Monitoring and civil control of security systems
Degterev, A.K., Kucherik, G.V. (2025). Assessment of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission during Asteroid Impact in the Black Sea. Security Issues, 1, 1–11.
The article considers the current problems of predicting the Earth's collision with asteroids and comets. Mathematical modeling of analyzed process of asteroids falling into oceans and seas is especially complex. Such models are based on solving the classical Euler-Navier-Stokes equations. The relevance of abovementioned problem is also justified by a number of features of the Black Sea basin, including the presence of a large amount of hydrogen sulfide and methane. An estimate of the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air during an asteroid fall into the Black Sea was obtained. It is shown that the main emission is associated with expected release of deep waters to the surface in the area of the fall, due to which the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the surface layer of the atmosphere can reach one gram / cubic meter. In the cloud formed by the steam emission, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide does not exceed 0.04 gram/cubic meter. Based on obtained results of their study, authors come to conclusion that the content of hydrogen sulfide in the steam, and then in resulting cloud, is half the dangerous values at which the evacuation of the population is necessary. The principal difference between an asteroid hitting water and hitting a solid surface is that it does not immediately explode or melt but goes under water. In certain areas of the sea, the fall of an asteroid to the bottom can cause methane emissions, including due to the melting of gas hydrates. In this case, an explosive concentration of the gas-air mixture can be achieved. Perhaps the greatest danger is associated with the impact of the asteroid on the bottom and the subsequent exit of deep waters to the surface.
model calculations, safety, methane, comet, hydrogen sulfide, release of hydrogen sulphide, water wapor, crater, Black Sea, asteroid
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Mulina, E.V., Ermakov, S.V. (2025). Paradigms of safety of classical and autonomous shipping. Security Issues, 1, 12–24.
The subject of the study is the evolution of the paradigm of shipping safety. The purpose of the study is linguistic formalization and comparative analysis of the existing paradigm of classical shipping safety and a hypothetical paradigm of autonomous shipping safety, taking into account the evolutionary change of paradigms. The paper defines such concepts as shipping safety, shipping safety paradigm. The modern paradigm of classical shipping safety is analyzed by four safety objects. It is revealed that in this paradigm a human is the main and only safety object. It is shown that the modern paradigm of shipping safety is externally positioned as based on a set of many regulatory requirements, but in fact it is based on the natural sense of self-preservation, rational thinking, will, experience and knowledge of the crew members of vessels. The possible evolution of the shipping safety paradigm in the context of the development of the autonomous shipping is described. Some problems of this evolution are identified: the chaos of current methodologies, errors in remote assessment of the situation by an external captain, the psychological problem of interaction between classical ships with crews and autonomous ships. It is shown that a human in the paradigm of autonomous shipping safety will be naturally excluded from the number of safety objects, while the number of such objects will be replenished with information and technology, and the dangers to the ship and the environment will be less critical. The novelty of the study lies in the paradigmatic approach to the study of shipping safety, in the substantiation of the stages of development of autonomous shipping and the paradigm of its safety, as well as in the final structure of the hypothetical paradigm of autonomous shipping safety.
chaos of methodologies, periods of evolution, evolution of paradigm, safety paradigms, autonomous shipping, classical shipping, safety objects, shipping safety, information safety, safety of technologies
Person and citizen within security systems
Kruglova, L.E., Marochkina, S.S., Kruglova, M.S. (2025). Formation of safety of public spaces for family recreation in resort regions. Security Issues, 1, 25–41.
The author considers the problems of forming the safety of family recreation in the structure of public spaces of resort regions. The subject of the study is the system of factors of public safety of family recreation, statistical data on the most important areas requiring attention from local authorities, organizers of recreation and entrepreneurs working in the field of recreation and tourism. In recent years, the topic of creating comfortable public spaces in resort towns has become increasingly relevant. With the increase in the flow of tourists, as well as the number of families choosing such places for recreation, there is a need to understand and improve the conditions for a safe family stay. Modern cities are complex ecological systems, where attention to various social groups is of paramount importance for the creation of high-quality public space. The priority in the creation of comfortable public urban spaces is the tasks of an integrated approach to safe and affordable family recreation, including for different age and social groups of the population in the recreational and communicative environment. The results of a population survey on the state of the public safety system are presented, taking into account the requirements and wishes of families for modern resort areas. Suggestions are given to improve the conditions for safe family recreation, which will create more favorable conditions for a comfortable stay of families in the resort region. Urban public spaces should not only be arteries for movement, but also areas where people can interact, enjoy cultural events and exchange experiences. Cities integrate elements that promote socialization into their infrastructure: open-air cafes, art objects, green spaces, as well as places for sports and active recreation.
embankments, park areas, tourism, sociological survey, resort regions, urban environment, family vacation, safety factors, public spaces, territory