System and interaction
Ispravnikova, N.R., Romanov, D.N. (2011). Perspectives of modernization of the basic institutions of the social
sphere. National Security, 4, 4–11.
The key reason for the crisis in the social sphere is lack of complex reform programs (as in the spheres of science
and culture), or their ineffi ciency (in the spheres of health, education, housing and public utilities). The fi rst matter
is quite obvious, while the second is a subject to topical discussion. While both of them are interrelated, they
need to be viewed separately. The problems of shortage of budgeting and lack of fi nancing of the social sphere
are based on the institutional structure of the “real” sector and its effi ciency. As for the problems regarding
reforms of the social sphere, their effi ciency depends on understanding of the specifi c features of social and economic
institutions in this sphere. The principal difference of institutions in these two spheres calls for different
approaches to their reforms.
social studies, institution, education, health, pension, complex, institutionalization, functions, modernization, reforms.
System and interaction
Zhukova, O.V. (2011). Perspectives of improvement of the investment policy of Russia within the context of development
of social mortgage. National Security, 4, 12–18.
Development of social mortgage system is currently an important indicator of stability of Russian economy,
however, the current investment policy of the state is not suffi ciently oriented on the improvement of the existing
elements of housing mortgage and formation of the social infrastructure. The goal of this article is to structure
the existing perspectives of the development of the investment policy of Russia within the framework of development
of social mortgage.
economics, mortgage, investments, credits, state, banks, perspectives, effi ciency, improvement, development.
Transformation of national security systems
Shmakov, N.A. (2011). Demographical rates and positions. Rates of the regions of the Russian Federation on the
level of migration (arrival/departure). National Security, 4, 19–26.
The article is devoted to the goal of formation of the demographical ratings, the author offers the method of
calculation of such ratings based on ratings of arrival and departure of migrants, and he also provides a brief
analysis of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation based on these criteria for 1990 – 2009. The author
shows territories and Federal Districts with positive and negative tendencies of migration arrival and departure
of people, as compared to the situation in the Russian Federation in general.
economics, rating, regions, demography, position, migration, arrival, departure, birth rate, death rate.
Globalization and national security
Laktionova, M.A. (2011). Gender violence as a global problem: expert analysis. National Security, 4, 27–35.
The article is devoted to the gender violence as a global problem in the modern world. The author analyzes
sociological data on the scale of gender violence in the global community, in the Russian Federation and in the
Northern Caucasian region. The author singles out general and specifi c features of violence towards women on
various levels, the reasons for its replication. The author also offers some ways to minimize gender violence.
sociology, gender violence, global problem, globalization, culture, home violence, woman, man, gender, discrimination.
Globalization and national security
Shadursky, A.V. (2011). “Shale revolution” and changes in the conditions of guarantees of energy security in
the EU. National Security, 4, 36–42.
The author analyzes the role of the “shale revolution” in changes in the conditions and guarantees of energy
security of the EU, including the aspect of direct infl uence, as related to the attempts of the direct transfer of
the “shale revolution” from the USA to Europe. The author analyzes the key reasons for the success of such a
revolution in the USA, and the need to replicate this conditions in order to achieve success. Taking Poland as an
example, the author also shows that while the infl uence of this revolution may be limited for the EU as a whole,
it may cause considerable changes in energy security of certain countries and regions. The author then shows
why the decision to develop non-traditional sources of natural gas in Europe is politically determined, rather
than based on economical reasons.
political science, energy, security, natural gas, slate, shale, European, non-traditional, sources, Poland.
Strategy of national security
Nikolaev, S.A. (2011). Policy of the USA in the Central Asian region. National Security, 4, 43–53.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the policy of the USA in the Central Asian region, showing the change of
several concepts: energy expansion, military cooperation, aggressive realism. The author shows why due to the
contradictions in the political course and absence of long-term strategy in the relations with the Central Asian
states the USA failed to achieve considerable foreign policy results in this region.
political science, national security, Central Asia, foreign policy, international relations, aggressive realism, energy policy, regional security, national interests.
External aspects of national security
Kantorovich, O.G. (2011). National state approach to management of national confl icts (the Western vector). National Security, 4, 54–59.
In spite of the fact that the epoch of global opposition in the modern world, the quantity of political confl icts keeps
growing, arising in new forms, which are hardly infl uenced by the stabilizing effect of traditional institutions and
systems of collective security. At the same time international activities in the sphere of resolving political confl icts
is undergoing a systemic crisis, which calls for new approaches and new paradigms of infl uencing international
confl icts. In such conditions the technologies of information and psychological infl uence gain importance, and
these technologies now do not have universality, while they do have national, cultural and civilization-related
political science, national security, foreign policy, international relations, political confl icts, management of international confl icts, psychological operations, diplomacy, peace-keeping.
External aspects of national security
Manoylo, A.V. (2011). Topical issues of modernization of the current cultural and civilization theory of management
of international confl icts. National Security, 4, 60–66.
The paper presents the results of a study of perspective directions of modernization of the management theory of
international confl icts based on cultural and civilizational paradigm. A comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon,
Roman-Germanic, East Asian and Middle Eastern models of confl ict management determined that the system of
models, contrary to popular belief, is not complete and compensated. This creates certain problems in using these
models in modern peacekeeping operations, which requires upgrading of cultural and civilizational paradigm
and new demands to the Russian national model for managing international confl icts.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2011). Problems of implementing legislation, which is aimed to guarantee the security of general
education of children in the in the Northern Caucasian Federal District. National Security, 4, 67–79.
The article is devoted to the problems of implementing legislation, which is aimed to guarantee security of general
education of children in the NCFD. The author offers ideas on activities in case of threat of terrorist act, provides examples from investigative and judicial practice. Then he comes to a conclusion that in NCFD due to high terrorist
activity there is need for additional and special programs of protection of education of children (higher
anti-terrorist protection of education institutions) based on new studies.
jurisprudence, security, education, children, legislation, terrorism, schools, terrorist act, threat, special program.
Legal support of national security
Smirnova, E.S. (2011). Military and legal cooperation of Russia with the NIC states in interaction with the perspectives
of naturalization problems. National Security, 4, 80–89.
The article is devoted to the international legal cooperation of Russia and the NIC states in the sphere of naturalization
problems, as well as to some pages of military history of the former USSR states. The complications in
the sphere of implementation of international agreements among the NIC states include the issue of legal status
of persons, who serve in the military forces of foreign states, and they are due to political situation. However, the
protection of political interests of each of the NIC states calls for the inter-state coordination of activities in this
sphere, as well as implementation of norms of international agreements in the national legislation.
jurisprudence, Russia, Commonwealth, state, security, defense, agreement, armed forces, citizens, obligations, strategy.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Lukyanchuk, A.V. (2011). The principles of centralized government within the systems of
detection of network attacks based on multi-agent technology. National Security, 4, 90–95.
The article is devoted to the principles of management of the systems of detection of network attacks based on
multi-agent technology. Presence of an agent on each network node and their interaction allows to address the
threats faster. The author views the issues of singling out a managing center, the principle of fail-safety as well
as possible use of intellectual systems.
military, security, information, attack, network, counteraction, fi nding, management, fail-safety, intellectualization.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Lipuntsov, Y.P. (2011). Organization of the infrastructure of provision of state electronic services. National Security, 4, 96–106.
The transfer to the information society presupposes the considerable growth of transparency of activities of the
state bodies. For each of the information system of state institution, there has to be a list of reported events, which
have to publicized and the regime of making them public. Information of the departmental system is considered
open from the moment when it is transferred to the information repository of open state information.
economics, information, society, state, reporting, repository, publication, access, transparency, documents.
Person and citizen within security systems
Popov, E.A. (2011). Spiritual and social security of an individual and society: tendencies and strategies. National Security, 4, 107–112.
The article is devoted to the correlation of two components of national security – spiritual and social security
of individual and society. The key issue is the problem of alienation of a person in the face of social threats. At
the same time the spiritual life of an individual should facilitate the guarantees of social and spiritual security of
individual and society as a whole.
sociology, security, tendency, strategies, society, spirituality, doctrine, society, world, civilization.