Strategy of national security
Abramychev, A.I. (2012). Strong, effi cient and competitive state: the basis for the security of Russia. National Security, 1, 4–14.
In Russia the new Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020 and the Military Doctrine of the Russian
Federation of 2010 are now in force. With their implementation the plans of defense construction in Russia were changed,
and they infl uenced the direction of military reform. The author shows the reasons for the unacceptable losses of the Russian
military air forces in August of 2008 in the sky of the Transcaucasia region, as well as the problems regarding placement of
the ballistic missile defense of the USA in Europe. The author then makes a conclusion that nuclear weapons are of limited
effi ciency for the low-intensity confl icts. The author points out the need to raise the role of the “non-contact fi ght”. Then
he offers to establish the sequence of solutions in the new conditions, to hold complex studies with the participation of the
institutions of the military forces of the Russian Federation, industry, the Minstry o Foreign Affairs, the Russian Academy
of Sciences, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation and the AVN in order to fi nd out the means
of activity, including non-military and non-traditional.
In Russia the new Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020 and the Military, and they infl uenced the direction of military reform. The author shows the reasons for the unaccept, as well as the problems regarding placement of the ballistic missile defense of the USA in Europe. T, to hold complex studies with the participation of the institutions of the military forces of the Rus, industry, the Minstry o Foreign Affairs, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation and the AVN in order to fi nd ou, including non-military and non-traditional.
Strategy of national security
Tsyganov, V.V., Borodin, V.A., Shishkin, G.B. (2012). On the modernization of the system of state government. National Security, 1, 15–26.
The author views the systems of management of the evolution of the state and their role in the formation of the national elite,
as well as a elite of the global capital center. The fall of the ideology of liberalism in Russia shows the need and necessity
for the change of the liberal self-evaluation of the Russian elite. The economic and political security of Russia is related
with the modernization of management, formation of the system of state planning. The new moving force of Russia should
be engineers and scientists. The possibility of the transfer to the 6th technological position in Russia requires the formation
of the network of intellectual enterprises, competitiveness of which should be based on fundamental scientifi c studies.
political science, security, state, management, planning, economics, capital, intellect, enterprise, elite.
Strategy of national security
Li Guan Qun (2012). The maritime policy of China in the APR. National Security, 1, 27–34.
After the Cold War in the Asian-Pacifi c region has changed dramatically. The article explores the China’s maritime policy
of Taiwan’s problem, the South China and East China Sea. In recent years, China is actively expanding its infl uence through
various methods, including the strengthening of “sea power” to resolve these problems of island.
maritime policy, the Taiwan problem, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, Asia Pacifi c, China
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Skovikov, A.K. (2012). Formation of the institutions of civil society as an important factor of national security of
Ukraine. National Security, 1, 35–45.
The article is devoted to the political processes of the European integration, formation of various institutions of civil society
as one of the effi cient factors, which infl uence the national security of the state. The author pays attention to the political
processes of the European integration, formation of various institutions of civil society as one of the effi cient factors, which
infl uence the national security of the state.
jurisprudence, state, security, Ukraine, power, transformation, system, change, subjects, elites.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Kachko, A.K. (2012). One of the approaches to the management of information security when
developing information infrastructure of the organization. National Security, 1, 46–59.
Modeling of threats and vulnerabilities of information security is widely applied in foreign and Russian practices. The key
shortcoming of the methods, which are used, includes lack of formalized description of conceptual solutions when forming
projects of information systems. Due to this fact the author offers to view a specifi c type of description as a formalized
model. This is an important stage for the formation of links between the business requirements and the abilities of information technologies. The author offers to improve the existing solutions with an architecture, comprising three key elements:
modeling, architectural component and risk-analysis module.
military, information, threat, risks, management, business assets, business model, infrastructure, countermeasures.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y. (2012). Economic security of the regions (dynamic analysis of the retrospective characteristics
of the regional gross product). National Security, 1, 60–63.
The article includes the method of analysis of the dynamics of economic security of the regions of the Russian Federation
based on the correlation of offi cial statistics on the RGP of the subjects of the Central Federal District. As a result, implementation
of the method in question uncovers indicative characteristics, which need to be optimized based on the medium
value in a particular federal district.
economics, security, analysis, RGP, regions, subjects of the Russian Federation, dynamics, values, statistics, regional.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Karpovich, O.G. (2012). Peace-making activity of the USA and the Anglo-Saxon technologies of management of international
confl icts. National Security, 1, 64–74.
This article presents the results of the study the use of technologies of management of international confl ict in peacekeeping
and antiterrorist operations of U.S. and NATO. The basic features of the practices that distinguish the individual style of
peacemaking of U.S. and NATO representatives of other civilizations and cultures.
psychology, national security, international relations, counteraction, ability to defend, foreign policy, international confl icts, confl ict management, information technologies, peace-making operations.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Manoylo, A.V. (2012). The Gaddafi death scenario: another example of use of the “democratic pattern”. National Security, 1, 75–76.
This article provides an analysis of the circumstances of the death of the leader of Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and comparing
these circumstances with the operation to eliminate Osama bin Laden. In the context of the situation in the Arab Middle
East and North Africa justifi ed the assumption of non-randomness of both events and their close associative connection, put
forward a version of the existence in both scenarios, the same individual handwriting performers.
Libya, Gaddafi, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, international relations, international confl ict, the color revolution, national security, technology, confl ict management, psychological operation.
Globalization and national security
Sidorov, S.A. (2012). Concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of international
and national security of Russia. National Security, 1, 77–91.
In this article the author views the key directions of the concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China
within the framework of international and national security of Russia, then comes to a conclusion that in the new reality
of the internatioanl relations the relations between Russia and China should be neither oversimplifi ed nor idealized.
They can cause rather dangerous confl icts, especially in the perspective. Currently the border issues between the Russian
Federation and the People’s Republic of China are mainly solved, the relations between two states are rather stable, and
based on all of the exising evaluations the key vector of the military and political efforts of China in the near future shall
not be directed at Russia.
political science, national security, concept, People’s Republic of China, Russia, partnership, cooperation, multi-vector diplomacy, priorities
External threats and countermeasures
Sosnin, V.A. (2012). The ideology of “global jihad” as a spiritual and moral motivation for the suicide terrorism by
Islamic radicals. National Security, 1, 92–101.
The article is devoted to the ideology of global jihad as a spiritual and religious motivation of suicide terrorism by the
Islamic radicals. The author views the positions on suicide terrorism as martyrdom by the ideologists of Al-Qaeda (Ben-
Laden, Al-Zavahiri)
psychology, jihad, terrorism, suicide terrorism, spiritual and religious motivation, ideology of Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brothers, suffering, Koran, radicalism.
Internal aspects of national security
Ursu, N.S. (2012). Use of the technologies of political manipulation in the mass media during the election campaign of
the State Duma deputies (4th term). National Security, 1, 102–105.
The article includes the review of the technologies of political manipulation in the mass media during the campaign on
election of deputies of the State Duma of the 4 term. Then the author draws conclusions on the specifi c features of political
manipulation in the Internet in the modern Russia.
political science, national security, manipulation, policy, mass media, elections, election campaigns, civil society, power, government.
External aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2012). The problems of fi ghting terrorism and new forms of its fi nancing in the world and in the Russian
Federation. The advice of the UN experts. Intermediate results of scientifi c studies in fi ghting terrorism and its fi -
nancing. Fighting terrorism in the Internet. National Security, 1, 106–119.
In this article the author based on the global review on implementation of the Resolution 1373 (2001) of the Security
Council of the UN by the member states shows some ways to solve the problems in the sphere of fi ghting terrorism and the
new forms of its fi nancing in Russia and in the world. The author also shows the Russian practice of fi ghting terrorism in
the Internet.
jurisprudence, fi nancing, terrorism, studies, experts, sources, fi ght, Internet, channels, science.
Staffing of national security
Bocharov, M.I. (2012). Analysis of the modern condition of the system of education in the sphere of information security
and continuous education. National Security, 1, 120–132.
The article includes analysis of the teaching of information security at each level of the system of continuous education.
The author shows the role of the system of teaching information security in the standards of school education, medium and
higher professional education, as well as directions of study, which are related to the information security, while not being
included into the specialization “information security” under the state standards. The information security is a dynamically
developing sphere, so the analysis of modern situation in the teachings of the information security allows to see whether the
goals of teaching are adequately met at each stage of the continuous education, and on the succession among the stages
of the continuous education.
social studies, information, security, education, cadres, standards, succession, formation, topicality, education.
Staffing of national security
Fokina, I.V. (2012). On the defi nition of the term “civil self-conscience”. National Security, 1, 133–136.
This article deals with the defi nition of citizenship, as an independent psychological phenomenon, defi nes the functions of
civic consciousness, reveals some of the mechanisms of formation of civic consciousness.
self-identity, civic identity, activity, professional competence.