Alekseeva, D.G. (2011). Defi nition and key elements of banking security. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted to the infl uence of the world fi nancial and economical crisis on the development of the
national banking system. The author points out that stable functioning of the national banking system and its
security are closely related to the national security. The author then formulates the defi nition of banking security
and its basic components: fi nancial – legal, administrative – legal, information – legal.
jurisprudence, banking risks, fi nancial stability, security, reserve requirements, obligatory norms, credit organization, the Bank of Russia, the banking market, prudential regulation.
Strategy of national security
Ispravnikova, N.R. (2011). Effi cient direction of development of the reform: institutional abilities and corruption
limitations. National Security, 2.
“Institutional” modernization is aimed at the institutional reforms, which are aimed to improve the quality of
institutions, to suppress the corruption, to avoid administrative barriers, to improve the human capital, etc. The
developed institutions allow to form positive conditions for economic growth and limit the ability of the politicians
to extract corruption rent, requiring them to improve the institutions further. However, improvement of
institutions and creation of new institutions is not always possible. For example, such a situation may take place
if the system, which has insuffi ciently developed political culture, gets into the institutional trap. In such a trap,
the reform turns to the ineffi cient direction, and its further development depends on how fast shall it fi nd the way
out of the institutional trap.
economics, modernization, reforms, corruption, conflict, institution, rent, trap, development, capital.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Nikitenko, E.G., Chibunidze, K.A., Sinitsyn, I.M. (2011). Formation and improvement of an integrated analytical
platform in the interests of guarantees of security. New generation of the supporting systems for
decision-making. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted tothe improvement of the supporting system for hte decision-decision making in the conditions
of the complicated character and growing scale of global threats and challenges for security. The author
analyzes existing systems and offers a new approach (technology) of use of accumulated and currently growing
amount of information in order to improve the quality of decision-making. The article provides for the applied
character of the method based on various instrumental means and higher level of analytical work based on higher
level of intellectual application of results of use of incoming information, its visualization.
security, integrated analytical platform, decision-making method, business analysis, competitive intelligence
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Ursul, A.D. (2011). Problem of security and synergy. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted to the possibilities of use of synergy as one of the key general scientifi c approaches in order
to study security, having mostly information-related character for the social system. The security is related to
up-keeping of the cybernetic system in the condition of infl uence of negative inner and outer factors. The author
shows that the most effi cient means to ensure security is on he way of self-organization, complication, and greater
information contents of the social system, and not on the way of its isolation and protection.
social studies, security, the law of necessary variety, information, information criterion of development, self-organization, self-preservation, synergy, thermodynamic approach, universal evolution.
Economical support of national security
Zhirkova, Z.S., Lopasteiskaya L.G. (2011). Systemic approach to the formation of innovation structure of regional
system. National Security, 2.
Elementary changes which are characterized by corresponding laws of a composition, act as a primary element
of development in the theory of systems. Change of one type of development by another can lead to the serious
qualitative changes perceived as crisis. One of conditions of development of system is its passage through crises.
Feature of economy consists in prevalence of constructive types of crisis over destructive at which in the course
of evolution in system there is a new quality.
typologization, system, stability, region, crisis, strategy, development, resources, process, innovation
Economical support of national security
Milenko, S.S. (2011). Problems and issues of banking review in the Russian Federation. National Security, 2.
The economic crisis has exposed the problems of banking supervision in worldwide. In this paper, the author
made an attempt to highlight the most important problems of the system of banking supervision in Russia, and also
considered the possibilities for reforming the system with the use of foreign experience and raised the problem
of creating a mega-regulator. Concluded that the proper approach to reforming and improving the bodies and
practices of banking supervision would allow the formation of a workable and progressive banking system.
banking supervision, mega, regulations, reform, BaFin, the banking system.
Economical support of national security
Mirkhaidarov, M.F. (2011). New subjects of fi nancial and legal regulation of the banking secret regime. National Security, 2.
The article includes analysis of the subject-related contents of legal relation in the sphere of ensuring legal
guarantees and banking secret responsibilities, as well as lawful disclosure of banking secret information
under the legislative changes, which came into force from January 1, 2010. The author pays attention to
which kinds of information the banks are obliged to proved to the insurance controlling bodies, as well as
to the list of banking secret information, which may be accessible to the banking payment agents, while they
have to guarantee the security of this information.
bank, secret, account, operation, control, information, data, payment, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Security Fund of the Russian Federation, the banking payment agent.
Economical support of national security
Putintsev, D.V. (2011). Peculiarities of evaluation criteria of effi ciency and reliability of management of the
mechanism of crediting in the Russian banks. National Security, 2.
This article is devoted to a problem of an estimation of reliability and management effi ciency by the mechanism
of crediting regarding maintenance of the basic debt and percent on loans in commercial banks. In the article estimated
criteria and actions for reliability and management effi ciency are offered by the crediting mechanism.
credit mechanism, estimation criteria, reliability and effi ciency estimation, the profi tability specifi cation, profi tableness percent, percentage margin, the average rate of profi tableness.
System and interaction
Boyarskikh, A.V. (2011). Regional political parties and political movements in the context of civil society of the
Tyumen region. National Security, 2.
In this article the analysis of a current state of social institutes of a civil society of the Tyumen region of Russian
Federation, such as regional political parties and regional social movements for revealing of tendencies of prospects
of their development is carried out. The central problem of construction of institutes of interaction between
a civil society and the power, reveals in aspect of a link of regional socially - political system.
civil society, social institutes, political parties, social movements, interaction institutes.
Globalization and national security
Shultz, V.L., Kulba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V. (2011). Modeling and scenario analysis of effi ciency of
information support of developing the Arctic sector. Part 2. Development and scenario analysis of imitation
models. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted to the complex of applied problems of development and studies of the models of analysis of
effi ciency of information support of the strategic projects of development of the Arctic sector with the use of the
apparatus of functional sign graphs. The authors provide the results of modeling and scenario analysis of the
processes of geopolitical information struggle.
security, information support, information struggle, information threat, modeling, sign graphs, scenario analysis, development of Arctic region, natural resources.
Legal support of national security
Akopdzhanova, M.O. (2011). On improvement of legislative regulation of dispositions of the norms of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation on tax and levies evasion. National Security, 2.
One of the key goals of the state in the sphere of ensuring economic security is fi ghting tax crime. Such an effi
ciency may be achieved fi rst of all by improvement of legislative guarantees of fi ghting tax crime, and this is an
object of study in this article.
jurisprudence, taxes, levies, security, evasion, suppression, disposition, improvement, crime, norms.
Legal support of national security
Stepanenko, V.S. (2011). The grounds for the need to legislatively guarantee the use of packaging and packaging
materials based on analysis of foreign law. National Security, 2.
The article includes analysis of turnover of packaging and packaging materials in the EU, and the situation with
normative and legal guarantees in this sphere in Russia. Then the author expresses the key matters, which have
to be taken into account, when forming the law “On Packaging and Packaging Materials”.
jurisprudence, waste, packaging, packaging materials, legislation, directive, international law, harmonization, utilization system, separate collection.
Informational support of national security
Shultz, V.L., Yusupov, R.M. (2011). Science and scientific security. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted to the triple problem of the relations between science and national security: the science of
national security, security of science, and whether science is dangerous.
science, national security, ensuring security, threat, protection.
Informational support of national security
Akopov, G.L. (2011). Political hacktivism – a threat to national security. National Security, 2.
The article includes analysis of key problems and threats of spread of computer crime and information attacks,
which are organized on politically important motives. Based on a number of practical examples, the author analyses
possible threats of use of modern network technologies for the cyber-attacks.
political science, cyberterrorism, hacktivism, cyberwar, cyberattack, information security, cybercrime, Internet, network technologies.
Internal aspects of national security
Bogatyrev, K.A. (2011). Ethnic and confessional struggle at the Ferghana valley. National Security, 2.
The article includes analysis of the process of formation of the confl ict potential in the region. The author then
shows the key peculiarities of this process, as well as the key threats, which may arise in case of escalation of
the confl ict.
political science, Central Asia, Ferghana, Islam, confl ict, extremism, geopolitics, Wahabiism, traditionalism, security.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Panenkov, A.A. (2011). Ways to prevent crimes of the suicide bombers from the international terrorist organization
“Caucasian Emirate” and solution of problem of fi ghting their leaders and active participants. National Security, 2.
The article shows the ways to prevent the commission of crimes by suicide bombers, the author shows the complex
of reasons for crime by some youths (both male and female) in the Northern Caucasus. Then the author points our
attention to the implementation of the 5 goals of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, as applied to the specifi c
situation in the Northern Caucasus, as well as to prevention of extremist ideology and violence in the Internet.
The author shows the value of preventive value of investigative information.
jurisprudence, training of suicide bombers, “black widow” batallion, ethnic and confessional unity of the people, clear motivation, high degree of conspiracy, 5 goals of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, results of the investigative activities, fi ghting the extremist ideology in the Internet, ethnic and national unity of the people.
Reliability factor in security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V. (2011). Organizational and legal methods of ensuring electromagnetic security of critically
important objects. National Security, 2.
The author studies the problems of ensuring national security of critically important objects, which are stable
in the situations of disturbances within the system and the in the situations of purposeful outer electromagnetic
infl uences.
information security, electromagnetic infl uence, protection, forceful destructive infl uence, radioelectronic means, screening.
Person and citizen within security systems
Yarygina, O.Y. (2011). The dynamics of working attitude of the heads of industrial enterprises. National Security, 2.
The article is devoted to the dynamics of the attitude to work among the heads of industrial enterprise at the time
of economical crisis based on the comparison of the results of two studies. The fi rst study was held in December
2008 before the crisis, and the second one was held in December 2009 during the crisis. As a result of these studies
the author gained the results on the structure of attitude to work among the heads of enterprises, and established
two types of attitude, as well as the more effi cient type of attitude to work at the time of economic crisis.
psychology, attitude to work, values, motivation, satisfaction with the work, labor activity, heads of fi rms, global economic crisis, industrial enterprise, attitude to work.
Academic life
Zemlyantsky, I.N. (2011). Peculiarities of formalized studies of individual capital reproduction. National Security, 2.
The author describes methodological and methodical peculiarities of modeling of reproduction processes, taking
a linear – dynamic model as an example. The author shows the peculiarities of the formation of the graphic model,
as a supporting instrument, while forming the EM – models in order to make it more adequate to the process,
which is modeled.
economics, reproduction, capital, modeling, theory, process, growth, method, instrument, forecast.