Question at hand
Eliseeva, L.G., Belkin, Y.D., Osman, A., Molodkina, P.G., Makhotina, I.A., Santuryan, T.A. (2022). Analysis of sanitary and epidemiological safety of students' nutrition for the formation of adaptive immunity to alimentary and viral diseases. Security Issues, 2, 1–14.
The subject of the study is the influence of nutrients on the formation of immunity. WHO classifies malnutrition as one of the ten most important risk factors for food security, leads to a decrease in the body's ability to form protective mechanisms of resistance to negative biotic and abiotic factors and contributes to the active spread of alimentary food and viral diseases. Over the past 15 years, the incidence of students has increased by more than 40%. Providing the body with the necessary physiologically active nutrients is of great importance in the formation of psychological resistance to stress. The paper uses the method of questioning students to find out the level of satisfaction of the body with immunomodulating food ingredients. Methods of classification, grouping, generalization and analysis, statistical processing of the results of the answers to the questions posed in relation to eating behavior. In this paper, for the first time, an assessment of the quality and safety of the students' diet was carried out to assess the potential immune status and resistance to coronavirus infection and nutritional diseases. It is confirmed that the students' eating behavior requires significant adjustments. More than 50% of students change their eating behavior while studying at the university. The diet and the recommended frequency of meals are violated. There is a shortage of meat products, fish and dairy products. The excess in the daily diet of flour and confectionery products, fast food was revealed. More than 35-40% have a deficiency of high-grade protein, ω-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, zinc, selenium. Proposals have been developed to reduce the deficiency of immunomodulating nutrients, the necessity of introducing biologically active additives and vitamin and mineral complexes into the diet during the exacerbation of the epidemic of viral diseases to increase adaptive potential has been shown. It is proposed to introduce the assessment of the nutritional status of students as a criterion of the potential adaptive potential of students to increase resistance to alimentary and viral diseases
vitamin and mineral complex, WHO, Vitamin D, immunomodulating ingredients, adaptive immunity potential, eating behavior, students, quality, safety, nutrition
Person and citizen within security systems
Sergeeva, A.A. (2022). Jealousy and revenge as accompanying elements of the motivation of a murder committed in a state of passion. Security Issues, 2, 15–23.
The subject of the study is the norms of the current criminal legislation establishing responsibility for the commission of murders, the specifics of the motivation of criminal encroachment by feelings of jealousy and revenge, the principles of distinguishing the subjective side of murders committed as a result of a quarrel or in the presence of personal hostility, and murders committed in a state of passion. On the basis of a combination of general scientific and private scientific methods, the author revealed the ratio of jealousy and revenge in the structure of motivation for murders, revealed the peculiarities of the emergence of affected intent. At the same time, the results of studying the materials of criminal cases were used, on the basis of which the conflicting rules of qualification of attacks on life were revealed. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in refuting the established stereotype regarding the exclusively provocative role of the victim in the formation of intent to murder, qualified under Article 107 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author proves that not only the behavior of the victim, but also the emotional sphere, reflected in the consciousness of the guilty and characterized by the parameters of jealousy or revenge, forms an affected intent. The author's conclusions have scientific novelty in terms of distinguishing situations in which the motive of jealousy and the motive of revenge acquire a dominant meaning in the structure of intent, but it can be both spontaneous and premeditated.
punishment, crime, motive of the crime, personal security, prevention, family and household relations, revenge, jealousy, state of affect, murder
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Glushchenko, V.V. (2022). Neurotechnologies in Geopolitics, Management, Economics during the Global crisis and hybrid Wars (Part 1). Security Issues, 2, 24–40.
The subject of the article is methodological aspects of the application of neurotechnologies in management, economics and geopolitics in the conditions of the 9th technological order; the object of the work is neurotechnologies in the conditions of the 9th technological order; the purpose of the article is to reduce the geopolitical risk in international relations during the development of the 9th technological order. The relevance of the article is determined by the development of the global crisis and the possibility of using neurotechnologies in the process of geopolitical competition, the aggravation of the geopolitical crisis, the development of the methodology of hybrid wars gives additional relevance to the article; neurotechnologies can act as a structural element of hybrid wars; neurotechnologies can influence the psycho-physical state of the population and decision makers. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the synthesis of management methodology geopolitical risks in the context of the global crisis, based on the development and practical application of neurotechnologies in the period of the 9th technological order. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the concept and features of geopolitical risk are introduced; the influence of geopolitical risk on the sustainability of the development of the 9th technological order is investigated; methodological provisions of neurogeopolitics are formed, changes in world orders in their connection with technological patterns (orders) are studied; the evolution of military methods in geopolitics in the process of changing technological patterns is described; the concept of managing the geopolitical risk of the state is formed. Scientific methods are: historical analysis; neurotechnology; geopolitics; political science; methodology and philosophy of science, a systematic approach; heuristic methods; method of constructing scenarios.
risk, competition, war, world order, neurotechnologies, geopolitics, crisis, the science, Economy, management
Question at hand
Gorian, E. (2022). Ethical Regulation of Artificial Intelligence as a factor of Financial and Banking Sector Security: China's Experience. Security Issues, 2, 41–52.
The object of the study is the relations in the field of ethical regulation of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the financial and banking sector. The subject of the study is represented by China's regulatory documents that establish requirements for the deployment and application of artificial intelligence technologies. The features of the Chinese approach to the regulation of relations in this area are determined. General and special ethical requirements for artificial intelligence technologies are characterized. The article examines the activities of the financial regulator – the People's Bank of China in regulating relations in the field of ethics of artificial intelligence and fintech companies, identifies key aspects of security in respect of which ethical requirements are especially necessary. China systematically implements the state policy on the legal regulation of the digital economy through the regulatory inclusion of ethical requirements for artificial intelligence technologies legal mechanisms. Ethical regulations cover all aspects of relations and focus on the security of personal data, freedom of competition and responsibility of subjects. We especially note the emphasis of the Chinese authorities on the principle of non-discrimination of individual social groups and administrative-territorial entities, which will reduce and level the gap in the use of digital technologies on a national scale, and will also contribute to the unity of the nation. The financial regulator keeps the issue of ethics of artificial intelligence under control, developing appropriate regulatory acts for financial institutions. The People's Bank of China pays special attention to the "weak" aspects of the financial and banking sector in legal regulation: personal data protection and unfair competition.
digital economy, data security, China, financial regulator, artificial intelligence, ethics, information security, financial and banking sector, fintech, personal data
Economical support of national security
Elchaninov, A.P., Elchaninova, O.Y. (2022). Agricultural prisons and colonies in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth Century: on the question of the expediency of creation and the problems of implementation. Security Issues, 2, 53–60.
In a rapidly changing world order, one of the strategic goals facing Russia at the moment is to ensure food security, which is an integral part of national security. In the Russian Federation, enterprises of various forms of ownership are currently involved in agriculture. Among them, a special place is occupied by specialized agricultural enterprises and subsidiary farms under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service, one of the main tasks of which is to ensure food security of the penal system. Unfortunately, the production capacities of these enterprises and their efficiency are currently insufficient, which is explained by a number of objective reasons. Meanwhile, the possibilities of the penitentiary system in the production of agricultural products, the restoration of agricultural land, the restoration of forests are quite large, which is now being talked about more and more often. The idea of using persons serving a prison sentence in the process of agricultural production is not new. At the turn of the XIX – XX centuries, these ideas were actively discussed both at international prison congresses and among Russian penitentiaries. Taking into account the relevance of the topic, this paper examines the main ideas of domestic penitentiaries on the creation of agricultural colonies and prisons in the Russian Empire, the advantages and disadvantages of correctional institutions of a new type in front of the prevailing imprisonment at that time. The conducted research allowed the authors to conclude that the main ideas developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by domestic lawyers on the creation of agricultural colonies and prisons remain relevant for Russia in the XXI century. The results of studies of the early twentieth century on the topic under consideration, after their thorough refinement, can be taken into account by modern lawyers when adjusting the concept of the development of the domestic penal system.
crime, penitentiary system, penal enforcement system, convicts, food security, agricultural colony, agricultural prison, punishment, agricultural work, the regime of isolation of convicts