Asadullaev, I.K. (2010). Tadjikistan and the “attempt of
great cleansing”. National Security, 7.
This article is devoted to the attempt of «great cleansing”
from the historical extra layers, which is possible
only with the price of great losses and tragedy. The
states come in layers of various civilizations, and such
things are rooted in such a way, that it is impossible to
“cleanse” peacefully and bloodlessly. If Russia should
leave the Central Asia there shall be a lot of turmoil and
blood, that is why it should not happen.
political science, defi nition of “cleanness”, tragedy, “cleanness of a nation”, “cleanness of religion”, peaceful process, stability, Russia, law, “cleansing”
Transformation of national security systems
Ispravnikova, N.R. (2010). Corruption strategies as a result
of institutional violations in implementation of
the key scenarios of development of Russia. National Security, 7.
It is true that corruption cannot be limited with the repressive
means only. In order to solve this problem there
have to complex institutional measures. That is why
fi ghting corruption calls for institutional reforms. Corruption
strategies are viewed as a result of institutional
violations in implementing the key scenarios of development
of Russia: “inertia”, “renter”, “mobilization”,
sociology, corruption, strategies, reform, power, business, government, modernization, institutions, violations.
Monitoring and civil control of security systems
Shultz, V.L., Idrisov, R.F., Terekhova, N.N. (2010). The
threats of ethnic separatism and religious extremism
in the Privolzhsky Federal District. National Security, 7.
Monitoring of development of social and political situation
in the subjects of the Russian Federation in the
Privolzhsky Federal District shows that the work of state
and municipal bodies against ethnic separatism and religious
extremism allows to ensure stable and controlled
situation. At the same time, in the conditions of fi nancial
and economical crisis the social, political and nationalistic extremist organizations, which are destructive towards
both state power and security of society, become
more and more active.
sociology, ethnic separatism, extremism, monitoring, tolerance, youth, group, violence, migration, threats.
Internal threats and countermeasures
Bykov, D.N. (2010). Social inequality and poverty in Russia. National Security, 7.
The topicality of the problem of social inequality for the
political study mostly has to do not with inequality itself,
but in how it is refl ected in mass social thinking, evaluation
of inequality as fair or unfair. The article is devoted
to the problems of social inequality in the Russian
society. The people, who are busy with their fi nancial
problems, fail to participate in social life.
sociology, inequality, poverty, politics, society, income, Russia, West, guarantees, conscience.
Rapid response and tactics
Panenkov, A.A. (2010). Is it possible to win in the fi ght
with terrorism fi nancing in Russia?. National Security, 7.
The article is devoted to the problem of adequate reaction
to fi nancing of organized terrorist activity. The
author provides specifi c examples of fi ghting the fi nancing
terrorism in the Ingushetia Republic and Dagestan,
Chechen Republic in fi rst six months of 2010. The author
offers to improve the normative legal basis for dealing
with this activity.
jurisprudence, fi nancing of terrorism, channels of fi nancing terrorism, sources of fi nancing terrorism, international cooperation, improvement of normative basis, Rusfi nmonitoring, polling investigators, tactical means, diffi culties in uncovering
Globalization and national security
Zhigaylo, V.V. (2010). Theoretical bases of globalization of
the world economy. National Security, 7.
Globalization of world economy should be understood
as formation of a global economic system, where the key
source of social wealth should be science and entrepreneurial
capital, which would lead to greater interdepen125
dency of states, more intensive international trade in
goods and services, more active global economic unions
(international cooperation in the sphere of production).
In the author’s opinion the process of globalization refl
ects on states of the world unevenly, and the key problem
of globalization is polarization of incomes of developed
and developing states.
economics, globalization, internationalization, system, competition, capital, integration, defi nition, basis
Globalization and national security
Gaykin, V.A. (2010). Geopolitics of Eurasian territory
and the “Tumangan” project. National Security, 7.
The author offers a new prognostic concept of “race
wars” (which contradicts the well-known theory of clash
of civilizations by Huntington), which allows to predict
the development of humankind. Within the context of this
concept the destructive role of “Tumangan” project can
be seen quite differently
economics, project, race war, Russia in a global world, Eurasia, European Union, China, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Trans-Siberian
Economical support of national security
Mutalimov, V.A. (2010). Economical security of Russia
within the WTO system: necessity and tendencies. National Security, 7.
This article is devoted to the problems of formation of
the mechanism of guarantees for the economical security
of the Russian Federation within the WTO system. The
article attempts to evaluate the option of Russia entering
the WTO from the point of view of economical security of
the state, analyze the threats for the Russian Federation
in the international economic territory.
economics, WTO, security, characteristics, mechanism, threat, protection, interests, Russia, options
Economical support of national security
Asylguzhin, I.M. (2010). Organizational and legal problems
of formation of small and medium-size businesses
in Russia. National Security, 7.
The study of problems of organizational and legal elements
of small and medium-size businesses is quite
topical at the current stage of development of economic
relations. The changes in the character of social needs,
the new level of socialization of modern means, various
levels of use of modern means of production call for the
new boundaries of use of small businesses in Russia.
economics, business, entrepreneurial, organization, law, problems, market, relations, development, bureaucracy
Economical support of national security
Botnikov, A.A., Lebedev, A.A. (2010). Dynamic changes
in the information space in the sphere of budget fi -
nancing of sciences: methodological aspect. National Security, 7.
This article is devoted to the methodological aspects
of formation of the united information territory of
the chief controller of the budget fi nancing of science
– Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Much attention is paid to the information objects of
this space within the budget classifi cation and their
dynamic changes.
economics, information, income, budget, fi nances, ministry, fi nancing, classifi cation, spendings
Economical support of national security
Baykova, K.A. (2010). System of management accounting
at the commercial banks based on IFRS. National Security, 7.
The article includes analysis of specifi c features of
evaluation of the worth of commercial banks, various
methods to evaluation of worth as a whole, namely for
the commercial banks. The author offers to use spending
and incomes approaches, including the method of
net wealth and DCF method. The fi nal calculation
of worth is offered to implement with the method of
weighted mean value.
economics, worth, costs, income, method, banks, evaluation, market, price, asset
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Stepanenko, V.S. (2010). Tendencies, goals and means
of realization of ecological policy in the sphere of
dealing with waste in the EU and in Russia. National Security, 7.
The article includes analysis of defi nition and structure
of ecological policy in its comparative legal aspects
and implementation in the EU and its Member
States, as well as in Russia. The author singles out the
economic, ecological, social and psychological factors,
which infl uence the formation and implementation
of ecological policy.
jurisprudence, environment, hazardous substances, ecological security, ecological crisis, ecology, globalization, waste, politics, law
Informational support of national security
Yusupov, R.M. (2010). On the infl uence of information
and communication technologies on guarantees of
national security in the conditions of formation of
the information society. National Security, 7.
The problems of national security remain in the situ-
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ation of information society, however, they gain new
specifi c features, due to the greater role of information,
information sources and the ICT. The information
characteristics cover all the key elements of
the problem: geopolitics, national interests, security
threats, system of security guarantees, means and
methods, key directions. The article is devoted to role
and place of information and communication technologies
in ensuring national security within the framework
of developing information society.
military, information and communication technologies, national security, ICT, informatization, information society, national security, national resource.
Person and citizen within security systems
Lyubimova, T.M. (2010). Suggestive infl uence of mass
media on people’s minds (taking publications
on drug addictions as an example). National Security, 7.
The article analyzes the tendency for less severe criticism
towards the idea of non-controlled drugs, as
shown in a number of UN documents, taking one article
in a leading French newspaper, as an example
showing the how information technologies infl uence
the minds of readers.
sociology, drugs control, legalize drugs, UNODC, suggestive infl uence on thinking, manipulation, euphemism, expert opinion, social polls, intertextuality.
Person and citizen within security systems
Rukinov, V.A. (2010). Security of an individual: methodological
aspect. National Security, 7.
Security of an individual is a totality and product of
connections and relations among the individuals, where
their material and spiritual living conditions do not call
for the necessity of protection. The protection itself is a
consequence of inner needs and interests of individuals
in such a way of cooperation and interaction, where their
growing needs can be satisfi ed without obstacles. That is
why, security is an ideal, a perspective, which can hardly
be achieved in the modern circumstances. However, this
ideal construction shows us the way, which the individuals
shall follow, when they wish to leave the protection
of state behind and reach for this idea.
political science, person, security, conditions, life, relations, protection, interests, needs, state
Nikitenko, E.G., Sinitsyn, I.M. (2010). In memory of Mark
Arsentievich Khrustalev. National Security, 7.
Khrustalev, M.A. (2010). Defi nition and contents of war
of diversions and terrorism. National Security, 7.
This article by M.A. Khrustalev includes a systemic
analysis of a complex of problems of diversion and terrorism
war, history of its development, he gives a number
of examples, views the perspectives of fighting its
war, terrorism, political terrorism, diversion, partisan war, explosives