Strategy of national security
Shultz, V.L. (2012). The scenario analysis in managing social security. National Security, 6, 4–21.
The article includes analysis of use of the scenario
approach in order to solve the problems in the sphere
of managing social security. The author provides the
results of development and scenario studies of the
basic integrated multi-factor model, which allows to
have advance analysis of the situation development
processes in the social sphere, as well as to evaluate
the quality of decisions in order to guarantee social
sociology, social security, organizational management, social stability, basic indicators, socio- economic system, scenario analysis, imitation modeling, sign field, management decisions.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Bunchuk, V.L. (2012). Regional policy of the federal state as a mechanism
for the optimization and improvement of federal
relations. National Security, 6, 22–27.
In the conditions of the federal model of the territorial
and state structure the possibility for complex
and systematized regional policy is predefined by
the stability and balance in the relations between
the federal center and the constituent subjects of
the federation. At the same time domination of the
centralization or decentralization processes makes
the choice of strategy for the regional development
quite topical, be it a compensatory strategy in a centralized
federal model, or the stimulating (generally
systemic) model in the conditions of decentralization
and considerable financial and political autonomy
of the regions. The theoretical analysis of the key
concepts of federalism allows to single out two key approaches: network approach and centralizing approach,
which is also based on the certain level of
decentralization within the framework of federal
systems. The centralizing approach seems reasonable
in its application to the Russian reality, since
it centers on the priority of federal center in the regional
political science, federalism, federal relations, federal center, regional politics, administrative and territorial division, centralism, political system, the Russian Federation.
System and interaction
Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y., Mischenko, Z.V. (2012). Stability and sustainability of innovative development
of regional socio-economic system within
the context of cluster analysis. National Security, 6, 28–38.
The article offers to solve the problem of classification
of regions based on the level of innovative
functioning based on the statistic comparison
of the large variety of criteria. The calculations
include efficiency criteria for the innovation activity.
The authors also define additional criteria,
which allow to characterize stability and sustainability
of scientific and technical development of
the territories in the Central Federal District of
the Russian Federation.
economics, system, analysis, innovations, efficiency, stability, regions, clusters.
Transformation of national security systems
Karpovich, O.G. (2012). Functions of the National Security Council within
the system of formation of the US foreign policy. National Security, 6, 39–43.
This article includes theoretical approaches towards
the role and functions of the National Security Council in the formation of the US foreign
policy at the global and regional levels, as well
as the problems of competitions among the political
forces of various directions, specific features
and patterns in the formation of such competition,
as well as their influence on the priorities
in the sphere of the US foreign policy. The author
offers a new approach to the process of decision-
making in the sphere of foreign policy in
the USA, and clarifies the role of two key actors:
the Department of State and the National Security
Council. The article also include evaluation
of the factor of competition between them and its
influence on the contents and directions of the US
foreign policy.
political science, national security, foreign policy, international relations, the USA, the National Security Council, the Department of State, the political functions, conflicts, interests.
Globalization and national security
Belousova, A.V., Potanin M.M., Kolesnikova A.Y. (2012). Export sector of the economics in the Far East
of Russia: innovation development vector. National Security, 6, 44–54.
The authors establish the contents of the export
sector of the economics in the Far East of Russia,
they also analyze the structure and dynamics of its
development in 2000-2010. It is stated that the key
spheres of production in the export sector of the
macro-region are oil and mineral products mining,
timber harvesting, fishing. The share of their
products in the Far Eastern export is above 80 per
cent. As part of the analysis of the complexes in
the above-mentioned spheres, the authors show
the tendency of sustainment of considerable share
of raw materials production within the export
structure of the region in the long-term perspective.
The authors analyze the endogenous limitations
and exogenous challenges for the growth and
development of the resource-dependent economy,
and for the economic security of the Far Eastern
macro-region. The authors then establish the key
directions for the changes and development of the
export sector of the Far East, which would bring
it to the way of innovative development, such as
the greater share of processing enterprises, development
of production of new goods for export,
technological modernization, formation of the supporting institutional regimes. Taking the mineral
raw material export sector of the Far East as
an example, the authors show the prerequisites for
the implementation of changes.
export sector of economics, raw materials export, resource-dependent economics, innovative development, innovation potential, economic security, economic growth, the Far East.
Reliability factor in security systems
Mekhdiev, Sh.Z. (2012). Topical issues regarding regulation of technogenic
and ecological security. National Security, 6, 55–59.
The article is devoted to the key issues of regulation
in the sphere of ecological and technogenic
security. The author views a new paradigm of
security management due to the introduction of
the national risk standards, growing role of civil
defence and its new model. The author shows
scientific, governmental and administrative measures,
aimed to avoid and lessen the harmful
consequences of dangerous ecological and technogenic
processes, such as development of the
monitoring and forecasting system for extraordinary
situations, use of scientific, technological
achievements, as well as strategic risks concept.
The author notes the means to raise the level of
security in the regular life of people via formation
of the culture of secure behavior, changes in
world-view and values of people, individual and
social culture.
warfare, vital sustainance, nature, strategy, management, situation, catastrophe, harm, danger, processes.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Taraskin, M.M., Derbin E.A. (2012). One of the approaches to the formalized description
of threats, vulnerabilities and risks in the
system of information protection at an enterprise. National Security, 6, 60–68.
The authors evaluate one of the approaches to
the evaluation of threats, vulnerabilities and
risks in the systems of information protection of
organizations, which allows to have all-inclusive analysis and to formulate the requirements for
the guarantees of security of information in an
organization. Use of such an approach shall allow
one to cut the costs of the excess security
measures, which often take place, when the evaluation
of risks is taken subjectively. It shall also
aid in planning and implementation of the protection
at all of the stages of vital cycles of information
systems and to guarantee that the necessary
means can be taken in short periods of time. The
authors offer practical advice for the choice of
counter-measures and evaluation of efficiency of
their various options.
warfare, security, information, organization, risk, threat, vulnerability, model, method, identification.
External aspects of national security
Narutto, S.V. (2012). Definition and borders of the constituent subject
of the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 69–76.
The author considers territory of a constituent
subject of the Russian Federation to be an inalienable
element of the status of such a subject, having
analyzed the provisions of the Constitutions of the
Republic and the Ustavs of other subjects of the
federation,which provided for the legal regimes
of their territories and having noted the unclarities
in their formulae. The author also formulates
the conclusion that the territory of the constituent
subject cannnot be characterized as “state territory
” in generally accepted constitutional and international
legal sence, since the subjects do not
have sovereignty. It is noted that the territory of
a constituent subject of the Russian Federation
is an inalienable part of the territory of the Russian
Federation, which precludes the subjects of
the Russian Federation from separation, division,
or other types of integrity violations in a federal
state. Then the author analyzes the norm of the regional
basic laws on the principles of unity, inviolability
and territorial integrity of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the
status of the administrative border of the constituent
subject of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, territory, organization, constituent subject, unity, integrity, sovereignty, federation, competence.
Internal aspects of national security
Subanova, N.V. (2012). Prosecutorial supervision over the implementation
of laws on permissive system as a direction
for the guarantees of national security. National Security, 6, 77–88.
The analysis of the characteristic features of normative
and legal regulation of the permissive system
and of the specific features of the prosecution
in comparison with other government bodies allow
the author to come to a conclusion on the necessity
of prosecutorial supervision in the guarantees
of national security. This article includes the study
of this complex direction of prosecutorial supervision
over the implementation of laws within the
economic security sphere. Based on the analysis
of theoretical categories as well as practice of implementation
of laws and the data on lawfulness,
the author studies the specific features of prosecutorial
supervision and its most topical areas.
jurisprudence, security, prosecution, supervision, control, economics, entrepreneurial, lawfulness, powers, reaction.
Rapid response and tactics
Kalemulloev, M.V. (2012). Analysis and diagnosis of the cost effectiveness
of enterprises. National Security, 6, 89–95.
the cost efficiency of the enterprises there should
be a system inter-related characteristics. The author
offers a factor-based model for the relation
between the cost efficiency of assets, sales and
turnover of assets, which later transposes into the
method of chain substituting for the factor analysis
of the cost efficiency of assets. Much attention
is paid to the definition of the financial levers with
regard to the comparison between the cost efficiency
of assets and of the capital. It is noted that
in order to have objective characteristics of the
condition of the enterprise, one needs an official
calculation of the coefficients for the reproduction
and loss of paying capacity, which are currently
not recognized as obligatory.
economics, cost efficiency, assets, sales, turnover, proceeds, enterprise, analysis, diagnosis, capital.
Legal support of national security
Androsov, M.V. (2012). Legal regulation of nuclear energy as a factor
for the guarantees of national security in its
historical and political aspects. National Security, 6, 96–104.
The article includes analysis of one of the factors
of the guarantees of national security of the
Russian Federation by the ecological and power
security when using the nuclear energy. The term
“security” may be understood as “negation of
danger”. In the scholarly and legislative sources
on nuclear energy îne may find references to
various types of security, such as power security,
ecological security, etc. The reason for such a variety
is the difference in the criteria, which serve
as the basis for the security classification. In Russia
the guarantees of national security were for
the long time centered on the protection of state
security. It is therefore quite topical to have a Law
on National Security, which would complement the
existing legislative basis in this sphere. And one
should take into account the concept of supremacy
of environmental security, as an important factor
for the harmonious economic and social development
of the Russian state and society, as well as
the guarantees of energy security for the sake of
stability of income to the federal budget and sustainable
development as a whole.
jurisprudence, nuclear energy, national security, energy security, environmental security, law, politics, history, environment, IAEA.
Economical support of national security
Akopdjanova, M.O. (2012). Dispositions in the norms of criminal legislation
of the Russian Federation on tax crimes: issues of
distinguishing the component elements of a crime. National Security, 6, 105–109.
Dispositions in the norms of criminal legislation
of the Russian Federation on tax crimes: issues of
distinguishing the component elements of a crime. Under Art. 199.2 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation the immediate object of
crime is the social relations in the sphere of collecting
arrears in taxes and levies, while in other
tax crimes the immediate objects of crimes are the
social relations, which are formed in the sphere
of taxation and which guarantee the established
order of payment of taxes and levies. There are
also differences in the objective element of crime
(that is, in the moment, when the crime is deemed
completed and the large scale or very large scale
damage to the budget takes place).
jurisprudence, security, court, crime, responsibility, elements, taxes, levies, arrears, nondisclosure.
Informational support of national security
Afanasieva, Y.S. (2012). Television broadcasting as a factor for the military
policy of the modern states. National Security, 6, 110–117.
Since the modern warfare is part of the “mediabased
policy”, and it uses new instruments in order
to create military and political pressure and to
gain information superiority, it actively uses the
mass media. This article is devoted to the study of
television broadcasting based on various motives
of lawful behavior in the legal sphere, as well as
the methods of influence of on the legal conscience
of people via the mass media in order to form anticriminal
position in the social sphere. The author
includes political analysis of television broadcasting
as a factor in the political relations in time
of war, military and political tensions. The author
also singles out the specific features of the television
broadcasting as the “weapon of mass influence
”. The author shows the possibility of the
broadcasting resources in the information field of
the network-centered war. The author then characterizes
the functions for the television broadcasting
at various stages of the military conflict,
provides generalizations on the manipulative technologies
in the sphere of television broadcasting,
then offers the options for the protection of their
influence, she also analyzes the Russian and foreign
experience of television broadcasting in the
implementation of the military policy of a state.
political science, television, politics, security, state, television broadcasting, technologies, people, power.
Informational support of national security
Bakhtin, S.A. (2012). The Internet economy – the new challenge for the
national economic security: the general characteristics. National Security, 6, 118–122.
The article is devoted to the influence of the Internet
on the global and national economic development.
The author supports the thesis on the
Internet-economy phenomenon as a fundamental
factor for the transition from the industrial market
economy to the innovation economy via the new
Internet-based communication infrastructure. The
author also views the critical factors for the development
of the Internet economy and the problems
of its formation in the Russian Federation.
economics, Internet, intermediary, social, network, communication, infrastructure, national, security.