Kadimova, I.A. (2012). The Republic of Dagestan in the conditions of strategic
instability: ways out of the crisis. National Security, 5, 4–12.
This article includes analysis of the problems and perspectives
of the political modernization of Russia in its
regional dimension – namely, in the transition of the political
system in the Repubilc of Dagestna. The political
modernization of the Republic of Dagestan is currently
understood as greater capacity of the political system to
adapt to the new social goals and patterns, and to create
new institutions, which in turn guarantee the development
of the social system. This process in the Republic
of Dagestan is supported by both objectivfe (social, economic
and cultural) and subjective (ability of the leaders
to alter the political system more or less efficiently)
political science, politics, national security, Dagestan, modernization, crisis, elites, Caucasus, stability, interests.
System and interaction
Neymatova, A.Y. (2012). Security and peacefulness as key components of a
positive image of the state abroad. National Security, 5, 13–22.
The international image of Russia is a relevant and
highly replicated topic today. There are many interpretations
of the concept “image of the country” and even
more approaches to its formation. Confusion about
how to improve Russia’s image abroad, and the problem
of distinguishing the direction of supremacy (cultural,
investment, or “safe”) leads to an imbalance and
insolvency of the Russian image policy. In this article
the author puts forward his own concept of favoring the
perception of Russia abroad, based on Maslow’s pyramid
of needs. A capacious category of «security» forms
the basis of image pyramid and is a prerequisite for the
formation of a successful and favorable international
image of the country. Social, economic and cultural
components are on the next levels. The basic “safe”
grade is fundamental for the image, while the next two are variable depending on individual characteristics
and circumstances. Surveys presented in this paper
demonstrate the primacy and, in general, the materiality
of security for the country’s image. Gemany’s image
experience after World War II, which has made a bet
on the peacefulness and safety and has achieved considerable
success in this area, is analyzed. The priority
of security and peace in the image policy does not diminish
the importance of “soft power” of the state, but
only emphasizes the existential character of the first
component. Separately, the increasing importance of
information and cyber security in contemporary international
relations is distinguished. For Russia, the security
issue has prevailed and should futher prevail in
today’s agenda. It is caused not only by the importance
of the topic in the global discourse and its significance
for the country’s image policy, but also in order to fight
with many long external attacks on “secure” component
of Russia’s image.
security, peace, international image, diplomacy, investment image, the cultural component, pyramid, A.Maslow, soft power, cybersecurity.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Karpov, Y.S. (2012). Analogous and derived narcotic and psychedelic substances:
topical problems of their definition, qualification and control. National Security, 5, 23–37.
The article is devoted to the problem of finding adequate
counter-measures against the new psychoactive drugs,
known as “designer drugs”, as well as to development
and implementation of measures against drug addiction,
control and stabilization of the narco-situation. The author
analyzes the definitions analogous and derived narcotic
and psychedelic substances and shows their principal
similarities and differences, then the author offers
to amend the existing legislation in part of its criteria
for recognition of a substance as analogous or derived
from the prohibited substances. The author also pays attention
to the order of holding studies and expertises of
such substances.
jurisprudence, drug addiction, psychoactive drugs, designer drugs, analogous narcotics, derived narcotics, anti-narcotics legislation, new measures, legal aspects, the principle of formally defined law.
Comparative analysis of security systems
Aliev, G.A. (2012). Analysis of the system of reporting investment spending
on innovative projects as a part of a complex system
of monitoring investment projects in the oil and
gas industry. National Security, 5, 38–42.
In order to find the way out of the global financial and economic
crisis the President offered a program for the modernization
of the Russian economy, namely its transfer to the
innovation path. That is why there is need for the efficient
systems for the investment management in the sphere of innovative
projects, taking into account the lack of the information
for the interested users in the existing system. Based
on the above-mentioned matters, it should be stated that currently
the scientific world lacks the rule for the accounting
and analysis of the input into the investment projects.
economics, improvement, management, accounting, spendings, analysis, input, innovation projects, investments, oil and gas industry.
Reliability factor in security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Kachkov, A.K. (2012). One of the approaches to modeling the route for
spread of analysis of critical data in the hybrid area
of cloud computing. National Security, 5, 43–49.
Use of cloud computing when forming the IT – infrastructure
of the organization presupposes that the organization
shall not control the aspects of security directly.
There is need to guarantee conifdentiality of the data,
when forming the architecture based on the cloud computing.
The approach of modelling the data processing
with the Petri nets in accordance with the requirements
of the security policy of the organization allows to gain
important information on the structure of multi-level
system of access management in the hybrid cloud area.
In the end it allows to follow dynamic behavior of processing
critical data in the modelled system.
security models for the computer systems, cloud computing, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, security requirements, data confidentiality, modelling.
Legal support of national security
Airikh, V.A. (2012). Prevention within the context of the police law. National Security, 5, 50–57.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the preventive
character of the police law in the light of theoretical developments
and legislative practice of Russia and Germany
in the past and at the current stage. The author
views various approaches to the term “public safety”.
Then the author points out the tendency for subjectivating
the modern police law.
prevention, police law, general clause, code of police punishments, public safety, lawfullness, jural state.
Legal support of national security
Volokitina, Y.V. (2012). Problems of legal regulation of the special economic zones as
territories with a special regime of entrepreneurial activity. National Security, 5, 58–66.
This article is devoted to some practical problems, which
arise in the sphere of implementation of the Federal Law
“On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation”
which brought the on the new stage of development of
the legal status of territories with the special economic
statuses, namely centralization of the legal regulation of
this category of social relations. As the author points out,
the key problems of their legal regime include prohibition
on formation of filial offices and representative offices of
resident firms outside the territory of such zones, as well
as liquidation of the zones with special economic regimes,
which were formed based on the legislation of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation. Additionally,
the author studies the legal issues related to the innovation
potential of such zones in order to provide possible
amendements into the existing legislation, which, in turn,
would stimulate the scientific technical development of
such zones. Finally, the author offers some measures to
improve the legal regime of special economic zones.
jurispudence, special economic zones, legal regulation, investment, foreign investment, filial office, representative office, standalone divisions, cluster, sphere of competence of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.
Informational support of national security
Stanchik, S.S. (2012). Role of the Internet in the modern revolutions. National Security, 5, 67–72.
The “colored” upheavals on the post-Soviet territory were
mostly successful due to the use of mass media by the revolutionary opposition in order to manipulate the society. The goal
of this article is to show how Internet became the weapon of
revolutionaries. It should be noted that the so-called “colored”
revolutions became the first wave of this type, when the opposition
used the global web as an instrument for the demonization
of the ruling government and for the manipulation of the social
opinion. The popular social networkds, such as Facebook, Odnoklasniki,
Vkontakte, etc.) were not used in “colored” revolutions,
since they appeared later. Thanks to the Internet, the opposition
managed to arrange on-line protest actions and the
bloggers, who were financed by the opposition, wrote anti-governement
articles. The organizers of the “colored revolutions”
in the post-Soviet territory also paid attention to the specialized
forums and sites. The lawful government attempted to fight the
Internet-revolutionaries, but the global web was new, and the ef-
ficient methods for fighting it were not yet formed. Therfore, one
can say that the mass media were key in the support of turnovers
in Georgia, Ukraine and Kirgizia.
political science, revolution, riot, colored, orange, Internet, manipulation, opposition, anti-government, nework.
Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2012). Achieving the ambitious goals of development for the Russian
defense industry calls for the symmetrical changes in
the structure of the law-enforcement bodies in Russia. National Security, 5, 73–84.
The author of this article analyzes the development of
military defence complex of the USSR and offers some
ways for the optimization in order to find solutions to
the problems of the Russian defence industry though the
prism of greater prosecutor control over the implementation
of law at important objects of this industry in Russia.
In particular, the author offers to restore the vertical
structure of prosecution with the special department at
the Prosecutor-General’s Office.
jurisprudence, industry, national security, sovereignty, arms, supervision, state defence order, prosecution, state reserve.
Economical support of national security
Bazhenov, A.A., Mehdiev, Sh.Z. (2012). Tax security as an element of national security of the state. National Security, 5, 85–89.
The article is devoted to the role and place of tax security
within the system of national security of the state. The authors show the system of indicators and criteria,
which characterise tax security in the Russian economy
and touch upon the qualification of good-faith actions
of tax-payers, when implementing their tax obligations.
The authors also provide detalied characteristics of the
tax security criteria from the point of view of the implementation
of their functions, and discuss the terms of
“national security” via the terms “stability” and “sustainability
” of the tax system of Russia.
economics, taxes, security, state, good faith, tax-payer, organization, criteria, risk, court.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Lipskiy, K.A. (2012). System of general education as a mechanism for the
prevention of terrorist threats among the youth. National Security, 5, 90–95.
This article is devoted to the studies of the general education
system as a mechanism for the prevention of
terrorist threats among the youth. The author analyzes
methods and mechanisms of prevention of spread of terrorist
and extremist ideas among the youth. Then the
author makes a conclusion that tolerance and cultural
dialogue should be included into the process of education
of the young.
social studies, youth, tolerance, education, terrorism, threat, education, prevention, decision, responsibility.
Humanitarian support of national security
Volokh, V.A. (2012). Migration policy: readmission as an efficient instrument
against illegal migration. National Security, 5, 96–102.
Over the past few years the problem of migration has
become a familiar and stable priority on the agenda of
the international community. Illegal immigration is one
of the serious problems nowadays, that is, entry and stay
of foreigners in the state in violation of the established
order. By the degree of danger to society at the present
time illegal migration comes to one of the first places
among the new challenges and threats. Obviously it is
not possible to cope with this phenomenon, using the
old approaches. The article highlighted new and effective
methods of intergovernmental cooperation in the
sphere of returning of illegal migrants, outlines basic mechanisms for readmission, analyzed and assessed the
current state of the Institute of readmission in the Russian
Federation, noted the key factors required for the
realization of readmission obligations, and suggested
further ways of development of this institution. The author
thinks that readmission is a very effective tool for
combating illegal migration, which helps to ensure national
political science, state, globalization, concept, modernization, legislation, national security, Federal Migration Service, migration policy, migration processes.
Humanitarian support of national security
Nazarov, M.M. (2012). Conflict potential for the secession (based on the
studies in the regions). National Security, 5, 103–111.
The author discusses the factors, which have the potential
of negative influence on the territorial stability
of the state. The author studies the modern theories of
secession, as well as the topical Russian context, then
the author points out the factors, which have secession
potential. It is shown that secession can be facilitated
not only by social and economic factors, but aqlso by
the popular principles regarding the structure of the former
USSR, which are reflected in the mass consciousness.
The empirical basis for the article is formed by
the comparative empirical studies in the regions of the
Russian Federation, when the attitude of people towards
a number of ideological elements of federation. The author
also views the relations between the ideological positions
and orientation and the conflict participation in
the interests of national groups. The results of the studies show that ideological constants of the past translate
through time and they create negative bases from the
point of view of the stability of the Russian Federation.
It is shown that negative ideological potential mostly relates
to the conflict participation in the interests of the
national group to which respondents belong.
political science, federalism, separatism, secession, ethnicity, nationalism, ideology, conflict, consensus, identity.
Person and citizen within security systems
Tuzov, N.V., Li, O.A. (2012). Russia in the XXI century: from the abstract “Russians
” to the “living” nation. National Security, 5, 112–119.
The author brings to the attention of the readers the
obvous lack of due evaluation of the social, economic,
cultural and ethnical problems of the Russian people.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the processes
for the actualization of the Russian ethnos as a basis for
the state-formation in the modern social and political
system, as well as to the development of relations among
the nations in the Russian Federation with some critical
points. The author offers specific steps to be taken in order
to sustain the peaceful relations among the peoples
and social stability in Russia.
political science, ethnos, people, nation, Russian state, Russian civilization, national history, ethnical disinterestedness, migration, ethnic tension.