Shebeko , A.Y. (2019). Extinguishing the Diffusion Methane Flame in the Air by Simultaneous Supply of Extinguishing Agents into Gasoline and Oxidant. Security Issues, 1, 1–8.
The subject of the research is the gas extinguishing agents and their effect on the methane flame during simultaneous supply of extinguishing agent into gasoline and oxidant. Shebeko analyzes the problem of defining the extinguishing concentrations in gas extinguishing agencts. Unlike other researchers, the author of this article analyzes the case when extinguishing gas is supplied into the gasolien and oxidant flames simultaneously. Both the chemically intert gas (azote) and gas with inhibiting effect (trifluoromethane) are used. The results of the experiment are compared to esimated data obtained by using the standard and modified Le-Chatelier rule. It has been discovered that the modified Le-Chatelier rule quite accurately describes experimental data. The main research method is the laboratory experiment that used methane as combustion gas and azote or trifluoromethane as extinguishing gas. Moreover, the article also presents the results of calculation of extinguishing concentrations based on the standard and modified Le-Chatelier rule. The novelty of the research is caused, firstly, by the fact that the researcher obtains new experimental data on extinguishing methane flame during simultaneous supply of extinguishing agents into gasoline and oxidant, and secondly, by the fact that the researcher applies the standard and modified Le-Chatelier rule to calculate extinguishing concentrations. The author of the article demonstrates applicability of the modified Le-chatelier rule to calcuate extinguishing concentrations.
supply of the extinguishing gas, methane, trifluoromethane, laboratory set-up, chemically inert gas, Le-Chatelier rule, extigushing of methane jet flame, inhibitor, extinguishing concentrations, extinguishing gas
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Eliseeva, L.G., Makhotina, I.A., Kalachev, S.L. (2019). Increasing Plant Product Safety By Reducing the Concentraiton of Phytates. Security Issues, 1, 9–17.
The subject of the research is the opportunity to increase food safety by reducing the concentration of the anti-alimentary factor, phytic acid and its salts. The author salso touch upon the question about providing enough protein in food products consumed by the popularion as well as the current deficiency of food protein and the fact that the situation is most likely to get even worse in the future as a result of the population growth. In many developing countries the deficiency of protein refers not only to the overall problem of undernutrition but also unbalanced diet when the share of plant protein containing unhealthy anti-alimentary components prevails. The most commonly used anti-alimentary components are protease, alkoloids, oligasugar, and phytates. Phytates lower the bioavailability of micronutrients and thus increases the deficiency of these life-important elements in food. The scope of the research covers such issues as the provision of population with enough protein sources and possible influence of such anti-alimentary compositions as phytates on digestibility and bioavailability of food components. The author used the method of comparative anlaysis to evaluate the technology of reducing the concentration of phytates. To define the concentration of phytates, the author has applied the method of indirect qualitative analysis that is based on the spectophotometery and anion-exchange chromatography. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have used the method of induced autolysis to decreate the concentration of anti-alimentary components in plant protein. The authors have suggested to use the modified method of indirect qualitative analysis of phytates in bean cultures. They have received the following conclusions: the processing method offered by the authors allow to decrease the concentration of phytates in the initial vegetable feed by over 25%. The method of indirect qualitative analysis has proved to be plain but valid.
induced autolysis, bioavailability of micronutrients, lupin seeds, leguminous crop, phytate, phytic acid, antinutritional components, plant sources of protein, food safety, deficiency of protein
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Tsezar, D.A., Shumov, V.V. (2019). The Model and Mechanism of Resource Allocation for Combating Acts of Violence in Maritime Space. Security Issues, 1, 18–27.
The subject of the research is the management of resource allocation for combating acts of violence in maritime space. Counteraction of acts of violence in the maritime space of 'international shipping community', quite a new term on the political and economic arena, is performed taking into account the factors typical for aggressive social environment, battle principles and psychological qualities of the parties. The present research is based on the analysis of approaches to prevention of force acts using the models of battle, conflict technology and game theory. The authors also focus on the search for the most optimal resource allocation. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes laws and principles of the military science, statistical, formal law and mathematical forecasting methods, discourse analysis and systems approach. The results of the research is the proof of efficiency of implementing battle and game models by military units as part of their service activities aimed at prevention and repression of acts of vilence as well as the algorithm of managing the resource allocation as part of counteraction to acts of violence in martime space.
game theory, mathemetical methods, mathematical model, security, act of violence, robbery at sea, piracy, maritime terrorism, resource allocation, maritime space
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Belov, P. (2019). Methodological Aspects of Health and Environment. Security Issues, 1, 28–39.
The article is devoted to the framework of concepts and terms and tools of systems research as well as improvement of health and environment which is today well known as 'technogenic safety'. The subject matter of the research is a complicated system which the author called 'environmental manufacturing' and includes industrial facilities and transportation infrastructre, i.e. those man-machine systems that continuously exchange energy, substance and information with atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere as well as peoples, animals and plants inhabiting them. To describe the foresaid aspects of health and environment, the author has followed the deductive axiomatical method and used energy-entropic concept and classification of real dangers. To describe the contents and basic terms, principles and the best methods of researching and ensuring health and environment, the author has used the systems approach and logical conslusion. Conceptual and methodological results of the research include the following: a) energy-entrophic concept and basic classification of real dangers; b)object, subject and basic principles of health and environment; c) the basic research methods of the systemic organization and improvement; d) the structure, target, goals and basic indicators of the system are not only original but also constructive because they correspond to the nature of things.
indicator, damage, risk, danger, subject, object, method, conception, criteria, system
External aspects of national security
Senichenkov, P.D., Shumov, V.V. (2019). Modelling Coordination of Citizens' and Organisations' Activity Aimed at Protection of State Borders. Security Issues, 1, 40–50.
The object of the research is the coordination of activity of citizens and organizations aimed at protection of state borders. The subject of the research is the mathematical substantiation thereof as well as the mechanisms of management. Coordination of activity aimed at protection of state borders means coordination and harmonization of functions and actions of the volunteer people's organization members (people's guards) and self-government authorities. The mathematical substantiation implies evaluation and calculation of financing of peoples' guards as well as fines. For mathematical substantiation of the reward-and-fine system in peoples' guards, the authors of the article has applied the theory of fuzzy contracts as ell as lmodels of socio-information influence. For the first time in the research of coordination of activity of citizens, organizations and authorities that protect state borders the authors have applied the theory of fuzzy contracts that assumes that efforts of both parties are non observable. Calculations demonstrate the the reward-and-fine system takes into account both the level of efforts and due diligence of a peoples' guard member and factors and economic situation in a particular region.
management, management mechanisms, reward, fines, theory of fuzzy contracts, volunteer people's organization, protection of the state border, coordination, model, border areas
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Shurekov, V.V., Samokhina, S.S., Mukhunova, Y.V., Aksenova, M.Y. (2019). Calculating the Chance of Aircraft Being Hit with Lightning During Flight in Thunderstorm Above the Territory of the Russian Federation. Security Issues, 1, 51–58.
The subject of the research is the calculation of the change of aircraft being hit with lightning during flight in thunderstorm above the territory of Russia. It has been discovered that short- and midrange aircrafts are less susceptible for thunderstorm attack while long-range aircrafts have more changes to be hit with lightnin. The most dangerous thunder clouds for aircraft are super-cellular clouds. The methodological basis of the research is the combination of theoretical and model (estimation) approaches. The initial data for calculations are flight characteristics of the most popular aircrafts and characteristics of thunder clouds. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the calculations obtained as a result of the research can be used to predict the change of aircraft being hit with lightning during flying under the conditions of increased electrical activity of the atmosphere. The authors also give recommendations for individuals who often use aircraft as part of their life activity regarding how to plan flights under the conditions of increased electrical activity of the atmosphere.
Russian Federation, life safety, passenger cabin, flight safety, electrical activity of the atmosphere, lightning, thundercloud, static electricity, aircraft, aviation