Technologies and methodology of security systems
Glushchenko, V.V. (2022). Neurotechnologies in Geopolitics, Management, Economics during the Global crisis and hybrid Wars (Part 2). Security Issues, 3, 1–18.
The subject of the article is methodological aspects of the application of neurotechnologies in management, economics and geopolitics during the global crisis and hybrid wars; the object of the work is neurotechnologies in the conditions of the 9th technological order; the purpose of the article is to reduce the geopolitical risk in international relations during the 9th technological order, the development of the 9th technological order. The relevance of the article is related to the geopolitical crisis and the intensification of the use of neurotechnologies in the process of geopolitical competition during the transition of the world to a new world order; it is important to take into account that the development of neurotechnologies is one of the main directions of technological development in the formation of the 9th technological order. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the synthesis of the methodology of managing geopolitical risks in the conditions of the global crisis, based on the development and practical application of neurotechnologies in the period of the 9th technological order. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the concept and features of geopolitical risk are introduced; the influence of geopolitical risk on the sustainability of the development of the 9th technological order is investigated; methodological provisions of neurogeopolitics are formed, changes in world orders in their connection with technological patterns (orders) is studied; the evolution of military methods in geopolitics is described in the process of changing technological patterns; the concept of managing the geopolitical risk of the state is formed. Scientific methods are: historical analysis; neurotechnology; geopolitics; political science; methodology and philosophy of science, a systematic approach; heuristic methods; the method of constructing scenarios
war, management, the science, neurotechnologies, risk, geopolitics, competition, crisis, effectiveness, the tool
Legal support of national security
Polikarpova, I.V., Zaitseva, O.V. (2022). Law enforcement activities of subjects of crime prevention. Security Issues, 3, 19–27.
The article is devoted to theoretical and applied research of law enforcement activities of subjects of crime prevention. The subject of scientific knowledge are the norms of criminological legislation and subordinate normative legal acts; the practice of implementing these norms by relevant subjects, as well as scientific approaches to theoretical understanding of law enforcement, factors and indicators that allow improving efficiency in the field under consideration. The aim of the work is a comprehensive empirical study of the effectiveness of law enforcement in the field of preventive criminological activity and the development of a specific mechanism for its optimization. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific methods of cognition (logical, system-structural, generalization, analysis, synthesis) and a number of private scientific methods, namely statistical, sociological, nomotetic, based on the author's methodology for calculating qualitative and quantitative indicators of the state of crime and law enforcement activities implemented in the field of crime prevention. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that on the basis of the conducted research, new empirical data were obtained regarding the effectiveness of law enforcement activities of prevention subjects. The results obtained made it possible to identify the reasons for the low productivity of this activity, which should include not only certain contradictions and shortcomings of preventive legislation, but also existing defects in legal implementation techniques, distortions towards formal law enforcement and repressive practices. The main forms and methods of work of subjects of criminological prevention, the level of interaction between various bodies and subjects of crime prevention are analyzed, which made it possible to identify gaps and shortcomings of legal regulation of this activity and to form the main directions for its improvement. The scope of application of the results obtained is the practical activity of the subjects of crime prevention, as well as the conclusions and suggestions obtained can be useful for further improvement of the norms of preventive legislation.
preventive law, law enforcement agencies, subjects of crime prevention, criminological prevention, law enforcement practice, offense, crime, preventive legal relations, form of preventive action, criminological legislation
Informational support of national security
Pleshakova, E.S., Filimonov, A.V., Osipov, A.V., Gataullin, S.T. (2022). Identification of cyberbullying by neural network methods. Security Issues, 3, 28–38.
The authors consider in detail the identification of cyberbullying, which is carried out by fraudsters with the illegal use of the victim's personal data. Basically, the source of this information is social networks, e-mails. The use of social networks in society is growing exponentially on a daily basis. The use of social networks, in addition to numerous advantages, also has a negative character, namely, users face numerous cyber threats. Such threats include the use of personal data for criminal purposes, cyberbullying, cybercrime, phishing and cyberbullying. In this article, we will focus on the task of identifying trolls. Identifying trolls on social networks is a difficult task because they are dynamic in nature and are collected in several billion records. One of the possible solutions to identify trolls is the use of machine learning algorithms. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the use of the method of identifying trolls in social networks, which is based on the analysis of the emotional state of network users and behavioral activity. In this article, in order to identify trolls, users are grouped together, this association is carried out by identifying a similar way of communication. The distribution of users is carried out automatically through the use of a special type of neural networks, namely self-organizing Kohonen maps. The group number is also determined automatically. To determine the characteristics of users, on the basis of which the distribution into groups takes place, the number of comments, the average length of the comment and the indicator responsible for the emotional state of the user are used.
social network, cybercrimes, computer crime, personal data, neural networks, kohonen map, machine learning, cyberbullying, artificial intelligence, bullying
Comparative analysis of security systems
Gorian, E. (2022). Ethical Regulation of Artificial Intelligence as a Factor of Information Security: the Experience of Thailand. Security Issues, 3, 39–50.
The object of the study is the relations in the field of ethical regulation of the use of artificial intelligence technologies. The subject of the study is represented by the regulatory documents of Thailand, which establish prescriptions for the design, development, research, training, deployment and application of artificial intelligence technologies. The features of the Thai approach to the regulation of relations in this area are highlighted. The subjects involved in the regulatory mechanism of artificial intelligence are determined. The ethical requirements for the use of artificial intelligence technologies in relation to certain categories of subjects are investigated. The interrelation of ethical regulation of artificial intelligence technologies and security in the information space is traced. The national model of ethical regulation of artificial intelligence is characterized. Thailand implements a state-centrist model of ethical regulation of artificial intelligence, in which the state defines the basic ethical principles of artificial intelligence and regulates in detail the activities of public and private sector entities on each of these principles. A feature of the Thai model is the emphasis on the importance of training and advanced training of civil servants who are able to use digital technologies in management processes and effectively implement ethical principles in the course of performing their functions. Thailand has included artificial intelligence users in the circle of subjects responsible for the implementation of ethical requirements, as active participants in regulatory processes that can quickly influence the content of algorithms by providing the necessary information to artificial intelligence operators. The Thai model is designed to educate not a passive, but an active user of digital technologies, who is encouraged to raise awareness and improve skills in their use, which leads to strengthening the legal status of users with the help of "soft law" tools. Thailand's implementation of its model of ethical regulation of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on ensuring information security.
national security, fintech, digital economy, ASEAN, Thailand, critical information infrastructure, data security, ethics, personal data, information security
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Ilyushchenko, A.A. (2022). Legal Regulation ensuring Security in the Regions of the Russian Federation bordering Ukraine. Security Issues, 3, 51–78.
The subject of the study is the legal norms regulating the basics of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, including in conditions of armed conflict. The object of the study is the social relations developing in the field of provision of public security in the border territories of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research topic is due to the combination of legal and practical circumstances. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as issues of internal and external security, fire safety and protection of the population and territories from man-made emergencies, civil defense measures and actions to counter terrorism in the regions bordering Ukraine since the beginning of a special military operation on February 24, 2022. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of legal and organizational problems in the event of new threats with the use of weapons in the Russian border regions with the proposed differentiation of individual processes for the protection of the population, which is necessary to build a high-quality and understandable system for ensuring public security on the territory of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of the established interrelations in the system of ensuring defense and security in armed conflicts outside the territory of the Russian Federation to ensure the state of protection of the individual, society and the state in the border regions of Russia is substantiated. It is proposed to comprehend the legal regime through which, in reality, the ordering of both the public security system itself should be achieved in conditions of regular manifestations of hostile military actions, and the components of this system for military security, civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, fire safety.
public safety, defense, security status, protection of the population, explosions, civil defense, special military operation, emergency situation, armed conflict, safety
Person and citizen within security systems
Melikhov, A.I. (2022). National security in the light of the organic theory of the State. Security Issues, 3, 79–92.
The article examines the phenomenon of national security through the prism of the organic theory of state and law. According to the author, national security is a projection of a person's vital needs for self-preservation, self-maintenance and self-reproduction of the multinational people of Russia. The novelty of this statement lies in the expansion of the traditional approach to the concept of security by the needs of self-maintenance and self-reproduction. The object of ensuring national security is the multinational people of the Russian Federation, which currently exists in the form of an individual, society and the state, in the past as a national history, culture, values, in the future - as a steadily developing independent subject of international relations. The main role of the national security is to find an optimal compromise between the interests of ensuring the security of the currently existing individuals, society and the state for the purpose of self-preservation, self-maintenance and self-reproduction of the multinational people of the Russian Federation in the past, present and future. The multinational people of the Russian Federation were formed as a result of the cultural and biological evolution of people with an optimal balance of altruistic and selfish behavior. Preserving and multiplying the population of people with these innate and acquired properties, as well as maintaining proportions between population groups with different ideological attitudes to perform a wide range of tasks is one of the first tasks of ensuring national security, normatively expressed as saving the people of the Russian Federation. The emergence of the institute of national security in law is connected with the need to harmonize the legal virtuality created over the past 30 years with human nature and objective geopolitical reality. The appeal to the institute of national security will lead to the creation of a national order, as enshrined in law, perceived by all and implemented in the present optimal algorithm of behavior of the individual, society and the state, ensuring the preservation of the past and sustainable development in the future of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.
multinational people of the Russian Federation, the unconscious, the subconscious, organic theory of the state, self -reproduction, self-maintenance, self-preservation, altruism, national security, egoism
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Gorbaneva, O.I. (2022). Corruption in the allocation of resources in a static model of a combination of general and private interests . Security Issues, 3, 93–104.
The article is devoted to the study of corruption in the previously studied static model of the combination of common and private interests (SOCHI model) of several agents, namely, corruption in the allocation of resources. The upper level – the principal – allocates resources to the elements of the lower level - agents - so that the latter distribute them between their general and their private interests. The middle level - the supervisor representing the interests of the top level - underestimates the amount of resources allocated to the agent, which he can increase by a certain amount, but no more than to the level initially set by the principal. A three-level hierarchical tree system is formed. This article examines a three-level hierarchical system in which the supervisor uses an economic corruption mechanism in the allocation of resources. Two approaches are used in the study of this mechanism: descriptive and optimization. The descriptive approach assumes that the functions of bribery in question are known. The optimization approach involves the use of Hermeyer's theorem. The influence of corruption in the allocation of resources on system consistency in the SOCHI model is investigated: it is proved that corruption in the allocation of resources can only reduce consistency in the SOCHI model. It is proved that economic corruption is always beneficial for agents, but it turns out to be manipulative for a supervisor. The only way to fight corruption in the allocation of resources has been found.
SPICE-models, mechanism of corruption, system compatability, Principal, supervisor, agent, resource allocation corruption, descriptive approach, optimization approach, bribery function
Legal support of national security
Zajkova, S.N. (2022). The concept of the development of Russian legislation in the field of aviation security. Security Issues, 3, 105–118.
The study of the place of aviation security in the structure of transport security is conditioned by theoretical and practical needs in determining the need to preserve or exclude the existing dual legal regulation of legal relations by the norms of Russian air legislation and legislation in the field of transport security. Currently, the legal norms regulating: the definition of organizations authorized to protect air transport; the definition of requirements for the protection of air transport, including inspection measures; certification and training of specialists (personnel) directly performing functions in the field of aviation security are duplicated. Based on the comparison of concepts, content and principles of transport and aviation security, the general and special features in their legal regulation as a whole and private are revealed. The purpose of the study was an attempt to define the concept of development of Russian legislation in the field of aviation security from acts of unlawful interference, taking into account the draft law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Transport Security" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" developed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The analysis made it possible to draw conclusions that the draft law proposed by the Ministry of Transport of Russia radically changes the state approach to regulating legal relations in the field of aviation security. It seems necessary to conduct additional discussions and assess the regulatory impact of the proposed draft law on the possibility of developing the Russian aviation business in the conditions of abandonment of the federal aviation security system. Based on the analysis, the author's concepts of "aviation security" and "act of unlawful interference" are proposed, the necessity of making appropriate amendments to Article 83 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation is substantiated. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that an industry approach is proposed in the public administration of the legal relations under consideration, taking into account the specifics of air transport and a significant amount of international law on the protection of aviation.
state regulation, administrative legislation, acts of unlawful interference, aviation security, transport safety, national security, transport security system, transport security, transport complex, administrative and legal mechanism
Person and citizen within security systems
Tarasov, A.Y., Tarasova, I.A. (2022). Some aspects of studying the interaction of pedestrians and drivers of vehicles. Security Issues, 3, 119–126.
The object of the research in this article is the social relations developing in the field of pedestrian safety. The subject of the study is statistical data on the state of road safety, methods and results of studies conducted to assess the safety of pedestrian traffic at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings. The authors study the results of recent studies of the influence of the nature of pedestrian traffic on the actions of drivers, since these variables reflect behavior ultimately associated with conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. It was concluded that there is a strong correlation between the behavior of pedestrians and the behavior of the driver. As the main factors influencing the reduction of the probability of pedestrians passing by drivers, the high speed of traffic flow and the low possible speed of deceleration of vehicles in the flow are indicated. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the analysis of all the latest methods for assessing pedestrian safety has allowed us to identify a number of problems that need to be solved, first of all, to reduce pedestrian deaths on the roads. In each of the studies presented in the article, different data, variables and methods were used, there was no general approach, which currently does not allow us to clearly identify risk factors and, consequently, common methods that need to be developed and implemented.
Road safety, Crosswalk, a pedestrian, pedestrian safety, pedestrian and transport interaction, predictable driver behavior, driver, road traffic, vehicle, road accident
Academic life
Tagirova, K.B., Barakhnina, V.B. (2022). Identification of the possible negative impact of the drilling reagent brucit on workers involved in the construction of wells. Security Issues, 3, 127–137.
In the technological processes of the construction of oil and gas wells, a variety of general-purpose inorganic chemicals are used. The ingress of these reagents into the body of drilling workers together with inhaled air, food intake, through the pores and mucous membrane is currently not sufficiently studied. The work investigated the effect of the drilling reagent brucit on the lung tissue of rats. During inhalation administration of brucite to rats, dystrophic processes were noted in their lungs, which were accompanied by the development of chronic inflammation, acute macrophage reaction. Morphometric analysis also showed a significant decrease in the area of the alveolar space and the area of the bronchus of medium caliber. In the lungs, the formation of many airless areas alternating with emphysematous-altered, the severity of which increased with the duration of exposure to the drilling reagent. Scientific novelty: In the work, the early unexplored effect of the drilling reagent brucit on the lung tissue of rats was determined. The categories of workers exposed to brucite at all stages of production are determined.For the first time, morphological features of the lungs in rats were determined against the background of inhaled administration of brucite particles. Based on the results of the study, the toxicological characteristics of the drilling reagent brucit are given. Research results:Brucite particles present in the air, when inhaled, passed through the nose, trachea, bronchi and reached the alveoli of non-linearalbinorats rats. Obviously, part of the administered dose was excreted by the body with excrement and mucus, and the other part was absorbed and then distributed to organs and tissues. A control section of a medium-caliber bronchus is shown in Figure 2. 14 days after the introduction of brucite particles, changes in lung tissue can be seen on microphotographs of the histological section. Focal fullness of the capillaries of the interalveolar septa is revealed. The changes registered on the 14th day after the introduction of brucite particles are shown in Figure 3.
labor protection, alveoli, harmful effects, air pollution, personal protective equipment, area of perivascular infiltrates, Lungs, drilling reagent, Brucite, Toxic effect