Gorian E..
In memory of V.F. Antipenko (23.01.1949 – 19.01.2017)
// Security Issues. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 104-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2017.2.22799.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2017.2.22799
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Abstract: The piece is in memory of an international law scholar, the founder of a new scientific direction – international criminology - and the new scientific school, Vladimir Fedorovich Antipenko. The paper describes the process of formation and development of the departmental scientific school, actualization of its scientific idea of formalization of the international criminological methods in international legal law-making and law improvement, first of all, in the sphere of the struggle against terrorism and other international crimes. The author gives attention to the fruitful cooperation within this school of the representatives of three generations of Russian international legal science: the older, the medium and the younger. The research methodology is based on the historical-genetic and comparative-psychological methods, which help study the appearance, formation and development of the scientific school. The results of V.F. Antipenko’s scientific work are the model of terrorist asymmetry and the concept of the state anti-terrorist system, which have led to the discovery and testing of the new independent direction of criminology – international criminology. Based on the experience of researching international terrorism, the author reasons the specificity of the object, the system of methods and the instruments of international criminology. With account of low efficiency of the existing anti-terrorist norms of international law, the author proves that criminology doesn’t cover the determination and the reasons of international crimes, forming in the area of global processes and determined by the shortcomings of the global order. It has negative impact on the reality of international legal norms and, consequently, on the effectiveness of international struggle against terrorism.
Keywords: theory of terrorist asymmetry, cumulative subject, international law, conflictology, international law-making, international crime, terrorism, scientific school, counter-terrorism operation, international criminology
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