Smirnov, M.M. (2010). Cosmopolite culture as an international political elite culture and its influence
on national elites.
. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to the issues of correlation of political cultures of elites and non-elites within the framework of civil and political cultures. The author analyzes the possibility of the political cultures of elites of various nations to be aiming for an united transnational political culture, that is the “cosmopolite culture”.
social studies, democracy, culture, myth, elites, system, structure, functions, cycles, content
Transformation of national security systems
Sidorov, S.A. (2010). Conceptual bases of national security of Russia: retrospective analysis. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to the political analysis of conceptual
bases of national security of Russia in the condition of influence of a global factor, which casts its influence on national and regional security of the state.
political science, national interests, strategy survival interests, globalization, priorities, development, imperative, threats
System and interaction
Magadeev, I.E. (2010). To grasp the ungraspable:
definition of security today. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to the topical question on defining
the term, which seems to be boundless in the XXI century, that is “security”. The article singles out key modern approaches to the problem, the author analyzes methodological approaches to the problem, much attention
is paid to the factor of threats, and “double structure”, then the author offers his own view of what is security today.
political science, security, threat, system, definition, duality of structure, development, political realism, constructivism, stability
Strategy of national security
Belov, P.G. (2010). Outer threats and challenges
to national security of Russia. National Security, 9.
The author establishes the negative influence of a new treaty on limiting nuclear arms on security of Russia.
political science, threat, challenge, international contract, missile, anti-missile defense, warhead, threat, national security, strategic constraining
External threats and countermeasures
Koshevoy, I.O. (2010). Islam against terrorism. National Security, 9.
Religious or national hatred and enmity are key motives for the acts of terrorism. That is why lately the devotees of Islamic terrorism have became so dangerous. From the mid 1990s the key direction of bin Laden’s activities has became the “breakthrough” of the Islamic fundamentalism
into the southern regions of Russia. Activities of the Chechen separatists caused much interest from the “N. 1 Terrorist”, this in turn lead to his support to creation of an autonomous Islamic state in the Northern Caucasus.
jurisprudence, Islam, terrorism, Wahhabism, Northern Caucasus, Al-Caida, Islamism, terrorism, Koran, Bin-Laden
Rapid response and tactics
Panenkov, A.A. (2010). Monetary transfers from abroad as one
of the outer channels for financing terrorism and the problems regarding stopping them. National Security, 9.
The article shows a complicated structure of financing terrorism in Russia, including foreign sources, causes and difficulties in finding evidence on criminal cases regarding financing of terrorism. The author provides analysis of international experience and problems of its implementation,
then offers to make specific amendments of existing legislation in order to fight financing of terrorism.
jurisprudence, financing of terrorism, channels of financing, sources of financing, foreign sources of financing, problems of breaking the channels of financing, conspiracy, specialized investigation divisions, cooperation and interaction
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Semenov, V.A. (2010). Foreign experience of organization
of special operations for the Russian law
enforcement divisions. National Security, 9.
After the Federal Law “On Polite” is passed, there would bee need to reform legal and organizational bases of the specialized units of the MIA of Russia. It seems, that experience of organization of special operations by the specialized units of Italy (NOCS and GIS), India (NGS), SAR (SAPSTF) may be of use.
jurisprudence, special operation, organization, management, MIA, interaction, legislation, terrorism, foreign, experience
Legal support of national security
Tiknonova, S.N. (2010). Legal analysis of modern condition
of international legal formation
of the state border of the Russian Federation. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to the current stage of international
legal formation of the state border of the Russian Federation, including the analysis of the most problematic parts of it. Much attention is devoted to the international treaty practice, which is key to implementation of border policy of a state. The author gives positive evaluation to cooperation of the Russian Federation with the bordering states in order to improve international legal formation of state border.
jurisprudence, territory, international legal formation, bordering, state border, protection and guarding, threat, national security, border territory, border sphere
Legal support of national security
Bondarenko, V.M. (2010). Some aspects of protection of the state border of the Russian Federation as means
to guarantee national security. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to some aspects of protection of state border of the Russian Federation. The author shows the conditions for ensuring national security of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, state security, national security, border security, constitutional order, efficient measures, borderology, international legal, regional threats, ensuring security
Legal support of national security
Igonin, D.I. (2010). Demographical effect of development
of legal guarantees of national migration
policy of Russia on prevention of offences
in the sphere of security in the society. National Security, 9.
The article reflects topical issues of legal guarantees of national migration policy of Russia in the sphere of prevention and avoidance of offences of national security and security of society. The author clearly establishes legislative basis within the framework of existing policy, which allows to evaluate the limiting factor, which supports national security and security of the society in a state.
political science, migration, prevention, social security, legislative draft, Federal Law, Constitution of the Russian Federation, demography, dynamics of the processes, tolerance
Legal support of national security
Akopdzhanova, M.A. (2010). On determination of tax crime. National Security, 9.
Tax crime is one of the key threats to economical security of Russia. When the tax payments do not come to the budget, there’s a threat to efficient implementation of socially important functions by the state, since these payments are aimed to finance these functions. That is why it is so important to fight tax crimes efficiently, to establish and destroy the key determining factors of tax crimes. This is the subject of this article.
jurisprudence, crime, taxpayers, security, state, determining, mechanisms, factors, legislation
Economical support of national security
Goncharov, V.V., Kuritsyn, N.A. (2010). On some issues related to ensuring efficient interaction
of the state government bodies and businesses in order to implement the priority nationalprojects on the territor of the Russian Federation. National Security, 9.
This article is devoted to the issues of efficient interaction
of state government bodies and businesses in order to implement priority national projects on the territory of Russia. The article includes the study of the problems, standing in the way of interaction and cooperation of these subjects, the authors also establish and provide grounds for overcoming these obstacles as fast as it is possible.
jurisprudence, independence, priority national projects, state sovereignty, modernization, state sovereignty, national security, stable development, living standard of the people, business
Economical support of national security
Zyukin, D.V. (2010). Correlation and specific features
of spreading labor resources in specific
branches and forms of property in agricultural region. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to peculiarities and principles of influence of form of property on economically active
population and on level of employment in various branches of agricultural regions.
economics, labor, employment, sphere, branch, market, people, unemployment, agro-industrial complex, investments, demography
Economical support of national security
Borisov, E.S. (2010). Strategic alternatives of Russian
wholesale companies, specializing
on non-foodstuff goods for everyday use. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to analysis of strategic alternatives
of the wholesale companies, dealing non-foodstuff goods for everyday use of customers, the author gives specific examples of implementation of such strategic alternatives.
economics, wholesale, sale, network, strategy, alternative, goods, demand, development, efficiency
Economical support of national security
Zhikharev, K.L. (2010). Nature and contents of innovation
as a phenomenon of economic activity. National Security, 9.
Efficient use of innovations is impossible without in-depth study of the very phenomenon of innovation. The article is devoted to scientific and theoretical views on innovations in their historical development and current
economics, innovation, management, process, project, system, management, region, growth, development, activity
Staffing of national security
Kalyuzhnaya, M.A. (2010). Corruption violations in the sphere of housing guarantees for armed forces staff — the marker for inefficiency of the mechanism of legal regulation. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to some aspects of corruption crimes in the sphere of housing guarantees of military staff, and persons dismissed from military service, their family members. The author establishes the key causes of violations, gives examples of corruption scandals in this sphere, provides the possibilities for the improvement
of state anti-corruption policy.
military, corruption, security, offences, housing, military staff, inefficiency, legal regulation, means, improvement
Person and citizen within security systems
Poyarkov, S.Y. (2010). Constitutional guarantees of improvement
of the mechanism of guarantees
of human rights and freedoms. National Security, 9.
The article is devoted to the key issues of protection of human rights and freedoms in the framework of constitutional
requirements. The author points out the key role of state power and the need to improve the activity of the citizens.
political science, rights, freedoms, mechanism, state, power, guarantees, security, protection
Person and citizen within security systems
Kiseleva, L.S. (2010). Conceptual and theoretical approaches
to the definition of the term “security of an individual”. National Security, 9.
The article provides analysis of some approaches to the term “security of an individual”, as used of various spheres of knowledge, attempts to provide grounds for security of a person from the standpoint of activity approach.
The author shows the need to systematize the existing information in the sphere of theory of security of individuals.
economics, security, person, protection, condition, component, doctrine, person, potential, health
Person and citizen within security systems
Lyubimova, T.M. (2010). Suggestive influence on mindset in the mass media (taking publication on drug addicts as an example). National Security, 9.
The article includes the tendency for less severe criticism
towards those in favor of milder control over drugs, as it is shown in some UN documents, taking one of the publications in leading French newspaper as an example of information technologies influencing the mindset of the people.
social studies, drug control, legalization of drugs, UNODC, suggestive influence on mindset, manipulation of mindset, euphemism, expert opinion, social polls, inter-textuality