use of offshore companies, and the legal risks
for the contracting parties of such companies. These
materials allow the future corporate law professionals
to learn more about the sphere of activities, which
contains reputation risks for the good faith business,
as well as about the possible use of Russian companies
in the legalization of criminal income and the legal
consequences of such acts.
jurisprudence, offshore zones, minimized taxation, laundering of income, terrorism financing, ß y-by-night organizations, legal risks, reputation risks, contracting parties, unlawful activities.