Strategy of national security
Zemlyansky, I.N. (2011). Specifi c features of formalized studies of individual reprocessing of capital. National Security, 3, 4–29.
The article is devoted to the methodological and methodical peculiarities of the modeling of the reprocessing
processes based on the linear dynamic model (LD model). The author shows the abilities of the graphic model as
a supporting instrument in formation of the economic and mathematical model in order to achieve the greater
adequacy to the process, that is being modeled.
economics, reprocessing, capital, modeling, theory, process, growth, method, instrument, forecast.
Strategy of national security
Makhutov, N.A. Shultz, V.L. (2011). Strategic technogenic risks in the sphere of problems of national security. National Security, 3, 30–35.
The authors view the key provisions and demands of the strategy of national security. Based on them the authors
then analyze the security criteria in the technical sphere, using risks of catastrophes and accidents as basic criteria.
The authors then offer classifi cation of objects of technical sphere based on the level of potential danger
and risks, offers methods for the analysis of risks and ensuring greater protection of objects from accidents and
economy, security, risk, accident, catastrophe, criterion, technical sphere, object, classifi cation, analysis.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Sushentsov, A.A. (2011). Intermediate results of the strategy of the USA in the regional confl icts of 2000s. National Security, 3, 36–54.
The article includes analysis of the key directions of foreign political strategy of the USA in the confl icts with
the Afghanistan and in Iraq in 2000s. The author views key international and inner factors for the development
and implementation of the foreign political course of the US government. Within the framework of inner political
struggle in the USA on the issues of confl ict strategy, the author reviews the key consequences of the American
policy in the region (positive and negative).
political science, the USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, democratization, confl ict, strategy, politics, analysis, international.
External threats and countermeasures
Nikitenko, E.G., Garbuk, S.V., Sinitsin I.M., Uspensky, Y.A. (2011). Analysis of the policy of the USA in the
sphere of protection of crucially important infrastructures. National Security, 3, 55–67.
The article is devoted to the methodological approaches of the USA to the organization of protection of crucial
objects of state infrastructure, fi rst of all, to fi ghting computer terrorism. The author provides the terminological
approach to the elements of the infrastructure. This article is important from the point of view of analysis, study
and possible practical application of foreign experience in order to ensure adequate protection of Russia, fi ghting
political science, security, crucial objects, protection, sociology, sustainment, terrorism, computer.
External threats and countermeasures
Sergunin, A.A., Konyshev, V.N. (2011). Re-militarization of the Arctic region and security of Russia. National Security, 3, 68–74.
While the geopolitical status of the Arctic region grows, there’s a dangerous tendency of militarization in this region,
as expressed in greater military presence of a number of states and the NATO there, modernization of armed
forces, which are located there, active use of military marine fl eets in order to guarantee economical interests,
formation of blocks and coalitions. While establishing its position towards the remilitarization of this region,
the Russian Federation should provide for the well-balanced position. Formation of a special regional regime
for the control over arms and development of trust measures could become important priorities of international
cooperation in the Arctic region.
political science, national security, militarization, the Arctic region, the Russian Federation, the NATO, regional security, global security, the Northern Europe, the USA, the Canada.
Internal aspects of national security
Pashkovskaya, I.G. (2011). Energy policy of the EU towards the Ukraine. National Security, 3, 75–81.
Ukraine is the 4th priority destination of energy policy of the EU after Russia, Norway, Algiers and Turkey. Its
geo-strategic position between the EU and the Russian Federation, which is the key supplier of the energy to the EU member states, requires the energy policy of the EU towards Ukraine, which in turn is aimed to lower the
infl uence of Russia on Ukraine in the sphere of energy and involvement of the energy sector of the Ukrainian
economics in the inner energy market of the EU.
jurisprudence, security, the EU, Ukraine, law, policy, inner, energy, market.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Maleev, V.V. (2011). Energy interests of Russia in the Caspian region. National Security, 3, 82–93.
This article includes the political analysis of the problems of energy policy of the Russian Federation in the Caspian
regions, then the author offers the ways to solve these problems.
economics, national security, politics, Caspian, security, the CIS, hydrocarbon, energy, problems, regions.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Panenkov, A.A. (2011). Problems of fi ghting the spread of the ideology of international terrorism, which facilitates
the social basis for organized criminal formations within the territory of the Russian Federation. National Security, 3, 94–100.
The article is devoted to several topical issues related to the spread of the terrorist ideology (personality of a
participant of an organized criminal formation, its structure), which facilitates the growth of the social basis for
the organized criminal formations in the territory of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, terrorism, problems, fi ght, youth, study, personality, ideology, motivation, convict.
Internal aspects of national security
Batchaeva, A.A. (2011). Corruption and separatism: criminological relations in the conditions of the Northern
– Caucasian Federal District. National Security, 3, 101–113.
The article is devoted to the criminological analysis of the relation among the phenomena of corruption and
separatism in the Northern Caucasian Federal District. The analysis is provided via establishment of the contents
of events and similarities of their expressions in the region. The calculation of the parameters of relation is a
prerequisite to the establishment of effi cient measures for fi ghting corruption and separatism as immanent events
in the subjects of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, cause and effects, crime, corruption, separatism, mutual determination, counteraction, cause, anti-corruption policy, anti-separatism policy.
Transformation of national security systems
Churyumova, E.A. (2011). Social and political situation in the Republic of Kalmykia as evaluated by experts. National Security, 3, 114–121.
In this article the author based on the social studies analyzes the current social and political situation in the
Republic of Kalmykia. The worries of the people are due to the worsening of the social and economic situation
(unemployment, low level of income of citizens, labor migration, etc.), as well as ineffi ciency of the activities of the
republican government bodies, which should be aimed to solve these problems. These problems led to the loss of
legitimacy and authority of the regional government. This critical situation is so far latent and it is not expressed
as open social protest. Its transformation to critical may have grave and irrevocable circumstances.
political science, social and political situation, expert poll, legitimacy of power, destabilization, ineffi ciency, economic problems, labor migration, security, relative deprivation.
System and interaction
Zaripova, A.T. (2011). Comparative analysis of the CSTO, EPDS: use of the experience of the European integration
to the integration studies in the post-Soviet territory. National Security, 3, 122–131.
This publication was provided as a part of the dissertation thesis for the study of the European Policy in Defence
and Security (EPDS), and it is aimed to provide understanding of why a military block, which was formed in the
post-Soviet territory (CSTO), while being theoretically similar to the EDPS, is much less effi cient. In order to respond
to this question, the author analyzes possible application of the theory of European integration in the CIS,
then the author comes to the conclusion, that while looking different, these two formation face similar problems
and they can be analyzed with the help of similar integration theories.
political science, the EU, the CIS, the European security, the theories of integration, the EPDS, the CSTO, the national security, security blocks.
System and interaction
Alekseeva, D.G. (2011). Ensuring banking security in the Islamic states. National Security, 3, 132–138.
The global fi nancial and economic crisis clearly showed the weakness of the national banking systems of various
states, as well as the need to improve their security and fi nancial stability. In the existing situation, one should
pay attention to the Islamic fi nancial industry, which is characterized by advance development and stability. The
article is devoted to the specifi c features of the banking sector in the countries, where the Islam is either the state
religion, or the leading religion.
jurisprudence, Islam, the Shariat, the banking security, state, the Muslim law, legalization of income, threats (risks), bank, fi nancial institute.
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Levshun, P.V. (2011). Sources of fi nancial support for the development of the economy of the African states. National Security, 3, 139–152.
The article is devoted to the quality and quantity characteristics of the offi cial fi nancial aid to the developing
economies of the African states from the donor states. The author views the approaches of the leading international
organizations to the perspective of economic development of the African continent and fi nancing of its
modernization projects, as well as fi ghting poverty. Much attention is paid to the problem of debt relief of African
states by the developed states.
The article is devoted to the quality and quantity characteristics of the offi cial fi nancial aid t, as well as fi ghting poverty. Much attention is paid to the problem of debt relief of African states
Economical support of national security
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V. (2011). Organization of protection of the objects of informatization from the forceful destructive
electromagnetic infl uences. National Security, 3, 161–173.
It is currently necessary to develop the methods, which are aimed to guarantee the information security of the
crucial objects, which should be stable towards the inner system disturbances and as well as to the purposeful
outer electromagnetic infl uences. The article offers a number of approaches towards ensuring information security
of crucial objects.
military, information, security, electromagnetic, terrorism, protection, boundary, fi ltration, zoning, screening.
Economical support of national security
Mindlin, Y.B. (2011). Regional cluster as a localized organization unit. National Security, 3, 174–185.
A subjective side of a cluster can be explained in the interpretation, which is based on integration relations. The level
of their closeness depends on organizational stability of participants. These ties may be more or less strict.
economics, cluster, interpretation, integration, relation, participant, region, localization, territory, factors.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Morozova, D.A. (2011). State regulation of innovation development of the higher education based on mechanisms
of partnership between the private entities and the state. National Security, 3, 186–202.
Effi ciency of the innovation activity of the higher school much depends on close interaction of the state and private
sectors of the economics. The state serves as a moderator of specifi c forms and mechanisms of such interaction.
One of the ways of organization of such innovation activity in the sphere of higher education may be the partnership
between the private entities and the state.
economics, sector, development, mechanism, partnership, education, state, regulation, regulation, innovation, development.
Legal support of national security
Ursul, A.D. (2011). Ecological perspective of security and development: methodological problems. National Security, 3, 203–214.
The article is devoted to the possibility of formation of an ecological paradigm in science based on the synergetic
concept of general ecology. Ecological development is viewed as an integral one, which is aimed to change the
inner situation within an eco-system, which may include co-evolution of a central member and an ecological
environment. The author offers to use eco-systemic approach, which would allow to create a more secure social
and natural environment, as a basis for the guarantees of the security of the future model. The author shows that
it is possible to single out the key and principally different types of environmentalization of economic activities,
which are closely related to the two forms of material production: agriculture and industry.
social studies, security, security via stable development, environmentalization, ecological security, ecological paradigm, eco-development, eco-system.
Academic life
Smirnova, E.S. (2011). Foreign legal experience of dealing with the naturalization problems regarding the service
of foreign citizens in the armed forces of the EU. National Security, 3, 215–220.
The article is devoted to the study of international legal cooperation of the EU states in the sphere of defense, as
well as their cooperation in the sphere of naturalization of the young citizens of the EU, and to some history of
the European Defense Agency, united foreign and police forces of the EU in the XX century.
jurisprudence, security, state, union, law, service, foreigners, contract, agreement.