Sergunin, A.A. (2011). Evolution of the “military security” concept in the doctrinal documents of the Russian
Federation. National Security, 5, 6–14.
The article includes analysis of the evolution of the term “military security” in offi cial Russian documents of the last two
decades. The author provides formal logical and content-oriented criticism of the term, as provided in the doctrinal documents
of the Russian Federation. Then the author comes to a conclusion that in Russia the process of the formation of the conceptual
bases for the policy in the sphere of national and military security is mostly completed, however its terminology is mostly
imperfect and it needs to be developed. The fi rst stage of analysis of the global changes is completed, and it includes analysis
of the requirements of the state in the sphere of reform of the system of national and military security. In the future there
is need for not only clarifi cation of terminology, but also for the clearer and more logically based defi nition of these terms
and for the formation of their systemic hierarchy in the doctrinal documents.
political science, military security, national security, international security, military strategy, military doctrine, military construction, defense diplomacy, defi nition apparatus in the sphere of military security, military and political science.
Strategy of national security
Nikolaev, S.A. (2011). Policy of the Russian Federation in the Central-Asian region. National Security, 5, 15–24.
The paper presents an analysis of Russian policy in Central Asian region, based on construction in the region, the confi guration
of international relations in order to ensure collective security, joint economic development and counter external threats.
Particular attention is paid to energy cooperation and mutual assistance, strengthening of Russia in the region and counter
the economic and political expansion of the United States and China.
Central Asia, foreign policy, international relations, international security, energy resources, hydrocarbons.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Kachko, A.K. (2011). Guarantees of information security at the “cloud” architecture of the
organization. National Security, 5, 25–33.
Cloud computing becomes one of the most popular IT technologies for the applications, due to their key specifi c features:
fl exibility of solutions, accessibility upon request and good correlation of price and quality. Migration to the cloud architecture
allows the organizations to lower the costs on introduction and support of the infrastructure, and it shortens the
term of development of new business application. At the same time the most topical issue regarding migration of the data
to this cloud is the issue of information security. There are many factors, which infl uence the complex security of the cloud
structure, since its multi-rent structure causes new more complicated problems and vulnerabilities. The article includes
analysis of the existing models of provision of cloud services (saas, paas, iaas), the authors view the key levels of cloud
formation, a number of considerable bonuses and modern solutions, which the organizations can apply, while using cloud
technologies. Much attention is paid to the issues of information security and possible solutions while forming a complex
system of information protection in cloud architecture.
military, information, security, threats, risks, cloud, services, management, counter-measures, assets.
Legal support of national security
Belokrylova, E.A. (2011). On some legal and technical problems of guarantees of national security in the light of general
provisions of the Federal Law of December 28, 2010 n. 390 – FZ “On Security”. National Security, 5, 34–44.
This article includes political and legal peculiarities of the guarantees of national security in the light of implementation
of the Art. 1-2 of the Law “On Security”, the author shows considerable legal and technical problems in the sphere of
terminology and guarantees of security, the author draws conclusions and provides ideas for the improvement of the existing
legislation in this sphere.
jurisprudence, law “on security”, legal technique, security of state and law, terms and defi nitions, principles of formation of security, constitutional rights and freedoms, offers on improvement of existing legislation, state policy in the sphere of security guarantees.
Legal support of national security
Urlis, M.Y. (2011). On the issue of meaning and place of interview within the system of investigative operations of the
customs service of the Russian Federation. National Security, 5, 45–52.
The article attempts to establish the role of interview in the system of the investigative operations of the customs offi ces of
the Russian Federation. The author also studies investigative operations as a type of activity, and attempts to defi ne it. The
author views such operation as a type of activity taking into account specifi c features of the customs bodies of the Russian
jurisprudence, law-enforcement, investigative operations, customs, operative investigation events, interview, role and place of interview, Law on Operative Investigation Activities, the Customs Code of the Customs Union.
Legal support of national security
Vlasov, V.A. (2011). Some topical aspects of state and municipal foodstuffs policy within the framework of the
implementation of the provisions of foodstuffs security. National Security, 5, 53–59.
This article reveals some aspects of state and municipal food policy at the present stage of development of the Russian state.
Are considered separate legal doctrines of food security, approved by Presidential Decree of 30.01.2010 ¹120. The author
has attempted to explore the terms “state food policy” and “municipal food policy.”
policy, food policy, public food policy, the municipal food policy, food situation, food safety, the criteria of food security, doctrine.
Economical support of national security
Lipuntsov, Y.P. (2011). Management of the electronic state data. National Security, 5, 60–70.
The architecture of e-government can be represented as a set of four layers: a layer of business processes, the data layer,
application and technology. More than a rough idea of e-government architecture (EP) involves division by the model of the
real world and models of technology. These two groups of models are in the area of responsibility of different departments
of the organization: a model of the real world in the area of responsibility units perform the basic functions of public
authorities, and technological models in the area of responsibility of Information Technology.
security, state, government, power, information technology.
Economical support of national security
Manko N.N. (2011). Methodology of stimulation of the partnerships between the state and the private entities in order
to make a subject of the Russian Federation more attractive for the investors. National Security, 5, 71–76.
Now for the purpose of modernization of the Russian economy and its transfer into an innovative way of development
it is necessary to develop methodology of stimulation of state-private partnership as necessary criterion of realization
of development of the regional investment climate representing set of factors of investment activity, refl ecting objective
possibilities of region to development and expansion of investment potential.
stimulation, partnership, the state, a competition, advantages, regional development, business, investment appeal, innovative activity.
Economical support of national security
Mindlin, Y.B., Shedko, Y.N. (2011). Strategies of the innovation development of the region’s economy. National Security, 5, 77–87.
The article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects of the development strategy of innovative development of the
region. We study the advanced experience of foreign and domestic economic management area. Highlights the main areas
of effi cient use of innovative components of eco electric potential of the region. We propose a series of measures to develop
the economic potential of the Moscow region. Revealed positive effects of tax externalities in innovation.
strategy of innovative development, the region’s economy, spatial development, scenario development, tax regulation
Economical support of national security
Lavrichenko, O.V. (2011). Innovation strategy as a mechanism of stable development. National Security, 5, 88–93.
The basic preconditions for creation of innovative strategy of the enterprise and algorithm of its practical realization are
Innovation, innovative strategy, fi nancial effi ciency, the innovative project.
Economical support of national security
Golubtsov, V.G. (2011). Transformation of the property relations at the time of formation of the innovation economy. National Security, 5, 94–100.
Formation of innovative economic system means by itself inevitable transformation of relations of the property which major
aspect now is transformation of the property rights to those participants who are capable to provide further innovative
country developments, improvement of investment potential, attraction and working out of new technologies of manufactures,
extraction and processing, creation of new workplaces, both on regional, and at national level.
transformation, property relations, the property right, innovations, investments, development, economy, modernization.
Economical support of national security
Kharitonova, A.V. (2011). Specifi c features of introduction of organization and economic mechanism of the adaptation
at the metallurgic enterprise. National Security, 5, 101–105.
The author studies the issues of introduction of organization-economic mechanism of adaptation at a metallurgic enterprise.
The author offers stage-by-stage introduction and shows the meaning of the adaptation service.
economics, adaptation, management, mechanism, enterprise, metallurgy, introduction, process, calculation, system.
Globalization and national security
Lyubimova, T.M., Danilova, A.A. (2011). Terrorism: linguîpragmatic analysis of the term. National Security, 5, 106–114.
The article considers the notion of terrorism, given in the international legal documentation. The semantics of the lexical unit
‘terrorism’ is analyzed on the basis of the linguistic correlation between the signifi er and the signifi ed, the linguopragmatic
aspects of the a coordinated defi nition of the word terrorism are presented.
Terrorism, linguopragmatics, lexicology, doublespeak, notion, lexical substitutes, UN, counter-terrorism strategy.
External aspects of national security
Trifonova, I.A. (2011). Foreign policy of Russia and formation of a positive image of the Russian state. National Security, 5, 115–125.
The article is devoted to the principles of formation of the positive image of Russia when implementing the key goals of
its foreign policy. Much attention is paid to the issues of analysis and concretization of goals, aims and directions of the
formation of the positive image of the state, while implementing Russian foreign policy in the West, establishing the key elements
of state policy on formation of the positive image of Russia abroad, establishing its place in the foreign and domestic
political events, as well as strategies and principles of implementation.
image of the state, state security, political communication, foreign policy, national security, international relations, information management.
External aspects of national security
Mlechin, V.L. (2011). FRG, Russia and NATO: the succession and changes in the foreign policy of Germany. National Security, 5, 126–134.
In this article, the author analyzes and traces the evolution of the foreign policy of FRG after the unifi cation. The new
Germany found itself in a new world – the eastern bloc has disintegrated, the iron curtain has collapsed and the cold war
has come to an end. In this context, the country had to adapt its foreign and defense policies. The author notes its continuity
in that it seeks to support allied relations with the USA, NATO and European Union countries, and also looks into new
areas, such as relations with Russia after the disintegration of the USSR.
FRG, RF, foreign and defense policy, European Union, USA, NATO
External aspects of national security
Manoylo, A.V. (2011). Paradigsm of management of international confl icts: competition or confontation. National Security, 5, 135–142.
The paper presents results of research promising lines of development of modern concepts of management of international
confl icts based on cultural and civilizational paradigms. We defi ne the prospects and directions of further development of
models of confl ict management the U.S., formulate predictions about the fi nal shape to the concept of confl ict management
of the European Union’s own orbit in modern peacekeeping operations, in the dominant models of confl ict management
studies the trend towards mergers and acquisitions, as well as study the prospects of achieving the global political arena,
Latino and African models of confl ict management that are now on pre-paradigm level, but rapidly develops its own cultural
and civilizational identity. The evolution of global concepts and models of confl ict management is considered in light of the
global political modernization of international relations.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
External aspects of national security
Kantorovich, O.G. (2011). Perspective directions of development of the Russian concept of international confl ict management. National Security, 5, 143–151.
The paper presents results of research promising lines of development of the Russian concept of management of international
confl icts, based on their own cultural and civilizational paradigm.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
External threats and countermeasures
Panenkov, A.A. (2011). Specific features of goals on tactics and methodology of uncovering and investigation of the crimes,
related to terrorism fi nancing. National Security, 5, 152–166.
The author offers an approach to the problem of fi ghting terrorism, based on the in-depth study of the normative basis on
fi ghting the fi nancing of the organized terrorism not only by the prosecutors, but also by all the staff of the law-enforcement
bodies. The author provides a list of goals on uncovering and investigation of crimes related to the fi nancing of terrorism,
then he provides analysis of the conclusions of the professionals in the sphere of fi ghting terrorism, and offers the possible
jurisprudence, canal, fi nancing, source, recommendation, fi ghting, terrorism, Rosfi nmonitoring, prosecution.
Person and citizen within security systems
Shultz, O.G. (2011). International standards and the “double standards” policy in the matters of international cooperation
in the sphere of human rights. National Security, 5, 167–180.
This article is devoted to the relations among most democratic states in the sphere of implementation of human rights
standards. The author views the processes of formation, development and implementation of international standards in the
sphere of human rights into the national legislation of the states, the author defi nes the international law of human rights, its
place in the sphere of cooperation among the states both at the time of peace and at the time of armed confl ict. The author
analyzes such problems as “double standards”. The author offers for implementation a novel approach, which provides
for elimination of political profi t of the states from the sphere of human rights, and for attempts to existing international
standards more effi cient. The author shows the need to support the supremacy of law, and to fi nd a reasonable balance
between law and politics.
international law, security, human rights, double standards, depolitization, politics, law, international cooperation, humanitarian law, armed confl icts.
Informational support of national security
Shutov, A.V. (2011). Sports as a channel for aggression in the modern world. National Security, 5, 181–187.
In connection with the development of mass media and public communications appeared an opportunity to study sport in
new ways. In this article, the emphasis is on the communicative channel between the athletes and spectators, as well as the
functioning of this channel in the wide dissemination of digital technologies. Author examines the sport as one of the most
important for modern society channels out of aggression.
sport, aggression, violent behaviors, hooligans, fighting
Dubovik, O.L. (2011). Feeling of security of citizens in Poland. Identifi cation and counteraction to the modern threats. National Security, 5, 188–193.
The review is devoted to the results of studies, as held by the specialists in the sphere of criminal law and forensic law in
Poland in order to fi nd out the public opinion on the threats to the security of people. The author analyzes the set of threats,
including crime, social pathology, etc., their evaluation by the people and by the staff of law-enforcement bodies. The authors
show the key characteristics, which illustrate the sense of security.
jurisprudence, security, theft, violence, responsibility, law, order, prevention, terrorism, threat.