Akhatov, Y.K. (2013). Perspective directions for the improvement
of social administration of labor migration
in the Sakhalin region. National Security, 6, 4–10.
The article is devoted to the studies in
the sphere of social administration of migration
processes in the isle region. The author refers
to perspective directions for the improvement
of social administration of labor migration,
including the need to develop and adopt the
Migration Policy Concept of the Sakhalin Region
and the Event Plan for the Implementation of
the Migration Policy of the Sakhalin Region.
The perspective spheres for the improvement of
social administration f migration processes in
the Sakhalin region is directed at guaranteeing
high quality markers in human capital, which
according to the Strategy for Social and Economic
Development of the Sakhalin region till 2025 is
the main competitive resource of the Sakhalin
region. The author considers it necessary to
form a specific subject for the development
and implementation of the regional migration
policy — the Ministry of Migration Relations
of the Sakhalin region. Implementation of
perspective directions for the improvement of
the administration of labor migration processes
in the Sakhalin region are necessary to guarantee
optimization of the regional migration processes.
It is necessary to strengthen the connections
between state interests and regional migration
policy interests based upon a complex approach
with due regard to internal and external factors in
order to facilitate the formation of the migration
policy aimed at the efficient resolution of the
development of the Sakhalin society.
social studies, Sakhalin region, migration policy, migration processes, social administration, perspective direction, migration policy concept, efficiency, society, optimization.
Kireeva, N.V. (2013). On systemic approach to defining the main
categories of the general security theory. National Security, 6, 11–26.
The definition apparatus within the
general security theory is not completely formed,
which is unfortunate. The legislatively recognized
definition of security as “condition of protection
of vital interests of person, society and state
from internal and external threats’ does not
seem appropriate, since the term “condition”
characterizes the changes in the matters, and does
not allow to establish their common substantial
features. Defining security as “protection” seems
overly direct and simplified, since it presupposes
the possibility of achieving an ideal situation,
which is actually impossible to achieve. Defining
security threats as “combination of conditions
and factors, forming danger to vital interests of
person, society and state” is tautological, and it also
causes many researchers to generate a maximum
number of negative factors, leading to formation
of a overly large specter of causes, having negative
influence on the process of development, making
it hard to specify and evaluate them. The author
of this article attempts to uncover the contents of
key elements of general security theory from the
standpoint of systemic analysis.
general security theory, security of social systems, sustainable development, security threats, conf licts, social evolution factors, needs, social interests, coordination of interests, interaction of interests.
Strategy of national security
Danilov, A.P. (2013). The military aspect
of the Arctic policy of Russia. National Security, 6, 27–34.
The article concerns the military
element of the Arctic strategy of Russia. The
author describes the basic instruments regarding
the strategy and actions of Russia in the Arctic
region. The author also analyzes the statements
of the Russian officials and experts regarding
the military policy in the Arctic region, noting
some discrepancies between statements and acts
of the Russian government in this region. In
particular, he notes that while Russia has always
been in favor of non-militarization of the region,
its military presence in the region is growing. At
the same time there is general growth of military
presence in the Arctic region. The author makes a
conclusion that in order to stabilize the situation in
the Arctic region the states need to follow military
parity, and to resolve any problems in the region
solely by diplomatic means. The article may be of
interest to the researchers in the sphere of Arctic
policy of Russia and geopolitical situation in the
Arctic region, as well as to those studying the
military aspect of the Northern policy.
the Arctic region, military policy, strategy, militarization, presence, potential, parity, the NATO, geopolitics, security.
Globalization and national security
Andreev, M.V. (2013). Strategies for the development of intercultural
dialog within the framework
of strengthening national security: topical
problems of social and political doctrine
of the Western Europe and the USA. National Security, 6, 35–45.
The article concerns topical aspects
of social and political doctrine regarding intercultural
dialog. The author concentrates on the
problem of inter-cultural dialog and its efficiency
in various spheres of life, such as migration
processes, communications, science, culture,
education, sports, etc., which is quite topical
for the USA and the European states. Special
attention is paid to the inter-religious dialog,
as a leading element in inter-cultural social
and political dialog. The author also provides
criticism of the practical applicability of the
basic European documents in the sphere of
inter-cultural dialog, such as the White Book
of the Council of Europe. The basis for the
scientific methodology of work is formed by
the specialized research methods: political legal
method, systemic method, comparative legal
method, formal logical method, cluster method,
etc., as well as some general scientific methods.
While working with the topical issues, the author
based his work upon the works of foreign scholars
on the issues in question. The article contains a
conclusion on the need to actualize some aspects
of inter-cultural dialog, to institutionalize some
aspects of inter-religious dialog via a special
forum for the formation of uniform views on the
topical problems of development of international
relations within the framework of globalization.
The article may be of interest for a wide range
of professionals, interested in the problems of
interaction of cultures, peoples and religions.
intercultural dialog, globalization, national security, European civilization, interconfessional relations, threats to international security, migration processes, conflicts among the nations, stability, sustainable development.
Reliability factor in security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Ermoshkin, G.N. (2013). The model for the evaluation of information
security risks in the information system
based upon the cloud computing. National Security, 6, 46–54.
Cloud services, which are currently
regarded as one of the most attractive modern
infor mation technologies, are capable of both optimizing the information security
management processes, and complicating
control over critical data and counter-measures
for security incidents in an organization.
Solution to the problem of timely and goodquality
outsourcing and information security
risks analysis for the cloud architecture systems
shall allow to solve numerous problems related
to protection from threats of use of information
and telecommunication technology for illegal
purposes. The wide spread and application
of cloud computing requires the need for
adaptation and development of the existing risk
evaluation models for information systems. The
approach presented in this article may be used
for evaluation of risks in information systems,
functioning on the basis of cloud computing
technology and for the evaluation of efficiency
of current security measures. At the same time,
risk evaluation includes the stages of analysis
and evaluation, and the risk analysis includes
identification and quality evaluation of risk.
Evaluation guarantees are provided based upon
defining the risk context (choice of risk criteria
and defining the scope of analysis). The quantity
evaluation of risks is understood as a modeling
process, including development and analysis of
alternative risk scenarios and the formation of
risk functions, defining the possibility for the
risk situation taking place.
i n for mat ion secu r it y, cloud computing, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, risk evaluation, risk model, influence matrix, loss matrix, dependency matrix.
Legal support of national security
Dundukov, M.Y. (2013). Legal regulation of secret intelligence
operations of the USA. National Security, 6, 55–65.
The ar ticle includes analysis of
development of the legal regulation in the sphere
of secret intelligence operation in the USA.
From the very first years of its existence as an
independent state, the intelligence service of
the USA traditionally held secret operations.
However, the issue of legal regulation of
secret operations was raised only after the 2nd
World war. Based upon the historic analysis
the author reveals the patterns of development
of the legal regulation of secret intelligence
operations of the USA from the very first bylaws
by the President and the National Security
Council of the USA, which were mostly secret,
to the current legislation in this sphere. The
article contains detailed analysis of the term
“secret operation “ from the position of the
American legislation, as well as the modern
legislative standards, regulating the procedure
for secret operation. The article shows the role
of the President and Congress in implementing
control over organization and implementation
of secret operations. Special attention is paid
to the legislative limitations regarding secret
operations, and, more specifically, to the fact
that the American legislation does not limit
the range of actions, which may be taken by
the intelligence service as secret operations.
The legislative limitations mostly concern the
prohibition to hold secret operations in the US
territory or for the purpose of influencing the
political processes in the USA.
secret operation, the US intelligence service, legal regulation, Congressional control, the NSC Directive, legislative limitations, the Central Intelligence Agency, intelligence committees of the Congress, executive order of the President, National Intelligence Director.
Legal support of national security
Demidov, V.N. (2013). National security issues in the activities of
the constitutional justice bodies
in the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 66–76.
The article concerns the role of the
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
and the Constitutional (Ustav) Courts of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation
in the guarantees of national security. The
author analyzes the legal fundamentals for the
national security guarantees, and, first of all,
the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, enshrining the modern complex
perception of security as a complicated multibranch
term. The author also provides examples
of decisions of the constitutional justice bodies,
reflecting the issues of security of the Russian
state and society.
jur ispr udence, constit utional justice, justice, national security, constitutional provisions, security doc trine, final decision, legal position, doctrine, justice.
Internal aspects of national security
Chirkov, D.K., Evlanova, O.A., Koimshidi, G.F. (2013). Regional specific and distinguishing
features of crimes in the sphere
of illegal turnover of narcotic substances. National Security, 6, 77–93.
The article concerns the typology of
the Russian regions based on the crime level
in the sphere of unlawful turnover of narcotics
with the use of classification method. In order
to classify the regions based on this marker the
authors for the first time used the statistical
method, which is based upon the standard
deviation of the marker based on 3 Sigma rule
(3σ). In particular, all of the constituent subjects
of the Russian Federation were divided into five
typological groups based upon the deviation in
the group of crimes regarding unlawful turnover
of narcotic substances from the medium level in
Russia with the standard deviation shares. The
authors provided comparative criminological
characteristics of these groups based upon some
level markers of this type of crime. Based upon
the study of correlation between the level of
crimes in the sphere of unlawful turnover of
narcotic substances and other criminological
markers, the authors revealed certain correlation
dependencies. Taking into account the specific
regional differences of the crimes in the sphere
of unlawful turnover of narcotic substances,
the law-enforcement bodies may efficiently
use their resources and methods against this
type of crimes. The article will be useful for
scholars and legal practitioners, students and
postgraduate students, as well as to all those
interested in the sphere of fighting narcotic
crime, and those caring for the future of Russia.
jur ispr udence, constit utional justice, justice, national security, constitutional provisions, security doctrine, final decision, legal position, doctrine, justice.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Paschenko, I.V. (2013). The Global Terrorism Index
and the situation in the Northern Caucasian
region: the global tendencies
and regional specificities. National Security, 6, 94–104.
The article includes analysis of the
studies performed by the Institute for Economics
and Peace in order to define the Global Terrorism
Index (GTI) in different states. The goal of the
studies was to provide comparative analysis
of global tendencies in the development of
ter rorism movement and situation in the
Northern Caucasian region, which for a long
time has been the range for terrorist attacks
in Russia. The analysis allows to state that the
processes in the Northern Caucasus are global in
their nature. That is why, in the nearest future the
possibility of terrorist acts shall remain both in
Russia and globally. At the current stage one may
only state the lessening the number of violent
incidents. However, if one is to take into account
the cyclical character of the processes, the
stabilization is temporary and it is a short-term
matter. The main goal for any state is to provide
the access to political decision-making to all of the members of the society, and for that purpose
it is necessary to totally review the concept of
interaction between government and society.
The absence of dialog with the government, the
prohibition of political actions are the tendencies
typical of the Northern Caucasian region,
Russia, and they are also present at the global
level, leading to total radicalization of protest
and its position outside the legal sphere. If such
a situation remains, it shall not be possible to
uproot the terrorism.
terrorism, the Global Terrorism Index, terrorism level, instability, the Northern Caucasus, the time and place database, criminal and terrorist acts, Imarat Kavkaz, bandit groups, Wahabiism.
External aspects of national security
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). Some specific features of the current
foreign political relations between
the USA and Venezuela. National Security, 6, 105–110.
The modern specificities of the foreign
political relations of the global leaders (such as
the USA) and the rest of the world are defined
by the growing value of the former “Third
World” states, wishing to play an independent
role in the international arena. These category
of states includes the young states in Africa,
Asia and Latin America, which quite recently
were the colonies of the leading European states.
Venezuela, being at the peak of its passionarity
and having the right to claim the role of the leader
of the Latin American world, attracts most of the
global attention today. While being behind their
former metropolitan countries in economic and
social development, these states have always
tried to get outside the narrow limits, imposed
on them by the Great Powers, denying the Third
World countries the full amount of rights of
participants of international relations. While
purposefully limiting the participation of the
young post-colonial states in the global political
process and the peacebuilding, the Great States
(and first of all, the USA) gave them the role
of the political periphery, regional states (with
the immature systems of political government
institutions), and that of the raw-material
appendages to the economies of the industrially
developed states.
international relations, foreign policy, the USA, Venezuela, conf licts, diplomacy, interests, values, security, cooperation.
External threats and countermeasures
Evseev, V.V. (2013). The Syrian crisis from the standpoint
of Russian-American relations. National Security, 6, 111–121.
The article concerns the current
situation and perspectives of resolution of the
Syrian crisis. Special attention is paid to the
problem of chemical weapons, the fact of use
of which on August 21, 2013 near Damask
could have been used by the USA and its allies
for the armed intervention into the domestic
affairs of a sovereign state. The author shows
the implementation of the Russian — American
plan for the destruction of Syrian chemical
weapons. It is established that the procedure of
taking chemical weapons out of Syria and their
destruction is very complicated. In order to
implement it, there has to be will of the leading
states in the Global Patnership program and in
the renewed Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat
Reduction Program. Based upon the analysis
the author evaluates the influence of the Syrian
crisis on the situation in the Russian-American
relations. It is noted that Washington D. C. is
ready for the equal partnership with Moscow in
the rather narrow spheres, one of which relates
to the problem of Syrian chemical weapons.
Syria, foreign policy, the USA, geopolitics, conf licts, diplomacy, interests, values, security, the UN.
Economical support of national security
Goy, V.V. (2013). Formation of a specialized institutional
system for managing the insolvency
of economic subjects in Ukraine. National Security, 6, 122–133.
The article concerns the existing situation
in the institutional system of management of
insolvency of economic subjects of Ukraine. The
author analyzes the legislative and methodological
problems, analyzes the experience of formation
and development of an institutional management
system in the insolvency sphere from the moment
when the institution of bankruptcy was formed in
Ukraine. Based upon the analysis from the global
experience, the author clarifies the approach towards
the development of institutional support of the state
functions in the sphere of insolvency, which would
have due regard for the situation in the state. It is
established that the choice of model depends on the
goal to form the necessary institutional conditions
for the efficient performance of regulating functions
by the state. It is also noted that there is need to
revise the functions of the Bankruptcy Department,
which serves as a special agency in this sphere.
The analysis of specialized institutional systems
in different states also allows to point out the
approaches, which may be used in Ukraine for
the development of its own institutional system
aimed against unlawful (purposeful and fictitious)
bankruptcies in the national economy.
global experience, institution of bankruptcy, insolvency, unlawful bankruptcy, enter prise ban k r uptcy, insolvency, state regulation, institutional system, market economy, anti-crisis management
Humanitarian support of national security
Malinina, K.O. (2013). Mechanism for the formation of social anomia. National Security, 6, 134–143.
The object of study is social anomia. The
goal of the study is to understand and present
the mechanism of social anomia from the multiaspect
standpoint. It shall allow to manage various
forms of anomia and regulate socialization of a
person. While the deviant behavior to an extent
provides for evolutionary development of a
society, still it needs to be corrected in order to
keep it within certain limits. The studies of the
works of renowned scholars, various approaches,
definitions and classifications allowed the author
to present the mechanism of social anomia
formation as a linear structural — logical
schemes with some commentary. The sphere of
application of the results of the study include
relations in any group of persons (from small
to large groups, including the state-large scale),
where the conflicts among persons, groups, etc.
inevitably appear. It also may be of use for the
specialists dealing with various internal personal
conflicts. As a conclusion, one may state that the
process of formation and manifestation of the
social anomia should be regulated. Taking into
account the multi-aspect character of this matter,
the linear scheme of mechanism for its formation
may serve as the basis for the structure in several
dimensions. Formation of a dimensional form of
social anomia structure shall allow to develop the
types of anomia behavior in any specific aspect.
social anomia, identification, suicide, alienation, conformism, deviant behavior, socialization, retreatism, ritualism, riot.
Person and citizen within security systems
Pogontseva, D.V. (2013). Etho-lookism: a glance at the problem. National Security, 6, 144–150.
The article concerns the phenomenon
of ethnical discrimination based on appearance.
The author provides theoretical and experimental
works of foreign researchers concerning the
lookism problem on one hand, and on the other
hand its reflection in inter-ethnic groups. In
its classic form lookism is discrimination of
beautiful/non-beautiful people, however, in this case lookism is understood as discrimination
of persons with certain appearance. The author
takes into account the role of skin color and
physiognomic specificities for the categorization
pu r poses of “other” and expressions of
discriminatory attitude. The author raises the
issue of lack of studies of this topic in the
modern Russia, noting that the problem of
discrimination of ethnical groups is usually
regarded from the standpoint of jurisprudence
and social studies, while it is hardly viewed
from the standpoints of ethno-lookism and
specific features of categorization of others
based on their appearance, and their ethnical
specificities in particular. The author also noted
topicality of this problem and the need for a
more detailed study of the role of appearance in
the categorization and discrimination processes
lookism, ethnic discrimination, discrimination, ethnic lookism, skin color, physiognomic characteristics, appearance, immigration, the person of Transcaucasian nationality, expression of attitude.
Academic life
Cherkasov, V.N. (2013). Is it still possible to establish the rating?
(Some thoughts on the monograph by
Y. A. Shumilov. Introduction into legal
scientometrics. National Security, 6, 151–160.
The problem of establishing the rating
of a scientist has both scientific and practical
dimensions. This approach is used to establish
(mostly in other states, but lately in Russia as
well) the level of journals, quality of article
published in them, funding for the research,
employee evaluation, their hiring in monitoring.
Taking into account these criteria, the activities
of the higher education institutions and scientific
research institutes is evaluated, and decisions
are made of whether specific institutions should
exist or not. The article contains critical analysis
of the negative features of the method used
for establishing the rating by the author of the
monograph and also by some scientific electronic
resources, and some practical examples are
provided. The author proposes to take measures in
order to improve the method for rating calculation
by involving some additional markers. The author
substantiates the need to include correcting
coefficients, and provides a new formula for rating
calculation. Since currently the rating is mostly
based upon a single criterion — citedness, the
author offers a number of additional markers,
such as number of publication (with the corrective
coefficients offered by the author), the edition size,
impact-factor, presence of works of the author in
the Internet, number of views and downloads of
his works. It may be considered that the use of
the above-mentioned calculation methods shall
considerably improve the authenticity of ratings.
rating, marker, coefficient, impactfactor, Hirsch index, Internet, list of journals indexed, Russian Science Citation Index, scientific electronic library, Dissernet.