Strategy of national security
Luschik, A.A. (2011). On the issue of the formation of the strategy of guarantees of accessible foodstuffs for the
people. National Security, 6, 4–10.
The article includes analysis of national security from the point of solutions to the problem of guaranteeing accessible
foodstuffs for the people. The author describes foodstuffs security in the modern conditions of global and Russian
economy. The author analyzes current legislation on this issue, and offers a strategic planning document in the sphere
of accessibility of foodstuffs for the people as an element for regional social and economic policy.
economics, foodstuffs, security, strategy, region, politics, people, planning, state, directions.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Tsaregorodtsev, A.V. (2011). Critical issues of operative, organizational and technical management of the information
security of cloud calculations. National Security, 6, 11–17.
Cloud calculations are one of the most attractive modern information technologies, which offer numerous advantages,
including good scaling and accessibility upon request. Appearance of cloud calculations is a prerequisite for the development
of systems and networks of federal agencies and other state bodies. At the same time many functions, which
make cloud calculations so attractive may contradict the traditional models of information security. Much attention
is paid to the open issues of international security and options for their solutions while forming a complex system of
information protection on the cloud architecture.
military, information, security, threat, cloud, service, management, requirement, risk, counter-measure.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Lipuntsov, Y.P. (2011). Identifi cation management in the electronic states: data security and inviolability of private
life. National Security, 6, 18–27.
The task of creating trust environment for citizens’ interaction with departmental applications, their active participation
in various information communities is a priority for the infrastructure of e-government. Identifi cation system and the
system of electronic services should be a mechanism to protect the entire set of personal data, so none of the participants
was not authorized the potential to get a complete picture of all operations of the individual user.
management, identifi cation, state security, data, life, system, mechanism, the user.
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Skrynnik, A.M. (2011). On the issue of security in the sphere of maritime trade of the Russian Federation. National Security, 6, 28–34.
Topical issues of understanding and legal regulation of safety in sphere of trading navigation are considered and ways
of their elimination are offered in this article.
safety of trading navigation, navigating safety, transport (sea) safety, ecological safety, economic safety.
Globalization and national security
Kondakov, S.A. (2011). The pipeline projects of Russia. National Security, 6, 35–45.
This paper presents an analysis of the key strategic objectives tasks and pipeline politics in Russia, its priorities have
an impact on the formation of foreign policy of the state.
political science, national security, international relations, foreign policy, pipeline policy, transit of hydrocarbons, oil and gas projects, strategic initiatives of Russia, energy security, security, national interests.
External aspects of national security
Nikolaev, S.A. (2011). The counteraction to challenges and threats of international and regional security in the Central
Asia. National Security, 6, 46–54.
The paper presents an analysis of contemporary challenges and threats to international and regional security in
Central Asia. The basic problems of security, the ways of solving them. The efforts in maintaining international and
regional security in Russia and Central Asian states, the ways and prospects of building in the region of Central Asia
collective security system.
politics, national security, Central Asia, international relations, foreign policy, Afghanistan, Russia, Color Revolutions, the transit of hydrocarbons.
External aspects of national security
Lyubimova, T.M. (2011). The ultra-leftist anarchism in France in the conditions of net-centrism. National Security, 6, 55–64.
The article is devoted to the small group of “autonomous ultra-left anarchy movement” in the modern France, about its
diversions on the background of the new wave of social protests against neo-liberalism and class struggle in France.
The author also discusses a book, which expresses the views of the members of this group, and which attacks the
network society via network methods, non-standard measures of counteraction to the leftist radical terrorism by the
French government.
political science, anarchism, class terrorism, diversions, network society, network-centric strategies, neoliberalism, UN, Trotskism, communist revolution league.
External threats and countermeasures
Sergunin, A.A., Konyshev, V.N. (2011). Re-militarization of the Arctic and the security of Russia. National Security, 6, 65–77.
In the conditions of growing geopolitical status of the Artic, one could clearly see a dangerous tendency to the militarization
of the region. It is expressed in growing military presence and in the activities of the number of states as
well as the NATO in the Arctic, modernization of the armed forces, which are located in the Arctic, and the relevant
military infrastructure, active use of marine military fl eets for the support of economic interests, as well as the tendency
to form new military and political blocks and coalitions. The formation of a specifi c regional regime of control over
arms and development of trust measures could have been important priorities in the international cooperation in the
Arctic region.
political science, national security, militarization, Arctic, Russia, NATO, regional security, global security, the Northern Europe, the USA, Canada.
Economical support of national security
Galieva, G.F. (2011). Macro-economic prerequisites and factors of development of innovation economy. National Security, 6, 78–83.
The author shows the contents of the key blocks of the mechanism within the framework of orientation of the state
policy in the sphere of formation of the innovation model of national economy. While studying this problem, the author
found out that the state innovation policy of this or that country is a composition of measures of various direction, and
it takes into account the specifi c features of the national innovation policies.
economics, innovation economics, economic development, innovation policy, management, integration, dynamics, information technologies, macroeconomics, security.
Economical support of national security
Shagieva, A.H. (2011). Conceptual approaches to the modeling of processes of institutionalization of the anti-crisis
management in the conditions of cyclic development of economic systems. National Security, 6, 84–93.
In the conditions of recurrence of development of economic systems the theory of chains of the created cost lies.
Institutionally-anti-crisis system as alternative anti-crisis strategy is considered from positions of the neo-institutional
approach as means of increase of effi ciency of global chains of creation of cost at the expense of bankruptcy, liquidation
or re-structuring of managing subjects, and also increase of their competitiveness.
Institutionalization of anti-crisis management, cyclic development of economic systems, the theory of creation of a surplus value.
Legal support of national security
Urlis, M.Y. (2011). On the issue of the subject of the operative investigation event: polling. National Security, 6, 94–98.
The lack of certain terms in the Federal Law of August 12, 1995, n. 144-FZ “On operative investigation activity” allows
the practice to vary in the interpretation of the same term. The article includes analysis of a number of scientifi c
legal writings in the sphere of operative investigation activity, in order to defi ne the term of the subject of operative
investigation activity: polling. The author offers a defi nition of a subject of polling.
jurisprudence, operative investigation activity, operative investigation bodies, customs bodies, polling, subject of polling, operative staff, participants of the polling, Law on the Operative Investigation Activity.
Staffing of national security
Pogodina, I.V. (2011). Evaluation of economic security of the region through the prism of the “cadre potential”. National Security, 6, 99–103.
In this article the author gives economical and legal analysis of economic safety of region with the using of category
“personnel potential”.
personnel potential, economic safety of region
Informational support of national security
Shultz, V.L. (2011). Scenario analysis of the effi ciency of management of the information support of the state policy
of Russia in the Arctic territory. National Security, 6, 104–137.
The article is devoted to a complex of methodological and applied problems of improved effi ciency of management of
information support of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic region. The author shows the methods of
modeling and structural and dynamic analysis of the effi ciency of information management. Then the author shows the
results of the development and scenario analysis of the multy-graph (multi-chart) models of information confrontation
of geopolitical opponents of Russia.
security, information support, scenario modeling, structural and dynamic analysis, active information campaign, information threat, destructive infl uence, effi ciency of management.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Karpovich, O.G. (2011). Comparative analysis of the formats of models and technologies of the international confl ict
management in the US and the EU and of the modern peace-making operations. National Security, 6, 138–149.
This article includes results of the comparative analysis of various formats of application of the technologies of outer
management of the international confl icts and formats of holding peace-making operation (forcing to peace, support
of peace, in the goals of peace, in the interests of the post-confl ict peace-formation). The author shows how adaptation
of modern technologies of the confl ict management applies to the format of the peace-making operations.
political science, national security, international relations, confl ict, ability to defend, foreign policy, international confl icts, confl ict management, information technology, diplomacy.
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Manoylo, A.V. (2011). Colored revolution in Syria: what’s next?. National Security, 6, 150–151.
In this paper we analyze the possible causes of a color revolution in Syria and the related foreign policy interests of
Western countries.
Syria, Assad, international relations, international confl ict, the color revolution, national security, technology, confl ict management, psychological operation.
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Artamonova, Y.S. (2011). The term “security” at the scientifi c, theoretical and legal levels. National Security, 6, 152–160.
Brief description: this article covers one of the top issues of the contemporary science - development of «security»
in social sciences and the humanities. The problem of the semantic defi nition of «security» is analyzed in the article
below as well as the outlines of the problem analysis are defi ned. The article analyzes the origins of the concept of
disclosure and the nature of security.
security, level, info, right, a model element, system, concept, cooperation.
Person and citizen within security systems
Davydov, L.V. (2011). Confl ict nature of civil society and security. National Security, 6, 161–174.
The modern civil society is a confl ict-dangerous social apparatus, which includes collisions of various interest, and
these collisions may be capped by various means of protection of one type of interests from contradicting interests. The
attempts of the state to fi nd conceptual grounds for the strategy of protection of vital interests and to introduce it face
the diffi culties, which are related to the society itself. The society with private property includes opposing interests, and
their clash inevitably leads to the clash between danger and security. As a result of the confl ict of interests the parties,
for whom the relation is secure and dangerous fi nd compromise and temporary agreement, on what to consider secure
or dangerous. The confl ict as means of achievement of security of one group and danger for another group is measure
of danger, compromise is a measure of security.
political science, opposing, interests, relations, society, individual, confl ict, compromise, security, management, government.